George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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Not open for further replies. I not put in words how I feel about this attitude. Nothing personal really..your views re mental health are rather common.

After I posted this, Karen, I realized I might get a response like yours. I do realize that depression beyond understanding can and does take over some individuals leading to such great pain within them that they choose this route.

Who am I to judge? That is God's business. It is considered wrong to take one's own life though. It is the ultimate selfish act towards those who love you. We all face hardships to some degree.

As far as brain chemistry is concerned and arguments thereof, I hope through science they will learn more about this and help people (serotonin, for example). For this reason, I apologize if I sound callous or have offended anybody.

But since GA has chosen this act because of his circumstances, I stand by my comment. He is adding insult to injury. To me that's cowardly.
Wow, and 8 page long note, and still believing in Casey's innocence. George may have some undiagnosed mental illness such as depression. I have never thought that he seems exactly right or in touch with things mentally, but I guess who would under the circumstances.

you don't have to be mentally ill to want to kill yourself. depressed, sure, but it doesn't have to be a diagnosed chemical imbalance. Some people have attempted suicide because of chronic depression, bipolar disorder and schitzophrenia. But a lot of people have attempted suicide or thought about suicide in grief over the violent or sudden death of a loved one, especially a child.

Let's not forget - the man is still a grieving grandfather. It may have nothing to do with the case itself. There's no telling what stay of shock or grief I'd be in if my child's remains were found bound with duct tape.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

This is my favorite prayer! I had it on my bedroom wall as a child and memorized it. So beautiful.
In my opinion, Florida’s “Sunshine Law” is to blame for nearly all the cruel, and needless, public humiliation George has had to endure.

Take for example, the e-mails between Cindy’s mother, brother, and aunt, which were made public under that law. Those e-mails informed the entire internet-savvy planet that George Anthony was little more than worthless baggage to his family--a lazy, perpetually unemployed man; a dishonest, compulsive gambler who lived off his poor beleaguered wife; a man whose own wife cared nothing for him and was only staying married to him to prevent him from grabbing half of what she’d been paying for her whole life.

Courtesy of that same Sunshine Law, George discovered, along with the rest of the world, that his children thought he was a pathetic joke, worthy only of a Fathers Day gift called Job Hunting for Dummies (or something like that).

Will someone please explain to me why we are all “entitled” to know these embarrassing, personal, damning things about anyone who isn’t accused of a crime? I don’t feel entitled. Do you? I think the Sunshine Law is a travesty that tramples on the rights of all of us who are not charged with any crime. Maybe it was instituted prior to the explosion of Internet information?

I thought it was pitiful when I watched and listened to George’s interview with LE when he confided things to them that he said he didn’t want Cindy, or Lee, to know. I can only imagine how he was treated by them both after those tapes became public under the Sunshine Law.

If that wasn’t bad enough, he was then promptly forced by Cindy to continually appear on camera and state exactly the opposite of what he’d said in those publicly released interviews with LE. How weak, and how ludicrously dishonest, that made him seem to all of us! And he had to know that’s how he looked to everyone watching and listening.

To me, GA is a victim of the Sunshine Law, his own nagging conscience, and his wife and daughter who seem to be able to completely silence theirs. Many see him as weak, and perhaps he is—but I am very strong yet I couldn’t have lasted nearly as long as he has in a house with those two women.

I apologize in advance to all of you who will be upset by my words and strenuously object to them. I can take the heat, but please be kind to each other.

Friday - you're as right as rain. And there's another problem with the Sunshine Law (It's called the Sunshine Ordinance here in SF - only for cases dealing with public integrity): it taints the jury pool. And it gives Jose Biaz an out if (actually, when) Casey is convicted. I work in the DA's office in SF and evidence like this would NEVER be out in the open for the public to hear. It's like if I took sensitive evidence from my office and threw it out on the street, for all to see. It doesn't help the defense and I don't see it helping the prosecution either.

I had a nice long post on George Anthony and of course it got lost. So here I go again, trying to reconstruct my thoughts. Basically, I have three points.

1 - for those thinking George never was serious about suicide, I think it's irrelevant. It's a cry for help and that's the first step for those wanting suicide. Many people who kill themselves will cry for help or want attention. Even if George never had any intention of doing it, the line between that and doing it is very thin. He wrote the note. He checked himself in a hotel. He had pill bottles. If he wasn't going to do it today, he could probably do it tomorrow. So for those doubting this poor man, give him a break. Would you want to be in his shoes?

2 - He should have left Cindy many, many years ago. I dont' care how much money you would have lost or who gets the house. Hell, let her have everything. The problem is, the entire Anthony family has lived a life of lies. Do we know why George left his sheriff's job in Ohio? How serious his gambling was? How many lies he told Cindy, perhaps to cover his debt? Or what happened when he threw his relative through a plate glass window? Both of them have been trying to spin this Beaver Cleaver/Brady Bunch family life for years, and now with Caylee gone (probably the only honest person in the household), the wheels are off and the cover is blown. George needed to be the man in his house - not in a demeaning way, to control the woman, but to set up some sort of order. To cut out the lies and to be blunt, with both Casey and Cindy. I'm sure he tried, but I think Cindy undercut him, which made him the joke of the family. His authority was NEVER respected. And this is the result. Had he left, and still been a part of Casey and Lee's life albeit afar, he could have reinvented himself and allow his kids to see him the way he would want them to see him. As a real man.

3 - I think he was considering pulling a "Willie Loman" (don't know? google it). Think of the debt this case is piling up. Their lawyers. Lee's lawyer. Casey's civil and criminal defense team. The funeral. Why do you think they're still selling shirts and going on interviews? They need the money! And he was going on a job interview this morning? So that means he lost his security job - all because of this case! I'm sure Cindy won't be able to work at the hospital anymore either.

Whatever ill you think of George and Cindy, remember one thing. Both of them loved Caylee very much. If Casey loved her child even 1/10 as much as George and Cindy, this case would have never happened.

Having said that, George did choose Cindy. He didn't have to.
This may be a blessing in disguise for a few reasons.

I read that George may have been going to a job interview? I could not work in that state of mind either and perhaps now he is eligible for some type of disability. Whether you believe he has acted 100% responsibly in this case, you have to admit that even if George came out against Casey etc. this would still be a devastating life event. I can understand his pain either way.

Second, he may now be able to get some clarity. There's always a chance he may feel the need to pull away from Cindy and the brow beating control I feels he's always been under. When you are finally OUTSIDE of a situation, your thinking becomes clearer. Someday, for his own mental health, he may come to terms with Casey and set himself free with the truth.
I despise hypocrisy, so help me understand what I did wrong. Seriously.

This thread was open at around 2 AM, before I posted my first message, and speculation was rampant here over the police cars, helicopter, and general chaos at the Anthony house. Rumors were spreading that George had killed himself. I'd known for an hour, that George had been feared missing and why--and I'd also just found out that George was safe and alive.

In your opinion, should I have simply rolled my eyes in disdain at how uninformed you and WS's were at that time? Should I have silently celebrated my insider knowledge and relished the fact that everyone else here was needlessly frightened and groping in the dark for answers I already had?

If that's the true, then why am I here at Websleuths? And just as importantly, why are you here? I ask you this with the utmost respect and a real desire to know what it is you expect of me, and of all of us. And how I failed you in these expectations.

Warmest regards--

Friday, You have sooo much respect from many many many posters here at WS. In no way should you be apologizing for doing something out of the kindness of your heart. I don't consider you a hypocrite whatsoever. There's so many mundane opinions on here, as well as various outside online communities, but again - you are here because you care! I for one would like to thank you for all of your contributions!
He may have been thinking of taking all the pills. I'm not a Dr, but what would happen to a person if they took a whole months supply of bp medicine?


He would die. Easy way to kill oneself. His blood pressure would drop to nothing until his heart stopped.
Friday, I agree. I remember GA telling LE things he thought would be in confidence too. I worry that this case will hinder the pursuit of justice in future cases in Florida. I can see where people would hesitate to tell the bleak truth when it will be plastered all over the newspapers/airwaves/internet the next day.

And we have to take some of the blame. We, as specators of this mess and readers of all of the documents, feed the beast.

Flip side of the coin though... GA and CA have not helped themselves with their incessant denial of what their daughter has done. In the same situation, I might support my daughter to the bitter end too. But, I wouldn't have pandered to the media as much as GA and CA have done in the past. I wouldn't have made a circus out of the protestors in front of my house.

I agree with all you've said. When I was reading Shirley P's e-mails with her sister, I kept thinking, "Oh my God, what if she'd said something about her nephew giving up his girlfriend and no longer cheating on his wife--or something like that. That too would have become public information--and caused immesurable harm--even though that had absolutely nothing to do with the Caylee Anthony case. (NOTE: THE FOREGOING IS PURE INVENTION ON MY PART TO ILLUSTRATE MY POINT!!!!!)

I totally agree about George not being a victim in the family dynamic. I feel for him that Casey has done what she has done. And I like everyone else am jaded by my own personal life experiences but George is an adult, on his second marriage (ie not 18 and being kicked in the gut by an inability to weigh his adult decisions).

He chose Cindy and she chose him for a reason. They fit each others dysfunction. And if he truly is the more emotionally healthy of the two parents than in my opinion he has more of a duty to intervene YEARS ago in the dysfunction that defines this family. Not facilitate it, not be part of it, not rage about it and accomplish nothing. That is just a temper tantrum.

Everyone here is completely on the why didn't Cindy do something sooner, why didn't she take Caylee, why didn't she shake some sense into Casey when she was younger. What about George? Why didn't George take custody of Casey and Lee? Why didn't he protect them from her if she had no boundaries and was raising them to be liars and much worse? Where was George when virgin-mother-Casey was 7 plus months pregnant, apparantly getting no prenatal care and his wife had her head in the sand?

Where was the man of the family when Cindy said that is the pizza we smell in the trunk? Where was the man of the family that says "no honey, it is not the pizza, something is horribly wrong here. We need help, we need to find Caylee, we need to see that she is okay, and clearly our daughter has gotten herself into something really horrible". Nope, that is not his role in this family. He jumps right into the fray and encourages Cindy, yes honey it is the pizza. Path of least resistance.

My personal opinion is that kids raised in families like this are victims, and the ones that can pull it together need a few years of adulthood to get themselves straightened out. But I am very leary of the man of the family who is seen as a loving soul tortured and tolerating of his wife. BS. Just like a woman who stands by and lets her husband abuse and degrade the kids they are equally if not more responsible for not doing anything. They shouldn't be sainted. Rant over.

I hear Ya ! GA failed to meet his responsibility as head of household which set off a whole chain of events .

He has a job interview in the AM but writes suicide notes the night
before ? I feel this is diversion from the doc dumps a long standing
Anthony habit.

He is so passive aggressive - I see lots of oh poor George posts- GMAB
He is an enabler - he is pandering to KC - he is putting money
in her commissary acct - he is mouthing the defense propaganda
Per the Orlando Sentinel: "On Wednesday Cindy had asked George to pick out jewelry for Caylee's funeral, which seemed to upset him more, reports show."

Sooo - new jewelry for Cindy for the funeral? Humm- guess Cindy has money now - where from? profiting off of Caylee.

I would have lost it too if I was asked to used my grandaughters blood money to pick out new jewelry for her grandma to wear to her funeral!!

Poor George - he is controled by his wife and Casey - my prayers are with him and I hope he gets the help he needs. He also needs to move as far away as possible from Cindy and surround himself with a good people who will support and help him through this.

Here's my 2 cents :twocents: :)
I took that to mean jewelry for Caylee such as a cross necklace or a Rosary, or perhaps to pick out jewelry that belonged to Caylee or Cindy or even Casey inorder to bury it with Caylee.
Never did it cross my mind Cindy wanted George to get jewelry for her to wear for the funeral.
Anywhooooo that's what I thought:)
This may be a blessing in disguise for a few reasons.

I read that George may have been going to a job interview? I could not work in that state of mind either and perhaps now he is eligible for some type of disability. Whether you believe he has acted 100% responsibly in this case, you have to admit that even if George came out against Casey etc. this would still be a devastating life event. I can understand his pain either way.

Second, he may now be able to get some clarity. There's always a chance he may feel the need to pull away from Cindy and the brow beating control I feels he's always been under. When you are finally OUTSIDE of a situation, your thinking becomes clearer. Someday, for his own mental health, he may come to terms with Casey and set himself free with the truth.

~Bolded by always~
I agree. I can not imagine attempting to work- much less seek employment. ????
I do not believe they are raking in *money* as has been suggested. How are they making it? They haven't worked in months.
I have not understood some of their actions, but I sure feel sorry for them.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

Thank You :)
I love this prayer and it was one of the first I learned to sing as a child in school.
Friday, You owe absolutely no apology! Your comments have added to my interest in joining WS ... they're ALWAYS informative, unbiased, and wonderfully educated statements! JWG, Bond, SeriouslySearching, HouseMouse (as well as numerous others), have only shown there are actually people out there that give a damn! I was beginning to think I belonged to a dying breed, that belonged to a group of select individuals that actually try to make a difference in this world. No matter the differing opinions of the numerous posters on this board, the main focus has always been about Caylee. You're a very busy woman, have deadlines to meet, etc - you stayed up to keep the public in the "loop". I personally believe that shows genuine concern. I still have some unanswered questions in the back of my head, but there's a poor man in the hospital right now that needs everyone's prayers instead of skepticism. GODspeed on his mental recovery.

That's very sweet--Thank you. I know we're all glad to have you here.
Where is LA in all of this current mess?

A reporter this morning said LA is out of town on business. I dunno if that's true. Can't remember which news source 'cause I was watching Ch 13, LocalFox and Ch 9 WFTV this morning. But supposedly he's out of town on business.
Another reporter said though that there is a rumor that in the suicide letter George again mentions blaming Casey's friends for the death of Caylee.

So how can you really feel sorry for him when he is still running with these ridiculous ideas? Well -- let me backtrack -- he's running with Cindy's ideas.

This case comes down to one thing -- for some reason Cindy and George are TERRIFIED of Casey Anthony and I'm not sure why. Cindy had her one moment of clarity in the 911 call -- then after her first call to the jail Casey immediately got her back in line.

Why haven't her ex-friends filed lawsuits against the Anthony's for slander?

I found an article online that mentions George's 8-page suicide note, in which he states his beliefs. Here is a snip from that article:

Authorities in Daytona Beach earlier Friday confirmed that a suicide note was found with George Anthony at a hotel along U.S. Highway 1.Investigators said the eight-page note indicated George Anthony was at the end of his rope, and that once he was gone, his family would have a better life. He wrote about how strong his daughter, Casey Anthony, is and said he doesn't believe she hurt her daughter, Caylee. However, he did make dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends.


I agree with those who state that if George was intent on committing suicide, he would have carried it out. I believe that this was a real plea for help. I hope that this might be the catalyst that turns things around for George and that he gets the help he needs. Maybe this will also help turn things around for Cindy and Lee too. They all need a lot of counseling to deal with everything that's happened. They need to confront the truth and their grief and learned to deal with it.
I remember a video interview with GA around the time Casey was indicted on First degree murder where GA said he had attempted to end his life. This was obviously in Oct but I can't find the exact video yet.

Does anyone else remember that?

I think he was saying his goodbyes and was actually going to kill himself. I think he's just destroyed inside and can't think of another way out.

I appreciated your posts very much. Thanks for updating us like you did. :blowkiss:
I found an article online that mentions George's 8-page suicide note, in which he states his beliefs. Here is a snip from that article:

Authorities in Daytona Beach earlier Friday confirmed that a suicide note was found with George Anthony at a hotel along U.S. Highway 1.Investigators said the eight-page note indicated George Anthony was at the end of his rope, and that once he was gone, his family would have a better life. He wrote about how strong his daughter, Casey Anthony, is and said he doesn't believe she hurt her daughter, Caylee. However, he did make dark, veiled references to his daughter's friends.


I agree with those who state that if George was intent on committing suicide, he would have carried it out. I believe that this was a real plea for help. I hope that this might be the catalyst that turns things around for George and that he gets the help he needs. Maybe this will also help turn things around for Cindy and Lee too. They all need a lot of counseling to deal with everything that's happened. They need to confront the truth and their grief and learned to deal with it.

Perhaps while GA is inpatient his doctor will help him come to terms with the choice he made to wash out the decomposing evidence of the death of Caylee. That is the truth he should confront.

I totally agree about George not being a victim in the family dynamic. I feel for him that Casey has done what she has done. And I like everyone else am jaded by my own personal life experiences but George is an adult, on his second marriage (ie not 18 and being kicked in the gut by an inability to weigh his adult decisions).

He chose Cindy and she chose him for a reason. They fit each others dysfunction. And if he truly is the more emotionally healthy of the two parents than in my opinion he has more of a duty to intervene YEARS ago in the dysfunction that defines this family. Not facilitate it, not be part of it, not rage about it and accomplish nothing. That is just a temper tantrum.

Everyone here is completely on the why didn't Cindy do something sooner, why didn't she take Caylee, why didn't she shake some sense into Casey when she was younger. What about George? Why didn't George take custody of Casey and Lee? Why didn't he protect them from her if she had no boundaries and was raising them to be liars and much worse? Where was George when virgin-mother-Casey was 7 plus months pregnant, apparantly getting no prenatal care and his wife had her head in the sand?

Where was the man of the family when Cindy said that is the pizza we smell in the trunk? Where was the man of the family that says "no honey, it is not the pizza, something is horribly wrong here. We need help, we need to find Caylee, we need to see that she is okay, and clearly our daughter has gotten herself into something really horrible". Nope, that is not his role in this family. He jumps right into the fray and encourages Cindy, yes honey it is the pizza. Path of least resistance.

My personal opinion is that kids raised in families like this are victims, and the ones that can pull it together need a few years of adulthood to get themselves straightened out. But I am very leary of the man of the family who is seen as a loving soul tortured and tolerating of his wife. BS. Just like a woman who stands by and lets her husband abuse and degrade the kids they are equally if not more responsible for not doing anything. They shouldn't be sainted. Rant over.

Impatient redhead,
You are my new hero. I find your post extremely well written and 100% on the mark. Thank you:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
From WESH...

His wife told members of the sheriff's office that the messages sent to her and other friends said that he did not want to live anymore, and that he wanted to be with Caylee. Cindy Anthony said he also texted that he wanted to be left alone and to make sure Caylee was in God's arms.

Either this report is false, or GA really did send a text message(s) to CA. I read that he had sent text messages to two people and neither one of them was CA.
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