George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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If current reports are accurate, I feel it is very telling that George wants Mark N & Tim M, by his side. He should hole up for a week with just the 2 of them.
WFTV is live at the hospital and they just showed CA and BC pulling up. They do not know if they will even allowed her to visit with him tonight.
excuse me if this has already been asked and answered. What method did George use to attempt suicide? pills?
I suspect that George won't be getting that job he interviewed for yesterday (if he did in fact interview). My guess is that he has now blown all chances for future employment, or at least made it highly improbable.
Nicole, I read pills and alcohol a 5 page suicide note found in his car. Would LOVE to hear what it says and wonder if it will be taken in as evidence if he admitted things against his daughter Casey?
Thank you for saying exactly what I've sat on my hands and bit my tongue to keep from coming out of Lurk Land to post. But now that it's out there...

Respectfully, I say to everyone on this board that has never contemplated or attempted suicide: Until you are in so much pain and feel so hopeless that you cannot eat or drink, that you cannot sleep when you're supposed to and function when you're supposed to...Until there is nothing in the world that brings you any happiness or consolation...Until every waking moment is consumed by thoughts of how much better the world and everyone in it will be with you gone...Until there is not one thing in the world that makes you want to drag yourself out of the bed you've been living just don't know how attractive the option of suicide is.

Please understand that I very much appreciate the opinions and experience that the medical and psychiatric members of this board have shared, but I don't think there's a wrong or right way to commit suicide. Note or no note. Phone calls or no phone calls. If someone has reached the point where they attempt (or threaten to attempt) they will do it in their own personal way. For it is a very personal choice.

Even though I was raised Catholic and knew it was a mortal sin, I could not have cared one iota less when I decided that was my best option. And yes, I made a phone call left on someone's voicemail, not because I wanted someone to find me, but because I wanted someone to look after my dog when I was gone.

Am I glad now my attempt failed (because apparently Ativan and tequilla won't kill someone of such hearty German stock), absolutely. Is my life better now because I got amazing support and medical help? Again, absolutely. Can I sit here and say whether or not George was "really trying"? Absolutely not. Only he knows his intent.

I wouldn't wish that sort of pain and anguish on anyone, regardless of how I feel about them and what they may or may not have done. I hope George finds the help he needs.

Back to lurking now.

thank you for sharing your own personal experience on this subject. Yours is a valuable post.
Glad you're still around and hope life is better for your now.
I have refrained from posting on this thread .... maybe the subject matter is a little too close to home for me. With that said I just wanted to say that whatever your personal feelings are concerning suicide, or the Anthony's, homicide is homocide and by definition is at the very least, considered an unexpected death ... self inflicted or otherwise.

I am a survivor of a loved ones suicide, shortly after his passing, I too allowed myself to wallow in guilt and what ifs. That is the life of someone who has lost a loved one this way. Some simply have better coping skills than others. I admitted myself when it all became too much for me. I didn't want to *die* I just didn't have the will to live ... at that paticular time.

It is often said that the pain it took to stay was/is greater than the pain it took to go ... or that a survivor lives a 1000 deaths in the wake of loosing a loved one to suicide. Either way ... it's a lot for anyone to cope with, more than you can imagine. The questions never really end ... you just find a way to live in today.

Today ... well, maybe it's news, but it is still very sad, and I for one am grateful to have such a place as this to honor Caylee, and my loved ones lost ... sometimes it is hard to seperate the two.

ramble over ...
To add to that they do not consider it selfish, they feel worth nothing and that the world and even all who love them would be better off without them. They can't feel the pain they would leave behind because the pain they are feeling about themselves is too great, the overriding thought is "they would all be better off without me". So trying to get them to see how selfish it is does not work at all in my experience.

Like the people who are killing themselves because they have lost their fortunes that they made off of other peoples' backs?

Lots of bleeding hearts around here. I try hard to live by the school of personal responsibility, free will, and my responsibility to uplift others (even if I don't feel like it). I've been depressed but, gratefully, never to the point of utter despair. I'm sorry for those who have. In fact, I've been put in the position of having to fight for my life. The people I know that have been affected by those close to them taking their own lives, spend the rest of their lives sorting through their guilt and blaming themselves for it. It should not be.

My coworker tried to repair himself but, in his own eyes, failed. Noone suspected a thing. Sad. He gave me a locket two weeks before. I said, "Wow, what's this for?" He said, "Because you are beautiful." I said, "Gee, double thanks." Then he offed himself two weeks later. He left behind a wife and almost grown children. They suffer forever. I feel endless compassion for them.

This was eons ago, he was 25 years my senior. Like a father figure. To this very day, it breaks my heart when I think of his family.

This is why I claim it to be a selfish act. Stay here and suffer with the rest of us.
In my experience, the only way he would have gone by police car and not ambulance was if there proof that he didn't take any pills. If he is acting appropriately and is alert to person, place and time you could contact medical control and get permission for him to be taken by LE instead of an ambulance.

I've run on thousands, if not ten's of thousands, of suicides/suicide attempts/suicidal ideations. Previous posters are right. Those who are serious about committing suicide usually do. They don't make last minute calls. They don't leave notes where they know they'll be found. They don't "reach out" to anyone. We usually find them dead.

While not to diminish GA's stress or grief or problems, this is ASB (Attention Seeking Behavior). George wants help, George is going to get help. Whether George is helped by the help is entirely up to George. Like I posted earlier this morning when this all was breaking. I have compassion for George. I feel for him for the horrendous situation that he is in. I cannot, however, turn a blind eye to what the Anthony's have done and said in the last 6 months. They still need to be held accountable for their words and actions. They chose the path they are walking after July 15th. The Anthony's, especially KC, are the ones to blame for the current family situation, not the media or internet forum participants. They had the power to chose which way this was all going to go. It's possible to continue to love their daughter but still seek the truth and demand justice for their granddaughter. They chose to spin a web of lies and mis-truths instead. I never expected them to stop loving KC but they should have been more worried about getting the truth from her, whatever it takes, instead of preserving the "family image".

Like I said early this morning. I pray that George heals his heart and his head. No one deserves to be another victim of KC. She has already claimed one life and changed countless others. The Anthony's need to stand up, tell the truth, seek justice for Caylee and stop being a pawn of their manipulative, sociopathic daughter.

Thanks for reading.

Excellent post.
I suspect that George won't be getting that job he interviewed for yesterday (if he did in fact interview). My guess is that he has now blown all chances for future employment, or at least made it highly improbable.

What happened with the job he started in July? I imagine no employer wants anyone in the public eye like the Anthony family is. But is that descrimination in a way too. If they are qualified to do their job then they should get to keep it. But in today's world it is different.
I understand where you are coming from but I disagree. From my experience people commit suicide for one overriding reason - to stop the pain. Where that pain comes from and how bad it is might not make sense to you or me, but to them it is overwhelming and there is nothing else that they know of to stop it.

Thank you kindly for saying that, . If GA has reached the point of 'wanting to stop the pain' then he has my sympathy, regardless of what he may or may not have done. He must have been in a dark and desperate place, no matter how he got there.

And yes, before anyone asks, I would feel the same about CA or any human being in such dire straits, maybe even KC.
Lots of bleeding hearts around here.

*respectfully snipped

I was not always a bleeding heart by any means, until I went through a terrible depression with someone who wanted to commit suicide, and no, it was not over money.
Now I can just hear KC saying to her dad, "What part of "They need to see ME as a victim" didn't you understand"!!?!

:laugh: It's funny 'cause it's true.

excuse me if this has already been asked and answered. What method did George use to attempt suicide? pills?

Supposedly. I have yet to see any reports saying he actually took any pills. He was able to leave the motel and to go to the hospital in an unmarked police car instead of an ambulance.

He may have taken the pills but I haven't seen any confirmation of that.
excuse me if this has already been asked and answered. What method did George use to attempt suicide? pills?

SOURCES reported pills, how many pages the notes was and all BUT we don't have actual FACTS of what was actually done. I personally can't imagine the police giving privledge information to the media about the happenings of what happened via note etc.
from Woe.BE.Gone .......(greatly "snipped" )

"......Stay here and suffer with the rest of us.".

I know there are words to respond to this but I just can't find them...will just post them again and let them fall where they will............
I understand where you are coming from but I disagree. From my experience people commit suicide for one overriding reason - to stop the pain. Where that pain comes from and how bad it is might not make sense to you or me, but to them it is overwhelming and there is nothing else that they know of to stop it.

That is such a true statement. IMO, those that mean it do it!
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