George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#2

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I'm coming out of lurkerdom (if that's a word) to post in this sad thread.
Do I hope GA gets some mental help? yes
Do I feel sorry for GA? eh, not so much.

I do feel bad that he has lost a granddaughter due to the product he helped raise. But I have a hard time feeling sorry for suicide "attempts".
Before I get flamed let me add that my daddy committed suicide on May 11, 1999...3 days after his 41st birthday.
If someone wants to commit suicide they do it. They don't call and text people to let them know that's what they are doing.

(respectfully snipped for space)..But GA is an adult and he has made some less than stellar choices lately. It's time for him to own up to them. No matter what happens to the rest of the family.(snipped)

Welcome to Websleuths!:blowkiss:
I'm very sorry for your loss,I'm sure it's painful even 10 years later, but ITA with your post....I can see another spin on this attempt.....he's too ill to testify at Casey's trial.
Lest we all forget - there are emails stating George was bipolar - and that alone can kill you.
Well if this is true and that is what he wrote, who the hell does he think killed little Caylee!!

I can't believe after all that has been made public about this case that he would even think that.

I doubt he will ever publicly admit KC is guilty even though in his heart he probably knows she is as guilty as sin. He has to know. There is no way he can logically explain KC's bizarre behavior and her complete lack of caring. Maybe that is part of what is tearing him apart. He knows KC killed Caylee, but he can never say that. To do so would be abandoning his daughter and CA, and I think he loves his family too much to ever let that happen. JMO
I feel so very bad for George after hearing this shocking news. I think all of the Anthonys have had very, very bad advice in this evolving mess, and if George and Cindy had any good advice, it wasn't heeded. And I think, if the latter, that Cindy was running the "show" and that George was trying his best to support her - changing what he knew was the truth for Cindy's sake.

To me, it seemed like Cindy spent at lot of her time not looking in other peoples' eyes the way she wanted to know the truth by having Casey look into hers, but Cindy was looking down at the ground. I think Cindy actually knew that Caylee was dead, and that Casey was responsible. That is so incredibly difficult for a parent to accept of their child, and although Cindy knew someplace in her head what the truth was, her heart and her hopes would not accept it, so she chose the Caylee-is-alive path. And she made sure George supported her, right down to the LKL show where he said it was rotten pizza in the trunk - of course he knew better.

And I think that the incredible strain of supporting Cindy's skewed views (who knows what effected that support*), the loss of Caylee, the incarceration and indictment of Casey, the protestors, the media attention, the webcams, the searches, not being allowed by JB to see Casey, has all taken an incredible toll. Sit back and think how you would respond. Could you keep on an even keel? It finally got to George. My heart weeps for him. I hope, for his sake, that he does not return to "Casa de Anthony."

And I think it was Kidfinders who gave the Anthonys very bad advice, and I think Jose Baez has made some very bad choices in the way he has handled the case, and the way he has handled Casey.

I don't think Jose has the experience nor the innate abilities and inner makeup to handle a criminal case, especially one of this magnitude. He should have sought strong experienced local counsel to take the case when it became apparent to him that he was foundering.

I feel so very bad for George - on so many levels. Dear God, protect this family, and each of them, and lead them each to what is best.

*I think Cindy let George know in no uncertain terms that he either supported her in Caylee-is-alive, or else.
Ames, biggirl, sweetmop, WaltzingMatilda: :blowkiss: for your regards.
It's OK, I don't need to talk about it right now. It's just that prior to logging on here this a.m. I was at that Stop sign and this strong feeling came flooding in on me about George and the family being in this intense empty grief place, you know?

...i know...:blowkiss:
This comment doesn't surprise me as many will blame the people who have spoken out against the A fam here for sending him "over the edge". I fully expected to see the outcry about how people have discussed this case and George, in particular.

We did not create the world this family has made for themselves. Their own actions and words, their daughter's actions and words, and their decision not to own up to the truth did.

My stance on the situation has not changed in light of this event. I want the truth of what happened to Caylee and I want to see justice served for this beautiful child.

Very well said, SS. I could not agree more and I feel exactly the same way.
Please don't take offense but you're trying to rationalize someones actions who was in (what seems to be) an irrational moment. I don't want to give anyone out there any ideas but if GA was wearing a belt he could have been thinking of that as a way to end it all (if indeed that's where he was at the time).

Unless and until more comes out we just don't know what he was thinking and feeling. His desperation is however obvious, that cannot be denied.

I was thinking the same as you, a necktie, belt, etc is all it takes, not just guns and pills. I feel really bad for him as you have to be feeling pretty bad to go to this extreme. Knowing GA he probably didn't want to bring anymore pain to his wife and son and it was just a cry for help. I don't however like that he is still saying KC is innocent - that really bothers me....
Also, being the suspicious soul that I am - has anyone thought that he might have been staging his suicide so he could then run off to a different life with a different idenity....who could hardly blame him???
WESH just stated it was 8 pages long. They also said the note said that George believes KC is innocent, CA deserves someone better than him etc etc...

Hi, Could you provide the link that states this? I have WESH on now & don't see any infor re: George saying he believes KC is innocent??

The sadness and pain just keep growing and growing. I fear it will keep building like a tidal wave until the truth is told -- It may be never-ending.
WESH just stated it was 8 pages long. They also said the note said that George believes KC is innocent, CA deserves someone better than him etc etc...

How could he possibly believe that She innocent. I dont believe he really thinks that m,aybe he feels like he should take the blame so casey can get out.
The weight of the truth is literally killing George inside. I think he wants to do right but has outside influences that wont let him. For his well being, I hope the truth will set him free.

I agree.

When I try to think of where I think he didn't tell the truth, the only one that stands out to me is he said he saw KC and Caylee on the morning of the 16th. I don't think he did, tho it would be hard to remember a month back what you did. The rest of his 'mistruths' were just going along with Cindy, imo.

I think besides, of course, that his granddaughter being murdered and not yet buried, well, I would feel horrible that my own daughter doesn't love me, or her mother, or her daughter, or her brother or his friends, or her friends, or her grandparents, or her aunts, or her uncles, or her ?cousins. I'd be where he is long before now. He's tried so hard to be strong and stand behind his family! Cindy too, in her way, tho she drank more of the KC koolaid than GA did.
I feel so very bad for George - on so many levels. Dear God, protect this family, and each of them, and lead them each to what is best.

Sorry for clipping. You said a lot of good things.

Amen. The Lord would guide him, if he has the strength to just give it a chance. If I had anything to say to George, it would be: Trust in the Lord Thy God and not humans.
Poor guy the strain of having those *unusual people* riding his back for so long may have broken him down.
I would like to begin by saying that my husband suffers from severe depression, and has attempted suicide numerous times. He almost succeeded once, when his life hung in the balance for a number of days, and the doctors couldn't tell me if my husband would live or die...luckily he survived and is relatively healthy - only slight memory loss (although at times I am certain it is selective...heheh), and although he had a heart attack from this particular attempt, no apparent damage to his heart.

I feel very deeply for the hurt and turmoil GA is obviously going through. Whether or not he was actually going to attempt to take his own life, or this was a cry for help, he is in my thoughts and prayers.

I think it is very possible that GA was trying his hardest to believe in his daughter’s innocence – after all, who would ever want to believe that a child of theirs could possibly commit this heinous crime? Not to mention the evident lack of remorse? Personally, I don’t know if I would be capable of wrapping my brain around the possibility of my child doing this horrible act…

I wonder if when GA heard the latest news about the ‘heart sticker’ (or any other information recently released – just using the ‘heart sticker’ as an example), if everything clicked – this took away the last bit of hope that he had that KC was NOT involved in this heinous act. As an example – and this is all just supposition - maybe he remembers how fond KC was of using stickers…how fond KC was of ‘heart stickers’…how fond KC was of scrapbooking…putting all her photos in albums and decorating the album pages with stickers…heart stickers…

I truly think the information contained in this last doc dump may have triggered the hopeless/helpless feelings that lead to Ga’s actions these last days.
ITA. I find it bizaare that some people are blaming the posters at WS for this. I think if the blame lies anywhere, it's pretty obvious Casey is responsible and wish people would stop blaming posters here.

And I find it very ironic that one could claim what they do is all justified when it's the exact same thing the opposing side is doing-they are just on opposing sides....wonder how what would be said had this been Mr. Kronk??? Seems to me he has been thrown under the bus plenty.
He may have been thinking of taking all the pills. I'm not a Dr, but what would happen to a person if they took a whole months supply of bp medicine?


I'm not a doc but in the medical field. So, you have blood pressure medicine to lower your blood pressure. Perhaps you take 1 or 2 a day. If you were to take 30 or more, just imagine how low your blood pressure could go... KWIM?
We don't know the rest of what was written in his note.

I know it really isn't any of our business, but I wish we knew what was in that note. Totally sick of me, I know, but I can't help wondering.

Go ahead and yell at me. I deserve it. lol
:clap: Right on! Except George and Cindy have been in a Stockholm Syndrome-state for years living and dealing with Casey. They began looking at the world through Casey's eyes and mind. She has spread damage throughout the family and friends of the Anthonys.

George is just not as strong as Cindy, but that is not a fault or a weakness. Maybe he just cannot cover up something as well as Cindy can and his conscience is getting the better of him. Casey was almost responsible for the death of her father but will it bother her and wake her up? Doubt it!:banghead:
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