George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#3

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Great post SH. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I posted in the 1st tread about an experience I had where no one believed me I thought alot about it and struggled with whether to post it as well . . .

quoting myself from earlier: "I respectfully submit the following post . . .

I just don't understand why so many people state as if it is a known fact that there has been a cover up to a murder on the part of the A's. No one knows that for a fact.

I realize some of their (GA, CA, LA,) actions and statements have been confusing and seemingly contradictory to those who are viewing the situation from outside, and that has, of course, brought them alot of criticism. But none of us knows at this point what exactly happened. We don't know there was a murder, so we certainly don't know there has been a cover up.

I think it's obvious KC had something to do with what happened to Caylee, or at least had knowledge of it. That seems obvious, but I still don't know it as fact. I cannot in way condone or dismiss her not reporting her daughter missing and continuing to party on like she did. But, beyond that we don't know there was a murder (let alone any cover up on the part of her parents/brother) it could have been an accident. An accident she and the others with have to live with the results of for the rest of their lives.
I'm still not convinced of anything beyond that in any way. Yes, it was very wrong in the way she handled it.

Many years ago I was accused of abusing my child. I was innocent. The only thing I was guilty of was being a young mother (17) who was naive and didn't watch her as closely as I should have. (I never made that mistake again-I became way over protective of both she and her sister after that-better safe than sorry.) But I did not abuse her. (Thankfully, she healed and was, and is, ok BTW.)

It was terrible time in my life and NO ONE believed me-except my husband. My own parents, in-laws, most of my family and friends, with a couple of exceptions, thought I either had caused the abuse or was covering up for someone who I knew had. Neither accusations were true. I was innocent of

The police also stated that I did not show any emotion or concern for my child when they were interrogating me. And I didn't. Why? Because I was IN SHOCK and confusion about what had happened. From the moment I saw my baby hurt, I couldn't think straight, I was so shocked and confused that I myself missed evidence that would have helped my case. I unwittingly made myself look worse and worse.

About 12 years later the truth actually came out and so no one now believes I was capable of such an act. But for years they did. the shame was terrible to live with. People can be so cruel. (of course, it wasn't on the news or anything) It was so awful, because the way the "evidence' looked, it all pointed to me. (Although I did voluntarily take a lie detector test, several actually, and passed them, that didn't help me in court-or change anyones mind about me.)

Anyway, it's really a long story-too much to explain it all-but what I'm trying to say is that people can be innocent and no one believe them because of the situation. The worst part was, at the time, I had to try to forgive them because I knew I probably wouldn't have believed me either, had I been on the outside of the situation, looking in. I hated knowing that about myself, that I would probably not have believed me either and would have condemned me too had I been outside the situation. But it taught me never to assume someone is guilty without really knowing again. No one knows what really happens if they weren't there to see it. No one knows another persons motives, or what is in their heart.

In my case, I immediately took my child for medical attention when I discovered she was hurt-unlike the way KC handled things and I understand and agree with everyone's criticism and suspiscion of her because of that. I don't, however agree with all the suspicion of GA and CA and LA.

I'm just saying it bothers me to see so many people state things as if they know there was some kind of cover up on George and Cindy's part. I respectfully would like to say that here is NO PROOF of that. Denial yes, proof of a deliberate cover up, no. Proof of a deliberate murder, no.

MOO--just trying to give a different perspective on things. Not trying to argue with anyone. "

Hi Carrie, what a horrible thing to have to endure and I am sorry that you had to. Going through an experience like that does change a person's perspective.

For me I think it caused me to slow down in my judgment of others and not jump to conclusions. I think about other peoples feelings and know that even words can be a sharp edged sword. And most of all it taught me humility.

My perceptions on this case are very similar to your own.

I believe that when actions are driven by strong emotion, those actions can not be looked upon logically. Life just doesn't exist in a vacuum.

Thank you for your post :)
GA is former LE he knows his way around a gun. People who commit suicide do not text message people to let them know.

This was a scream for help. And Im glad he did it and I hope he gets far away from CA and get the help he so desperately needs to resolve within himself the hell he is living with and learns how to deal with the hand dealt.

Sadly, GA said CA would be better of without him, I think he had that backwards... He would be far better off without her!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that. This is my first post, but I've been reading every thread of this forum since day 31. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding why Mr. and Mrs. Anthony's opinion of Casey's guilt seems to matter so much to so many people.

Mr. Anthony's written communication of thursday evening reportedly contains a statement that he does not believe Casey hurt Caylee. He is entitled to his opinion the same as anyone else here, and his opinion means precisely the same thing - nothing. He won't be on the jury and his opinion won't influence this case one way or the other. Why can't the man be left alone to believe what he wants and why do so many people seem offended and angry that Mr. Anthony refuses to share their opinion of Casey's guilt?

In my opinion, this case is about the murder of a two year old child and her mother who is accused of killing her. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Anthony is accused or charged with a crime and the SA has come right out and said they are not planning to charge either of them with a crime. Casey has been charged and will stand trial for Caylee's murder and her parent's opinion of the fact is irrelevant.

I may disagree with Mr. Anthony's opinion about Casey's guilt, but I respect his right to hold whatever opinion he wishes.

EXACTLY!! Why do so many feel that the A's have committed such a great sin for believing and supporting their daughter? Despite all the posters claiming what they would do, I doubt that anyone would so readily accept the fact that their child is capable of murder, especially that of her own child. If they would, then there is something wrong with that picture, because that would mean you know you have raised a cold-blooded psychopath. None of us can force the Anthonys to accept these facts.
I said on another thread that it was not any one thing that drove George to do what he did, but rather the combination of everything he has gone through since July. I understand the anger that Caylee is dead... I don't understand the anger directed at George and Cindy for not turning their backs on Casey. She's their daughter! It's their business, not ours!!!
I want to preface this by saying that I do have a large heart and it's full of compassion for people. I do, however, like to look at the whole picture and not just make an opinion based on emotions.

I read in the Orlando Sentinel this morning that empty pill bottles were found in GA's room. We also heard from LE that out of a 12 pack of beer 8 were gone. However, GA was not taken to the hospital in an ambulance but in an unmarked police car. I find it hard to believe that he had taken all the pills from the empty bottles. Did he toss some down the toilet to make "folks" wonder??? Only God knows.

George Anthony is a 57-year-old man. He's not a kid, he's a man. If anything this action will turn the public even more against the "mean, cruel KC who did this to her poor father" That's probably the reason we are reading reports that Cindy is angry. Her own attorney stated that on GVS last night.

What really was going on with GA? He went to a job interview the day of his running from his responsibility. He certainly won't be able to work now. He is going to be seen as "emotionally fragile" Maybe he was depressed and in a dark place. He had a right to be. I still think he chose a poor way to handle it, under the circumstances.

Did GA think that LE was closing in on him for some reason? LE was at the home at week ago. The doc dump was this past week and it came out that the clothes Caylee was found with are not what he said he last saw her wearing. When GA opened that trunk the day of the gas can episode did he find Caylee and help his "princess" in some way?

I am just playing the devils advocate here, and I know I will get a lot of heat for it. That's okay, I can handle it. I simply want to know if this was a real cry for help or a man who was desperate for a way out of being arrested for obstruction.

I don't believe BC when he now says "LE has assured me that CA and GA are not going to be arrested." They hired him immediately after the remains were found. There was a reason. LE won't share the results of their investigation with him. They don't have to.

So I guess I have to ask myself is George Anthony really a despondent grandfather, or have we all just been taken for another ride on the Anthony "crazy train":waitasec:
EXACTLY!! Why do so many feel that the A's have committed such a great sin for believing and supporting their daughter? Despite all the posters claiming what they would do, I doubt that anyone would so readily accept the fact that their child is capable of murder, especially that of her own child. If they would, then there is something wrong with that picture, because that would mean you know you have raised a cold-blooded psychopath. None of us can force the Anthonys to accept these facts.
I said on another thread that it was not any one thing that drove George to do what he did, but rather the combination of everything he has gone through since July. I understand the anger that Caylee is dead... I don't understand the anger directed at George and Cindy for not turning their backs on Casey. She's their daughter! It's their business, not ours!!!

The bottom line for me is they A's in the process of standing behind Casey turned their backs on Caylee. LE and the feds, during taped interviews tried to get this across to the A's with no success.
curiositycat,I have wondered the same, no heat from me.
Maybe he thought he couldn't keep up the charade -- he's going to crack and let the truth (or at least his REAL feelings on the matter) slip at some point for all to see/hear. If he were to write a suicide note saying that he thought she was innocent, and then were to go through with it, he would leave Casey feeling like her Daddy loved and defended her to the end, and no one could further question him about whether or not he's telling the truth.


I also seriously doubt it will make Casey crack and tell the truth in any way, shape or form. Go ahead, Casey -- surprise me! You can sign your If anyone, including George, thought that this event was going to make people feel SORRY for Casey, they are absolutely deluded. If anything, I think it makes people hate her even confession with little hearts to punctuate it.

It doesn't make me hate her more. I think George is responsible for his own actions, from losing the family's money to refusing to co-operate with LE. I believe he would feel much better if he was helping the innocent Caylee, rather than Casey. He's chosen the path he has taken, not Casey, not Cindy.

If anything, it's made me see just how dysfunctional this family is, and how obvious it is that they all have issues of their own, which probably seriously impacted on Casey as their child.
I don't believe BC when he now says "LE has assured me that CA and GA are not going to be arrested." They hired him immediately after the remains were found. There was a reason. LE won't share the results of their investigation with him. They don't have to.

So I guess I have to ask myself is George Anthony really a despondent grandfather, or have we all just been taken for another ride on the Anthony "crazy train":waitasec:

I want to add that all the questions posed and answers given have been in regards to OJ charges coming from OCSO and the SA's office. I have not seen anyone ask and answer a question as to whether there is a Federal investigation and possible Federal charges coming down. It's the Feds that have said on record that they are investigating Cindy. And it's Lee's FBI interview that has not been released.

I've never seen an attorney ask for immunity for their client on a hypothetical my clients might have said or done something scenario. If the A's attorney's are asking for immunity, there is a reason.
Doc Phil made an interesting comment on LK when asked, "Do you think GA' attempt is a call for help?" His response was, something to the effect, "I don't know about a cry for help but definatly a cry that he is in pain" We can only hope out of this pain he will accept help. This is a great time for GA to accept intelligent help from educated staff who have no intentions but to help this man in crisis no matter how this all came about.
I want to add that all the questions posed and answers given have been in regards to OJ charges coming from OCSO and the SA's office. I have not seen anyone ask and answer a question as to whether there is a Federal investigation and possible Federal charges coming down. It's the Feds that have said on record that they are investigating Cindy. And it's Lee's FBI interview that has not been released.

I've never seen an attorney ask for immunity for their client on a hypothetical my clients might have said or done something scenario. If the A's attorney's are asking for immunity, there is a reason.

It came out yesterday that the tape found on the gas cans was a match for the tape on Caylee's mouth. It could have been that LE was discussing that with the A's the day they were there. :rolleyes:
I have to respectfully disagree w/ you BP. It's not accurate to state that he has refused to assist in the murder investgation unless granted immunity. He has not yet been granted immunity and has been assisting and cooperating all along with the investigation and with LE. He may have assisted at times in a way that was, in the opinion of some, misuided and/or confusing, but he has assisted and cooperated.

JMO, respectfully submitted.
Thank you for being so nice in disagreeing!

I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that when BC became involved, he said he wanted the As to give new statements, and to tell the truth this time, but he would only do it if they were granted immunity. It is my understanding, that they are refusing to assist LE further unless granted immunity, and that was made clear about the time Caylee's remains were id'ed.

And I respectfully submit the above, but acknowledge my recollection may be wrong!
Doc Phil made an interesting comment on LK when asked, "Do you think GA' attempt is a call for help?" His response was, something to the effect, "I don't know about a cry for help but definatly a cry that he is in pain" We can only hope out of this pain he will accept help. This is a great time for GA to accept intelligent help from educated staff who have no intentions but to help this man in crisis no matter how this all came about.

Very true! Help from people that have GA's best interest at heart and not their own. I think the A's surrounded themselves with people who had their own agendas. Kid Finders, Dominic C, and Michelle B. comes to mind...:rolleyes:
And on TOP of all that, his daughter murdered his beloved granddaughter AND she's bankrupting them more and more every day, and there's seemingly nothing he can do to make things better. All that would seriously depress anyone (except Casey). Perhaps he truly DID/DOES think the world would be better off without him.

I agree with all you say except for the bankrupting them everyday appears to me they've been able to pay their bills, keep their home out of foreclosure, fund a good defence for her and even dine and stay in the best hotel in Florida. I wonder how much money he lost in the scam/gambling or woman and whether he was suicidal after he did that? At 57, it's a pretty big and selfish thing to blow the family's life savings and I would think that alone would make many men that age suicidal.
No disrespect to anyone but being a suicide survivor, (my dad killed himself), I can't believe that people would downplay and question this man's pain. Could anyone here honestly say that they could go through everything this man has gone through and not have the thought at least cross their mind? Its none of our business why he did what he did and the media should be ashamed for their coverage of this. The only thing that GA needs right now is some privacy so he can get some help.

I am sorry for your loss. It is sad how many people here have had a loved one commit suicide. It is a very serious and sad issue.

I certainly agree with the bolded statement. I just wish his lawyer understood it. I think these three times a week press conferences from the As lawn are ridiculous and can't imagine how the neighbors feel about him parading GVS up and down the street etc.

I was shocked at how much BC's talked to the press about this over the last couple of days. I wish they'd all get off tv, but it seems they don't want that to happen.
I was shocked at how much BC's talked to the press about this over the last couple of days. I wish they'd all get off tv, but it seems they don't want that to happen.
It makes me wonder what was up before this George thing. :waitasec:
No disrespect to anyone but being a suicide survivor, (my dad killed himself), I can't believe that people would downplay and question this man's pain. Could anyone here honestly say that they could go through everything this man has gone through and not have the thought at least cross their mind? Its none of our business why he did what he did and the media should be ashamed for their coverage of this. The only thing that GA needs right now is some privacy so he can get some help.

I don't think anyone here would not be sad if they believed George intended to kill himself. I think the problem most of us have, is that this family has told so many lies to help their daughter get away with killing their granddaughter, and excused so many of their daughter's lies told to police while police wanted to find Caylee and were in the best position to do so (assuming she had been kidnapped, which is what the As claimed they believed), we have become understandably skeptical of all they say and do. for the media coverage, blame the As and BC for that. He didn't have to have a 28 minute presser, or contact the press and say "leave them alone, and btw, I'm having a presser on their lawn today".
I have read everyone's opinion and tried to keep an open mind when looking at the different points of view.

BUT I still keep coming back to the fact that no one is talking about the document dump any longer. Everyone is speculating GA's suicide "attempt".

IMO the JB press conference didn't do the job so they came up with this to change the focus of everyone's speculations.

Why else would he write in the note that he believes KC is innocent? Why else would he blame her friends? Why else would he be transported by police instead of an ambulance? Why else did he not even have to have his stomach pumped or be charcoaled?

I am not trying to be cold hearted. I am really trying to feel some sympathy for the A's. But they make it darn hard for me to do it.

What doc dump? :crazy:
I have read everyone's opinion and tried to keep an open mind when looking at the different points of view.

BUT I still keep coming back to the fact that no one is talking about the document dump any longer. Everyone is speculating GA's suicide "attempt".

IMO the JB press conference didn't do the job so they came up with this to change the focus of everyone's speculations.

Why else would he write in the note that he believes KC is innocent? Why else would he blame her friends? Why else would he be transported by police instead of an ambulance? Why else did he not even have to have his stomach pumped or be charcoaled?

I am not trying to be cold hearted. I am really trying to feel some sympathy for the A's. But they make it darn hard for me to do it.

I feel the same.

They were also able to divert people's attention from their knowledge of the pi in the woods pretty quickly.
I believe because of statements made to me by a reporter in Orlando that he has seen the 1200 photos and they are alarming. If I'm correct many people posting feel these pictures are just clubing photos but after my conversation it appears GA might have been privy to these during his FBI meeting. Where are those photos? Is the FBI holding on to those due to a larger investigation concerning internet *advertiser censored*? I feel GA has seen photos so much more disgusting than what we may have seen in our "Parking Lot"
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