George Anthony Reported Missing *UPDATE FOUND*#3

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I feel so sorry for GA. I've always thought he was the most sincere of the A's.

I believe he intended to commit suicide and I hope they do not release him until he has met with some serious help. I fear that he would be successful next time, knowing what he knows now. He didn't go that far away from home because he really wanted help. I'd hate to see another innocent person die because of KC.

I'm afraid he is bordering on acceptance but wanting to deny it. He knows he can't and that he will probably have to testify against his daughter. I'm sure he doesn't want to do that, or hear and see all of the evidence and everything that is yet to come. I think he knows enough now, and I think with the rest of the family situation, the lack of support, the lack of hope for the future. I'm not surprised at all that he would attempt this. Not saying he should have, just that I could see why he'd feel that way.

I hope he will get help and find the strength to stand up for what he knows to be right, regardless how painful it will be. Caylee needs his help to get justice. The truth is not a betrayal of his daughter, it's an honor to Caylee. I hope he finds support to get thru this and move on with his life. He seems like a pretty good guy - a little passive, but a good guy. He deserves better.

I agree with everything you said.

I cannot imagine what he has been going through ~ during and even prior to hearing that Caylee was missing and then pronounced deceased. He has been living with two very manipulative women (that he loves) who apparently yelled at him all the time. They probably belittled him as well. And now, the one female in the house who loved him unconditionally is gone.

Can you imagine the battle going on in his head regarding all of this. He is truly between a rock and a hard place. I also hope he can get the help and find the strength to honor Caylee.
Yes. Caylee does get lost in the larger picture of all of this. She IS why we are here and why we have been here since we all saw the words...31 Days.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that. This is my first post, but I've been reading every thread of this forum since day 31. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding why Mr. and Mrs. Anthony's opinion of Casey's guilt seems to matter so much to so many people.

Mr. Anthony's written communication of thursday evening reportedly contains a statement that he does not believe Casey hurt Caylee. He is entitled to his opinion the same as anyone else here, and his opinion means precisely the same thing - nothing. He won't be on the jury and his opinion won't influence this case one way or the other. Why can't the man be left alone to believe what he wants and why do so many people seem offended and angry that Mr. Anthony refuses to share their opinion of Casey's guilt?

In my opinion, this case is about the murder of a two year old child and her mother who is accused of killing her. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Anthony is accused or charged with a crime and the SA has come right out and said they are not planning to charge either of them with a crime. Casey has been charged and will stand trial for Caylee's murder and her parent's opinion of the fact is irrelevant.

I may disagree with Mr. Anthony's opinion about Casey's guilt, but I respect his right to hold whatever opinion he wishes.
Snipped for space:
I have a theory,,,
I wonder if he orchastrated all of this today to see if KC would crack.Perhaps even with the assistance of Law Enforcment.

That thought did very briefly cross my mind. IF that were the case, it wouldn't work. KC doesn't appear to care about anyone except herself. She might cry about what GA had attempted, but only because it makes HER look bad.
I read somewhere today that he didn't show up at the interview. I'm not even sure he had one scheduled.

I believe he had a "job" interview that morning — and he didn't get the job. It was the meeting with Cindy and his lawyer that he didn't show up for later in the day.
I have no doubts of how severely emotionally disturbed GA is at this time and for good reason. But I have to say this and I absolutely do NOT say it in jest or smarmily:

An attempt at suicide that involves only fast food, a 12 pack of beer and a few sleeping pills is a little weak. He had to know that was not enough. It really sounds more like desperation for a good night's sleep for once after all these months.

However, the note left in the car shows he was desperate and at least thinking of suicide.
Maybe he thought he couldn't keep up the charade -- he's going to crack and let the truth (or at least his REAL feelings on the matter) slip at some point for all to see/hear. If he were to write a suicide note saying that he thought she was innocent, and then were to go through with it, he would leave Casey feeling like her Daddy loved and defended her to the end, and no one could further question him about whether or not he's telling the truth.

If anyone, including George, thought that this event was going to make people feel SORRY for Casey, they are absolutely deluded. If anything, I think it makes people hate her even MORE.

I also seriously doubt it will make Casey crack and tell the truth in any way, shape or form. Go ahead, Casey -- surprise me! You can sign your confession with little hearts to punctuate it.

ITA. GA is defending KC to the end, whether he believes she is innocent or not.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that. This is my first post, but I've been reading every thread of this forum since day 31. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding why Mr. and Mrs. Anthony's opinion of Casey's guilt seems to matter so much to so many people.

Mr. Anthony's written communication of thursday evening reportedly contains a statement that he does not believe Casey hurt Caylee. He is entitled to his opinion the same as anyone else here, and his opinion means precisely the same thing - nothing. He won't be on the jury and his opinion won't influence this case one way or the other. Why can't the man be left alone to believe what he wants and why do so many people seem offended and angry that Mr. Anthony refuses to share their opinion of Casey's guilt?

In my opinion, this case is about the murder of a two year old child and her mother who is accused of killing her. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Anthony is accused or charged with a crime and the SA has come right out and said they are not planning to charge either of them with a crime. Casey has been charged and will stand trial for Caylee's murder and her parent's opinion of the fact is irrelevant.

I may disagree with Mr. Anthony's opinion about Casey's guilt, but I respect his right to hold whatever opinion he wishes.

Great first post! :clap:
Yes, yes and YES!!

You said it so eloquently. If ever there was a more untenable position for a human being to be in, I am hard pressed to identify it. This man is caught between a rock and the hardest of places. It is truly heart breaking that doing the right thing in this case, means accepting that you brought a child into the world who was capable of callously snuffing out the life of your sweet granddaughter. Admitting that to yourself, means the walls come crashing down and down and down. There is no way out. Lie to yourself and the Truth eats at you, embrace the Truth and it threatens to engulf you. I've been there.

When my Father disappeared he left taking nothing but his truck and the clothes on his back. Anxious for answers we finally got his landlord to let us in his apartment to look around. While we were in there searching for clues, and seeing if he took anything with him we found a small foot locker in his closet. My Cousin opened it and was looking through its contents when he noticed it had a false bottom. I will not disclose what he found in there, but suffice it to say my World stopped spinning at that moment. Every thing I knew to be true, was suddenly a lie, and the man I knew and loved became a Monster I didn't know. The Truth of what we discovered almost destroyed me. And all of that pain and horror was piled on the pain and fear of him being missing. Not knowing whether he was dead or alive. Vacillating between wishing he was dead in a ditch somewhere for what he had done, and praying to the Heaven's that he was safe somewhere. It's been two years now and it's still something I can think about only briefly.

I was also the only member in my family willing to go forward to LE with what we discovered. The rest of my family was willing to lie and deny in order to "save face" for the family name and image. It was very painful to be the only one willing to do the right thing, and no one seemed to grasp that it was heartrending to even consider turning your own father into Law Enforcement. But being part of the insidiousness was not an option for me. Two years later I can still only think about it all briefly before the sick feeling in my throat and stomach becomes overwhelming. My relatives still haven't totally forgiven me for not siding with them in their efforts to cover up such evil things.

I think about George, having only my own pain as a frame of reference, and I imagine that the knives of pain he is feeling are somehow so much deeper and sharper than what I endured. His own flesh and blood is a Monster. As a parent, I cannot imagine the self-loathing I would feel. Who else is there to blame but yourself for raising such an evil creature?? He has been living his life the last six months, one pathetic moment to the next. With the sound of Caylee's laughter, and the feel of her little arms around his neck, haunting his every moment. With sleep comes the dreams, which tease you with aching reminders of things that will never be again. The moment you open your eyes to flee the memories, the other memories are there waiting to pounce on you with relentless waves of why why why why why why why why????

It is not hard to see how someone could end up at the Crossroads, feeling that Death is a kinder alternative to the Hell that living and breathing has become for you.

My only hope outside of Justice for sweet Caylee, is that George finds within himself the strength it will take to face the Truth head on and survive its crushing onslaught. If anyone in that family can do that for Caylee I believe it's George. It's much easier to continue to cast shade on everyone else but the real monster in the madhouse. The hardest thing for him to do will be to pull the pin on all of the lies and denial, and admit to himself that he and Cindy gave Birth to a Narcissistic Sociopath who planned the murder of her own first born child.

However hard doing the right thing can be, in my opinion it's the only path that will ever offer him even a modicum of solace and sanity in this terrible and sad situation.

My 0.4576880909 cents..


“He wondered what the mans name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had lead him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really have rather stayed there in peace”

J.R.R. Tolkien

Imajica, that was a beautiful well thought out post. I too know what it is like to be the only one in your family to turn your Father in to LE for unspeakable atrocities. I also know the pain of your family turning on you for it. My Father remained in the picture. While I hated what he did, I still loved the man and wished for him to love me appropriately and stop being the monster I knew he was.

So regarding GA I have mixed feelings as did for my Father. I still hate the fact that GA drove home a car reeking of decomp and thoroughly cleaned it. This I cannot forget. However, I believe he loved Caylee and hurts for her absence. I think the doc drop (I believe he does know what's in it) blew his mind and that he is in mental distress. I believe that this episode was a cry for help and attention for his pain. I also believe that there were other choices he could have made in this and many other situations. This whole thing just sucks and the one thing I hope we remember is that there should be a search for truth and justice for Caylee. She is the victim here.
ITA. GA is defending KC to the end, whether he believes she is innocent or not.

GA, it is said, wrote that Cindy deserved better than him, so I imagine he feels that KC deserved a better father too. GA is falling on the sword for his daughter-he is going to say he let her down as a parent. He will believe that she is innocent and circumstances (bad parenting and poor choices in friends) are what really killed Caylee. Even though she's 22, she is still his little girl. I don't think he'll ever get to the point where he can handle the truth. Hopefully, he can get to a place where he can live with himself with a small amount of peace!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying that. This is my first post, but I've been reading every thread of this forum since day 31. I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding why Mr. and Mrs. Anthony's opinion of Casey's guilt seems to matter so much to so many people.

Mr. Anthony's written communication of thursday evening reportedly contains a statement that he does not believe Casey hurt Caylee. He is entitled to his opinion the same as anyone else here, and his opinion means precisely the same thing - nothing. He won't be on the jury and his opinion won't influence this case one way or the other. Why can't the man be left alone to believe what he wants and why do so many people seem offended and angry that Mr. Anthony refuses to share their opinion of Casey's guilt?

In my opinion, this case is about the murder of a two year old child and her mother who is accused of killing her. Neither Mr. nor Mrs. Anthony is accused or charged with a crime and the SA has come right out and said they are not planning to charge either of them with a crime. Casey has been charged and will stand trial for Caylee's murder and her parent's opinion of the fact is irrelevant.

I may disagree with Mr. Anthony's opinion about Casey's guilt, but I respect his right to hold whatever opinion he wishes.

CharlestonGal for your first post your opinion (bolded by me) is so true. It is CASEY that is charge and will be the one who is being tried for murder no one else! What her parents think will not matter at all it will be a jury of hers peers that will decide her fate. I feel so sorry for George the one person who loved him unconditionally he has lost as well as the daughter who at one time did too! Casey is grown up now & when she was little girl who did the same is not the same girl anymore. That has to hurt so much & this is not the future he dreamed of for Casey when she was a little girl like Caylee!

Welcome to WS's you made your entry with an well said post! :blowkiss:
There is absolutely positively no way that this was some sort of scam. I know you guys are just trying to 'sleuth here but you guys are forgetting that from the very start George and Cindy have been in denial. Infact, they have been in so much denial that they have denied being in denial.

As much as you guys would like to think differently, if you had a child that committed a heinous crime, it would be really hard for you to just up and disown them in a heart beat. That is why they are denying everything. They don't want to believe Casey killed her daughter. It's easier for them that way because they can still "keep her". They don't want to break up their family anymore than it already has been. Respect that and let them hold onto their denial until they are ready to face the truth.

You don't just unlove someone overnight. I can totally understand why George tried to commit suicide. His life, as he knew it, is ruined. He knows he is going to lose Casey and he already lost Caylee. His marriage is probably so far on the rocks that there is no saving it. He feels like he has nothing left to live for and that, is horrible. No one should be tied to a cross and persecuted when they are depressed like this. Doing so is cruel.

I just wish sometimes people would stop and think about what they are saying before they post it.

Respectfully. You do not have to disown someone to abhor their behavior and hold them accountable. You do not have to stop loving your child to make them accountable for the crime of murder. There are parents who have had to face this and have turned the child in, yet visited in prison. It is a choice. Love the child, hate the behavior.
Of course my compassion goes out - as far as it can for people that I consider Immunity Seeking Enablers. :(
I wrote this on another thread, but it has meaning here, imo.:

No one would be against this family if they had chosen another path. I don't know one family that lost a child that has been in their position...and it goes back to them.

The entire country would have put their arms around them if they had not gone on television to do what they have done in Caylee's name. We would have wrapped our arms around them and been on their side to find her, to grieve with them, and to bring justice to her killer. We were quickly shown this was not to be. The truth was not going to be forthcoming from anyone close to Caylee.

This is not how we envision people to act when they love someone and cannot find them. It is certainly not how we react to finding the body of a beautiful child and have to endure it without the family even acknowleging it is her. It was Caylee from the first time it was released that her body was in the trunk of Casey's car.

Months of turmoil, days of debate, hours of introspection, you sumed it up succinctly! :clap: Long arms never did embrace and logic did escape!
I haven't read all the posts connected to this topic, but I've read enough to see that there's a common thread running through: that GA/CA orchestrated this for attention, or pity, or some underhanded reasoning. I believe in my heart that this is NOT true.

To me it's been obvious for months that GA is cracking. He is under unreasonable pressure, he's depressed, and he's never been a strong person emotionally (IMO), which is possibly what drew him to CA in the first place. One of thos "opposites attrack" situations.

I feel sorry for him; he is a tormented man, and even denied the curtesy of suffering in private. I wish I knew him so I could support him. All I can do is pray.
*respectfully snipped*

And, as difficult as it might be for us to understand, he still loves Casey. He wouldn't want to die and have her take the rap for yet another death. I posted this morning that I lost two very close loved ones to suicide recently. The last one was just two months ago. Some nights I lurk here for hours on end to distract myself. I won't elaborate, but Tricia's post reminded me of something that fits here.

When my loved one died in November, he left a one line note stating that "something" drove him to take his life. It seemed so odd, but anyone close to this person would know that the "something" was named so that "someone" would not be implicated. He loved and wanted to protect "someone". I think George felt that way, too.

I'm sorry to be so cryptic. Hope my point comes across.

First, let me say how deeply sorry I am for your lose. I cannot imagine the pain and confusion you have been through.

However, I feel I may be able to shed some light on your statement "he left a one line note stating that "something" drove him to take his life. It seemed so odd,. . .". Having battled my way out of the well/black hole of despair many times since I was ten-years-old, I want to tell you there is always "something/someone" that supposedly triggers the despondent one. Many people, I can't say all, but many if not most, obsess when they are in this state. What they obsess about may/may not, and probably isn't, true. A friend of mine killed himself because it GOT INTO HIS MIND that his wife was cheating on him. She wasn't, but that was his obsession. I know I've had my own obsessions, something you fixate on and nothing on God's earth, short of medication, is going to shake you loose from it. Unfortunately, or otherwise, most fixations/obsessions are not true, the mind of the suffering one just tells them it is.

I hope I haven't overstepped my bounds here, but I would like to lift a small burden from you if I can.
I'd like to know if the gun they took from the Anthony house was ever returned after Casey was arrested and therefore off house arrest.

It is not unusual for ex-LE and ex-military people to commit suicide with a firearm. George, if he was attempting it, tried with beer and a few sleeping pills. It really sounds more like a cry for help, as others have pointed out and saying that does not mean you don't feel empathy for him. Some people who "cry for help" miscalculate and end up dead.
I wrote this on another thread, but it has meaning here, imo.:

No one would be against this family if they had chosen another path. I don't know one family that lost a child that has been in their position...and it goes back to them.

The entire country would have put their arms around them if they had not gone on television to do what they have done in Caylee's name. We would have wrapped our arms around them and been on their side to find her, to grieve with them, and to bring justice to her killer. We were quickly shown this was not to be. The truth was not going to be forthcoming from anyone close to Caylee.

This is not how we envision people to act when they love someone and cannot find them. It is certainly not how we react to finding the body of a beautiful child and have to endure it without the family even acknowleging it is her. It was Caylee from the first time it was released that her body was in the trunk of Casey's car.

Bravo, this explains why so many are drawn to this case! Their actions don't fit; so much unnecessay pandering, incessant talk & ridiculous excuses, too much smoke & way too many mirrors makes the majority of people go:waitasec: "What's wrong with this picture?:confused:
Maybe it's not suspicious at all....

Don't you think that if George had to admit that Casey murdered Caylee then his life, his work, his family, would all be a huge failure. In his heart he can't think his own daughter, a child he loved, would murder her own daughter.

BUT, ask yourself this. If Caylee had been murdered by a stranger do you think George would still want to kill himself? I don't think so. He would be so full of anger you would have to make sure he didn't take out the perp himself. Not sitting in a motel like he did like night.

Now, take it a step further. Wouldn't George be FURIOUS that Casey had been wrongly accused of killing Caylee if this were the case? You bet he would. Not depressed but mad. Ready to fight for his beloved daughter.

But, if he left a note saying Casey did it then he knows his family would be ruined, he would be hated, and he wouldn't be there to help them.

The only thing that makes sense is George knows in his heart Casey did it and that is why he wants to end his life. His own daughter took away the most precious thing to him in the world. But, to save face and his family, even in the event of death George felt he couldn't speak the truth.

All of this is my opinion of course.

Well thought out post, as far as it goes, but I believe one needs to take it one step further.

If Goerge cannot bear to speak the truth about Casey, how can he have dark thoughts, words, ramblings, whatever, about her friends? It's one thing to deny your own flesh and blood is evil, but quite another to attempt shifting the blame to someone else. To me, this is the root of everyone's ill feelings toward the Anthonys - their refusal to take responsibility about anything.

My opinion only
I read on one of the news channels about part of the note GA left and it said he wrote he did not believe KC hurt her daughter but made remarks about her friends. Surely this poor man does not think KC is innocent.

I swear it gets more strange every day.

Could he believe in Casey being innocent because he had something to do with what happened to Caylee?
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