George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #11 Tues. July 9

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WFTV is stating that he was not excused and was in court prior to his testimony. They have footage of him being in court. I guess he heard one of the 911 tapes...not "the" 911 tape. They said MOM made a big mistake and so did the entire defense.

Let me look for more info.

Thanks loads for what you've presented so far.:seeya:
Just want to say, in this trial, more than any other we've shared here on Websleuths, I'm wondering if we're all watching the same trial. :crazy:

After the incident happened, after the photo of TM was released (he was 12 years old!), and the 911 calls (altered) were released, and outside forces starting making themselves known, I tuned out because they weren't honestly detailing the facts, which came to light eventually. I didn't participate in the threads here prior to trial, even though I read through some of them when they were first shut down. Then one day last week, after seeing snippets of JR's testimony, and hearing bits of the trial on the news, I decided to tune in. I also caught up by watching previous testimonies online.

So, in this case, I haven't favored one side or the other. I do think it's sad all the way around. I'll just say I'm usually pro-prosecution when cases go to trial. This time, though, I'm cringing because I haven't seen much evidence from the prosecution. :sigh:

Just my opinion.
What's been particularly interesting to me listening to Mrs. LD's and other testimonies is how many of the people who lived there had trouble identifying the street names when describing where they were or where things occurred. I think many of us are surprised that a neighborhood with only 3 streets would cause such trouble. This was one of the things that had me befuddled when GZ had trouble giving NEN the address. I guess it's not so unusual after all. IMO

There are many streets like this near me.. You go around a bend and you are on another street, You can go straight on some and all of a sudden you are on another street. I never thought that was hinky. There is no point it in lying about such a thing. He is trying to get police there.
Listening to this, IMOO I think the state is going to win this. I don't think the animation is going to be allowed in. Shame I'd like to see it.

The Mods have asked us to use it in every single post, not our signatures. In fact, you have continually reminded peeps to do the same thing, so this thread doesn't get shut down. Let's play nice and put MOO, IMO and JMO unless we have a link to back it up. We don't want this thread getting shut down. Please...

Thank you very much. The same rules apply to all. IMO
The Mods have asked us to use it in every single post, not our signatures. In fact, you have continually reminded peeps to do the same thing, so this thread doesn't get shut down. Let's play nice and put MOO, IMO and JMO unless we have a link to back it up. We don't want this thread getting shut down. Please...

I see it just fine, twice.
That is according to you. Not the jury. I see all the evidence in totality so far as a case of self defense.

The problem is that there is no evidence that proves that GZ was the aggressor or that he had any ill will toward TM.

That is not according to the laws of self-defense - the law GZ is claiming hinges on whether GZ was reasonable in believing he faced imminent death or great bodily harm.

I cited evidence and court testimony, everything else is conjecture, so jury is probably considering the same evidence. IMO

Conversely, if it is determined that GZ did not shoot in self-defense, then it is either shooting with the intent to kill, i.e. murder, or accident, which is ruled out. IMO
IMO I can't imagine that the judge will allow the animation to be presented to the jury.
What some people seem to be looking passed with the debate to whether it was GZ or TM screaming and crying is that the screams stopped as soon as the gun went off. If it was GZ why was he so calm and collected,as witnesses have stated after the conflict had ended? Has there been any witness who claimed Zimmerman looked shaken up, flustered, or looked like he had been crying. His eyes showed no signs of crying in the pic with the bloody nose.The only puffy thing on him was his nose... his eyes looked normal. The person that was wailing was in auguish and was not just yelling help, they seemed to be crying. And GZ claimed he didn't know he had killed TM, so what happened to the crying for help? Jmo

I agree with your post :) I believe that GZ may have yelled for help at one point, but there were other sounds, too and those may have been from TM.
No. They can take a witness, Listen to the testimony and take what they think is credible and then dismiss what they don't find credible.

They are looking at the evidence, Testimony and the witnesses that supplied it.

The point is they are looking for the truth in the evidence. Think about it. If a witness testifies for the state. But the defense brings forth something from them they agree with, They can then toss out what the state brought forth if that no longer fits what they feel is the best credible answer from that witness.

I'm not trying to be difficult and I'm not saying you're incorrect.. but if you have any proof of this (a link, etc) I would love to see/read it. This knowledge.. if true TOTALLY changes every belief I had in our justice system..
Thanks in advance!
That is not according to the laws of self-defense - the law GZ is claiming hinges on whether GZ was reasonable in believing he faced imminent death or great bodily harm.

Conversely, if it is determined that GZ did not shoot in self-defense, then it is either shooting with the intent to kill, i.e. murder, or accident, which is ruled out. IMO

No. The STATE is charging him with Murder 2. That is what they have to find. Did GZ commit murder 2 as charged? And then they can see if the evidence fits that. If it does not, Then they can look at MS. See if it fits that. But if they think he acted in SD, Then both those charges have not been proven.
If GZ is so certain he has nothing to hide then he should take the stand and tell the truth to all of those questioning his truthfulness.

Under the Constitution he does not have to. He gave statements which have been reinforced by testimony and evidence IMO
But don't you also believe TM was alive after and GZ thought he could still be a threat (why he said he placed his hands out to the side)? If he thought that why not continue to scream for help?

I am not convinced the screaming was TM or GZ. Obviously, it was one or the other (perhaps even both). I can understand how it could be either one. However, if it was GZ, and he knew that TM was shot in the chest, had no weapon, and was incapacitated, I don't follow why he would continue to shout. If he was the one shouting before the shot, he was shouting out of fear, once that threat that caused that fear was removed, I don't understand why many assume he should continue to scream.

I have never understood the thinking behind pro-TM or pro-GZ that the scream had to be their preferred choice. It had to TM, because it ended it with the shot, or it had to be GZ because it ended with the shot. Either one is logical and possible, but neither negates the other possiblity. It is a wash, although the evidence presented at trial gives more creedence that GZ was more likely the screamer. MOO
Glad to hear the defense has two more " experts" on tomorrow since the Pros has been able to shed doubt on their expert's claims. IMO
Dear Mods: when the case is finished, can we have a poll as to guilty, not guilty, undecided? Maybe one where we can also state the reason we voted the way we did.


That is a great idea. Yes as soon as the judge starts with jury instructions we will put the poll up .

Thank you missmazy.
I just went back and listened to Donnelly's testimony. He was excused without being subject to recall. He had every right to be in the courtroom.
That is what juries do. They take the witness, their testimony and can cherry pick what they find credible and what they don't.

Like mothers can't ever accurately ID their kids screams, but random excoworkers can, LOL. IMHO those are some stanky cherries.
There is an option on this site to not have the signatures appear for the individual user. If there is an IMO, or other wording similar to that, and the feature is used by some users then they will not see what is placed in the signature line of anyone.

You might just do what I have decided to do, put IMO at the end of every post, whether there is a link, whether it is an opinion or not or whatever, kind of like your initials at the end of a statement.
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