George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #12 Wed July 10

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And just why is being a Cop Wannabe a bad thing?

In this case it translates into GZ = Vigilante. Plus, the REAL Police application GZ submitted was turned down...he's not fit for LE..I think his bad finances were just the tip of the iceburg.
Likewise...which just goes to show the Hero Perception that population in general have of George Zimmerman in terms of Whom he shot in the heart, to death. He is hugely admired in those quarters which I find totally stomach turning.

I certainly don't think he is a HERO. I think he had a right to defend his person as stated in the law with his legal firearm.

I base my opinion on LAW and what the testimony shows. Not at all emotion.

I think those basing it all on emotion really have not shown facts and law that supports the conviction with M2.
Likewise...which just goes to show the Hero Perception that population in general have of George Zimmerman in terms of Whom he shot in the heart, to death. He is hugely admired in those quarters which I find totally stomach turning.

Hero perception? I haven't read anything, anywhere, that anyone thinks GZ is a hero. I don't have handy access to links but most articles that I have read or interviews I have seen think while GZ may have been defending himself- this certainly wasn't a hero scenario. Nothing but lose-lose all the way around. Where have you read people think he's a hero? I've not seen any type of such perception, not in the slightest, in all my following of this very sad case.
OOH< Good, My job is to look at the event, not hearsay.

IIRC, didn't we already hear about GZ's pushing a cop, and the he said/she said with his ex wife or girlfriend -- didn't that stuff already come in?

It was definitely argued, but I don't recall if the jury was present. I don't think they were, but I'm not sure.
WHY he was getting beat up does not matter. The fact is he was getting beat up as you just admitted and that he had to defend his person.

So you say two people get into a fist fight. One person has a gun. As soon as the person with the gun thinks he is going to lose he can pull out his gun and blows the person away?
I am sorry, this makes absolutely no sense to me. IMO
It starts to look like 2nd degree.
Testimony from the gym stated that GZ did not know how to punch. Which puts him at a disadvantage. It takes a lot of skill and technique to escape a full mount. If GZ does not have the skill sets and he response was he shimmied out during a struggle like that he is better than most MMA fighters.

The only way out is if TM let him up. If GZ said ok "you got me" which is the response of a school yard fight. TM may have very well let him up and gave GZ the ability to pull the gun.

No where are these facts in evidence. <mod snip>

HE was only able to get out from under TM after he shot him. As per His testimony and witness testimony.
nope, IMO he was getting beaten up and had to defend himself.

I think it is a crock that TM's past is not able to be brought up but GZ's is.

I agree with you. This is obvious to anyone who wants to see a fair trial.
If you are armed with a permit you would never walk into a group of gang members..... never. IMO

I have a concealed carry permit. We were taught in class to never, never, never put ourselves in a situation like this. Never seek out confrontation.
So you say two people get into a fist fight. One person has a gun. As soon as the person with the gun thinks he is going to lose he can pull out his gun and blows the person away?
I am sorry, this makes absolutely no sense to me. IMO

IT is not about losing. It was not a rumble between two matched fighters. IT was a battle in the dark and one was beating the other without at all being pushed back. He shot to protect his person. Especially since evidence shows TM was the confronting party.
Oh yay! Dummy straddling! Now we're talking :)
You guys are either hearing something ahead of WFTV because I haven't heard anything about Dummies or crotches...or did I nod off?
As you probably know by now, I'm in the "not guilty" camp, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I do not consider GZ to be a hero. I have said it before on this forum that I think both guys were idiots to be fighting as they did. It is truly a tragedy for all involved (regardless of who followed who, who threw the first punch, etc. and so on). JMO as always....

Much agreed. JMO.
Of course it matters, stalk someone until they do their right under the STG law and then shoot them IMO does not lead to self defense

GZ is not charged with stalking though. The law and this trial is trying to determine who was the aggressor. Walking around in your neighborhood and asking someone who they are is not aggression. IMO
that is definitely YOUR OPINION. you clearly have no knowledge what TM felt about the "creepy *advertiser censored* cracker" he ended up punching out.


No but as a human being if I had some creepy as cracker following me by the way which he also called a N****R I would try to take him out before he could me. TV was in his rights at that point of using SYG IMO
this witness is very good...honest imo

This is my favorite witness. I think he knows his stuff and won't allow the prosecutor to twist his words or put words in his mouth.

The way he has explained his opinion has made complete sense to me.

Other options? GZ was screaming for help, that was certainly an option. That didn't work so well.

Hello lisasalinger, thank you for your reply, I do appreciate the long, cordial, thoughtful rebuttal in yesterday's thread which I unfortunately missed. So kindly allow me to return the honor.

When I offered in the older post that "there is *no proof* to support the versions of events as stated by GZ, no GZ DNA on TM, indicating at least *some* physical contact, no lethal weapon on TM, no signs of 25 blows on the concrete sidewalk, no eye witness accounts, etc.", I meant that strictly with regard to the case for self-defense. What I referred to specifically is the &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; scenario necessary, which IMO remains unproven by existing evidence or testimony.

IMO, the several paragraphs of descriptions in your post could match *some* of GZ&#8217;s account in general, however, the crux of the case rests not on supporting *some* of GZ&#8217;s account, but on providing definitive evidence that GZ *was* confronted with a situation of &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; to justify killing TM. Therefore every scenario described has to pass the criteria/test of demonstrating a situation of &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; to enter as evidence on GZ&#8217;s side. The question needs to be asked each time, &#8220;Is this a life or death situation for GZ?&#8221;, for every eye witness testimony or physical evidence, eg. JG's testimony or GZ&#8217;s injuries.

How TM was shot was not in question. However, even if TM was straddling GZ, this is still not an imminent death threat to GZ. That TM did grab, slam, punch GZ are all conjecture because there&#8217;s really no DNA of GZ on TM to indicate any of these actions at all. It is as if someone claims to have used a glass for drinking several rounds of beer yet there&#8217;s *no fingerprints* on the glass, and those who try to uphold this claim try to explain the absence of fingerprints through various incongruous hypotheses. The clearest and most reasonable explanation is that the glass has not been used at all, unless there&#8217;s tampering with evidence. Unlike fingerprints, DNA cannot be wiped away, *some* blood and flesh will remain even in minute quantities, especially when no one tampered with the sidewalk, TM&#8217;s corpse or clothes. So lack of any, even the slightest, traces of contact between TM and GZ is damning evidence that they were not engaged in any significant physical struggle.

IMO, no situation of &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; has been described.

John Good's testimony does not constitute evidence that TM was delivering potentially lethal force that justifies his own killing/death. If JG had seen exactly what GZ was describing, his head being &#8220;slammed onto concrete many times&#8221;, then that could be entered as evidence of imminent death or great bodily harm. What JG described was a *potential* fight scenario, the blows or punches aren&#8217;t even clear to JG. Notice JG could not even claim it was a fight, only that one was on top of the other and there were up and down arm motions. Since GZ injuries were in the face and head, ie unprotected by clothing, flesh and blood DNA would have been left on TM&#8217;s hands if TM was indeed punching and pummeling his face and head many times without gloves. IMO

Males in general are not alien to fighting, especially for an MMA trainer. The whole altercation lasted at most 2 minutes, it would be reasonable to expect that GZ could fight back for at least 2 minutes, yet his gun was drawn almost immediately after the encounter happened. IMO

Witnesses did not describe a potentially life-threatening scenario. When two men are scuffling for a minute or two, there is no reason to believe that one is going to die or suffer great bodily harm, unless a lethal weapon is present.

If being near a concrete sidewalk can be accepted as the equivalent of carrying a lethal weapon, then *all* of us are carrying a lethal weapon anywhere where there&#8217;re sticks, stones, bricks and concrete, so I am not ready to accept that being near a concrete sidewalk = wielding a loaded gun or a large sharp knife.

The implications of this analogy by defense is troubling - BOTH parties are able to "wield" the concrete sidewalk, so to speak. Being "armed" implies being equipped with an overwhelming advantage to deliver lethal force. The concrete sidewalk cannot be TM's "lethal weapon", as this is a "lethal weapon" that is available to all, therefore it isn't. It doesn't tip the balance of power at all, unlike a gun. Imagine the term "unarmed civilian" can no longer apply if a hard ground is present..."Your honor, I have to kill him because he could kill me by smashing me against the hard ground/wall/column", that would absurd.

Besides, there is no evidence of the "head slamming on concrete by TM", no GZ&#8217;s DNA on TM, no blood on concrete found, no eye witness account, no medical examiner documentation even, etc. again, only GZ&#8217;s version of events.

I agree with you that GZ's perception matters as well. I perceive differently because the police/ME couldn&#8217;t detect *any* GZ DNA on TM, thus showing the two might not even have had any close physical contact, let alone the &#8220;pounding and slamming on concrete&#8221; scenario. It is also possible that GZ&#8217;s injuries were created via other avenues than at the hands of TM. So GZ&#8217;s perception does not match the reality - the lack of evidence of lethal, bloody, forceful physical fight with TM.

Short of tampering with the DNA evidence by the police or ME, i.e. the equivalent of wiping fingerprints away, the absence of *any* evidence makes me skeptical that I should go on GZ&#8217;s account alone.

IMO, nothing described in your post, lasting under 2 minutes, could *reasonably* compel GZ to fear for his life. GZ isn&#8217;t a frail elderly person unable to fight back for these couple of minutes. Drawing a gun and shooting to kill (aiming at heart)within a matter of seconds of a close encounter, IMO, shows a reckless attitude and an indifference to the other person's life.

If I were to be attacked by another 40 lbs smaller, 12 years younger person, for 2 minutes, there is simply no way that he or she could kill me with his bare hands within that timeframe.

If being in a fight alone is justification enough for self-defense in the killing of another person, then there is no need for the &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; clause/condition attached to qualify as self-defense. IMO

If all the evidence points to the contrary, eg. blood DNA of GZ were to be found on TM, eye witnesses seeing slamming of GZ&#8217;s head, concrete showing traces of GZ&#8217;s blood, fight lasted longer with GZ losing, and GZ sustained greater injuries, eg. concussion, etc., if any of these had surfaced, I would of course take the opposite position, that indeed GZ acted in self-defense.

Unfortunately, the *opposite* had happened, ie. the positive evidence of &#8220;imminent death/great bodily harm&#8221; scenario do not exist, while the negative does, showing TM had little to no physical contact with GZ.

All respectfully offered and always stated as my own humble opinion.
IMO, Mr. Root's promotion of owing firearms that do not have a safety and kept with a round in the chamber is not a good thing!
And the State could have brought your points up on cross. And let the jury decide.


I am frequently wrong but I think that's the legal basis for not allowing them at all. Without the 'creator' of the messages to speak on them, everyone is just guessing.
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