George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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So far I am seeing facts laid out. I see evidence in the case.. Not just suppose this happened or that happened..
Wow, 4 minutes, that's how long TM had to run if he was 'scared'.

That seemed like it took forever...I think that again will leave marks with the juror. Yelling and parading around with Skittles won't do it. Showing graphs, time gaps and animations will leave marks. OMO
I called it correctly in the CA case, because the state didn't prove much of anything, not to mention JA was snickering and laughing.

I will now call this case as GZ getting manslaughter, even though I believe he should be acquitted, because MOM is so low-key, like even he doesn't believe what he is saying. He has no passion, no conviction in his voice.

I hope I'm wrong, and this is only MY OPINION.
Sunny Hosteen just tweeted that jury is taking a lot of notes during this closing, not as much during the state's closing.
My heartfelt prayers that innocent George Zimmerman thanks to the Grace of God is acquitted of any and all charges by this jury.

I'm praying that the jury has the strength to put the law above their own legitimate fears to make sure that an innocent man doesn't go to jail for a very long time. I think they will do the right thing.

Four minutes: I think TM was running home, stopped, decided to give that crappy @ss cracker a beat-down, remembering how he won 2 of the 3 rounds of his last fight. Maybe he told RJ that and wanted to impress her, or maybe he didn't. It's a tragic decision he made, and no matter the verdict, I feel tremendous sympathy for both mothers. IMO
An aside related to this case.. I spoke with my daughter last evening who works in Broward Sherrif;s offc crime lab, and asked her about the police response occuring re: this case. Her husband, works in Coral Springs PD as a SWAT and Sniper officer, as background.. She told me that of last eveining ALL officers including SWAT were on : Stand by" likening it to when they get a hurricane, and that When this jury goes out to deliberate..ALL officers and SWAT are to be on call and arrive @ the police station..She added that this is similar throughout the state and said, that originally theer was to be a 2 hour notice when jury had reached verdict, but somehow it is now 30 minutes, so officers needed to be in place...Is she worried? yes. That's what I know as of 5pm last eveing...I will certainly update if things change... IMO cause I don't know how to link a mom and 29 yr old kids conversation..:)

MOM's sing song all over the map presentation isn't working - even posters here don't know what the long time space here was all about - this jury isn't buying what he's saying and is going to convict GZ of manslaughter - and rightfully so.

I think if the SWAT teams are worried - it's about the reaction from the GZ side and all those gun owners taking the law into their own hands.

I don't think he had any keys in his pockets. Not sure so IMO.

An aside related to this case.. I spoke with my daughter last evening who works in Broward Sherrif;s offc crime lab, and asked her about the police response occuring re: this case. Her husband, works in Coral Springs PD as a SWAT and Sniper officer, as background.. She told me that of last eveining ALL officers including SWAT were on : Stand by" likening it to when they get a hurricane, and that When this jury goes out to deliberate..ALL officers and SWAT are to be on call and arrive @ the police station..She added that this is similar throughout the state and said, that originally theer was to be a 2 hour notice when jury had reached verdict, but somehow it is now 30 minutes, so officers needed to be in place...Is she worried? yes. That's what I know as of 5pm last eveing...I will certainly update if things change... IMO cause I don't know how to link a mom and 29 yr old kids conversation..:)

I must admit I felt like SCREAMING....when jurors found OJ not guilty. But had no desire to run in the streets.
I called it correctly in the CA case, because the state didn't prove much of anything, not to mention JA was snickering and laughing.

I will now call this case as GZ getting manslaughter, even though I believe he should be acquitted, because MOM is so low-key, like even he doesn't believe what he is saying. He has no passion, no conviction in his voice.

I hope I'm wrong, and this is only MY OPINION.

O'Mara would be prosecuting this if he had his druthers, imo
Per Kathy B WFTV about a minute ago tweeted...The state does not look happy and neither do the Martins. We are in break. #Zimmermanon91 favorite Collapse
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MOM's sing song all over the map presentation isn't working - even posters here don't know what the long time space here was all about - this jury isn't buying what he's saying and is going to convict GZ of manslaughter - and rightfully so.

I think if the SWAT teams are worried - it's about the reaction from the GZ side and all those gun owners taking the law into their own hands.


Someone in the court has said one of the jurors has been nodding her head in agreement to O'Mara, the same one who wouldn't even look at BDLR yesterday...The prosecution has a stubborn egg in that basket IMO
Per WFTV, jurors didn't take many notes yesterday, but today, they are really going at it.
:seeya: Morning Y'all !

Just tuning in and there's a break ... so can someone please tell me how Mr. O'Mara is doing ?

Thanks !

Only if the precise Testimony of Rachel Jeantel is as much disregarded and disrespected as the Humanity of Trayvon Benjamin Martin. IMO

Sigh! Personally I don't discard Ms. Jeantel's testimony. But she does not help the prosecution. If we believe her testimony then we may take it as fact that;
A. TM had fully disengaged from Zimmerman. He was home. There was no visual contact. The encounter was over.
B. TM deliberately re-initiated contact. He left his position of safety to go back and find Zimmerman.
C. It was TM who made initial direct contact with Zimmerman and began the verbal confrontation. Up until that point Zimmerman had done nothing but follow the youth. Which while creepy and possibly stupid was not in any way illegal. Zimmerman did not confront Trayvon. Trayvon confronted Zimmerman
D. TM's motivation for this confrontation may possibly be characterized as malice. If the words that Rachel Jeantel spoke are felt to be accurate.

If you listen to her, and you disgarg just the questionable or obvious lies ("get off get off") what you are left with is often unintentionally credible, and can tell you a great deal.
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