George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #14 Friday July 12

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IMO the senior Zimmerman shouldn't be smirking "till after the fat lady sings". That phrase was made famous here in Texas by a very successful defense attorney, Racehorse Haynes. In other words, nothing is for sure until the jury renders a verdict.

"The fat lady sings" is actually a commentary from a game with two of my favorite teams - Texas A&M and Texas Tech. The commentator said the opera ain't over til the fat lady sings. IMHO ;D Racehorse Haynes may have repeated it at some point.
MOM said that four minutes was how long Trayvon had to run home (if he was afraid) before he saw Zimmerman again. But he didn't go home (to the father's girlfriend's house).

MOM is boring, though.

He actually did go home according to state witness RJ. So what happened after he was home??? He is breathing heavy and sees GZ again. Fight ensues. We know where the fight happened because we have witness calls and visuals from neighbors.

Closer to where GZ was then his dad's house.
That is what Jurors do. They look at all the evidence and throw out what they do not find credible and take what they do find credible.

That is how the law works. IT is really hard to discuss this if people don't understand fully the laws that apply to the case and the way our jury system works.

It is up to each juror to choose what is credible and what is not. IT can be from one person's testimony that they pick some facts and toss another.

What I can't understand are the people arguing against the LAW....they prefer to go back to mob rule? Emotional verdicts? That did not go so well in OUR history.
I called it correctly in the CA case, because the state didn't prove much of anything, not to mention JA was snickering and laughing.

I will now call this case as GZ getting manslaughter, even though I believe he should be acquitted, because MOM is so low-key, like even he doesn't believe what he is saying. He has no passion, no conviction in his voice.

I hope I'm wrong, and this is only MY OPINION.

I was blindsided by the CA case: grandfather last saw Caylee in the custody of CA; CA lied to everyone about Caylee's whereabouts; decomposition in the car driven by CA attested to by both parents of her parents; Caylee found, I hate to say it, "disposed of" the same way in which the Anthony family disposed of dead pets, with items from the Anthony house. Lastly, not being able to 'jump the shark" and believe a loving grandfather would leave his baby granddaughter like that after an accidental drowning, and making that 'accident' into murder.

Before anyone says someone else could have killed Caylee, or she died accidentally in the trunk, I believe CA would have known of anything along these lines. CA would have definitely turned someone else over (the one who talks first gets the best deal) and she would have said anything to save her own hide.

I hope they make the decision I want the jury to make, but they will do what they do. There are courageous people in the world and maybe these are six of them. IMO
I have seen her name here a few times can someone tell me who Angela Corey is..Thanks

Might be best to google that question - I think there are things that can and can't be said about her on this forum.

At any rate, she's a prosecutor in this case.

I didn't know MOM is a former prosecutor..Good info..Guess he knows how to speak to a jury from both perspectives..JMO
Might be best to google that question - I think there are things that can and can't be said about her on this forum.

At any rate, she's a prosecutor in this case.


She is the special prosecutor for Jacksonville, FL. and the prosecutors' boss, I think.
What I can't understand are the people arguing against the LAW....they prefer to go back to mob rule? Emotional verdicts? That did not go so well in OUR history.

Yes. And it does not matter if they don't like the law either. IT IS THE LAW that is applied to the case. Not our feelings about them.
By that time he realized TM was lying there not moving. IMMEDIATELY afterward he may have said he didn't know as he was in shock. This seems completely normal to me. It happened quickly and in self defense. If he was intending to shoot TM that night he wouldn't have called the NEN and screamed desperately for help. People act as if GZ went around shooting people all the time. He was getting his A## beat up. IMO

There is no proof that the person who was screaming was GZ - especially by GZ's own testimony, TM has his mouth covered and was pinching or covering his nose....and clearly he wasn't in shock as he clearly gave his statement or when the police got there and GM required minimal medical treatment.
Had GZ been severely beaten he would have been carried to the hospital on a stretcher....instead of having his wife a nurse in training stick a couple of butterfly bandages on his head,

An aside related to this case.. I spoke with my daughter last evening who works in Broward Sherrif;s offc crime lab, and asked her about the police response occuring re: this case. Her husband, works in Coral Springs PD as a SWAT and Sniper officer, as background.. She told me that of last eveining ALL officers including SWAT were on : Stand by" likening it to when they get a hurricane, and that When this jury goes out to deliberate..ALL officers and SWAT are to be on call and arrive @ the police station..She added that this is similar throughout the state and said, that originally theer was to be a 2 hour notice when jury had reached verdict, but somehow it is now 30 minutes, so officers needed to be in place...Is she worried? yes. That's what I know as of 5pm last eveing...I will certainly update if things change... IMO cause I don't know how to link a mom and 29 yr old kids conversation..:)

I appreciate what your son in law does for a living.
But isn't it scary that this case has been hyped so much by the media and our current administration to the point where someone thinks they are justified to go out the streets and hurt another human being in the name of TM? IMO
I have to admit, O'Mara's slow, quiet, and methodical manner has me listening very closely, and I already know all that stuff!

I know. If you want people to sit still and listen, lower your voice. Anyway, that what my kid's kindergarten teacher taught me, and it works. ;D IMHO
There is no proof that the person who was screaming was GZ - especially by GZ's own testimony, TM has his mouth covered and was pinching or covering his nose....and clearly he wasn't in shock as he clearly gave his statement or when the police got there and GM required minimal medical treatment.
Had GZ been severely beaten he would have been carried to the hospital on a stretcher....instead of having his wife a nurse in training stick a couple of butterfly bandages on his head,


Nothing in your post applies to the law.

The law says as I have posted before, He only has to have reasonable fear of injury and death. He neither has to be injured at all or dead.
so interesting...... where it was always ''justice for travis'' and ''justice for caylee'' etc..... this thread is full of ''justice for GZ.'' i say: ''justice for trayvon.''

so interesting.....many of the folks complaining about BDLR's closing were all but proposing marriage to juan martinez. their styles are very similar. over the course of the trial, JM was far more confrontational and prone to yelling. it was called ''passion'' when he was doing it. is BDLR not allowed to be passionate, too? if JM were criticized on this board the person offering the criticism was all but begging for an onslaught. like i said....interesting.

MOM is putting me to sleep. he's a brilliant attorney. bc of the judge's rulings in this case, he also has an advantage that i personally consider unfair and unjust. the animation should not have been allowed. not a chance. i'm shocked by the decision to play it. still, MOM, with or without the video is certainly a great attorney. however, i find him to be so soft-spoken that he puts me to sleep.

i like passion. the last thing i would want is for an attorney to speak to me, were i a juror, as if we're in the middle of a pillow talk session. in a court of law, where such important issues are at stake, i like strong and forceful. i guess it's different for everyone.

all of above is MOO
Hey all...did I miss anything?

Just MOM doing a very poor all over the map presentation.


Even the pundits are saying this in the break - lots of sputtering because they are all defense lawyers - very humorous!
This case might require using your brains. IMO

Absolutely. IMHO

You really have to transcend the sadness that a young man has died, and his family is grieving and go with the facts and the evidence, and the rules of the American Court System. IMHO
There is no proof that the person who was screaming was GZ - especially by GZ's own testimony, TM has his mouth covered and was pinching or covering his nose....and clearly he wasn't in shock as he clearly gave his statement or when the police got there and GM required minimal medical treatment.
Had GZ been severely beaten he would have been carried to the hospital on a stretcher....instead of having his wife a nurse in training stick a couple of butterfly bandages on his head,


I think you missed the LE officers who said he was in shock that evening even when he was at the station. Also, one needs to sustain 0 injuries to be in reasonable fear of their life.
There is no proof that the person who was screaming was GZ - especially by GZ's own testimony, TM has his mouth covered and was pinching or covering his nose....and clearly he wasn't in shock as he clearly gave his statement or when the police got there and GM required minimal medical treatment.
Had GZ been severely beaten he would have been carried to the hospital on a stretcher....instead of having his wife a nurse in training stick a couple of butterfly bandages on his head,


The closest thing we have to proof is from the only real credible eye-witness who said it come from GZ. All of the other family testimonies on that subject are a wash. OMO
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