George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion #4

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For the same reason I can barely remember the names of the Presidents, but I can remember the details of every truly bad argument I've ever had with my boyfriend, down to what we were wearing, who was standing where, and what was playing on the radio in the background while we were arguing. It's why probably everyone in this room can remember what they were doing on 9/11, or (if you're older) what was going on in your life the day Kennedy was shot. The heat of the moment sort of emblazons the details in your mind.

But it sure doesn't sound like she had any idea of the seriousness of the event at the time. She only found out some time later, since per her she doesn't even watch the news. And Trayvon was not her boyfriend.
So why would it stand out?
To me it is. I don't think I could remember a conversation I had some time ago in such detail.
Including locations where he was, and hearing grass over the phone?

I believe a person can remember things when they are put in a situation that requires it. May not be exact, but close.
Can you tell me which version of GZ's story you believe?

Was he holding his hands over his mouth and nose?

Repeatedly bashing his head in concrete?

Grabbing for the gun?

I honestly don't know how you can do all of those things at the same time.

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Who said it was all done at the exact same time?
To me it is. I don't think I could remember a conversation I had some time ago in such detail.
Including locations where he was, and hearing grass over the phone?

This isn't just a daily conversation.

This is a conversation where your very good friend was killed on the other end of the phone while you were on it (OK, to those that need to get into the minutia, he was killed seconds later)

I would think that you have played that conversation over and over and over...and over again...and then over and over and your head!
I believe a person can remember things when they are put in a situation that requires it. May not be exact, but close.

Except she had no idea at the time she was in a situation that requires it.
To me it is. I don't think I could remember a conversation I had some time ago in such detail.
Including locations where he was, and hearing grass over the phone?

You wouldn't remember a conversation with a friend who was being followed by a strange man and then suddenly there was a scuffle and the phone went dead and then you find out they were killed????

I would remember every word. MO
I don't understand why the phone would "hang up". It sounds like it landed and she could still hear. I dropped my phone multiple times and it stayed on. Has anyone else wondered about this? It's just that critical events happened here. Also, was it on when the police discovered it?

Yes...and it's bizarre that she claims she didn't call him back the next day. Was fighting that routine for TM that she just thought nothing of it?
Yes but it's the same as when you put in a claim with your insurance your rates go up. Somebody has to make up that loss and it's not going to be the insurance company.

Very true. OT our condo just got a $1,000 premium increase this year, due to Sandy claims (we had no damage). So yeah, someone's gotta pay!
I don't understand the reasoning here that if lots of teens do something, that means it's ok? I know the trend seems to be to minimize any offensive/racist/untruthful/illegal behavior by Rachel or TM but why? jmo I don't see it as funny or cute or understandable. This is not a formula for success in life imo

I agree! As a high school teacher I see this attitude of adults toward teenagers as "the soft bigotry of low expectations". I refuse to just relax and accept it! jmo
This isn't just a daily conversation.

This is a conversation where your very good friend was killed on the other end of the phone while you were on it (OK, to those that need to get into the minutia, he was killed seconds later)

I would think that you have played that conversation over and over and over...and over again...and then over and over and your head!

Except she had no idea he was killed at that time.
But it sure doesn't sound like she had any idea of the seriousness of the event at the time. She only found out some time later, since per her she doesn't even watch the news. And Trayvon was not her boyfriend.
So why would it stand out?

She thought it was "just a fight"...isn't that serious? imo
Except she had no idea at the time she was in a situation that requires it.

Was it really a lot to remember? She wasn't remembering city zip codes it was a short period of time when something specific was happening.
But it sure doesn't sound like she had any idea of the seriousness of the event at the time. She only found out some time later, since per her she doesn't even watch the news. And Trayvon was not her boyfriend.
So why would it stand out?

Possibly because he ended up dead? Wouldn't you replay that conversation over and over in your head, beating yourself up for what you could have done differently? I would. I'd rethink every second.
OMG - I can't even listen to this girl on the stand. How can ANYONE think her behavior, in a court of law, is in any way acceptable? I can't listen - at all. And this poor defense attorney must be a saint. I'm about ready to jump out my skin every time I hear "Yes sir" from her mouth. And the media defending her behavior is beyond me - saying, well, she is only 19! REALLY?? Oh good lord. Sorry - had to rant. lol
It "could" be true but I don't buy it. Doesn't sound like it happened. I don't believe everything GZ said, I just don't. He doesn't want to go to jail so he will be twisting this in his favor. IMO :twocents:

He also wants to be a cop. No matter what happens, at least that dream is dead and he won't be able to profile professionally.
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