George Zimmerman /Trayvon Martin General Discussion #7

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About time we heard some factual information about the 'killer' concrete.
Hey GZ, go buy the biggest bandages you can find and put them on your head please.
How about a knuckle bandage GZ? IMO

Didn't his wife fix his head? Maybe that's all she had. I'm just guessing, I agree they look ridiculous.
Yes. He was. He said that.. The Operator told him not to and he said he turned back to walk to his truck at that point..

I don't see the huge issue or discrepancy here.. OMO

I don't remember him saying he turned back to walk to his truck. He did say "ok" after the operator said "we don't need you to do that". There's no way to know if he turned back to go to his truck or continued walking forward, or even stood still. We don't know for sure which. Moo.
GZ said he felt like he was going to pass out, or whatever word he used, however, he refused to go to the hospital to get checked out.. He knew he was bleeding from his head and yet was able to walk, talk and not complain about his head or go get it checked out???? Doesn't make sense to me. I would go to the hospital if I felt my head was being pounded into the concrete.. :twocents:

Maybe you would maybe you wouldn't if you had just shot someone and wanted to make sure the police got what they needed to understand what happened.. I think I would be way more concerned with what happened than my head at that point.. OMO
Re; GZ said he looked down as he went for his phone. Testimony and GZ has stated that the phone was in his RIGHT POCKET.
The gun was holstered on his RIGHT hip.

At that moment TM may, IMO, have seen the gun and thought that GZ was going for the gun.
and IMO, that may be what led TM to start the fight.....

Very informative and reasonable..pure logic! Thanks!
I hope the Jury knows that George Zimmerman's father, Robert Z. is a retired Judge Magistrate in Florida and has already written a book re his son's innocence!!! For in my considered view, it goes a long long way in explaining how respectfully GZ has been handled and why he originally got off Scot Free for this brutal killing. IMO
I don't think this is relevant at all.

So in your line of thinking, having the President of the United States come out and say "my son could have been TM" (or whatever he said), that could also have prejudiced this case greatly?

IMO the president has ZERO business weighing in on this case....none.

This is scary that this was brought on by public pressure....I think he is being railroaded....
There are eye witnesses who have testified to GZ being on top of Trayvon. Isn't that proof too? Trayvon may have been trying to fend off GZ the entire time and was fighting for his life to get away from the person who was following him. Trayvon did RUN away from GZ. I see that as fear on Trayvon's part. We do know in GZ's own words, he wasn't letting this $&%)@@ Punk get away and he didn't. JMO

I still say they may have each been on top at different times. JMO
Really? every witness I have heard specifically said GZ was on the bottom (the one in red). Which witnesses said he was on top that saw the fight? thanks
"Coach Jerome Horton said the young man was one of the best players on his recreational team — the Wolverines based at Forzano Park in Miramar, Fla. But Trayvon, who played for Horton from age eight to 13, would sometimes have to sit out because his father would bench him for mistakes made off the football field."

Looks like he only played until he was 13.

That doesn't mean he didn't play in HS. imo

TY for the link.
And her boss gave her pictures to diagnose injuries of someone she has never seen much less examined

Well, maybe if GZ had a medical exam that night, that ER doc might be on the stand.
I find GZ not credible in this Hannity interview, IMO.

What are the chances a 17 yr old boy was skipping?

He says TM was cutting between houses, what does that mean in this development? That is the only reasonable way to get to a house, is to go through the openings between the buildings. According to other witnesses, that was quite common for people to be walking dogs behind the buildings.

This story about looking for an address is BS, IMO. He purposely gave the NEN dispatcher a made-up address, that seemed clear to me on the audio recording.

This reaching for the phone story and getting punched in the face does not match his LE interview, IMO.

All of GZ's stories are different which tells me he is not telling the truth. If it's the truth, you never have to change your story. JMO

I'm missed some testimony. :banghead: Will have to listen to it later.
IMO - None of his injuries were life threatening, so I will disagree with you. He used deadly force when it was not necessary and again, that (along with a few other reasons) is why the jury will find him guilty.


Life threatening is not the legal standard.
And guns can cause great bodily injury if a person inflicting injuries on you and straddling you during an assault gains control of it

GZ should have just stayed in his vehicle or should have gone to the store as he was planning.
I'm having problems with those side lumps, they could have always been there, we have no pictures of GZ bald head before all this happened to make the comparison.

I wonder why GZ is no longer wearing his hair in the same manner as he was in those pictures? A lot of people have lumpy heads imo. MOM could have GZ shave his head and we could put all of this to rest.
The ME under cross sticks to her guns. She established that the wounds on the back of GZ's head were not only " insignificant" but caused by exactly one single contact with the concrete.
There goes Self Defense, right out the window...she emphasizes minor injuries. IMO

I believe you are misstating her testimony DIBSY. Her claim was that it was possible (which I don't believe) not that that is exactly what happened.
Along with his injuries, the fact that he was screaming for help, A neighbor saw TM beating him and that he knew that police would be there any minute, That all makes sense to me.. OMO.

BBM: It's not a fact that GZ was screaming for help, it could have been Trayvon. JMO

Life threatening is not the legal standard.
And guns can cause great bodily injury if a person inflicting injuries on you and straddling you during an assault gains control of it


IMO the legal standard doesn't matter because the jury is made up of human beings and they can see what most of us can...GZ used deadly force when he didn't have to.
So in your line of thinking, having the President of the United States come out and say "my son could have been TM" (or whatever he said), that could also have prejudiced this case greatly?

It is my belief that the president like most of the country wanted a fair trial, not neccessarily a conviction...and NOT a sweeping of it all under the rug because it wasn't popular in certain quarters. IMO
Does anyone know why O'Mara is questioning the State's ME regarding Zimmerman's injuries when she did not physically examine Zimmerman in the aftermath of the incident? I don't believe actual physical injuries can be accurately discerned from mere photos.
"Coach Jerome Horton said the young man was one of the best players on his recreational team — the Wolverines based at Forzano Park in Miramar, Fla. But Trayvon, who played for Horton from age eight to 13, would sometimes have to sit out because his father would bench him for mistakes made off the football field."

Looks like he only played until he was 13.

IMO that doesn't mean he wasn't fit enough to outrun GZ.
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