George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread #8

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That was another part of the Hannity interview that bothered me. GZ didn't have any empathy for the victim's family and no remorse that things could have been done differently. Honestly, I changed my mind about GZ after that. Just my opinion.

I just don't see how someone not having tears constantly means anything.. Not to the facts of the case.

If he was crying everyone would jump on him for faking..

He did express remorse in open court to the family. If I recall he was told not to speak to or reach out to family.

IMO, Teenagers sometimes just sit on the phone and listen to each other breathe. It's not the best use of time but unless you've been around a lot of teenagers it wouldn't make sense to you. Their conversations are usually very mundane and they can last for hours. It's actually not as uncommon as you would like to think. I have a 19 year old. A few years ago, I remember looking at the cell phone bill and I saw well over a thousand text messages exchanged in one month. He and I had a discussion about it (more like I spoke and he listened). They decreased somewhat but were still way more than I could imagine possible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. He's way past that point now since he is in school and also works.

I have three young adult sons - and they don't talk on the phone. Except to girls they are very interested in. Otherwise, they text and it's terse - "k", "you on the way?" "see you in an hour", etc.

This is probably going nowhere - but I'm just curious what made them KEEP reconnecting with each other all day, after only having been off the phone for a couple minutes. Surely they both have other people to talk to if they were just whiling the day away with very idle chatter. IMHO. I wonder what Trayvon's girlfriend's phone and text presence looked like that day. IMHO
I feel very sorry for the family of this young man. I have a grandson who just turned 18 and it could have been him if he were suspious looking on a dark raining night, hanging out and not going home where he would have been safe under his own roof.

Why in the world didn't he just go home after his trip to the store? Why hang around when he saw gz looking around- he told Rachel that he sees this guy and he looked like he was following him- she said that tm was behind his dads girlfriend's place. That's about as close to home as it goes.

But I get weak when I see tm parents sitting in that courtroom and my heart can feel what their heart feels. I love my grandson and we have always told him how to conduct himself and try to get in before dark etc.

There's two sides to this trial and everyone just needs to look at the facts and try to stay focused on only the facts that come out.

All the media and especially that ng with her "bombshell tonight stir up a riot crap" by taking sides publicly and saying a young man was hunted down in cold blood- I can't believe the force of her contentions. She need to watch the trial and quit with the remarks she makes. Everyone deserves a fair trial.
The evidence IMO only seems to point toward gz defending himself but something could come up to change my mind then I will look at those facts.

Anyway you look at it a young adult left this world way too soon and if we all could bring him back I'm sure we would do it. MOO
So the rain magically washed all GZ's DNA off Trayvon but did not wash GZ's own DNA off him?

Ridiculous. IMO.
But she can testify that it is her son, just like GZ parents will say it is him. Now of course GZ said it didn't sound like him but.....

Why do you seem so angry at TM's parents? You seem to have nothing but mean things to say about them. Why? Is it because you think they were wrong in trying to get an investigation? Really not being snarky but it is a victims forum and if nothing else his parents do seem to be victims. They weren't there that night.

Tracy Martin originally said it wasn't his son on the tape either. I think both sets of parents testimonies will zero each other out on this issue.
So, about George's remorse or lack of it.

I feel great horror if I accidentally harm someone - and it would ruin my life to accidentally run over someone, or accidentally poison them, whatever.

I don't know how much remorse I'd feel if I were attacked and beaten, and shot the assailant and then my life was instantly ruined by an angry mob of a public that was calling for my death.

I don't think I'd have a heck of a lot of remorse for doing it, and wouldn't feel that sorry - and wouldn't be inclined to cry through an interview over the incident.

I'd be mad, frankly. IMHO, of course.
I just don't see how someone not having tears constantly means anything.. Not to the facts of the case.

If he was crying everyone would jump on him for faking..

He did express remorse in open court to the family. If I recall he was told not to speak to or reach out to family.


BBM. He also told them he thought Trayvon was older, which was a lie as he correctly ID'd TM's age on the NEN call.
IMO, Teenagers sometimes just sit on the phone and listen to each other breathe. It's not the best use of time but unless you've been around a lot of teenagers it wouldn't make sense to you. Their conversations are usually very mundane and they can last for hours. It's actually not as uncommon as you would like to think. I have a 19 year old. A few years ago, I remember looking at the cell phone bill and I saw well over a thousand text messages exchanged in one month. He and I had a discussion about it (more like I spoke and he listened). They decreased somewhat but were still way more than I could imagine possible if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. He's way past that point now since he is in school and also works.

IMO, teenage girls sit around talking on the phone endlessly. Teenage boys, not so much. And I find that behavior more likely in young teens and tweens. JMO. OMO. MOO.
That was another part of the Hannity interview that bothered me. GZ didn't have any empathy for the victim's family and no remorse that things could have been done differently. Honestly, I changed my mind about GZ after that. Just my opinion.

That bothered me too. If I had (IMO) accidently killed someone, I would be a basket case and would probably apologize the rest of my life - regardless if it were self defense or not. It's still a life.
Good point on Zimmerman, I would be screaming for ambulance, so maybe he did know Trayvon was dead, or he did ask someone for ambulance and it has not come out. But, for sure he was in some kind of emotional shock.

ANY head damage has the potential to be life threatening. Much less head hitting rock. No need for any external damage to even show. And Zimmerman shot AFTER the one neighbor came out, did not help....and went back into his home.

When I was in high school, I was at a house party and some of the kids got in to a fight outside in the driveway. It was pavement. One of the kids got his head slammed on to the pavement and died. My friends and I who were inside didn't even know this fight took place that night. And his friends didn't know he was dying, just thought he was injured. They put him in their car and drove him home to his parents house and he died there. Needless to say, it was pretty horrific and terribly sad. And the other kid from the fight went to jail for it.

So when I hear head on pavement - yes I immediately think serious danger! It's no joke. It is a weapon. I would be terrified if somebody put my head anywhere near pavement, even once. Once was all it took for that poor kid many years ago.

The reality is that we don't know how far George's head was from the ground when Trayvon allegedly pushed it... if he was only an inch or two off the ground, maybe that is why the injury doesn't look as extreme. But it could have easily elicited panic from George. We know from John Good that it started on the grass and worked it's way up to the concrete. So George was likely low to the ground.
BBM. He also told them he thought Trayvon was older, which was a lie as he correctly ID'd TM's age on the NEN call.

Maybe he changed his estimation during the beating he took? JMO. OMO. MOO.
BBM. He also told them he thought Trayvon was older, which was a lie as he correctly ID'd TM's age on the NEN call.

Hmm.. From what I remember he made a GUESS at what he thought his age must be...

Just lurking and learning...

You guys are doing a great job!

Quick question, Does anyone know how long LE arrived after the shot was fired? TIA
Guys we need to be careful. A lot more posts are getting personal and a little snarky.. We don't want to get shut down!

Take a breath, Think before you post..

Make sure to add JMO MOO or IMO to your post.

We can do it!!

Lets not incur the wrath of the Mods... :)
I have read & heard this same sentiment here & elsewhere.

Does Geragos back up his claims with evidence - or is he only fueling the fire, since it would appear that the public sentiment (according to Geragos) supports the belief that the State has thus far failed to prove their case of 2nd degree murder?

I think he is half joking, but I'm starting to think there's a little truth in that. They didn't really have enough to prosecute on and their hand was forced and it shows. MOO :)

He has been funny on AC360 actually, I am actually starting to feel 'like' towards Geragos.
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