George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread #8

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Point taken....but the sequence she gave places GZ on top and I do not believe his story..that's why I inserted IMO.

Do you believe John Good when he said that George was on the bottom prior to the shot?
Point taken....but the sequence she gave places GZ on top and I do not believe his story..that's why I inserted IMO.

Why do you think Zimmerman's account matches Goodman's limited account almost exactly? They had no time to compare notes...and that is why I think LE did not charge Zimmerman with crime till politicians weighted in including Pres. Obama, who I voted for three times (once for congress), and was very disappointed in him for that!!

Politicians should have stayed OUT. imo
This post lands at random..

Please address the content of the post and not the poster. Lets steer away from personalizing posts. Thanks!
BBM. He also told them he thought Trayvon was older, which was a lie as he correctly ID'd TM's age on the NEN call.

The more I think about this.. It could be because after he was beat up by him he seemed like an older man. Big and strong.. OMO
Some wild theories about this

GZ spoke to the police immediately after the incident...
It's almost impossible that he lied to them...
He had no idea if there was an eyewitness, a camera installed on someone's property...
He must be the luckiest man on earth if you think he is lying...
IMO, teenage girls sit around talking on the phone endlessly. Teenage boys, not so much. And I find that behavior more likely in young teens and tweens. JMO. OMO. MOO.

I don't. I have seen it a lot. In tweens as well as teens. I also remember when I was maybe 15 or 16 (a long time ago) I had a male friend at school who called me just about every night. He and I would speak for long periods of time. So long that I remember my mother finally asking me and teasing that he was my boyfriend. He was not. I only thought of him as a friend. I do believe he maybe liked me as more than that, but we never spoke about that. We just got along really well. We remained really good friends throughout high school. But this is neither here nor there as it really has no bearing on the case. MOO.
An odor of mold or ammonia?

The garments in evidence were packaged before they were air-dried?

IOW: The biological evidence was degraded.
IMO - he just stated that he can't testify that it was degraded, so good try Mr. about you waste another hour with this witness?
I don't. I have seen it a lot. In tweens as well as teens. I also remember when I was maybe 15 or 16 (a long time ago) I had a male friend at school who called me just about every night. He and I would speak for long periods of time. So long that I remember my mother finally asking me and teasing that he was my boyfriend. He was not. I only thought of him as a friend. I do believe he maybe liked me as more than that, but we never spoke about that. We just got along really well. We remained really good friends throughout high school. But this is neither here nor there as it really has no bearing on the case. MOO.

My guess is, he liked you more than that too. ;D

Here's the bearing this has, IMHO - I am really trying to determine, in my mind, who was likely to have begun the fight between GZ and TM, and the "mood" they were each in has bearing.

If Trayvon was on the phone all day with a girl he had no romantic interest in - hanging up calling back hanging up calling back hanging up calling back - what WAS the topic of that conversation that both of them continued all day long?

I don't think it was just to hear her voice.

So my musing is, was he getting information from her that was making him anxious or very angry? To me, it's relevant.

An odor of mold or ammonia?

The garments in evidence were packaged before they were air-dried?

IOW: The biological evidence was degraded.

And packaged in plastic, too. Which is against what the testers recommend.
Theory: GZ holstered his gun before LE arrived. If the gun kicked back into GZ nose ,after the shot, GZ gets out from under TM, GZ wipes nose with side of palm with gun in hand, and re-holsters......blood on holster and gun.
Even if the gun did not cause the nose injury, the blood could have been deposited when GZ re-holstered. JMO
Theory: GZ holstered his gun before LE arrived. If the gun kicked back into GZ nose ,after the shot, GZ gets out from under TM, GZ wipes nose with side of palm with gun in hand, and re-holsters......blood on holster and gun.
Even if the gun did not cause the nose injury, the blood could have been deposited when GZ re-holstered. JMO

That does not work for me.. I don't believe anyone with a loaded cocked is going to wipe it across their face.

That is just not what one would do with a loaded gun.

IMO - he just stated that he can't testify that it was degraded, so good try Mr. about you waste another hour with this witness?

Makes me wonder if the defense has their own DNA guy?

Where the heck is the ME?
Do you believe John Good when he said that George was on the bottom prior to the shot?

Frankly, no. Here's why, from what I have read, he is a close friend of GZ's and had his property broken into by an AA. His story has changed over time etc. IMO
Recoil causing GZ's nose injury just doesn't work for me. It was too close quarters and IMO he wasn't even sighting. JMO. OMO. MOO.

Also, apparently the gun GZ used has a manageable recoil. It's not a beast. But I'm not a gun expert. Just repeating what has been told to me.
Some wild theories about this

GZ spoke to the police immediately after the incident...
It's almost impossible that he lied to them...
He had no idea if there was an eyewitness, a camera installed on someone's property...
He must be the luckiest man on earth if you think he is lying...

He took a chance that no one could refute his story. Criminals do it all the time. IMO. Doesn't mean GZ has not spun this story to his benefit. We already know he doesn't always tell the truth. Changing a few details would spin this tail into a supposed self defense case. It happens all the time. MOO.
Theory: GZ holstered his gun before LE arrived. If the gun kicked back into GZ nose ,after the shot, GZ gets out from under TM, GZ wipes nose with side of palm with gun in hand, and re-holsters......blood on holster and gun.
Even if the gun did not cause the nose injury, the blood could have been deposited when GZ re-holstered. JMO

Not sure but find it every bit as plausible as anything presented inGZ's defense. IMO
Oh please, don't take me wrong...I am not neccessarily arguing that it transpired, but that even the ME said it was possible.

That said, several of us have thought GZ MAY have gotten the minor scratches on the back of his head by falling down in his haste to catch up with TM.

At least one of the witnesses, Salma Mora saw GZ on top of TM when the shot went off....she described the jacket worn by GZ. Jane S. the first witness, said the cries for help were from a boy....the just turned 17 year old boy TM. I know of nothing GZ reported that has been verified by anyone to any degree....even his pal John Good thought the scuffle on the ground was between dogs, not people. IMO


One usually does NOT get scratches on the back of their head from falling onto WET GRASS...sidewalk/cement yes, grass no. Fact not opinion.
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