George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General Discussion Thread 9 (For Friday)

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The story of the GZ grabbing the gun is problematic. Where was TM supposed to be sitting on him that he could slide his hand down his body? His thighs? He'd be bucked off in a hot second. Cannot wait to here GZ testify as to all the details of all the versions he has told. IMHO, he should be compelled to testify.

WHile IMO I would love to hear him testify and answer questions, you suggesting he be compelled would violate our Constitution.
This is crazy, IMO. those notes need to be admitted. He thinks he's the judge, giving orders. He must be a little tyrant in his lab, IMO.
The story of the GZ grabbing the gun is problematic. Where was TM supposed to be sitting on him that he could slide his hand down his body? His thighs? He'd be bucked off in a hot second. Cannot wait to here GZ testify as to all the details of all the versions he has told. IMHO, he should be compelled to testify.

So in your opinion GZ isn't entitled to the protection of the U.S. Constitution?
Oh. My. God. This witness.....just OMG. The judge needs to get control of him, although I don't believe she can. He's a complete mess. Reading from notes, arguing with judge and attorneys...good God.

Herding Cats
These notes may be very interesting.
IMO - I love this guy!

"Is something funny" - toward MOM and Defense who are laughing at his notes.

Exactly how this Defense comes across...above everyone else; condescending and rude to everyone.
Has this ME ever testified before? IMO, I don't think so, he's asking the lawyers - from the stand - if something is funny in his notes? OMG!
What, don't understand. Why would CPR be performed on a dead person?


This is off-topic, but CPR is performed on people with no vital signs.

Cario Pulmonary Rescusitation. It revives a heart that is no longer beating.

So before you do CPR, you check for breathing first, and if there's no breathing, you check the pulse. If you find a pulse you sweep the airway and get breath in to the person.

If you do NOT find a pulse, you begin CPR. CPR done on a person who has a pulse can actually kill them.

IMHO, and I was a trained instructor for Red Cross CPR.
I agree about the sentencing, I do not believe GZ is a murder nor do I believe he went out to kill anyone that night. This is where I'm struggling, I'm not sure what sentence to give him, if any. HOWEVER, this all happened because of him and a young man who simply was walking to the store ends up dead???????? All because of GZ, not the other way around. GZ's actions created all this, IMO.. He would not have had to defend himself had he also stayed in his car, HE KNEW TO DO THAT BUT HE DIDN'T. Good grief, you don't go chasing a "suspect" if you are not a police officer, nor do you chase him if he's NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG. TM was doing NOTHING wrong except in GZ's own head. All this happened because of GZ. :twocents: TM can't speak for himself, he's dead. He has a story to tell but GZ is doing all the talking and defending here. :twocents:

Under Florida law, he is acting in self defense and they cannot punish someone who is acting according to the law.

I understand you want him held accountable for his actions.


We can't just punish someone because people think "well, they should have not done that" so they must pay for what they did. Thank God the system does not work like that.
IMO TM went back and started the confrontation. GZ wasn't following TM at that point.

TM wasn't following GZ ever IMO.. GZ's own words, twice, he's running and GZ is going after him, this we all know because it's all from GZ's mouth. There is nowhere that I found, nor anyone saying TM went after GZ, nowhere and if there is, please provide a link because I'm must be missing something here. :)
Oh, ok. Thank you. I wasn't even thinking about where he was sitting, I was just thinking they were trying to prove they weren't sitting. But I see it now. Thank you.

Look up Youtube reenactments of the struggle and shooting. GZ would have to be a yoga master and Trayvon have three or four hands for it to happen as he claims. Impossible, IMHO
GZ is doing this (self serving) to protect himself from a sentence, IMO. Why, and this maybe OT, but still is related to this case, he started his own GZ fund to get money to help him, self serving and that doesn't sit right with me. Yes, he has that right and it's not illegal to do, but doesn't, IMO make GZ look too good.

If I killed someone because I thought I was in danger of death or serious bodily injury, and found myself charged with Murder 2, I would have to raise funds for a good lawyer because I don't have the disposable income to hire an expensive (good) lawyer. Does this make me more or less guilty, or at the very least self-serving? Finding legal ways to hire a good attorney is a legal right, not self-serving. Would you think GZ looked better if he went with a public attorney?
Richard Hornsby just said on WESH that this is the most bizarre ME testimony he's ever seen.
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