George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion

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How many attorneys are on the prosecution side? I think I've seen three so far. Seems so weird after seeing Juan take on a DP case by himself.

The prosecuting attorney might be a looker, but give me Juan any day. I sure miss his fire in the courtroom. ;)
from the non emergency call it seems as if Trayvon was running towards the back - the area where he was staying and Zimmerman was following the "kid" as he called him
Give me a link that TM was on Taffee's lawn, his friend, without invitation or permission. I haven't read that anywhere.

GZ did not just call police to report it, he FOLLOWED TM which forced imo TM to confront him. Then he had three chances not to shoot the child. He deliberately and cold bloodedly ignored those chances. Premeditation is in the blink of an eye.

There was NOTHING suspicious about TM. He was meant to be in the neighborhood visiting a friend and had every right to walk around or text a gf and he stood on a friends lawn. Big deal. If they shoot to death everyone who stood on a friends lawn there wouldn't be enough graves.
Trayvon had all the chances in the world to not punch Zimmerman and start beating his head on concrete.

You claimed his being charged is evidence he is guilty. I correctly pointed out that is not true, as evidenced by wrongful convictions. There is much doubt as to whether or not he was justified in pulling the trigger, and the fact he was charged is not evidence that he did anything wrong.

Not really, I pointed out that he has been charged with murder for a reason.
When you report a suspicious activity to police or even a crime in progress, you have the option to stay out of it and not wait for police. They arrive and do their job. You don't have to stay or be involved after you report.

In the 911 report, Zimmerman refers to Trayvon as a KID! There you have it, he knew he was a kid.
Give me a link that TM was on Taffee's lawn, his friend, without invitation or permission. I haven't read that anywhere.

GZ did not just call police to report it, he FOLLOWED TM which forced imo TM to confront him. Then he had three chances not to shoot the child. He deliberately and cold bloodedly ignored those chances. Premeditation is in the blink of an eye.

There was NOTHING suspicious about TM. He was meant to be in the neighborhood visiting a friend and had every right to walk around or text a gf and he stood on a friends lawn. Big deal. If they shoot to death everyone who stood on a friends lawn there wouldn't be enough graves.

He was "forced" to confront GZ?
Give me a link that TM was on Taffee's lawn, his friend, without invitation or permission. I haven't read that anywhere.

GZ did not just call police to report it, he FOLLOWED TM which forced imo TM to confront him. Then he had three chances not to shoot the child. He deliberately and cold bloodedly ignored those chances. Premeditation is in the blink of an eye.

There was NOTHING suspicious about TM. He was meant to be in the neighborhood visiting a friend and had every right to walk around or text a gf and he stood on a friends lawn. Big deal. If they shoot to death everyone who stood on a friends lawn there wouldn't be enough graves.

No. TM was standing on GZ friends lawn. The man was on HLN talking about it last week. Not TM's friend. That is how GZ knew he did not belong there. IT was a friend who had been broken into before.

Nothing forced TM to confront him because he was in open space. He could have run and been gone if he was afraid of GZ. He chose to stay and confront and fight GZ. Not the other way around. If GZ was looking to kill him he would have been walking around with his gun out and shot him before TM even laid a hand on him. Not waited until he was beaten to shoot.
No he was not. He was watching him. Wanted to make sure he could tell police where he was last seen. TM had already disappeared from his sight.

People on the hunt to kill someone don't call police and invite them to the crime scene. They kill and cover up. This guy did not intend on hurting anyone.

people on the hunt to kill someone are exactly the kind of people who call for help and then ignore the advice.

GZ refused to even provide his location to NEN, insisting instead that cops call him when they arrived. do people really doubt that GZ knew that neighborhood like the back of his hand? i find that astonishing. far more likely and rational, imo, is the notion that he did not provide a location because he had every intention of continuing to hunt down TM all along.

regarding injuries to GZ's head. let's not forget that he refused to go to the hospital. had he reported to emts that his head had been slammed repeatedly on the concrete, had he shown even an inkling of a sign of head trauma, he would not have had a choice. emts would have taken him to the nearest er immediately. it is to the defense's benefit to exaggerate his injuries. it is to our benefit to remember this.

TM had no DNA on his hands. no blood. no nothing. GZ did. both were in the same elements. i do not find it believable for an instant to think that the rain could have washed all evidence of GZ off of TM and not vice versa. in fact, the opposite would be more believable considering that TM collapsed dead with his hands underneath his body, protected from the rain. GZ, on the other hand, was alive. he had time to walk around and wring his hands and who knows what else.

to date, there has been much speculation, little fact. personally, i believe that as this trial progresses, GZ is going to think back on that 16 months of speculation and consider them the good ole days.
No he did not. It was private property. No one has a right to be on someone else's property with out invitation. This person's house had already been burglarized before, And GZ knew that this person did not belong there. He called the police to report it.

It seems to me that you may not be aware what is actual fact and what is just conjecture and opinion.

Again, I want to point out that this is NOT a case of private homes.n Unless he is saying he was inside someone's patio type thing, which I have not heard.

These are buildings with multiple units in a complex. I would say all of those grass areas and pathways, etc. are public area. Not owned by anyone!!! They are maintained by the complex, not the owners - if these are even individually own units.

Anyone can walk those pathways, use that grass. Unless this particular place is unlike any other place I have ever heard of!!! I lived in a town home the first 25 years of my life. They weren't even connected like these units are, but trust me, anyone could be on the grass area in front of my house at any time.

And we could go play on the other grass areas in our neighborhood...even if we didn't know anyone around there. They are public areas.
According to what or who?

Page 20.

Patrol members should be trained by law enforcement . It should be emphasized to members that they do not possess police powers and they shall not carry weapons or pursue vehicles. They should also be cautioned to alert police or deputies when encountering strange activity. Members should never confront suspicious persons who could be armed and dangerous.

Patrol members can be equipped for their duties. For example, flashlights or searchlights are necessary for night patrols.
HE ABSOLUTELY went on the hunt that night. He FOLLOWED TM. that is going on the hunt. imo

There is NO evidence that GZ was out to get anybody that night.

Please go through the discovery and see for yourself.
IMO he needs to go to prison. We can't have people like GZ walking around killing people for walking while black in a hoodie!

Hi Linda :::waving::: not sure if you've been following the run-up to the trial, but racial profiling is entirely off the table. That's according to both sides and the judge.
Give me a link that TM was on Taffee's lawn, his friend, without invitation or permission. I haven't read that anywhere.

GZ did not just call police to report it, he FOLLOWED TM which forced imo TM to confront him. Then he had three chances not to shoot the child. He deliberately and cold bloodedly ignored those chances. Premeditation is in the blink of an eye.

There was NOTHING suspicious about TM. He was meant to be in the neighborhood visiting a friend and had every right to walk around or text a gf and he stood on a friends lawn. Big deal. If they shoot to death everyone who stood on a friends lawn there wouldn't be enough graves.

I think in my opinion that they both had the RIGHT to be there. However this is about self defense and did gz have the right to defend himself if there was an attack on his life. They have to bring out all of the facts.

If tm was beating him them gz had that right in my opinion. If gz was hitting him and harrasing him into a fight then gz is in the wrong. From whats been released so far it looks like it was self defense but things might change during the trial.
How come nobody is talking about the trial that is going on right now? Is anyone watching?

I am watching AngelWings, I'm just hesitant to speak up because so many seem to have already made up their mind about this case without even hearing the evidence yet. :( Just a general comment.
Okay I see your point.. But never in all my trial watching have I seen someone call the police before killing someone they intended to kill. They call after and make up lies and stories and cover up and act grieved.. but I have never seen anyone plan to kill someone can call the police before they even committed the crime.

IT just makes no sense. That is my thinking when I say he was not hunting him. If he was looking for someone to kill that night he would not have called the cops FIRST>

I don't think GM intended to kill anyone that night- but he did intend on being the Hero no matter who suffered because of it
So you really think the cause of him shooting was that TM was black and wearing a hoodie? The attack against GZ had nothing to do with it?

Yes, I absolutely do.

TM was doing nothing more than walking to the store and back. He was profiled, followed and murdered. IMO. There wasn't a reason in the world why, other than he was black and wearing a hoodie. Nothing TM did was "suspicious" or "up to no good" even the call to 911 was ridiculous.

As the mother of a black 6' foot tall 15 year old....damn skippy... I think it was ALL GZ!

If GZ didn't have a hero complex, he wouldn't be where he is and TM wouldn't be dead.
How does that make it worse? It lends to his credibility. HE knew that TM did not live there. That is what caught his attention. He saw this guy standing on the lawn of his friend and knew he did not belong there.

It's illegal to cut across a lawn? Was he opening a window, door? Or standing/walking across a lawn?
I don't think GM intended to kill anyone that night- but he did intend on being the Hero no matter who suffered because of it

My only disagreement is that he must have intended to kill TM. He unholstered his gun and fired.
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