George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin General discussion

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At night, in an area where burglaries were committed and the person standing there in the rain fits the profile of people who committed the burglaries...yes, that would certainly be suspicious. It's just common sense.

Common sense imo is you stay wherever you are and call the not follow, confront or otherwise because you could be putting yourself in danger.
That's common sense to me

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
So you really think the cause of him shooting was that TM was black and wearing a hoodie? The attack against GZ had nothing to do with it?

I honestly believe that if TM had been white there would have been no phone call let alone a cold blooded killing.
Like GZ, TM most likely felt his life was being threatened and was defending himself but didn't have a weapon.... We do not know who threw the first punch, but we do know that GZ put himself in the situation, which could be dangerous..
But what would cause TM to feel his life was threatened? Especially since he apparently felt his life was threatened enough that he decided to stick around and confront Zimmerman. It's already been established in previous threads that Martin would have had to hang around for a while, waiting for Zimmerman for the timelines to make sense. Why didn't Martin call 911 if he felt he was in danger? "Hey, this dude is following me."

Following is not aggressive in and of itself. You cannot legally commit battery against someone because someone was walking behind you.
IMO, GZ was doing the job his community entrusted in him.

So if he were a security guard on grounds and were just asking Trayvon what he was doing standing outside in the rain as there were recently burglaries and he'd never seen him around, would this be wrong?

I think what sucks here is everything GZ did was legal in terms of having a license for his firearm AND having a reason to watch people due to his position.

Maybe the neighborhood should have made their watch members wear a specific shirt/hat that would show they are not just some random dude stalking/watching you.

And again I don't remember him mentioning Martin's race until the operator asked GZ for it. What exactly did GZ say on that call that would suggest he was racist? Did he use the N word?

At this point I see Paula Deen as being way more racist than Zimmerman ;)
The thing that keeps popping up in my mind is that most likely TM was so much faster than GZ. If he would have ran, There is no way GZ would have caught him. Why did he come back to confront GZ? He had to have because GZ had lost him.

read some of his tweets about fighting and then you will have your answer.
Trayvon had every right to be on his friends lawn. If GZ was allfired concerned he could have knocked on the door and ask if the owner knew TM. Or called police and let them handle it. Instead he went off like a wild west sheriff in the days of no law and order and followed this child then killled him.

No he did not. It was private property. No one has a right to be on someone else's property with out invitation. This person's house had already been burglarized before, And GZ knew that this person did not belong there. He called the police to report it.

It seems to me that you may not be aware what is actual fact and what is just conjecture and opinion.
For Heavens sake, we are just now getting to the 911 operator and how many threads now have ya'll been discussing whether or not he was "told" to stop following him. Can we move on with each witness and their testimony? Now is a good time for ya'll to discuss it, not for the last 2 hours or more.

To be fair, the 911 call was played in opening statements.
For Heavens sake, we are just now getting to the 911 operator and how many threads now have ya'll been discussing whether or not he was "told" to stop following him. Can we move on with each witness and their testimony? Now is a good time for ya'll to discuss it, not for the last 2 hours or more.

Actually...the defense opening statement played the 911 call (the "follow' part) TWICE!

So it was absolutely appropriate for us to discuss is.
My points are in evidence not conjecture. He saw TM, He called Police, He gave a description. HE kept them under surveillance for Police until he lost him..

He was not hunting him. He was not looking to kill him. I just don't buy that.

saying you don't buy it is different than telling us what his intent was or was not.

I appreciate that everything here is everyone's opinion, but I can see why the thread was closed.
Common sense imo is you stay wherever you are and call the not follow, confront or otherwise because you could be putting yourself in danger.
That's common sense to me

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

You asked about suspiciousness, not following people.
I am watching...but those first 2 witnesses were basically a non-factor for me, and I am kind of wondering myself what was the point? LOL!!

First witness was to confirm Trayvon was at home, playing video games and went to 7-11 to get an Ice Tea and Skittles. And the two had a conversation while Trayvon was heading home.

Second witness confirmed Trayvon was at 7-11. He testified that Trayvon was not suspicious nor did he feel threatened. Showed Trayvon being a normal teen at a store.
Consequently, he was looking for trouble and quite frankly I am unable to take GZ's word for it that he was attacked first...or perhaps not at all. His head wound could have been caused from falling over backward on the wet lawn.

GZ made it racial by using the excuse of recent AA robberies.He has a history of violence. TM did not.

His neighboorhood was being robbed by AA, GZ is NOT a racist.

Nope, his charges were dropped.

Read his tweets about fighting, drug use ect. They are all online.

I'll go find them for you if you want.

The evidence points to GZ being attacked by Trayvon.

GZ had no time to cause these injuries by himself and then come up with a story that would somehow stick.
IMO he needs to go to prison. We can't have people like GZ walking around killing people for walking while black in a hoodie!

My grandchildren wear hoodies. And what makes a diffence what color you are under that hoodie? We have several races in our bloodline but if one of my grandchildren were putting someone elses life on the line they may get shot or worst. If someone was beating MY head into the sidewalk I might have to defend myself and color doesn't matter when your seeing stars. just saying.

Lets wait and see how this turns out and maybe will will find the facts in the end. moo
saying you don't buy it is different than telling us what his intent was or was not.

I appreciate that everything here is everyone's opinion, but I can see why the thread was closed.

Okay I see your point.. But never in all my trial watching have I seen someone call the police before killing someone they intended to kill. They call after and make up lies and stories and cover up and act grieved.. but I have never seen anyone plan to kill someone can call the police before they even committed the crime.

IT just makes no sense. That is my thinking when I say he was not hunting him. If he was looking for someone to kill that night he would not have called the cops FIRST>
If 911 operator would have said "DO NOT DO THAT", he would have been liable. I get it now. They aren't allowed to give orders.
No he did not. It was private property. No one has a right to be on someone else's property with out invitation. This person's house had already been burglarized before, And GZ knew that this person did not belong there. He called the police to report it.

It seems to me that you may not be aware what is actual fact and what is just conjecture and opinion.

Give me a link that TM was on Taffee's lawn, his friend, without invitation or permission. I haven't read that anywhere.

GZ did not just call police to report it, he FOLLOWED TM which forced imo TM to confront him. Then he had three chances not to shoot the child. He deliberately and cold bloodedly ignored those chances. Premeditation is in the blink of an eye.

There was NOTHING suspicious about TM. He was meant to be in the neighborhood visiting a friend and had every right to walk around or text a gf and he stood on a friends lawn. Big deal. If they shoot to death everyone who stood on a friends lawn there wouldn't be enough graves.
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