George's Alleged Affair #2

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Remeber when JB said that he would not let his defense ou now he will wait til the trial? and then we would all understand.... What if they were setting RC to be the nanny, and they were going to say that she did this to get back at GA for the affair because he broke it off with her, maybe DC was sent to the woods to plant evidence from RC........and that is why she came forward, because she realized this after LE confronted her after finding the trail from DC cell phone, to George's cell, that led to RC....

The affair and breakup would had to have been before Caylee disappeared. The time line doesn't work imo.

When I watched this video River says Something to Kalani at.52/53 mark George but I can not make out the rest anyone else know what she says to him?She also looks very nervous of what Kalani might say she is trying to get him to her car.I would think she must know him well to have driven him there JMO.
This whole affair matter is really sad. I don't see this having anything to do with KC's trial unless there is information that George told someone about Caylee being dead prior to December 11th. I don't think this affair is what the SA has been holding back, because again it has nothing to do with KC's trial. George's love life is none of my business, and personally I find it disturbing that this man would stoop so low to hurt his wife. I am no CA fan, but I have a heart and I think this woman has enough on her plate without dealing with an unfaithful husband.
The affair and breakup would had to have been before Caylee disappeared. The time line doesn't work imo.

I am wondering if LE told her not to state the correct timing of the affair.I have looked everywhere and can not find anything where George says Zanny has a tattoo down her arm.If George and River hooked up before Caylee went missing and Zanny was a composite of River that would make more sense.KC had talked about Zanny the nanny before Caylee went missing.But then again there are so many who fit her description. :waitasec:
I am wondering if LE told her not to state the correct timing of the affair.I have looked everywhere and can not find anything where George says Zanny has a tattoo down her arm.If George and River hooked up before Caylee went missing and Zanny was a composite of River that would make more sense.KC had talked about Zanny the nanny before Caylee went missing.But then again there are so many who fit her description. :waitasec:

I agree with you about the tatoo. I have never heard anything about an Asian tatoo on the nanny's arm. If anyone has a link regarding the tatoo please provide it. Thank you
This whole affair matter is really sad. I don't see this having anything to do with KC's trial unless there is information that George told someone about Caylee being dead prior to December 11th. I don't think this affair is what the SA has been holding back, because again it has nothing to do with KC's trial. George's love life is none of my business, and personally I find it disturbing that this man would stoop so low to hurt his wife. I am no CA fan, but I have a heart and I think this woman has enough on her plate without dealing with an unfaithful husband.

Not just an unfaithful husband, at the time of the affair Cindy thought Rain was a friend and someone who cared about the family and what they were going thru.To me that is heartless IMO She was there when Cindy was waiting for Caylee to come home on her birthday.She also had Cindy cell number.What a backstabber and IMO till I see Brain Cancer from LE or even the news I am not buying it.
Remeber when JB said that he would not let his defense ou now he will wait til the trial? and then we would all understand.... What if they were setting RC to be the nanny, and they were going to say that she did this to get back at GA for the affair because he broke it off with her, maybe DC was sent to the woods to plant evidence from RC........and that is why she came forward, because she realized this after LE confronted her after finding the trail from DC cell phone, to George's cell, that led to RC....

........not that i would put anything past the A's------but we're talking about JB here too.

..allegedly, RC didn't meet george until AFTER caylee went "missing", through KF.

.."the affair" , again allegedly, according to RC, didn't BEGIN until nov.2008--------so , she couldn't have "been getting back at him" ( murdering caylee 3 months BEFORE she ever met him).
Tricia, thanks for opening this again and giving us a chance to discuss the possible info that may come out of this. I will take a breath and start:

When BC was interviewed he said that George never said 'it was an accident that snowballed,' but he did not deny the affair itself. I take this to mean that the bare bones (and I have used that phrase before) of the story is true.

To me the obvious area I want to know more about is: how the detectives wound up at her door? Where did they get the information that led them to her? If it WAS from the batphones, where did OCSO get the numbers? This seems like it could be, at least in part, what Prosecuters wanted held back from the defense for awhile - and I can understand why.

Also, from a legal point of view, I would assume anything R says would be hearsay and not admissible. My question is, if other leads are developed from this hearsay and those leads can be proved, so to speak, would that info be allowed?

I'm leaning in this direction too. This is only my own opinion, but this information was made public so soon after the prosecution's request, and that alone suggests that the prosecution may have only become aware of this situation recently and needed a delay to investigate it further. I would think that only someone who had knowledge of the relationship and had some sort of tangible proof, would turn that information over to LE. In other words, LE (or Kathy Belich) wouldn't act on rumor alone.
Others had also said kc told them GA lost the money gambling. And, when GA told LE about it, he admitted he first claimed it to be from gambling.

"George Anthony told investigators he fell for an e-mail scam promising him money in a foreign account.

He was unemployed at the time because of a knee injury and thought it would be a quick fix to their financial woes. Anthony told the agent he maxed out their MasterCard at $10,000 and that the family was about $30,000 in the hole. He still receives calls for unpaid bills.

"I should have known better; it was stupid," he said.

But Anthony didn't tell his wife about the scam.
"I did lie to my wife about that," Anthony divulged. Anthony said he told Cindy he lost the money gambling." admits to LE that he fell for the "nigerian email"scam
...which he goes on to admit he didn't mention to cindy
...but once cindy calls him on the missing ( mastercard $$'s)
...he then tells her it was on line gambling.


...are these "mis-truths" from george? or is this REALLY where kc learned her behaviour from ?
Seems to me during that time of grief and madness it would be odd (read stupid) to begin an affair.

I smell :fish:
I am sure LE will verify where the texts came from when they look at George's 3 bat phones. If George was under so much surveillance why didn't the media, public, LE, and the Great Kathi B. know he was at that motel trying to act like he was going to kill himself? Sorry, I am just not buying that George was being watched 24/7. JMO

Yes but that was after Caylee was found before then that whole family was watched all the time

When I watched this video River says Something to Kalani at.52/53 mark George but I can not make out the rest anyone else know what she says to him?She also looks very nervous of what Kalani might say she is trying to get him to her car.I would think she must know him well to have driven him there JMO.

Watching this video, I think of the word "starstruck." The Anthonys are "celebrities" to these matter the horrendous way George, Cindy, and Casey came to "stardom." I think River, etc. feel, with their access to the Anthonys, as if they have been drawn into the inner circle of Brad Pitt and Angelina...and this "drama" in this video is to make their "status" clear to the media.They are not just crime groupies...THEY are far ABOVE the rest of the crowd that gathers outside the house. They have phone numbers;they have a relationship with these "celebrities." I absolutely can see people with this mindset saving every scrap of their connection to these "celebrity" friends. ("See here's a text from Brad in 2006...that's Angelina's dog I'm I am behind Brad in this picture from 2004...")

Of course, she has texts from George and maybe much more. She would hang onto every scrap related to these people. And therein might lie the crucial part of the story.

Does this make River, etc. "bad people" Does this mean that they are not credible? No. (As for trashing the Enquirer...between that paper and the NYT, who had the truth on John Edwards?)

Although this affair story is salacious and interesting to the public, it would have no value to the case, as many of you have stated, unless it is part of a larger story. I think the comment of the news director hints that this is just a window into a big, big room...and therein lies the "bombshell."

Maybe some elements of River's story or her "proof" confirm or support another person's testimony. Suppose this is a warning shot by LE that there are events, statements that last period before Caylee was found...and they are telling George and Cindy..."DO YOU GET IT...WE KNOW!"

It is in the best interest of the State and the taxpayer's for the Anthony's to be forced to drop this charade. Cindy, IMO, has spent her life...demanding that when SHE says a family matter is over, it's over. She wanted to do that here. Once she accepted Caylee was gone, she wanted her daughter home and the whole matter to go away. Her frustration is the State does not allow HER to absolve her daughter of her granddaughter's death.

In my humble opinion, I think George knew long before Cindy and they all knew long before the baby's body was found...exactly what happened, why and where Little Caylee was.

I think this "leak" is deliberate. I think it signals MORE to the Anthonys than LE knowing about an "affair." It may seem trivial TO US in the context of what we have in OUR possession about the evidence.. but I think the folks on Hopespring Drive who know what REALLY happened here...might just be beginning to is ALL starting to unravel.

My opinion only.
Bold done by me...ITA. I have a feeling that this is not the first affair in this relationship. It is not uncommon from men in controlling relationships to reach out to less controlling women in times of need. Her personality appears to be someone who is shy. She is not enjoying the media attention. Completely opposite of Cindy. I find her to be credible. Lets keep in mind George had an online gambling addiction for years causing the family to be bankrupt. I have no doubt in mind that he is use to hiding money from Cindy and finding loop holes.

ITA about the probability of other affairs.

I also remember LA bringing up in his depo that even GA would sometimes take change from his (LA's) room and when they asked how much, he said like 50 cents! OK come on......who the heck is going to mention that one of their family members took 50 cents for a paper??? I think LA thought better of it after it came out of his mouth and made up the 50 cent stuff, he probably took more than that but LA wasn't going to give that up. My point being is I've been giving GA a pass for way too long now. If this is true (and I think it is), GA did his part equally to create KC.

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