George's Alleged Affair #2

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I agree 100%. I've been posting the same thing since this story broke. The affair is not important, except to verify that the # GA called RC on was GA's bat phone.

............i agree as well------partially.

..affair-----whatever----they are both consenting adults. ( but, throw in morals, ethics, a dead baby-----...)

..what MATTERS is----according to "the mistress" ( granted, we haven't seen PROOF of this yet) but she says------"george told her that caylee's death was an accident-----that snowballed out of control". now acknowledges the affair began 'around' thanksgiving 2008'---WHEN did he tell her this "snowball effect" story?

..if, PRIOR to december 11.2008, when caylee's body was found---------it's a HUGE deal.

..because if he KNEW, PRE dec. 11th that ( she was dead----due to this accident) and yet CONTINUED to solicit donations for the "help find caylee ALIVE fund" ( which he, and cindy both did right up until the second she was found)--------that's fraud.
Hmmm...what if finding out about "other women" (and lost money) came as a result of an investigation into complaints about the Foundation or KF's?
I just find it interesting, that although she claims "There's nothing I want to cash in on." She nonetheless kept a single text message for over a year that says "Just thinking about you! I need you in my life."

Some affair, even if true it sounds like it was a text sent long after they had stopped seeing each other.

And IMO Cindy is better looking anyways ;-)

Women in love do stupid things. IE saving a text message.
because if he KNEW, PRE dec. 11th that ( she was dead----due to this accident) and yet CONTINUED to solicit donations for the "help find caylee ALIVE fund" ( which he, and cindy both did right up until the second she was found)--------that's fraud.

According to her, he said this pre 12/11 BUT it's just going to be he said/she said, unless there is proof.
I had said:
I don't want to get OT but here is an example from the IRS:
Example 3.
Your son lives with you but is not your qualifying child because he is 30 years old and does not meet the age test. He may be your qualifying relative if the gross income test and the support test are met.

Was this a question that the BC certified in the Morgan depo? IE: did they claim KC. Still wonder this if anyone remembers!

Example 3 says you CANNOT take the exemption for this.

I disagree - see below from impatietredhead.

I just pulled the worksheet for earned income tax credit for 2007. For Cindy to have taken that credit her and George's combined income including unemployment would have had to have been less that 35k.

If it was under 35k (and I doubt that personally) they could not claim Casey since she was not a full time student. If they earned more than 35k they couldn't claim Caylee for the EITC, but Casey could even if she didn't have an declarable income.

If Casey's gross income was less than 3,600 they could claim her as a dependant, but they would get more money back overall by Casey filing on her own to take the EITC. has all the worksheets and rules.

Yes, my point is there is possibilities of how this could happen (without getting into a tax discussion - sorry, that was not my intent) but I was asking Richard (I think he is offline now) but if they did (for whatever reason) claim her, I believe I had read that their finances might be open for review at Thursday's hearing. If they didn't then it is mute issue and so is any private or unknown accounts the A's might have money in collectively or separate. We know they received a decent amount of funds in licensing fees, so that is why the information about GA opening an account in a hidden fashion COULD be case related.

I was trying to focus on the things we have heard about this new story that could be case related.
How LE came to contact River
Utterances or admissions

The 'affair' is the media case and the emotional case of those who might have supported or given funds to the A's as they have very publicly made themselves out to be God fearing and righteous. But that is not the LEGAL case on behalf of Justice for Caylee.

IMHO, MOO, etc...
They just showed up at her door, with WFTV in tow? Or did she shop the story and media outlets were trying to verify credibility with LE so LE goes and check her out instead.

I think LE showed up at her door via something they found on Dom's phone, and I think Kathy Belich has friends in the department - a little birdie who whispered in her ear - hey can't tell you why but follow those guys today.

Bingo - the mother lode.
The detectives would not know squat. They are no more tech savvy than me or you (and I am really tech savvy). Rather they had a technician copy the phone using Encase or some other forensic program and will analyze it later.

BBM respectfully.

Creating a 'sort-of' fake text message is very easy by changing the name attached to the sender. BUT, the phone number, that is attached to the message we saw, is what will expose whether this message is a fake or not. Is that phone number GA?? That, you cannot fake!

I find it a little hard to believe this woman would create a 'fake message', which can so easily be discredited and also at the same time she is lying to LE. I just don't think so.
RC gave money to GA (allegedly)

GA took money from other women (allegedly - per LE)

Who are these "other women" - IF LE told her this, then they MUST know who these "other women" are as well.

Why would LE tell RC this (not something she needs to know) - but, if, in questioning she was reluctant to say anything about money - then LE could have played "good cop/friend" and told her it was ok - there were "other women" he took money from.

Could these "other women" be the "other shoe'?
RC gave money to GA (allegedly)

GA took money from other women (allegedly - per LE)

Who are these "other women" - IF LE told her this, then they MUST know who these "other women" are as well.

Why would LE tell RC this (not something she needs to know) - but, if, in questioning she was reluctant to say anything about money - then LE could have played "good cop/friend" and told her it was ok - there were "other women" he took money from.

Could these "other women" be the "other shoe'?

I sure hope it is something other than that. It's all very well to hear George has been amusing himself while our hearts have been bleeding, but I hope the "other shoe" is something really relevant to this case. Not trying to be the goody two shoes here, because while these shenanigans are amusing for a day or so, I want information that will add a couple of cars on the train heading straight for Casey.
Thank you. I recalled that Cindy had stated they did not claim Casey, she filed her own taxes. Couldn't remember which depo or interview she stated that.

IIRC it was at the bond hearing, but I can not find the video where CA is being questioned by the prosecutors.
I have the feeling George did have some type of 'relations' with her, but I also believe he walked into a spider web. I don't find her very believable and I smell agenda written all over her story. Sorry guys, jmo. They are mutual victims of each other perhaps, I just don't see a victim/villain scenario here. The woman 'in distress' may be a good actress. George isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and I think he wandered into a lioness den. :twocents:
I sure hope it is something other than that. It's all very well to hear George has been amusing himself while our hearts have been bleeding, but I hope the "other shoe" is something really relevant to this case. Not trying to be the goody two shoes here, because while these shenanigans are amusing for a day or so, I want information that will add a couple of cars on the train heading straight for Casey.
ITA but if these "other women" have similar text messages or say some of the same things that GA told RC - how would THAT fit into the grand scheme of things?

Plus, what were the dates of those "incidents"? Before, during, or after this "affair" with RC? If LE told her and she found out GA was with "other women" during this "year long affair" - that would be enough to pizz her off royally and then she really started to open up.
ITA but if these "other women" have similar text messages or say some of the same things that GA told RC - how would THAT fit into the grand scheme of things?

Plus, what were the dates of those "incidents"? Before, during, or after this "affair" with RC? If LE told her and she found out GA was with "other women" during this "year long affair" - that would be enough to pizz her off royally and then she really started to open up.

Yup, that would work for me!
Remeber when JB said that he would not let his defense ou now he will wait til the trial? and then we would all understand.... What if they were setting RC to be the nanny, and they were going to say that she did this to get back at GA for the affair because he broke it off with her, maybe DC was sent to the woods to plant evidence from RC........and that is why she came forward, because she realized this after LE confronted her after finding the trail from DC cell phone, to George's cell, that led to RC....
Is it just me? I got the distinct impression when Brad was talking that he first heard of this from the National Enquirer because THEY called HIM to ask him about the affair.

..brad says: " this information first came to me from the national enquirer. i think anyone going to the NE, their, their motives, should be suspect." @ 1:15.

..that's what he says.

..although, at the end of this tape: @ 2:20:

"cruz's sister did admit to us that she offered this story to at least one media organization". "sources tell us that cruz was questioned by investigators, and her statement, taken about a month ago.."(video ends). does this tell us?

..river, the mistress was questioned "about a month ago".

..JudgeS sealed SA info "about a month ago".

..her sister, skye, drilled it into her-----"we can't be on the defense, when this hits the fan---------we have go on offense NOW"---and approached the NE.

..the NE said---" an infidelity story about george anthony? whose wife is the hammer weilding cindy anthony ? really? hmmmmm...i think we'll pass.'s now been "about a month"-----the sisters don't know what to do---they call kathi belich----or kathi, through her sources comes to them., it doesn't matter that they called the NE----THEY wanted their side of the story out first. ( it's been said that although river/mistress perhaps cannot say anything-------her twin sister skye can.)
I am hoping the "other shoe" is the rest of the phone records from DC that show he was actually on the phone with one of the A's while he was searching in the woods. Or the blackjack that KC supposedly used when trying to reach Zanny...
I am hoping the "other shoe" is the rest of the phone records from DC that show he was actually on the phone with one of the A's while he was searching in the woods. Or the blackjack that KC supposedly used when trying to reach Zanny...

BINGO....... :woohoo:..... I just posted the same thing in the thread about states evidence.... glad I'm not alone in my thoughts.
Casey Anthony: George’s alleged affair hurts Casey Anthony’s case, WFTV analyst says
WFTV — posted by halboedeker on March, 13 2010 8:03 AM

But last night WFTV news director Bob Jordan said the station’s source was “highly credible.” He also said the story wasn’t a one-source report, although Benhaida was the only person quoted about the alleged affair.
(above quoted from article)

I don't believe that it is just a two-source (two sisters) report, either.
I just find it interesting, that although she claims "There's nothing I want to cash in on." She nonetheless kept a single text message for over a year that says "Just thinking about you! I need you in my life."

Some affair, even if true it sounds like it was a text sent long after they had stopped seeing each other.

And IMO Cindy is better looking anyways ;-)

If my husband was sending a text to a woman that said "Just thinking about you! I need you in my life". I would certainly let my fingers do the walking, and contact a divorce attorney. In my marriage there is only room for two not three.

As for Cindy's being better looking than George's mistress that statement is a matter of opinion, and truthfully I expected more from you when commenting on this matter. JMO
That is the text that WFTV showed a picture of on their site. For all we know she saved a friend's number under the name George Anthony and had the friend (or sister) text her this past December.

If they have been shopping the deal for some time, chances are they hatched this plan a while back.

Plus, George was under 24/7 surveillance by the media, public, and law enforcement when this was all going on. Hard to think he was having some sordid affair and no one caught wind of it, not even the great Kathi B...

I am sure LE will verify where the texts came from when they look at George's 3 bat phones. If George was under so much surveillance why didn't the media, public, LE, and the Great Kathi B. know he was at that motel trying to act like he was going to kill himself? Sorry, I am just not buying that George was being watched 24/7. JMO
Best part is when Bob flat out asks her if she thinks he (George) knows what happened and she shakes her head no.

Seems pretty clear that if he actually said anything, he shared the theory of a confused father who was hoping his daughter was not actually a murderer.

There is no story here. Thanks for the link.

Maybe LE told her not to comment on those questions. Shaking her head no or saying no could simply mean no I can't comment. The woman looked terrified to me, and let's not forget she is physically ill with brain cancer.
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