Geraldo 10/19

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Come on! We all know he can't put Casey on the stand! So how is she going to "tell her story" anyway? Through his opening and closing remarks? Oh, that will be sooo convincing.

LOL SS.........

He has promised us all we'll understand once the truth comes out!!!! Only way that is going to happen is in his opening & closing remarks. Between JB / CA/LA/ & GA we'll hear the TRUTH! LOL I don't think so!!!!
I would have thought that when you, as a lawyer, request to be able to turn your client over, you would at the very least be the one that actually turned her over.

And all that BS about LE not responding to any of his phone calls is more JB spin.

JB.......get some new material please. Using the same excuse each time you screw up is getting old and boring.

JB sent LE a fax and LE sent him a message as to who is driving this case.

BTW. The faxes probably get lost in a lot of spam faxes and JB likes to childishly use that to show a lack of LE cooperation to his ineffective communications. Sad.

Just the Fax JB.
LOL SS.........

He has promised us all we'll understand once the truth comes out!!!! Only way that is going to happen is in his opening & closing remarks. Between JB / CA/LA/ & GA we'll hear the TRUTH! LOL I don't think so!!!!

that's a lot of Kool Aid for them to be handing out if they want us on board.
Jose probably reads here and deprived us of seeing the perp walk. That's what we all wanted to see... commented on that several times.. ROFL!

It's a side show. He's more concerned with keeping his precious Casey under an overpass so we can't comment on her saunter with Palin glasses on than he is in proving her innocence.... which we know will never happen.
I think it's because they have not yet come up with the story she will tell in court. That is why they were spending all that time in his office. They have to come up with a story that incorporates all the lies she has told so far - and this has got to be a tough job! Think about trying to make all the different kidnapping scenarios, left at Sawgrass, taken at park by toddler gang and my sister Sam, taken by whomever GA was watching, along with good reasons for partying, decomp smell in the trunk, etc. etc. etc. I am almost hoping this does go to trial just so I can hear what they come up with! Can a judge remove a juror for laughing out loud at the Defense Attorney's opening statement?

Not only do they have to concoct a story to cover all the lies Casey told, but they also have to prepare for different versions of that story. One version if Caylee's remains are found, and another version if Caylee's remains aren't found. So this is a doubly complicated story............gotta cover up and at the same time conform to what happens in reality.
Baez was NOT in the vehicle with Cindy, so he could not have surrendered Casey to the bondsman. Unless he was in the Bondsman's vehicle, but all reports from that day say he left his office before Cindy did. Suppose he could have met up with the BM.

I wish just ONE of the news teams would have captured the side-of-the-road arrest on camera so we would know who was in the Bondsman's vehicle.

He was at his office refusing the news men an interview. They showed him on TV..............Are all of the people involved in this case big liars?
OK, what I want to know is who is Baez going to use to tell his phoney story to the jury? What sort of people that are 'in the know' could tell the story on the stand if KC doesn't testify (I will tell you now she will never testify!). Who is on her side other than mom, dad and brother that would know what happened with her daughter?

He couldn't possible try to tell that stupid story that CA tries to portray that this unknown person that has Caylee will kill her if they try to get her back? Who the heck would believe anything out of CA's mouth???

We seen what happened as soon as the GJ heard from a couple witnesses & JB never had to open his mouth. That should be a good indication of what is to come from a jury. Anyone with 1/2 a brain will never fall for anyhing JB says.
Wow! It will all be explained away when they go to trial according to Baez!! How wonderful!! We, the world, will "understand" why she did all this!! I can hardly wait!! :rolleyes::sheesh:

I am SURE we will ALL understand her pitiful story.............the only hope she has at this point is to blame it on GA and I would not put that past her.

Back to my GA defense.
We saw a black mustang the other night and I almost caused my husband to wreck us when I yelled "that looks like Lee's car"....he instantly said ...who the he@@ is Lee?:crazy::crazy:

:clap: LOL!! I was outside this afternoon and did a double take because a car like CA's drove by....oh and I "see GA" all the time!!!:rolleyes:
It boggles my mind to think JB has had only three short years experience as an attorney, with three cases - only one of which was actually tried, and he lost. Someone on here likened that to a neurosurgeon performing only one surgery --- and the patient died. :eek:

Like I have come to believe...........CA wants KC to get that needle because she would not be putting out all those lies, setting up foundations, leaving her with Baez and having cameos if she didn't.
Alert... New developments in case... JB saying he tried to contact police all day to have her turn herself in. They did not respond, he turned her over to bail bonds men. Not trying to pull an OJ and try to escape.(JB did not say that part)

Red dress he says "not caylee's"

He is "confident" to move forward..."excited" to move forward.

Once we are able to show her verson the whole world will understand...blah. blah. blah

Nothing new.. "What a waste"

But, it was funny when the Att. said "That's what SP said "

Have a good night

WHY was he contacting them ALL DAY??

He didn't know there was an indictment until late afternoon.

Baz, I totally agree, but I dont think she has a choice at this point.
Could you imagine picking up this case here? Talk about a Hamster wheel.

Nope, couldnt imagine picking it up from here.....I have a friend who only watches NG to keep up so she calls me every once in awhile to see what I have heard. Its soooooooooo hard to explain EVERYTHING!!!:banghead:
Wait, you all missed the Baez sidestep! To me that was most important.

Geraldo says to Baez: "Well, isn't the prosecution making you put up or shut up? Meaning if Caylee is alive then you will have to show proof or produce her?"

Baez: "As I said from the beginning, proving Casey is alive or having Caylee show up would be the best defense. HOWEVER, in a court of law, it is the states responsibility to prove that Caylee is dead and we're in good shape there."

Kimberly G. Newsome said "And we heard that in the Scott Peterson case"

Baez sidestepped the question. He didn't say he could produce Caylee or that Caylee would show up, rather he put the responsibility back on the state. He was lawyering it up.

This response was very telling. He just gave away his defense. But it was just so disingenuous.

If he thinks he is going to discredit the scientific evidence in this case he is nuts. Even his own hired gun Kobi said it wouldn't be done. That is one basket he better not try to carry his eggs in............
Caylee hasn't fit in the dress in 18 mos or more. In this case past tense wasn't inappropriate.

Just a quick thought.

Maybe Caylee really loooved her Minnie dress and when she outgrew it she was upset so CA (or somebody) bought her another one in a larger size..

I've seen that happen with Princess dresses and such.
If Baez is so anxious to move forward with this why didn't he file for a speedy trial?

Because they are still working on the compelling story that will enable us all to say, " now I understand".

It is going to be a classic and the Hollywood screen writers haven't finished it yet and need more time.

So many lies, so much to write.
:clap: LOL!! I was outside this afternoon and did a double take because a car like CA's drove by....oh and I "see GA" all the time!!!:rolleyes:
I suppose that's better than dreaming about DNA all the time. Boy, what I wouldn't do to have a good dream!
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