Geraldo 10/19

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Sooooo what kind of light should we put her in? Look CA, she made this bed ....we did not dream all this up......gawd I would like to wake up and be told this whole thing was a big nightmare...people will ask me if I have heard about this case and then I see them walk away and shake their heads when I begin to spout off about this forum and all the work on the maps,etc. that have been done....all the detail that you wonderful folks are so good at.....and then when I offer to let them hear all the LE interviews I have downloaded that is it....they really know now I have lost it, roflmbo

I know......I'm in the same boat. People at work think I've gone right off the deep end.......LOL.
I think it's another bungle on JB's part. These people are incompetent as far as I'm concerned. Interesting that KC has so much trust in that firm considering the severity of the charges against her.

It boggles my mind to think JB has had only three short years experience as an attorney, with three cases - only one of which was actually tried, and he lost. Someone on here likened that to a neurosurgeon performing only one surgery --- and the patient died. :eek:
:crazy:O Nana, so glad this happens to others, not just me! My very good-tell-me-likeit-is friend actually listened and even commented and finaly told me I really should get a life.LOL

Sooooo what kind of light should we put her in? Look CA, she made this bed ....we did not dream all this up......gawd I would like to wake up and be told this whole thing was a big nightmare...people will ask me if I have heard about this case and then I see them walk away and shake their heads when I begin to spout off about this forum and all the work on the maps,etc. that have been done....all the detail that you wonderful folks are so good at.....and then when I offer to let them hear all the LE interviews I have downloaded that is it....they really know now I have lost it, roflmbo
Didn't he say that KC was going to be helping him with her defense?

She can question herself.
The way Casey is "assisting in her defense" is to say, "Yes...I lied about that." to everything he asks her. LOL What else can she say?! She can't tell him the truth. She can't take him to her body.
My personal experience with people like Cindy--it will not die down as she will become the issue and the focal point. Normally in a case like this it would die down till the trial BUT this is the Cindy Show and learn.....People with Cindy's pathology do not go away quietly---Cindy will not be going home to a quiet home with Casey gone and Caylee gone and Lee back at his house........NOPE Cindy will make waves big ones.....everything will be about Cindy with her attention seeking behavior and micro managing style- IE control freak.......jmho.......

You're right. Do ya think she might get her own talk show?
Now there's something she really excels at.:floorlaugh:
When Geraldo asked JB about the dress, he replied "CA went on the today show with the dress that belonged to Caylee." Interesting use of past tense. Another member of defense team admitting Caylee is no longer with us?

The other comment that struck me was when JB said KC has wanted to talk but he told her there is a time and a place. Then he said "We're excited to move forward (smiling.) Bravado? Or stupidity?

I vote for both..though stupidity stands out to me..full force.
Didn't the world already hear KC's version of events?

This must be the all time dumbest trick JB or any other defense attorney has ever tried to pull on the public at large: that the defendant will wait until his or her death penalty trial to tell what really happened. As in, "I, her attorney and counselor, know the truth that will free her of all charges, however I am with-holding this information from LE, saving it for trial and allowing my client to sit in jail without bond for her own protection until then. It is my strategy." I would say that maybe such a strategy, if real, should be grounds for disbarrment and is most certainly grounds for the DP appeal that will surely follow.

What he is really saying therefore, is: "I am going to baffle them with BS, create smoke and mirrors, put on a dog and pony show and perform magic tricks to confuse the issues and the jury and create a huge record for the next 14 years of appeals. I may be able to pursuade one simple minded juror that there is reasonable doubt, who knows? " But then, that is what some of the most famous defense attorneys have been able to do, in many, many cases. That is why they get famous, they win tough cases that others thought were hopeless.

JB knew going in that if this turned into a DP case, he would need co-counsel. Whoever he counseled for this event has been privy to everything and is ready to take the reins.

I have heard reporters stated that GA testified "agaisnt" KC. This is misleading. Not every witness in the GJ is "against" the defendant, some are called to establish things like the last date he or she saw the "missing" person. Since GA, by his own admission, was the very last person other than KC to see or speak to Caylee, this fact had to be established to show that Caylee has been gone since that time. The prosecutors must establish some point after which no one else saw Caylee. As we have been told, it was 12:50pm on June 16th, 2008 at the Anthony home.

"I am not lying about that, I do not know where Caylee is at. If I knew where she is at, none of this would be happening. She's ok. She's close. I feel that she is still in the area. She'll be home for her 3rd birthday."

People who do not exist outside of KC Land:

The Other Jeff H
Juliette L, co-worker of KC, mother of Annabelle, for whom ZFG is also the Nanny.
Tom F
Raquel F
Tom M
Zanny's 3rd roomate
Zanny's mother, Gloria
Eric, biological father of Caylee, whose widow knows that Caylee is his child
2 men that pushed her car to the dumpster at Amscot

Places to look:

Busch Gardens
"the" beach
New York
North Carolina
Puerto Rico

Places KC has looked:

Tony's apartment
Tony's car
Fusion Lounge
Her closet
in the mirror
Amy's car
Amy's house
Amy's bank account
Amy's cash stash
GA's shed
in her duffle bags
at the Tattoo shop
ahead to the good life.

Purchases made while living la vida loca:

toilet paper

Things found in her car:

sack of rotting pizza and papers
Amy's phone number
address of Sawgrass apts
child seat
favorite baby doll
unused diapers or pull ups
mom's pants, boots and shirt
a knife
smell of decomp
traces of chloroform

Items borrowed

Amy's car
Tony's car

Things purchased for KC

gas can

Telling lists aren't they?
Missing threads and Forum Questions (
1 2)

I think Tricia's answer is on page 2
I know......I'm in the same boat. People at work think I've gone right off the deep end.......LOL.
I try to keep them guessing about me and the deep end. ;) They only need to know I teeter there from time to time. LOL
I think it's another bungle on JB's part. These people are incompetent as far as I'm concerned. Interesting that KC has so much trust in that firm considering the severity of the charges against her.

Baz, I totally agree, but I dont think she has a choice at this point.
Could you imagine picking up this case here? Talk about a Hamster wheel.
Didn't the world already hear KC's version of events?

This must be the all time dumbest trick JB or any other defense attorney has ever tried to pull on the public at large: that the defendant will wait until his or her death penalty trial to tell what really happened. As in, "I, her attorney and counselor, know the truth that will free her of all charges, however I am with-holding this information from LE, saving it for trial and allowing my client to sit in jail without bond for her own protection until then. It is my strategy." I would say that maybe such a strategy, if real, should be grounds for disbarrment and is most certainly grounds for the DP appeal that will surely follow.

What he is really saying therefore, is: "I am going to baffle them with BS, create smoke and mirrors, put on a dog and pony show and perform magic tricks to confuse the issues and the jury and create a huge record for the next 14 years of appeals. I may be able to pursuade one simple minded juror that there is reasonable doubt, who knows? " But then, that is what some of the most famous defense attorneys have been able to do, in many, many cases. That is why they get famous, they win tough cases that others thought were hopeless.

JB knew going in that if this turned into a DP case, he would need co-counsel. Whoever he counseled for this event has been privy to everything and is ready to take the reins.

I have heard reporters stated that GA testified "agaisnt" KC. This is misleading. Not every witness in the GJ is "against" the defendant, some are called to establish things like the last date he or she saw the "missing" person. Since GA, by his own admission, was the very last person other than KC to see or speak to Caylee, this fact had to be established to show that Caylee has been gone since that time. The prosecutors must establish some point after which no one else saw Caylee. As we have been told, it was 12:50pm on June 16th, 2008 at the Anthony home.

"I am not lying about that, I do not know where Caylee is at. If I knew where she is at, none of this would be happening. She's ok. She's close. I feel that she is still in the area. She'll be home for her 3rd birthday."

People who do not exist outside of KC Land:

The Other Jeff Hopkins
Juliette Lewis, co-worker of KC, mother of Annabelle, for whom ZFG is also the Nanny.
Tom Franks
Raquel Farrer
Tom Manly
Zanny's 3rd roomate
Zanny's mother, Gloria
Eric, biological father of Caylee, whose widow knows that Caylee is his child
2 men that pushed her car to the dumpster at Amscot

Places to look:

Busch Gardens
"the" beach
New York
North Carolina
Puerto Rico

Places KC has looked:

Tony's apartment
Tony's car
Fusion Lounge
Her closet
in the mirror
Amy's car
Amy's house
Amy's bank account
Amy's cash stash
GA's shed
in her duffle bags
at the Tattoo shop
ahead to the good life.

Purchases made while living la vida loca:

toilet paper

Things found in her car:

sack of rotting pizza and papers
Amy's phone number
address of Sawgrass apts
child seat
favorite baby doll
unused diapers or pull ups
mom's pants, boots and shirt
a knife
smell of decomp
traces of chloroform

Items borrowed

Amy's car
Tony's car

Things purchased for KC

gas can

Telling lists aren't they?

Priceless post!!!!!!!!!!
Who does it belong to now?

Silly me, I always assumed my kids clothes belonged to me, to be handed down or shared with friends or even to be put in Good Will, as I decided.
OK, what I want to know is who is Baez going to use to tell his phoney story to the jury? What sort of people that are 'in the know' could tell the story on the stand if KC doesn't testify (I will tell you now she will never testify!). Who is on her side other than mom, dad and brother that would know what happened with her daughter?

He couldn't possible try to tell that stupid story that CA tries to portray that this unknown person that has Caylee will kill her if they try to get her back? Who the heck would believe anything out of CA's mouth???
Ack! The whole world will finally understand? So why the hell is Casey sitting in a jail cell right now?

Baez is overly hydrated on Casey kool-aid these days. I think it's affecting his brain.
I'm just reading here and not watching (thank you all very much for sparing me the pain, BTW). If she is so anxious to tell her story, how is she gonna do that if she isn't committed to testifying at trial??? I must just be too slow to comprehend the strategy of JB.

I missed the program and am just reading here too wondering if I missed anything important. But, from watching JB for the last few months, I think he's making up his strategy as he goes along.
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