Geraldo - 12/20/08 Saturday

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I always thought FOX was a "law & order", super conservative network (which is why I don't watch them). It surprises me they don't put the clamp on GR...

Edit: answering my own question... they're reactionary and sensational so this angle by GR fits right in, I guess. :mad:

IMO you're wrong on both points!! Maybe you should watch more often, they allow many differing opinions on a topic unlike other news channels that only report one side.
(yolorado;3084670)ABSOLUTELY and they are making me crazy in the process. Giraldo couldn't be anymore slanted if he were tilted on his axis.

You nailed it (or, Geraldo wishes to nail it). At this point, I am begining to believe what someone posted the other night, Geraldo may be helping pay for(or provide access) these experts for KC's Team. At first, I thought why? Then, besides the actual access for interviews, many of these "experts" on her team have some relationship to Geraldo and his show...the curtain is rising. It really isn't costing Geraldo much at all, if true, as Fox will find a way to reimburse some if not all with their regular consulting arrangement with FOX/Geraldo. Win/Win situation.

The only ones that I haven't seen regularly on his show is the forensic anthropologist and etymologist, but then again, I might have missed them.

At this moment, I have such a mixture of feelings regarding CA/GA, but I'll save that for the search thread. But you know Jose is going to have them out there again soon, prior to the trial. He has to try start rehabilitating KC's reputation, and you know they are working on a new strategy for CA/GA.

I expect Jose and the Anthony's lawyer to be at odds very shortly.

One last thought. The MM said in his August calls he spotted a "grey" bag. I don't know what specifically made this bag jump out to his attention, but I've often wondered if there were two bags: one for toys,clothes,maybe books and then Caylee was in a separate bag?

Do we know for sure that it was a black/dark garbage bag that she was found in? If we don't know, then my theory probably doesn't work. But KC's remark: "they haven't even found her clothes" has always made me think she dumped them in one location and Caylee in another, or something similar.
Okay guys, three quick points, NOT in order of importance.

1) No matter who picked this location to search, you don't have to be psychic. If you pull out of the A's driveway and head north, it's like the first wooded area you come to. I would be much more impressed with a "psychic" find that was not within a stones throw of the crime scene.

2) Technically all the psychics are right, which is why they annoy me so much, because they are usually so vague. The psychics who saw her in the woods are right, as are the ones who saw her underwater, as are the ones who saw her on dry land, by the side of the road and/or enclosed in something. Given the location, the psychic who saw her where the german shepherd pees may even be correct. It's like saying I predict it will rain tomorrow. In all likelihood it will....somewhere.

3) My only wild guess about the medicine cabinet. Some are speculating there were pictures found at the crime scene, why, I'm not sure. If there were, I'm not sure how good they would look after being underwater for so long...BUT...wasn't there a picture of Caylee and Casey wearing bunny ears and looking into a mirror? Could it be the mirror on the medicine cabinet? Maybe LE is trying to verify that a picture found at the crime scene even if in poor condition, is in fact that picture, which is something the "kidnapper" would be unlikely to have or to leave there?
Ok - here's the link to map quest. (I couldn't paste it) It is a map of the school - if you look there is a flat, open area in front of the school and what looks like it could be a gravel road going into the woods. I believe that is where GSJ was - the body site was further back up Suburban Drive.

I hope this works.

Thank You so much! :blowkiss: The link works. I was thinking if she was thier it wasn't the spot where Caylee was found. The wooded area wrapped around the school in a L shape. KC wouldn't put her closer to the school the area Caylee was found was the one area that had trees on both sides & less chance of being seen. She did it quickly, parked close to the wood fence, a bit out of view, probably during the day, carried her not to far KC's in a hurry & took off. Even in the summer the schools usually have janitors on duty. GSJ was no doubt was further down from where Caylee was found. JMO
I couldn't agree more!! Honestly, I missed the end of the segment and am a little unclear as to the last parts that I DID see because of the skull shown. I expect to see skulls when watching reports on a crime, but what I don't expect to see is a skull with a clear bullet hole through the head like the one on Geraldo's little conference table!! Not sure if that was the one they showed split screen with little Caylee's picture or not because I blanked and had a mini-meltdown after the skull with the bullet wound to the head. My beloved Mother committed suicide that way and I go out of my way to avoid anything to do with gunshots, suicide, or anything even in movies that depict bullet holes to the head. That was just a completely unnecessary and yes - even lower step that GR has taken!! Was a skull with a bullet wound to the head really the only one the famed Dr. Baden could find to use for his appearance on Geraldo??? I started out disgusted after hearing JB and Baden's wife; now there are no words!!!

Sorry for the rant - it's just that the skull with Caylee was lower than low and to use a skull with a bullet wound to the head when it doesn't even apply to this situation just made it even more exploitative and appalling to me. Please delete this post and accept my sincere apologies if it is deemed inappropriate.

I am so sorry to hear about your mother, I lost my father to suicide and I also avoid these types of things..I cringe when I see the "gun" smiley used on this board as well :(

And I also agree with your last statement, although ANY skull would have been in bad taste, why in the world would they use one with a bullet hole in the head. Totally ridiculous.
Okay guys, three quick points, NOT in order of importance.

1) No matter who picked this location to search, you don't have to be psychic. If you pull out of the A's driveway and head north, it's like the first wooded area you come to. I would be much more impressed with a "psychic" find that was not within a stones throw of the crime scene.

2) Technically all the psychics are right, which is why they annoy me so much, because they are usually so vague. The psychics who saw her in the woods are right, as are the ones who saw her underwater, as are the ones who saw her on dry land, by the side of the road and/or enclosed in something. Given the location, the psychic who saw her where the german shepherd pees may even be correct. It's like saying I predict it will rain tomorrow. In all likelihood it will....somewhere.

3) My only wild guess about the medicine cabinet. Some are speculating there were pictures found at the crime scene, why, I'm not sure. If there were, I'm not sure how good they would look after being underwater for so long...BUT...wasn't there a picture of Caylee and Casey wearing bunny ears and looking into a mirror? Could it be the mirror on the medicine cabinet? Maybe LE is trying to verify that a picture found at the crime scene even if in poor condition, is in fact that picture, which is something the "kidnapper" would be unlikely to have or to leave there?

Interesting Irish_Eyes, In fact think I will go on a little hunt here to find that link for pics that LE released. Thanks
Baez - if this could happen to Casey, this could happen to anyone


I don't think so. Most people would not fail to report their daughter missing in the first place; and then when that is done take them on wild goose chases and ADMITTEDLY tell them story after story that by her own admission--DOESN'T HELP THEM FIND HER. What a croc!
he said that yesterday right after the confirmation - among other things he said that were truly very disrespectful of Caylee!!!!!

Then I guess she went and climbed into a trashbag, taped herself up, and threw herself into the woods.:rolleyes:
There is no doubt in my mind now that Geraldo's production company is paying for the defense. That would explain why it's so top secret--not exactly cool for media to pay for things of that nature--not that it's never done--just not cool. In return, GR is going to get all the "trial exclusives", maybe even an exclusive interview with "KC" blah blah blah. It's sooooo obvious.
I saw the video of their 'search' and it definitely wasn't much of a 'search'. They were all cussing and fussing about spilling coke on their a$$es and how how the dog was, and where they'd park the car so nobody could see, while one woman with an untrained dog wandered down the slope a little closer to the chain link fence by the school than where the body was found. So...she may have found the 'area' but she certainly didn't search it, IMO.
Anybody see the dog's papers certifying it as a cadaver dog?
Rainfall. From City of Orlando website (all for this year):

May - 1.58"
June - 7.95" (2007 was 3.48 - so 2008 was more than twice what 2007 was)
July - 9.14" (slightly more than 2007 of 8.34)
August - 12.98"
September - 4.09"

This to me, does not suggest Orlando was anywhere near dry. The rainfall for July alone was 75% of what August was and July didn't even have a hurricane.

link to source:

I'm going by the zip code where the Anthony's live and where Caylee was found. As you know from living in FL, rainfall amounts are not the same throughout an area- 1 area can get drenched and another a sprinkle.

June 8th -14 .90
June 15th-21 1.15
June 22-28th 1.74
June 29 0.04
June 30th 1.29
Totals 5.12

July 1-7 .69
July 8-14 2.07
July 15-21 1.56
July 22-31 3.03
Total 7.35

August 1-11 .68

13.15 inches for 2 months
There were almost 2 weeks of dry weather before Gail et al went on their field trip. As the pictures from,0,6054035.photogallery 91,92,93,94

show, while most areas were dry, some were not.
There is no doubt in my mind now that Geraldo's production company is paying for the defense. That would explain why it's so top secret--not exactly cool for media to pay for things of that nature--not that it's never done--just not cool. In return, GR is going to get all the "trial exclusives", maybe even an exclusive interview with "KC" blah blah blah. It's sooooo obvious.
I was just telling my son that having LKB on the show, along with JB, and the new "loud talker" really presents the case in a fair and balanced way, don't ya think?
If only, but I've learned not to take GR seriously about anything he says about this case anymore.

Cheer up--I think he's right, at least about Cindy. In fact, I think he knows he's right. LE will probably wait until after the funeral. IMHO
I'm going by the zip code where the Anthony's live and where Caylee was found. As you know from living in FL, rainfall amounts are not the same throughout an area- 1 area can get drenched and another a sprinkle.

June 8th -14 .90
June 15th-21 1.15
June 22-28th 1.74
June 29 0.04
June 30th 1.29
Totals 5.12

July 1-7 .69
July 8-14 2.07
July 15-21 1.56
July 22-31 3.03
Total 7.35

August 1-11 .68

13.15 inches for 2 months
There were almost 2 weeks of dry weather before Gail et al went on their field trip. As the pictures from,0,6054035.photogallery 91,92,93,94

show, while most areas were dry, some were not.
...and water levels could most likely have created swampy areas.
So what's he saying? On his planet, mom's whose todlers choke on their chewing gum drive them around in the trunks of their cars, double-bag them and throw them in the nearest swamp?

Here in Texas, we don't give babies chewing gum. Beef jerky, mebbe, but not chewing gum. What is with this gum-chomping in Florida, anyway? LOL
I can't believe he said the "choked on her chewing gum" thing again! If he thinks her death could have been accidental, I want to know who was watching her and why they didn't call 911, because that is criminally negligent behavior.

So is giving a baby a wad of chewing gum, IMHO
So is giving a baby a wad of chewing gum, IMHO
GR just don't care. Yesterday he also said "she could have had a heart attack"and "we may never know how this kid was killed" and "she could have choked on her pablum". That is when my shoe was missled at the TV (thank goodness it missed). I lost what little respect I had him at that very moment. IMO he needs to just cover hurricanes period.
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