Geraldo - 12/20/08 Saturday

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I see his point liar does not constitute murderer.
but not calling 911 for 31 days, and having cadaver dogs pointing to your car and finding pictures of Casey dancing while her kid is missing does constitute a really "F"d up human being, and writing on her face book about some brothel, calling "Zanny the nanny" a code for what may have been Xanex is more then likely a murderer. While most people may not be lier's, or thieves, not everybody is totally dysfunctional and capable to harm another person.

I see this as just another logical fallacy, a straw man. The implication is that if someone says the perp is guilty then automatically they are using faulty logic equating a liar with murder. And we know, that's absurd. It's meant to shift the focus from the real issue.

The real issue is as you said- the perp's lying is just one aspect of her overall pattern of behaviour, and within the context of this case, is a significant contributing factor in our overall evaluation.
The video at Google is the long version (about 20 minutes) and is much better than the edited YouTube version which does not really show what was shown on Geraldo.
The YouTube version is here:

The longer Google version is here:

I have read posts about the psychic and I don't really care about her or the other stuff. After watching the video, I do see one thing. That dog wanted out of that car.
Ok - here's the link to map quest. (I couldn't paste it) It is a map of the school - if you look there is a flat, open area in front of the school and what looks like it could be a gravel road going into the woods. I believe that is where GSJ was - the body site was further back up Suburban Drive.

I hope this works.

If you watch the video of Gail from the time she makes the right turn from
hopesprings onto suburban try to imagine how far down suburban
she makes it before she stops.... not that far IMO.

IMO she stops right where you have the red star on your map.
It isn't until after they start driving again that they go by the school
but she first stops almost right where the red star is.
You can look threw the car window and see the curve in the road.
Also notice how as soon as she turns the corner the dog starts
breathing loud and acting like he wants to get out.

I think when the lady and dog get out they walk further up
suburban road away from the car.... had the gone the other way
who knows what would have happened...

From the video found here:

There is a longer version here:"search"+"caylee"+"Orlando"&hl=en

They turned the corner from Hopespring onto Suburban. They went a ways beyond where the actual remains were found, stopped the car, got out and walked the dog up to the lightpost. After that, in the longer version, you can see they go on up to the area at the end of Suburban, and they go into the school, where I think they actually follow some trail east or northeast of the school.
Their camera skills suck.

This is a great map!
I still think no matter what people say this lady was VERY close!
If she would have pulled over right when the dog started to breath loud
I think she may have been in the right spot!
The video at Google is the long version (about 20 minutes) and is much better than the edited YouTube version which does not really show what was shown on Geraldo.
The YouTube version is here:

The longer Google version is here:

Thanks, I started reading at the beginning and 3/4 the way through the thread I ask the question about the link. It wasn't until my question posted that I saw the answer was on the same page as my question.

Just watched the video, thought it was really strange the way the dogs started acting before she got the car stopped.

Seems no one thought it would be that close to home. What was that old saying about the best hiding place is right under their nose? or something like that.

I think the body may have been further back originally but that once the water starting receding an animal drug the bag back up to higher ground and under the bushes.
I've listened to some legal experts talking the past few days. Some have said that the state made a mistake indicting her for Murder One before they had the body. Now that the remains have been found and ID'd, and there is no evidence of trauma to the bones, no broken neck, etc. they will have a hard time proving their case, IF the jury follows the law. They should not convict her based on her lies and on pure hate, they should decide based on the evidence... and the evidence is not conclusive.
This is not MY opinions... just relating what I've heard on the news, but it is cause for concern.
I believe the defense is going to try to establish doubt that the body was there all that time.. that it could have been put there back in August or some time after Casey was in jail.
As for a plea... I think it is too late for that, they rejected it back when it was first offered. And it is not Baez's decision.. it is Casey's. Her only hope now is to confess and they could try her on manslaughter, but I don't see that happening.

ITA Tx. there are alot of questions/confusion which could translate to reasonable doubt. Unfortunately, alot of the evidence ISN'T conclusive. Of course it is OBVIOUS that KC committed this murder, but convicting her based upon the evidence might, just might, get a little sticky. As has been mentioned many times, you can't convict just because you don't like someone. I am a little frightened that there just might be enough resonable doubt in this case. But of course, we aren't aware of all of the evidence yet either. That remains to be seen. I can't wait for the trial and would absolutely love to be there.
Wonder if the MM had to pee in Aug too? How did he discover the grey/black (not sure which) back then?

I've been wondering, if this is his usual route and during his usual route, he usually takes a pee break in approximately the same spot?
I bet they are setting this up so that when the identity of the father is released, it may have led to some of the emotional problems Casey has. Maybe its a relative, not Lee. The whole notion of WHY they didnt list a father on the birth cert or never tried to get support for Caylee, is very questionable.

I've always thought that was VERY strange! Unless, maybe, possibly her story about the boyfriend dying in a car accident is the truth? Nah...
Dr. Baden also stated that toxicology reports would be significant in this case because they would show if drugs or chloroform were present. He said the levels of these drugs would not matter just the fact that drugs or either chloroform was found present in the body would be a hard case to defend because chloroform was found on the computer searches and in the trunk of the car. Makes me wonder. I can't wait to hear the results.
I've always thought that was VERY strange! Unless, maybe, possibly her story about the boyfriend dying in a car accident is the truth? Nah...

Of course, if Dad died in a car accident, shouldn't Caylee have been eligible for SS payments? It doesn't appear the Casey attempted to get them (and Casey not jumping at free money?! :eek:)

My guess is, since she clearly likes men, and clearly likes sex, she simply has no idea who the father of her child actually is.

ETA: Can you imagine how horrifying it would be for the dad to find out about his fathering Caylee now? How tragic, esp if Baez tries to drag him into all this.
Dr. Baden also stated that toxicology reports would be significant in this case because they would show if drugs or chloroform were present. He said the levels of these drugs would not matter just the fact that drugs or either chloroform was found present in the body would be a hard case to defend because chloroform was found on the computer searches and in the trunk of the car. Makes me wonder. I can't wait to hear the results.

I believe the ME stated that the outstanding tests are not likely to throw any further light on the question as to how Caylee died. IMO, the fact that she expressed this opinion suggests that she has either already had preliminary results back that yielded nothing of any value, or she expects this to be the case. In any event, she stated that she saw no reason to delay issuing a death certificate of 'homicide by undetermined means'.
I bet they are setting this up so that when the identity of the father is released, it may have led to some of the emotional problems Casey has. Maybe its a relative, not Lee. The whole notion of WHY they didnt list a father on the birth cert or never tried to get support for Caylee, is very questionable.

nahh they just want to create motive and reasonable doubt and "tarnish" the father implying it might be know, typical slime ball defense tactics.
I have a bad feeling about what JB said. "You only know half the story. This case could go anywhere." He is probably correct and not BSing. GR probably has a special deal with him or someone and already knows the potential for media chaos, etc.... big story, etc. I just don't like this fanning of the passions.

Miami for a change of venue??

jose is right we only know half of it. They haven't finished "inventing" the other half yet.
a lot of people thought Caylee could be there....because KC had gone there many times in the past....its the *zone* It was interesting though....that the dog started to breath heavy as they turned the corner.....dogs can since and smell things...even if they are not a trained to do it......but was weird that they were right there.....but instead of going on a feeling....they went with logic.....thats what got them....I believe in the gutt......they just thought it was to close to the road....and that was the down fall I believe for what any other searchs were....they thought it would be waaaay back in the woods....not just right under your nose......

good point we try to think "what would we do" not what would "they" do. they are different than us. their brains aren't necessarily logical machines.
I believe the ME stated that the outstanding tests are not likely to throw any further light on the question as to how Caylee died. IMO, the fact that she expressed this opinion suggests that she has either already had preliminary results back that yielded nothing of any value, or she expects this to be the case. In any event, she stated that she saw no reason to delay issuing a death certificate of 'homicide by undetermined means'.
But she (Dr. G.) also went on to say if anything new came up that the cause of death could be revisited.
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