Geraldo At Large - 08.23.08

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She had already stated on record that the car smelled like a dead body. Her gdaughter was missing. She later said she did it with the blessing of LE. LE said they were not informed she had done this until 8-4 or 8-5. She said the car smelled of a dead body when she was worried about her GD's whereabouts. How could she not know not to wash the pants?
The detective said he didn't know about it. But I think the first responding officers did. LE's actions support Cindy's story imo.They did not care about the car at all, based on their actions, so why would Cindy think any differently?

Cindy told LE about the car smell, the officer went into the car after she reported it and apparently didn't even give it any merit. It is not mentioned in the police report, they did not take the car for 24-48 hours,the detective in the bond hearing said someone said something about a smell so they checked it out 2 days after it was reported. (ETA but the fact is we know it had already been checked out by the responding officer)When the detective did go check it out, they simply asked George if they could impound the car and he said yes.

So, LE didn't make much of the smell or they would have asked Cindy or George if they could impound the car ASAP. So why would Cindy think LE was interested in the car or the pants at all? Nothing they did suggested that they had any interest in the vehicle or its contents whatsoever. Why would LE risk losing valubale evidence in the form of decomp smell coming from a trunk by waiting 24-48 hours to examine it? Espcially when they had George and Cindy would offering the car and anything else up for scrutiny?
LE was not interested in that car until the 17th and I do not know why that is.
The detective said he didn't know about it. But I think the first responding officers did. LE's actions support Cindy's story imo.They did not care about the car at all, based on their actions, so why would Cindy think any differently?

Cindy told LE about the car smell, the officer went into the car after she reported it and apparently didn't even give it any merit. It is not mentioned in the police report, they did not take the car for 24-48 hours,the detective in the bond hearing said someone said something about a smell so they checked it out 2 days after it was reported. When they did go check it out, they simply asked George if they could impound the car and he said yes.

So, LE didn't make much of the smell or they would have asked Cindy or George if they could impound the car ASAP. So why would Cindy think LE was interested in the car at all? Nothing they did suggested that they had any interest in the vehilce whatsoever. Why would LE risk losing valubale evidence in the form of decomp smell coming from a trunk by waiting 24-48 hours to examine it? Espcially when they had George and Cindy would offering the car and anything else up for scrutiny?
LE was not interested in that car until the 17th and I do not know why that is.

And to add to that IIRC, the LE started with the backyard CSI search first due to the neighbor's story about the shovel and then moved on to the car. The car was somewhat second. Also, the dog handler that's K-9 hit on the trunk is an in house officer. Which makes me wonder about LE in case.
I don't understand why some assume that Nieves was lying when he said he believed Caylee was alive. LE lies to perps all the time, but they are public servants and there is no reason to lie to the general public. They're trained to be vague, in which case, he could have responded "I don't know if she's alive" not "we believe she is."
What I gained from Baez and Padilla is that this wasn't a kidnapping. Casey handed Caylee off to someone and now whoever has her is probably worried about being charged with kidnapping. Which is why LE is saying it's not a kidnapping. They have a much better chance of Caylee being returned by saying Casey gave her to someone. And Baez and Padilla aren't saying she was kidnapped anymore either.
I know I'm in the minority, but since the rumor that Casey is a sociopath is just that, a rumor, her attitude and behavior suggests to me that she didn't kill Caylee. She wasn't worried because she doesn't think the person that has Caylee would hurt her. She didn't tell the truth because this person either has something on her or is someone that she doesn't want to get in trouble. When she was doling out the BS to LE, she didn't think she'd be arrested and once she got rid of them, she'd figure out how to get Caylee back before her family knew whatever it was she did.
I could be wrong, but I'm going to take what Capt Nieves said at face value. "We believe Caylee is alive." Then I'm going to translate that as "we really f'd things up and our detective smells dead people where there aren't any."
The detective said he didn't know about it. But I think the first responding officers did. LE's actions support Cindy's story imo.They did not care about the car at all, based on their actions, so why would Cindy think any differently?...snipped

I totally agree with your points. Something else I have wondered about, Cindy seems to be the hysterical type -- insert foot before putting mind in gear type. Maybe she was trying to get 911's attention, was being histrionic by saying the car smelled like a dead body, when it just smelled really bad and this was her being Cindy. Yes, I have read all the arguments, so please don't jump on me too hard its just a thought.

I also posted this article earlier Odor sensor could help find decomposing bodies, but I didn't see any comments.
Hi.. this is what i was going to post about as well--- Yea , LP seem a bit peeved at Casey not talking to him :eek: He thinks he's some big shot , who, just because he put up her bond (ok,ok,,.. his nephew,Tony did..he's just the 'media ho dawg")she would 'totally, run into his arms-tell HIM everything and they go get Caylee"? How naive can this guy be?:eek:

ETA: i think LP will be going home soon with tail (ANd THAT DAMN TOOTHPICK TOO) tuck between his legs .

Hmm, I'm not so sure. I never heard of him before but something just makes me think that before he backs out of the spotlight we will know where Caylee is. I know he looks like a rube but I'm not so sure he is. I keep thinking about his female assoc. that IS in the house with Casey and fam. JMO but I think that LP and crew may have some bugs placed in the Anthony home.
I totally agree with your points. Something else I have wondered about, Cindy seems to be the hysterical type -- insert foot before putting in gear type. Maybe she was trying to get 911's attention, was being histrionic by saying the car smelled like a dead body, when it just smelled really bad and this was her being Cindy. Yes, I have read all the arguments, so please don't jump on me too hard its just a thought.

I also posted this article earlier Odor sensor could help find decomposing bodies, but I didn't see any comments.
You should post that article in the *Decomp Smell* forum and see if it ignites discussion!

Also interesting , since you mentioned that she was in a bit of hysteria when she called, LE arrived while she was still on the phone with dispatch reporting the bad smell. So,it is reasonable to guess that she repeated what she said to 911 to the responding officers. IOW, no time had lapsed for her to rethink her statement.
But either which way, the responding officers did check the car as evidenced by retrieving the number, and they apparently were unimpressed with the quality of the odor..because they didn't mention it or act on it in any way at all. Even the detectives reference to it was very casual at the bond hearing.
And to add to that IIRC, the LE started with the backyard CSI search first due to the neighbor's story about the shovel and then moved on to the car. The car was somewhat second. Also, the dog handler that's K-9 hit on the trunk is an in house officer. Which makes me wonder about LE in case.
Hi AA. Good point. I agree that the car was almost an after thought. Actually, it was an after thought.
Like CHicana mentioned, without that decomp smell they may have had trouble getting a 500k bond.

I have just heard over and over in these discussions that the decomp smell is overwhelming and unmistakeable. Yet, the responding officer didn't seem to notice or care. Why is that?
And to add to that IIRC, the LE started with the backyard CSI search first due to the neighbor's story about the shovel and then moved on to the car. The car was somewhat second. Also, the dog handler that's K-9 hit on the trunk is an in house officer. Which makes me wonder about LE in case.

What do you mean by in house ? Not a regular K-9 handler ?
Hmm, I'm not so sure. I never heard of him before but something just makes me think that before he backs out of the spotlight we will know where Caylee is. I know he looks like a rube but I'm not so sure he is. I keep thinking about his female assoc. that IS in the house with Casey and fam. JMO but I think that LP and crew may have some bugs placed in the Anthony home.

I agree with you on that. You can't judge a book by it's cover. I remember a salesman at a company I worked at. He seemed kinda "slow" but he was one of the best and could sell the same thing at a higher price than the other salesmen. People trusted him because he seemed kinda like a dumb hick that wasn't smart enough to rip them off and at the same making them feel sympathy because they "thought" they were so much smarter.
Use what you got.
If the person who started this thread would copy what I transcribed and paste it in the first post here, it would probably be very helpful to the thread. :)

Yes, it was at the tail end of the show. He said New York.
Hmm, I'm not so sure. I never heard of him before but something just makes me think that before he backs out of the spotlight we will know where Caylee is. I know he looks like a rube but I'm not so sure he is. I keep thinking about his female assoc. that IS in the house with Casey and fam. JMO but I think that LP and crew may have some bugs placed in the Anthony home.

That's a good thought about the bugs. I assumed that LP would have swept the house to make sure LE hadn't planted any bugs, but it didn't occur to me that he and his crew might have planted some.
Was that guy her first visitor, supposedly went to the same school as Casey - may have gotten the name out of a year book and ID to match. Could he have been there to let her know they were watching - she did seem startled or anxious when speaking to him. If I remember, she kept turning her head as if to look behind her - like you would to do see if someone was behind you.

Yes. He probably had no idea that the tape would be released to the public. I thought it was strange then. I still do. It happened so early after she was arrested, it wasn't given as much notice as it would if it happened today, especially considering NO ONE outside of family has attempted to visit her since.
OK, I went back to the DVR of last night's show again and turned the volume up LOUD, and I agree with all that say LP said New York. LP statement: "Where she dropped the child off which we believe is in New York."

Ok I see the clues Casey was trying to drop to LE. "Hey, I took you to Sawgrass where I may have partied, so don't you guys get it? I'm trying to tell you I dropped her off in New York! you guys don't listen to anything I'm saying!"
You are probably correct, it looks like they just ran out of time.

I just reread this from the transcript:

GR: Do you have any evidence that Caylee is alive? Other than what Casey told you?

CN: Well, at this point, we don't have any information provided to us that leads us to believe otherwise. We believe that she's still out there. That she can be found. If anyone provides us any information. But again, the information we're receiving, the evidence, the follow up that our detectives are conducting with the assistance of the FBI lab as long with the Federal Department of Law Enforcement and their crime analysis folks, receiving all of those tips of information, we have not been able to establish her well being.

If I am reading this correctly, Captain Nieves is actually saying that taking into account all the evidence they have so far, they have not been able to establish Caylee's well being.

Any thoughts?

Yes, that is the way I understand it as well. He is saying that have not been able to prove she is alive based on all of the analysis. His wording was very carefully constructed.
Sorry, jumping late on this thread.

I saw the last few minutes of GR last night, saw when LP stated that he was going to get the "kidnappers" 5 days. to hand the child back. I felt weird, when I heard him say it. He went in not knowing CA and comes out spouting about this 'Caylee is alive' spin that CA has been spouting. Mind you, I only saw that last few minutes. So let me understand this, he is giving these people 5 days to come forward and now what is to happen to CA in the meantime. Does she get to stay free? What if this leads LP on one of those crazy goose chases and he comes to find that he has been made out to be schmuck on national tv, will he pull her bond and send her back? I say give HER 5 days to spill or SHE goes back into the hole!!!!

***Edited to add8888
I thought this was going to be his tactic all along.....Let her go home to her family, get a nice hot shower and do her hair nice, have a good meal. Let her get her guard down and then threaten her with going back if she doesn't help produce her child.
Yes, it was at the tail end of the show. He said New York.

Thank you! I don't know how I missed that last night. They were talking all over each other at that point and so I guess I just missed it. But now that I heard it, huh????????????
From the Geraldo segment

What does that tell ya? The forensics are back and show NOTHING!

LP gave whom ever has Caylee 5 days to turn her over or he's coming after em'
That would mean they have until Friday morning to return the child or face the wrath of LP...
Could that be the 5th friend

Please forgive the newbie question, if it's already been covered, but who is Frank B? I thought I knew most of the names, after following so much, but this one I'm not familiar with.
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