Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I agree with you--In the People magazine spread from August, Cindy was photographed by Caylee's bed, holding a teddy bear. That bed had Winney the Pooh bedding--sheets, comforter and pillows that looked like they had small pink roses.

When I saw the brown bag leaving the home, I thought the ruffle that was poking out the top of the bag was one of the pillows. Somewhere I saw a list of items taken from the house and it listed the boxes, bags, papers, and a small pillow.

I believe a toddler/crib bed set would come with sheets, a small pillow,
the dust ruffle, bumper pads and comforter.
I wonder if any of that is missing?
Dr. Baden tried to help his wife in the Specter 1 trial.....his "ah-ha" moment was something about us having lizard brains which means we can still breathe after our spinal cord is severed. He made a total a$$ out of himself.....and NOTHING could have helped his lying wife. She is and was pathetic. I'm very happy KC has her.
I wonder what there is for them to gain by watching the autopsy? Anything that is found as evidence against kc will be refuted by them whether they are there are not. What are they most worried about? That LE will somehow "add" chloroform to the sample? If LE wanted to tamper with evidence, they would do it. You don't have to tamper with the real evidence, just the results KWIM?

It sounds to me there wont be much to this autopsy, imo, skeletal remains and a small amount of soft tissue , possibly too degraded for use. I have worked with cadavers and that wont leave a lot to be discovered. One forensic says they CAN use hair and bone marrow for determination of chloroform and one says NOT. Wish I could remember from my studies. Eat a lot of dark chocolate ladies they are saying it helps you keep your memory in old age,I need a lot of it !
I did not see Geraldo the first time so I had to watch the second show. I am just totally disgusted by him! :furious:

The defense team can be as critical of LE and the FBI as they want. I am sure they don't care what they think! It is LE (CSI) and the FBI's responsibility to maintain the INTEGRITY of the scene where the body was found. They have to process the scene very carefully. LE and the FBI are responsible for making sure the chain of evidence isn't broken. Baez and the other big name defense lawyers and experts might as well just deal with their disappointment.

As far as the body is concerned, the ME does document everything as we all know. She will have audio tapes describing exactly what she sees and does every second and every step. We all know this. Hopefully, the autopsy will be videotaped.

What was the ME supposed to do? She could not make an identification of the body without disturbing it. Was she supposed to formally identify the body before being CERTAIN just who this small body was? IMO, Baez and his dream team are being totally unrealistic. I am so glad that the ME and FBI are being thorough before making an official identification. That is as it should be. There are many indicators pointing toward this body being Caylee's, but there should be certainty through DNA testing, IMO.

Also, when the ME releases the body for burial, Casey or the family can have a second autopsy performed.

Baez' motion before the court was to be able to go in once the identification was made. How in h3ll could the ME make an identification without extracting DNA from the bone marrow or whatever soft tissue remained on the tape? GMAB

I am so furious at Baez! How dare he insinuate that LE (CSI)or the FBI would compromise the evidence?

OK, last thing! Could CSI have maybe found medical gloves at the scene? I know that Cindy is not working in a medical setting, but she still may have gloves. I do. I prefer to have gloves on when cleaning the bathroom, and not those heavy latex ones either - they are clumsy! I buy boxes of gloves at WalMart. **I do not mean that Cindy was using the gloves but that Casey was. (any nurses here that have a box of medical gloves at home?)

**Where was it said or heard that CSI may have removed some drywall?
sorry guys....I was trying to type as fast as I could what was being said Im not a very good speller....LOL......

Tim just said that KC was running around cooking and playing on the computer the four days he was in the home....and never once did she say the name Caylee :(
Nah she didn't time a thing IMO. Also it's 15 seconds off which is about 1/3 more of the time it took them to get there today when timed.

Maybe that other 15 seconds accounted for the time to walk from the road to the grassy spot where she dumped the bag.
Chilly Willy , I think you hit the nail on the head Timer 55..LMAO..

I can't help but think LE is holding back any, even preliminary identification, to wait for DNA testing, to prevent the defense down the road from crying "rush to judgment." Right now I think LE is damned if they do, and damned if they don't!

BTW, I saw on one of the tv stations today (please, don't ask me which one; I was jumping back and forth all morning) that there was a piece of clothing in the bag. Only heard it once, but even re-wound it so hubby could hear it too.

I wonder if there was a little pair of 'pullups' in there in lieu of pantied as Caylee wasn't fully potty trained yet? Maybe the rest of the package had been seen in the Anthony home. Among other things, of course.
JMO but I thought maybe the socks with LA's outfit were sports socks like on the soccer player in this picture:


Maybe he's on a team in the area and came from practice or a game? And maybe he lost 'cause he sure was one angry guy when he snatched up those memorial items. Looks like he inherited the famous Anthony temper :rolleyes:

*edited to add - just remembered this entry in timeline: Aug. 16th- items found by independent investigators consist of blue jeans, size five from express, a couple of book bags, some other articles of clothing, some female clothing, a female shoe,a few articles of children's clothing- the area was just a few feet from the parking lot of the Econ Soccer Complex on Yates Rd.

Yes, Unsolved! josephj and his searchers found those items! I remember feeling then and stating many times that I felt those were Casey's and Caylee's. Also found was underwear (at the fence) and designer makeup. Wonder if the makeup was purshased at J. C. Penney's? There had been children's clothing found as well but cannot find reference to that now. I never saw in print a denial that the clothing found was ruled out as not pertaining to this case.

BTW, I saw on one of the tv stations today (please, don't ask me which one; I was jumping back and forth all morning) that there was a piece of clothing in the bag. Only heard it once, but even re-wound it so hubby could hear it too.

Maybe a Disney Princess item, like in one of her pictures?

Or maybe something with a shamrock? That would have got them excited. (BTW, does anyone remember seeing KC wearing her shamrock necklace after Caylee was missing?)
Did you guys think JB seemed rather 'deflated'? Kind of whooped? I think it's funny...Mr. Arrogance knows he's in deep doo doo. Or maybe he was pandering to the cameras for a sympathy vote?

Are you kidding???

He looks bloated to me .. :D

LaLaw2000 ~ I do have a box of Latex gloves here at home, although I'm not a nurse. (Used to be a CNA at a nursing home, though.) You can buy them at WalMart.
LaLaw2000 ~ I do have a box of Latex gloves here at home, although I'm not a nurse. (Used to be a CNA at a nursing home, though.) You can buy them at WalMart.


Thanks, PassTheMotrin. That's where I buy mine also. They are just so much more flexible than the heavy cleaning gloves! Then I can just toss them!
I did not see Geraldo the first time so I had to watch the second show. I am just totally disgusted by him! :furious:

OK, last thing! Could CSI have maybe found medical gloves at the scene? I know that Cindy is not working in a medical setting, but she still may have gloves. I do. I prefer to have gloves on when cleaning the bathroom, and not those heavy latex ones either - they are clumsy! I buy boxes of gloves at WalMart. **I do not mean that Cindy was using the gloves but that Casey was. (any nurses here that have a box of medical gloves at home?)

**Where was it said or heard that CSI may have removed some drywall?

snipped for space respectfully!

LaLaw I work for a cardiologist and always bring boxes of the gloves home, we all do! They are a great item to have around!

I couldn't finish watching GR tonite as I was so disgusted by him! :mad:
snipped for space respectfully!

LaLaw I work for a cardiologist and always bring boxes of the gloves home, we all do! They are a great item to have around!

I couldn't finish watching GR tonite as I was so disgusted by him! :mad:

Like most of us do,GR knows KC killed Caylee,IMO.

That said, I think it's absolutely disgusting for him to defend the murderer of an innocent child.
all I can say is if I have to hear how helpful the a's have been for :yuck::steamed:LE.......apparently their new defense guy needs to really get up dated......

again it seems to me that jb is just wanting hte leg work done by le and then collect and go home at night....shameful

when does jb and his group of ....... have to turn their findings (?) over to LE????

team really talk down that they cant be at the scene and get this....the women L...sorry dont know her name .....says....KC has a right to see what is being done to her daughter......JB said LE tries to abstruct justice in the court room

They should let her see her daughter, and I hope that memory is engraved in her mind for the rest of her life. Everytime she closes her eyes at night may she be tortured with the images of her daughters skeleton.
I saw a close up of that on the news... I believe it is Caylee's bedding.

In the news, they said it looked like a pillow. But after seeing a picture of Caylee's bed, I think it's the baby bed bumper. The curved part standing up to high to be covered by the bag.
:crazy: You just remind hubby that you are a Websleuther! You know how to hide evidence...and then give him "the look!"

:floorlaugh: My hubby doesn't even attempt to keep me from this story. He often says I watch Forensic Files, Dr. G, etc so that I can get away with killing him. :floorlaugh:
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