Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I bet JB and the gang are even more pizzed that LE took TM down to the scene, and won't allow them !! LOL
I am watching Geraldo on Fox News. Brad Conway is surprisingly personable. He is a very calm and thoughtful man especially when responding to Geraldo's questions - Nejame is spot on, Mr Conway will do the Anthony's good.

He added that the Anthony's will continue to support their daughter even if she was found to be guilty....
HOLY CRAP! I told my wife, look, you can tell he's a socks pulled up to his knees....but in reality, true Floridians wear BLACK socks pulled up to their knees with SANDALS!!

I see them every winter. Willing to testify.

Ok...:woohoo:just have to share my mental images after reading about Lee with the knee socks, George with the hose, the Get Off My Lawn Guys...

Both of them in knee highs spraying the neighbor kids...the sterotype old guy protecting his lawn :crazy: I didn't know they allowed them in the Club that young?
IMO, in order to prove her guilty and use taxpayer money effectively, the ME and the State have every right to prepare their case without it being advertised and showboated by at least 2 of the defense experts, 1 of which regularly already appears on TV already talking about the case. I don't believe anyone is saying that Casey shouldn't have a defense team and it appears she does so her rights are intact.

Further, the State cannot mandate that the FBI labs in Virginia permit the defense experts to be there while DNA testing is performed - that's a motion that I believe would have to be filed in Federal court if permission could not be obtained directly from the FBI lab.
Oh, the whole presumption that they are "entitled" is ridiculous. They're just pulling this cr*p to make LE look bad. Aren't autopsies taped anyway?
You know I'm wondering if the reason LE/ME hasn't released identification is because they know the COD (as you said) and they want KC and her "not so keen" team to sweat it out a little longer? They can continue to make spectacles of themselves and Black can blab, etc. just digging that hole deeper, etc.....

I can't help but think LE is holding back any, even preliminary identification, to wait for DNA testing, to prevent the defense down the road from crying "rush to judgment." Right now I think LE is damned if they do, and damned if they don't!

BTW, I saw on one of the tv stations today (please, don't ask me which one; I was jumping back and forth all morning) that there was a piece of clothing in the bag. Only heard it once, but even re-wound it so hubby could hear it too.
I've already posted this but can't recall where. In the middle of the night after Caylee's remains were found I woke up in the early morning hours with a very strong feeling that Caylee's little yellow towel with the green ears was found with her body. I don't believe in psychic phenomena so I'll be really stunned if that turns out to be the case.
Strange that you should say that...the night before she was found I had a nightmare and woke myself up from it. For some reason I had no clue what it was about, just that I was scared to death. It wasn't my first dream about the case...but those usually were about discussing the case with others and looking for clues. This one was different. So Chilly, your "towel" dream could very well have significance.
wow...Tim said for the four days he was in the home....KC never once said the name Caylee....she walked around like she was in a cheerleading sq

I don't get it.. what's that mean "Like a cheerleading sq"?
Nah she didn't time a thing IMO. Also it's 15 seconds off which is about 1/3 more of the time it took them to get there today when timed.

Not if you google the distance/time with google maps. I'm basing it off WFTV's location of the body and it shows it at aprox 7 mins walk or 1 min drive.

We know she was a 'googler' (along with half the world LOL)
Ok...:woohoo:just have to share my mental images after reading about Lee with the knee socks, George with the hose, the Get Off My Lawn Guys...

Both of them in knee highs spraying the neighbor kids...the sterotype old guy protecting his lawn :crazy: I didn't know they allowed them in the Club that young?

To top the whole outfit off LA had a ballcap on. Pretty funny.:crazy: That poor boy would get a lot of teasin' around here and worse I'm afraid:eek:
The A's say they will stand by KC. That's just sick. She's a murderer.

Mark Hackings family stood by him.
That does not mean they support what he did... it just means
they love him.
I have said all along I respect their right to stand by their daughter I don't respect the "Anthony Spin" that has been put on everything, I would love my child no matter what but I would not get on national t.v. and make a fool of myself, or at least I hope I wouldn't

I'm with ya on this one!

My problem with Cindy and George isn't that they love their daughter and would be willing to continue to do so even if she murdered their grandchild. It is that they are lying, covering and sneaking around.. for and with her with the intent of making it so she will not have to pay for what she has done. I love my son and would continue to do so no matter what... but I'd be loving him from the other side of prison bars on visiting day!
LE is not under any 'obligation' to release the preliminary finding to the defense or media. Technically, once a preliminary id is made by the ME, it is generally accepted as accurate evidence/conclusion. Because of the media frenzy surrounding this case, because the State is fully aware that the defense is clinging onto a probability that the science or forensic discovery could offer them an iota of 'doubt' i.e. if FBI does not corroborate the ME report or vice-versa, KC could walk.

I am just baffled by a] all the ruckus raised about "cruelty to the Anthony's" and, b] The 'Dream' Team's annoyance at being denied access to the medical examination.

It is really hard, no matter how much one sympathises/empathises with the Anthony's to assume that they in fact believed their grand-daughter was alive. Without being repetitive, they both knew from get go - they knew. The know now too. The remains were Identified and LE would not have gone to their home unless there was incriminating evidence, pp should stop belabouring this point.

After the emergency court hearing yesterday, Linda Baden told reporters that she respected the judge's decision and felt that he was observing Florida statutes - nevertheless it was a pity that they did not open up this process to include the defense. On Geraldo, she appeared rather dismayed at this denial. Sigh. They are headed in the direction of discrediting the report/s.
I saw a close up of that on the news... I belive it is Caylee's bedding.

I agree with you--In the People magazine spread from August, Cindy was photographed by Caylee's bed, holding a teddy bear. That bed had Winney the Pooh bedding--sheets, comforter and pillows that looked like they had small pink roses.

When I saw the brown bag leaving the home, I thought the ruffle that was poking out the top of the bag was one of the pillows. Somewhere I saw a list of items taken from the house and it listed the boxes, bags, papers, and a small pillow.
Strange that you should say that...the night before she was found I had a nightmare and woke myself up from it. For some reason I had no clue what it was about, just that I was scared to death. It wasn't my first dream about the case...but those usually were about discussing the case with others and looking for clues. This one was different. Do, Chilly, your "towel" dream could very well have significance.

Hi RR, WOW, there comes a towel into the fray again! There must be something about a towel. Just a feeling niggling at me about that.
When did knee socks come back into fashion for grown men?:crazy:

JMO but I thought maybe the socks with LA's outfit were sports socks like on the soccer player in this picture:


Maybe he's on a team in the area and came from practice or a game? And maybe he lost 'cause he sure was one angry guy when he snatched up those memorial items. Looks like he inherited the famous Anthony temper :rolleyes:

*edited to add - just remembered this entry in timeline: Aug. 16th- items found by independent investigators consist of blue jeans, size five from express, a couple of book bags, some other articles of clothing, some female clothing, a female shoe,a few articles of children's clothing- the area was just a few feet from the parking lot of the Econ Soccer Complex on Yates Rd.
All I can say is that I think this whole show was awful. Awful interviews...even my 18 year old son said it stunk. I won't watch anymore. Couldn't stand hearing how "cooperative" the As have been...where were they when TM wanted something of Caylee's to aid in their search? Offering to give their fingerprints to rule them out...what about lie detector tests way back when? How can someone be seen as cooperative when they trash LE? I also doubt LE told the As they thought it was Caylee...I bet they reported what was told to everyone else...that the remains were consistent with someone Caylee's age/size.
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