Geraldo At Large Live From Orlando Sat., 12/13/08

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I don't get it.. what's that mean "Like a cheerleading sq"?

skirt. Cheerleading skirts are so short, they use panty covers to cover their bottoms.

Another words, she was walking around wearing really, really short skirts.

Girls don't realize that some GUYS are offended. Cause if they look their way, they might accidently see something they shouldn't. Or blamed that they are looking because of what might pop out.
I wonder if there was a little pair of 'pullups' in there in lieu of pantied as Caylee wasn't fully potty trained yet? Maybe the rest of the package had been seen in the Anthony home. Among other things, of course.

Good call. I hadn't thought about a pullup being in there. :clap:

SO many questions as to what was found with the remains.
I can't stand any of them---not even the new broad, Mrs. Baden. Ugh!

This scream team is the Phil Spector team that successfully got him a hung jury after Henry Lee was found to have secreted evidence away from the crime scene. I lost respect for Linda Kenny-Baden, Lee and Dr Baden after watchting that trial. LKB will have the jury believing that Caylee took herself out because she didn't get her cherios that morning....God let there be a special place in hell for these kind of's all about fame and money - justice no longer has a home in the judicial system.
Geraldo cozying up to the defense!
Interviews all the attorneys - encourages them to trash talk against the LE. The ridiculous team Badens were a joke during the Phil Spector trial! And, by the way Linda Baden did NOT get him off - jury deadlocked 10-2 favoring conviction. Spector's retrial on now in Los Angeles.
Not surprising GR's stance. Months ago, GR told a surprised Jose Baez, "I feel we are friends." Then, weeks later introduces him as 'my friend'. What a joke!
So, now, GR enables George and Cindy's new attorney Brad Conway to state, "there is no evidence this is Caylee's body."
I've had it! Shoot me now! Never again will I watch his tripe he tries to throw out!!!!!!
kathy ca

He's schmoozing in advance for a KC exclusive.......??
they are all in this for publicity...they were all out there to get their faces on Geraldo.

Dr. Lee is for sale...that's what i have concluded since seeind the Phil S trial.

I think they have lost credibility and hopefully we have a conservative jury to see it the same way.

I wouldn't let Lee on the crime scene....remember the fingernail??? I always liked him, but that made me wonder.
LE is not under any 'obligation' to release the preliminary finding to the defense or media. Technically, once a preliminary id is made by the ME, it is generally accepted as accurate evidence/conclusion. Because of the media frenzy surrounding this case, because the State is fully aware that the defense is clinging onto a probability that the science or forensic discovery could offer them an iota of 'doubt' i.e. if FBI does not corroborate the ME report or vice-versa, KC could walk.

I am just baffled by a] all the ruckus raised about "cruelty to the Anthony's" and, b] The 'Dream' Team's annoyance at being denied access to the medical examination.

It is really hard, no matter how much one sympathises/empathises with the Anthony's to assume that they in fact believed their grand-daughter was alive. Without being repetitive, they both knew from get go - they knew. The know now too. The remains were Identified and LE would not have gone to their home unless there was incriminating evidence, pp should stop belabouring this point.

After the emergency court hearing yesterday, Linda Baden told reporters that she respected the judge's decision and felt that he was observing Florida statutes - nevertheless it was a pity that they did not open up this process to include the defense. On Geraldo, she appeared rather dismayed at this denial. Sigh. They are headed in the direction of discrediting the report/s.

I don't think the SA will have any problem discrediting LKB and HL.She had her own husband as a forensic expert on the PS case ,while she was one of his attorneys.She was part of the team where the judge ruled HL was lieing and hed either destroyed or with held evidence.IMO the media should be shouting all of this from the rooftops now. The so called dream team is damaging KC's defense just like the A's did.They are making the public angry.
I don't think the SA will have any problem discrediting LKB and HL.She had her own husband as a forensic expert on the PS case ,while she was one of his attorneys.She was part of the team where the judge ruled HL was lieing and hed either destroyed or with held evidence.IMO the media should be shouting all of this from the rooftops now. The so called dream team is damaging KC's defense just like the A's did.They are making the public angry.

I noticed when watching the replay last night that LKB talked over JB - twice. IMO, this team will implode on itself before it even gets started. There's too many egos in the the room.

By bringing these "experts" in and wanting them to oversee the forensics, JB is trying to cut corners and potentially this relates to cost. If they oversee, they don't have to do their part of the defense investigation forensically which would be far more involved: they have to bring their own tools, pay for their own materials, test or have another lab test, etc. That's the part that they're not mentioning, spinning the focus on being "denied" and the State not acting in "full disclosure."
Is it just me, or does GR seem to be coming out pro defense?
I got that same feeling Leila, but not until the final segment at the goodbye part. I was shocked, and not sure of what I heard(cant quote or link or anything) so I came here looking if anybody else heard/felt the same...and voila! there you are! anybody else?? Kathleen
I think GR has been pro-defense since he has buddied up with JB.
Yes, Unsolved! josephj and his searchers found those items! I remember feeling then and stating many times that I felt those were Casey's and Caylee's. Also found was underwear (at the fence) and designer makeup. Wonder if the makeup was purshased at J. C. Penney's? There had been children's clothing found as well but cannot find reference to that now. I never saw in print a denial that the clothing found was ruled out as not pertaining to this case.

Wow - and I just looked up the Econ Soccer Complex at 8099 Yates on mapquest and it's only 4 mins from the Amscot where the car was abandoned! Probably old news, but a detail that strikes me now....
Did anyone catch the live Geraldo rant on Fox news about an hour ago?
This was not from his show last night, he appeared as a guest on the news show with Julie Bandares and oh, can't think of her co-hosts name.
He was rabid, saying the State is playing games and that refusal to let the big guns in to see the autopsy was grounds for appeal! I hope someone videoed it.
I didn't video it, but he talked over Gregg Jarett, former anchor on Court TV and attorney himself. It was a spirited discussion!!
I didn't video it, but he talked over Gregg Jarett, former anchor on Court TV and attorney himself. It was a spirited discussion!!

I hope someone got it on tape. I couldn't believe my ears, he was like a wild dog! I loved that lady attorney who said the requests from d team were a joke! Geraldo has become way too biased to be covering this case any longer.

I agree. I think Geraldo is trying to spin for the defense.
I hope someone got it on tape. I couldn't believe my ears, he was like a wild dog! I loved that lady attorney who said the requests from d team were a joke! Geraldo has become way too biased to be covering this case any longer.

Ha! I don't know if having it on tape would matter because Geraldo was so busy talking over everyone....he's on Fox right now, but I'm sure his show @ 10 will be more of the same!
Geraldo has been on the defense side openly since this began. I am beginning to think that his show is footing the bill for it all so he can have open access. Nothing would surprise me at this point.
Geraldo has been on the defense side openly since this began. I am beginning to think that his show is footing the bill for it all so he can have open access. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

That aspect of the $$$ has certainly crossed my mind also. Somebody is paying JB - and I think it's his good buddy GR.
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