Germany/Portugal - Christian Brueckner, 27 @ time of 1st crime (2004), charged with sexual assault crimes, Praia de Rocha, Portugal. #3

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I don't see them as trying to impress anyone. They are attempting to persuade the judges that the entire prosecution case is flawed and using whatever means they have available.
As we don't have a live feed to the court we cannot know how they are behaving. we only have woefully inadequate media reporting to make opinions on.

The point I was making was that is not a surprise to the court. All the witnesses are known in advance to the judges as will the broad lines of questioning

You are making exactly the point I have repeatedly raised when you say "As we don't have a live feed to the court we cannot know how they are behaving. we only have woefully inadequate media reporting to make opinions on."

You are also in agreement with what I have said regarding the role of the judges; the only salient point you haven't mentioned is the one I raised, that by law as soon as an indictment is laid all the evidence and files are shared with the defence.
In other words the defence knows exactly what the prosecution evidence is and who the prosecution witnesses are from the word go. What I don't know is if there is a reciprocal arrangement regarding the defence case and who their witnesses will be.
Tuesday, May 28th:
*Trial continues (Day 20) (@ 9am CET) – Germany/Portugal - Hazel Behan (20 @ time/now 40) (in her home, June 16, 2004, Praia de Rocha on the Algarve coast, 10 miles from Praia de Luz, Portimao, Portugal) - *Christian Stefan Brückner (Bruekner) (27 @ time of 1st crime (2004)/45/now 47) charged (Oct. 11, 2022) with sexual assault (suspect held a knife & brutally raped her. The accused then tied & gagged the woman to a table & raped her again. He then whipped the victim on the back with a whip he had brought with him & finally forcibly performed oral sex with the victim. The accused filmed large parts of the events with a video camera he had brought with him). Braunschweig Regional District Court
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - a 14 year old teenager (unknown victim) (on tape: assaulted/hit the naked girl with a whip. Said to have brutally forced the girl to have oral sex. The accused also videotaped this act). Took place between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006 on the Praia da Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal - *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - an elderly woman 70-80 yrs old (unknown victim) a Tour Rep (tied up & raped the victim in her holiday apt. He then hit the victim several times with a whip. The accused is said to have recorded the entire event with a video camera). Took place around the same time (between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006) on the Praia de Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - 10 year old German girl (Joana E.) (wearing only shoes & otherwise naked. He grabbed the child's wrist & began to perform masturbation movements on his naked penis). On Salema (Zalema) beach, near Praia de Luz, Portugal, April 7, 2007).
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 – Ines VP (11 year old Portuguese girl) (pulled down his trousers & underpants & made masturbation movements on his naked penis in order to sexually arouse himself, until the frightened girl ran to her father for help. The suspect was arrested on the spot by the Portuguese police). Exposed himself in playpark, São Bartolomeu de Messines, June 11, 2017).
Trial began on February 16, 2024. (And continued on Feb. 23rd, Mar. 1st & 14th, Apr. 2nd, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th & 26th, May 2nd, 15th, 166th, 17th, 21st).
Next Trial dates: May 29, June 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, July 5, August 5, 15, 16, Sept. 5, 26, 27, Oct. 2, 7, 8, 21 & Oct. 22, 2024. (Expected to last up to 8 months, it was 3 months).
Presiding Judge Dr. Engemann. Lead Prosecutor Ute Lindermann. Defense attorneys Dr. Friedrich Fülscher, Philipp Marquort, Dennis Bock & Atilla Aykac.
Brueckner is currently serving a 7 year sentence for the 2005 rape on a pensioner; was sentenced in 2019. Release in 2026.

Case info & charges & Brueckner info from June 1, 2020 thru Jan. 18, 2024 & Trial Day 1-16 (Feb. 16 thru May 21) reference post #730 here:

May 22, 2024 Wednesday, Day 18: Gov’t witnesses: Profilers [no names given] of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). No other info available yet. Trial continues on Thursday, May 23, 2024 @ 9am.
May 23, 2024 Thursday, Day 19: Gov’t witness:
Chief Detective Rainer Grimm [as the chief investigator since 2017]. No other info available yet. Trial continues on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 @ 9am.
For more info see posts #731 & 732 [page 37] & post #790 here:
Ines VP today? Portuguese girl .

Christian B. - Witness “99 percent” sure: He is my perpetrator

Braunschweig. Christian B. is on trial for rape and child abuse in Portugal, including a 2017 incident.

Ines VP today? Portuguese girl .

Christian B. - Witness “99 percent” sure: He is my perpetrator

Braunschweig. Christian B. is on trial for rape and child abuse in Portugal, including a 2017 incident.

Are you sure? Her father & she testified already. I think it is the 4th charge listed with the 10 year old German girl, Joana E.
Are you sure? Her father & she testified already. I think it is the 4th charge listed with the 10 year old German girl, Joana E.
I wasn't sure that's why I put the question mark in.
That is your opinion to which you are entitled. Mine is that it is obvious that the MO of the 2004 and 2005 rapes are almost identical including the signature of
  • illegal home invasion
  • coming prepared with his rape kit
  • creeping up on the women one while sleeping the other working on her computer
  • binding of the women
  • terrorising the women
  • stealing from the women
  • going out of his way to humiliate the women
  • hurting the women physically and mentally one carrying scars behind her knees for life; the other having suffered broken bones during the attack. Both women battered and bruised and physically tortured
  • fetish and bizarre dressing up fixation of the perpetrator
  • cowardly beating up and threatening behaviour towards both women using a bladed object
  • subjecting both women to sexual invasion of the worst and most degrading kind; the younger one raped repeatedly and tortured over a period of appx four hours, the older one for appx a third of that timescale
  • the rapes of both women were filmed from start to finish using a camera carried in and set up by the rapist
If nothing else it must be highly unusual for a rapist to carry filming equipment with him to his intended crime scene and set it up as was done in both the 2004 and 2005 rapes.
Two different offenders may have almost identical modus operandi.
The mark again or marks.

But after doing her own “research”, she was sure he was the one who had subjected her to the terrifying ordeal nearly 15 years ago. She told the court the “grinning” man had distinctive birthmarks - just like the ones Brueckner had tried to remove from his left thigh after an alleged rape.
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Wednesday, May 29th:
*Trial continues (Day 21) (@ 9am CET) – Germany/Portugal - Hazel Behan (20 @ time/now 40) (in her home, June 16, 2004, Praia de Rocha on the Algarve coast, 10 miles from Praia de Luz, Portimao, Portugal) - *Christian Stefan Brückner (Bruekner) (27 @ time of 1st crime (2004)/45/now 47) charged (Oct. 11, 2022) with sexual assault (suspect held a knife & brutally raped her. The accused then tied & gagged the woman to a table & raped her again. He then whipped the victim on the back with a whip he had brought with him & finally forcibly performed oral sex with the victim. The accused filmed large parts of the events with a video camera he had brought with him). Braunschweig Regional District Court
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - a 14 year old teenager (unknown victim) (on tape: assaulted/hit the naked girl with a whip. Said to have brutally forced the girl to have oral sex. The accused also videotaped this act). Took place between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006 on the Praia da Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal - *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - an elderly woman 70-80 yrs old (unknown victim) a Tour Rep (tied up & raped the victim in her holiday apt. He then hit the victim several times with a whip. The accused is said to have recorded the entire event with a video camera). Took place around the same time (between Dec. 28, 2000 to April 8, 2006) on the Praia de Luz, Algarve coast, Portugal.
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 - 10 year old German girl (Joana E.) (wearing only shoes & otherwise naked. He grabbed the child's wrist & began to perform masturbation movements on his naked penis). On Salema (Zalema) beach, near Praia de Luz, Portugal, April 7, 2007).
Germany/Portugal – *Charged (Oct. 11, 2022) & arrest warrant reinstated 11/18/22 – Ines VP (11 year old Portuguese girl) (pulled down his trousers & underpants & made masturbation movements on his naked penis in order to sexually arouse himself, until the frightened girl ran to her father for help. The suspect was arrested on the spot by the Portuguese police). Exposed himself in playpark, São Bartolomeu de Messines, June 11, 2017).
Trial began on February 16, 2024. (And continued on Feb. 23rd, Mar. 1st & 14th, Apr. 2nd, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th & 26th, May 2nd, 15th, 166th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd).
Next Trial dates: June 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, July 5, August 5, 15, 16, Sept. 5, 26, 27, Oct. 2, 7, 8, 21 & Oct. 22, 2024. (Expected to last up to 8 months, it was 3 months).
Presiding Judge Dr. Engemann. Lead Prosecutor Ute Lindermann. Defense attorneys Dr. Friedrich Fülscher, Philipp Marquort, Dennis Bock & Atilla Aykac.
Brueckner is currently serving a 7 year sentence for the 2005 rape on a pensioner; was sentenced in 2019. Release in 2026.

Case info & charges & Brueckner info from June 1, 2020 thru Jan. 18, 2024 & Trial Day 1-19 (Feb. 16 thru May 23) reference post #842 here:

May 28, 2024 Tuesday, Day 20: Gov’t witness: Joena E. (4th charge listed above) was 10 years old at the time in April, 2007, now 27.
Trial continues on Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
Two different offenders may have almost identical modus operandi.

This is the part I am struggling with @Janosch

As you know, this kind of similar fact evidence is typically tightly restricted in Courts. Generally you would have evidence against the accused, plus some previous similar offending that is so distinctive and similar that it's seen as adding evidential weight, and is not merely propensity evidence (i.e CB did a violent rape before, therefore he is the kind of guy who would do this one).

What's odd in this case is the only direct link they have is a victim identification of his eyes, and him being german apparently. And then the birth mark think - but that didn't seem to be established?

So they seem to be hanging their hat on the MO

That feels tenuous to me

This is the part I am struggling with @Janosch

As you know, this kind of similar fact evidence is typically tightly restricted in Courts. Generally you would have evidence against the accused, plus some previous similar offending that is so distinctive and similar that it's seen as adding evidential weight, and is not merely propensity evidence (i.e CB did a violent rape before, therefore he is the kind of guy who would do this one).

What's odd in this case is the only direct link they have is a victim identification of his eyes, and him being german apparently. And then the birth mark think - but that didn't seem to be established?

So they seem to be hanging their hat on the MO

That feels tenuous to me

Maybe then it is so distinctive and we don't get to know many of the things being said? As with DM's rape trial, we don't know much of the details. I cannot really see how else it would have gone to trial in Germany? Jmo

Eta: do we know when evidence is presented in a German court? Could it be after the witness testimonies? Could evidence be in das Buch which the defence is fighting to be excluded?
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Maybe then it is so distinctive and we don't get to know many of the things being said? As with DM's rape trial, we don't know much of the details. I cannot really see how else it would have gone to trial in Germany? Jmo

Eta: do we know when evidence is presented in a German court? Could it be after the witness testimonies? Could evidence be in das Duch which the defence is fighting to be excluded?

I agree we only know what is reported, but unless somehow there is another shoe to drop, this seems the scope of it.

The big difference to the DM case is they had a forensic link. Here we have the witness ID, but it doesn't appear to be so definitive if it's based on eye colour and an assessed nationality.

Be interesting to see what the verdict is.

Two different offenders may have almost identical modus operandi.
If these alleged tapes are circulating on the internet then they're quite likely to generate copycat offences. IMO
That's why I said similar
So if the MO is different, how useful is it as evidence?

The only real common thread, which is somewhat unusual, is that they were both filmed.

Does this mean both crimes were committed by the same offender?
Evidence or an opinion ?
These tapes aren't available for examination so no science-based examination can be made to demonstrate that they are from the same camera, for example or that they are from the same batch of tapes.
The profile is to give his opinion...much of evidence is opinion..on the similarities in the attacks on DM and HB.

The defence will focus on the differences and the prosecution on the similarities.
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