Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein confidante, arrested on Sex Abuse charges, July 2020

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I thought I'd mention why I think it's unlikely GM would have hidden herself in the UK.

Simply, IMO, everyone who was anyone knew her. She went to Marlborough College (a boys "public" boarding school, what in the US we would call a private school). I actually have family who went there. GM could only have gone there for 6th form (grades 12 and 13), since it only admitted girls starting in 1968 for 6th form, and became only fully coed in the late 1980's. I haven't seen where she went before that.
Then she went to Oxford. You had to be "very clever" or well-connected and intelligent. GM was probably all of the above. You didn't have to have much money to go to Oxford in those days.
Those institutions are sometimes regarded as snooty now, but were not especially back then. Just not easy to get into, especially for women (there weren't many places for women at Oxbridge compared to men)
To give you an idea on lack of snoot, when I went to a well-known boarding school in England during the 1960's, it cost 200 pounds for everything, room, board, tuition, EVERYTHING for an entire academic year of 10 months. These schools definitely cost a fraction of a Swiss boarding school (which might have been a more likely choice) or an American boarding school. British boarding schools in that era were not a life of luxury, though. Ha ha ha trust me on that (picture 12 girls to a room)! and they were quite difficult to get into (consider my entrance exam at age 11: French, Latin, Algebra 2, and analysis of a Shakespeare sonnet on the English paper).
Hope that helps for understanding GM's schooling. The thing is with these public school and Oxbridge (Oxford/Cambridge)? People know each other. It's a connected world. They move in certain circles. Very difficult to be incognito.
So, the odds of GM keeping her whereabouts secret was very low.
To top it off, there's the matter of the bloodhound British press in general, and their constant hounding of royals, as in Prince Andrew...
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The friend said two things which appear to be contradictory.
  1. Prince Andrew didn’t know a lot. Her explanation that he’s not all that intelligent would suggest he’s not bright enough to have worked out what was going on.
  2. That GM would never speak about PA. IMO that suggests that he knew ALOT. PA would surely be eternally grateful if GM pushed option 1 and said he didn’t know anything .
So, which is it? Prince Andrew didn’t know a lot? Or he DID but GM has said she’ll protect him?

PA is her best chance of getting any sort of significant plea deal, apart from handing over the missing tapes or revealing their whereabouts.

If convicted, it's possible she can get 35 years. If she serves the full term, she'll be out when she's 93. On the other hand, if she spills the beans or hands over the tapes, she may get a death sentence, if you get my drift.

The victims will be wallowing in schadenfreude today.
EXCLUSIVE: 'She has copies of everything Epstein had.' Ghislaine Maxwell 'has secret stash of pedophile's sex tapes' that could implicate world's most powerful and 'will try to use them to save herself'

A former friend exclusively revealed GM has a secret stash of JE's sex tapes and will use the footage as an insurance policy to save herself. She said, “'Ghislaine has always been as cunning as they come. She wasn't going to be with Epstein all those years and not have some insurance.

'The secret stash of sex tapes I believe Ghislaine has squirreled away could end up being her get out of jail card if the authorities are willing to trade. She has copies of everything Epstein had. They could implicate some twisted movers and shakers.'

She added, 'If Ghislaine goes down, she's going to take the whole damn lot of them with her.'

'Not only did Epstein like to capture himself with underage girls on camera – he wanted to make sure he had something to hold over the rich and powerful men who took advantage of his sick largesse.'

'I'll bet anything that once it comes out that Ghislaine has those tapes these men will be quaking in their Italian leather boots.

'Ghislaine made sure that she socked away thumb drives of it all. She knows where all the bodies are buried and she'll use whatever she had to save her own *advertiser censored**.'

Ghislaine Maxwell's 'secret stash of Jeffrey Epstein sex tapes' | Daily Mail Online
Prince Andrew: the life of a royal tangled up in the Epstein scandal

Prince Andrew: the life of a royal tangled up in the Epstein scandal

7 hrs ago
Prince Andrew has to talk about Epstein
The Jeffrey Epstein case has become an ever greater scandal for Prince Andrew. Ghislaine Maxwell, common friend of Andrew and Epstein, is now in jail. American prosecutors want answers from the aristocrat. What does he know about his late friend Epstein's criminal activities, and how far will they go to make him speak?
I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a big white house given the video-footage of a party at Mar-a-something linked in one of the articles. Paying attention to the footage of JE partying it up with Mar-a-something's owner with GM in the background smiling away and some very young girls cavorting about. Especially like how one grey-haired gent instantaneously reacts upon seeing the video-camera by ducking for cover, then beating a hasty retreat from the room. I'd like to know who he is as that certainly wasn't a natural reaction to a "nothing to see here" situation.

I think, IMO, it's especially important that we/LE learn exactly how it was that JE made his money ---no-one seems to be able to explain that yet. There's a whole lot more peeps/perps out there.

OT: @Vern—Your question about the tall grey-haired guy ducking for cover in the Mar a Lago party video sent me googling (inquiring minds and all that). I won’t won’t name him here because it isn’t really relevant and would violate TOS, but if you’re curious, google is your friend...type in “who is very tall man with gray hair at mar a lago with epstein 1992” and scroll down a bit. If he didn’t want to be seen on camera why be at that party...with a date? One of life’s little mysteries. He was contacted by the press when the video came out, but I didn’t see that question asked.

Regarding how Epstein made his money...I think he blackmailed wealthy perverts. I’ve always wondered why the Victoria’s Secret guy gave him power of attorney. I imagine GM set these guys up with young girls, filmed them and Epstein told them they’d be exposed (literally and figuratively) if they didn’t pay up.
Fox News Apologizes, Says It Mistakenly Cropped Trump Out of Jeffrey Epstein Photo (UPDATE)

Fox News apparently cropped President Trump out of a photograph with JE and GM during the their coverage of GM’s arrest. The photo was taken at Mar-a-Lago in 2000. The original and cropped images are shown in the article.

Fox News told Mediaite that the network “mistakenly eliminated” Trump from the photo. See their full statement below:

“On Sunday, July 5, a report on Ghislaine Maxwell during FOX News Channel’s America’s News HQ mistakenly eliminated President Donald Trump from a photo alongside then Melania Knauss, Jeffrey Epstein and Maxwell. We regret the error.”

Fox News Crops Trump Out of Jeffrey Epstein Photo

Um, how do you mistakenly crop a photo?
This grubby story and all the grubby players
just keeps getting deeper and deeper with
high profile names.
Has anyone else seen the flight list of all the
famous people who flew on Epsteins plane?
Dozens and dozens of politicans, movie stars
and business types who need to explain their
connection to Epstein.
This grubby story and all the grubby players
just keeps getting deeper and deeper with
high profile names.
Has anyone else seen the flight list of all the
famous people who flew on Epsteins plane?
Dozens and dozens of politicans, movie stars
and business types who need to explain their
connection to Epstein.

I have seen the flight list also, and if what has been stated regarding video capture and blackmail/extortion is true, I believe all will continue to be hidden. The name that concerns me greatest is John Roberts. ( US Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts ? ) It is a common sounding name, however if it is him, Woah!! There is no way these VIP's are getting tossed out in the whirlwind press. They will be silenced
*NYDFS has published its investigative findings on Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with Deutsche Bank. DB has agreed to pay a $150 million penalty for “significant compliance failures.”

On January 24, 2014, Deutsche Bank opened checking and money market accounts for an Epstein-related trust named “The Butterfly Trust.” The Butterfly Trust included a number of beneficiaries, including, among others, CO-CONSPIRATORS 1-3, and a number of women with Eastern European surnames. When Bank personnel asked Epstein and Epstein’s representatives about his relationship with the beneficiaries, Epstein represented that they were employees or friends. The Bank’s KYC records state that the purpose of the money market account was “to pay all expenses/disbursements related to the trust [such as] taxes, trust fee [SIC], etc
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