Gilgo Beach LISK Serial Killer, Rex Heuermann, charged with 6 murders, July 2023 #13

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I think having to wait 24 hours to find out is going to make me a bit crazy.
Trying hard Not to jump to any conclusions. It could be as simple as Asa knew he visited SW and was OK with it.

I have to agree (sans the "bit crazy"). :)

1) IMO AE turned a blind eye to all of RH's sick addictions.
2) Cadaver "coffee book" on the kitchen table surely needs explained.
3) AE's pay off could have been "RH's coercive control" - "you get a holiday wifey and I get SW"
4) That makes AE complicit to some degree?
5) "an open marriage"

As we still don't have clarification whether the Divorce happened or not.

The recent uncovered pictures are from 2008. Alicia Showalter Reynolds was murdered in 1996. If we look at pics of him since 1990 (wedding announcement) through the 90s he was very much thinner. The first pic is one of the suspect sketches from 1996. 2. 1990 wedding 3. Oops, his father Late HS or soon thereafter. 4. Is HS 5. Is a map from mom’s Palmyra house to where ASR was last seen. It was a straight shot down RT 15 to his mother’s home. The tag “A” is where here body was found in Lignum off a logging road.
View attachment 509792
Thank you for the clarification!
What I will say about Ray is that he has been dedicated to keeping this case in the headlines.

When he holds press conferences, it's always dramatic, even when I don't necessarily think the information he has is likely to be useful in the way he thinks it will be.

I don't necessarily agree with all of his conclusions, but that's the wonderful thing about opinions. We're all allowed to have them.

I respect that he fought to keep the victims in the public eye when no one in LE seemed to care. That matters.

He is quirky but he gets the job done.
Last October he held a press conference. Ray said that new evidence has been uncovered that could link Heuermann to Karen Vergata.

As it stands, with that affidavit signed by the witness, it looks like Ray did have it right.
His high school classmates said that he was a "momma's boy" which has been interpreted by h
those who investigated and write about SK'ers as very concerning and he never spoke about his father, that is until the interview he did and the woodworking that he learned from him.

Was his mother and him abused by the father , did the father abuse him and the mother never protected him and just clung to him?

The father could have been an absolute sweetheart and we may never know the real story unless someone starts talking and it can be confirmed.

Again. First wife.
Reminder of Asa's track record...kind of

Filed for divorce, possibly stopped it.
Was going to sell the house
Stayed instead.
Double flipped off the media.
Peacock signing.
She insisted her hubby was “not capable” of carrying out the four murders and that she was giving him “the benefit of the doubt.”
Says she will decide after evidence is presented in court.
She says that if Heuermann did commit the murders he was "living a double life" she knew nothing about it.
She posts a sign to LE and others "do not trespass."

And lest we forget the affidavit.

The first witness, Ray said, went to Heuermann’s house for a sex party in February 1996 with her boyfriend, who was a cop, and Vergata. Heuermann’s wife, Asa Ellerup, was at the house when they arrived, the witness said in an affidavit. The witness said that Vergata went downstairs and that Heuermann and her boyfriend vanished for a while. During that time, she spoke with Ellerup, who said that Heuermann had “brought her from her country and that everything she had, he has given her,” the affidavit states.

As far as we've seen, RH did not bring AE here from "her country" as she stated on her own social media she attended HS in Farmingdale.
I have to agree (sans the "bit crazy"). :)

1) IMO AE turned a blind eye to all of RH's sick addictions.
2) Cadaver "coffee book" on the kitchen table surely needs explained.
3) AE's pay off could have been "RH's coercive control" - "you get a holiday wifey and I get SW"
4) That makes AE complicit to some degree?
5) "an open marriage"

As we still don't have clarification whether the Divorce happened or not.


Think about the divorce.
Filing looks as if she is shocked.
But she mostly likely knew she would not have to testify, as his wife.
So she doesn't go through with it

She might be a helluva lot smarter than I had been thinking
I have to agree (sans the "bit crazy"). :)

1) IMO AE turned a blind eye to all of RH's sick addictions.
2) Cadaver "coffee book" on the kitchen table surely needs explained.
3) AE's pay off could have been "RH's coercive control" - "you get a holiday wifey and I get SW"
4) That makes AE complicit to some degree?
5) "an open marriage"

As we still don't have clarification whether the Divorce happened or not.


He could have been so controlling and abusive that she was relieved to go on vacation and agreed that he could see SW as part of a deal.
He has been on NewsNation and CourtTV speculating more than one person is involved in the murders (coughAEcough) due to the document found on RH's hard drive stating it listed hair netS. :rolleyes:
It’s a good thing those hair nets are flaky.
Think about the divorce.
Filing looks as if she is shocked.
But she mostly likely knew she would not have to testify, as his wife.
So she doesn't go through with it

She might be a helluva lot smarter than I had been thinking
Her attorney may have advised her to file bit NOT follow through so she wouldn't testify.
oh, wait, I misunderstood the original post. I thought she posted she married RH to come to this country NOT attended HS here. Not sure I got that completely backward.
Oh lol I see what you're seeing. The affidavit from the woman who was with the NYPD cop at RH's house with Karen Vergata, says AE told the woman RH brought her here from her country. AE had Farmingdale HS listed on her FB though, so I don't know how correct that affidavit is or if it's just a story AE told the woman.
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