Girl, 9, aborts twins after rape

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A Roman Catholic archbishop says the abortion of twins carried by a 9-year-old girl who allegedly was raped by her stepfather means excommunication for the girl's mother and her doctors.

I know they're not saying the rape was alleged, because a child of nine cannot consent to sex. So are they saying it may not be the stepfather's child?
Do they have to say "allegedly" because he hasn't been convicted yet? Or because the babies weren't born so they can't do a paternity test?

I think the Catholic church should be ashamed (of course, I don't think they will be...they weren't too ashamed of their pedofile priests).
I know they're not saying the rape was alleged, because a child of nine cannot consent to sex. So are they saying it may not be the stepfather's child?

Do they have age of consent laws in her country? Not all countries do.
I want to start off by saying I am Catholic. Albeit, not a very "by the book" Catholic, and I have many issues with the upper power of the Catholic church. When we are talking about the fate of human beings and the lives of children, I think religion is out the window. My "eye for an eye" and "tooth for a tooth" attitudes come busting out.

This story should be about the mental and physical health and well-being of the child, but the church always seems to get the media attention and the upper hand.

Who cares if they're excommunicated? There is a catholic church and priest somewhere who will open their arms to this family, IF they continue to have faith after this tragedy :(

Vatican speaks out IN SUPPORT of this abortion.

"An influential prelate said Brazilian doctors didn’t deserve excommunication for aborting the twin fetuses of a nine-year-old child who was allegedly raped by her stepfather because the doctors were saving her life."

I have to say that I admire and respect Archbishop Rino Fisichella. This statement was well thought out and called a spade a spade, imo. Now, hopefully there will be no harsh backlash against this man. He is reaching out in total support of this family, the tragic situation surrounding it, the MD's, and Catholics as a whole.

I hope this is a change that is real. I truly, truly do.
Do they have to say "allegedly" because he hasn't been convicted yet? Or because the babies weren't born so they can't do a paternity test?

I think the Catholic church should be ashamed (of course, I don't think they will be...they weren't too ashamed of their pedofile priests).

According to the Catholic Church, a murder is worse than a rape, therefore the father was not excommunicated. No. I'm not linking yet. I will have to go back and read the news items again. I do remember that the article was in response as to why the mother was excommunicated and the father was not.
Heck no the priests weren't kicked out. They were most generally just moved to another town so no one would know what perverts they were. Everything was covered up for them. Never mind the little kids that they damaged for life. This little girl was raped....BIG difference.

I asked the question sarcastically. I already knew that the child rapist priests were not excommunicated. Covered up instead. I guess the church now has explained why that happened. The priest only "raped" the children, they didn't "kill" them. They would have had to kill them to be excommunicated, I guess.
From the article that pattycake posted in post number 43 (TY pattycake)


"Fisichella, who heads the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life...

...“Before thinking about excommunication, it was necessary and urgent to save her innocent life and bring her back to a level of humanity of which we men of the church should be expert and masters in proclaiming,” Fisichella wrote...

...But Fisichella criticized the archbishop’s public denunciation, writing that the girl “should have been above all defended, embraced, treated with sweetness to make her feel that we were all on her side, all of us, without distinction"...

...Writing as if he were addressing the girl, Fisichella said: “There are others who merit excommunication and our pardon, not those who have allowed you to live and have helped you to regain hope and trust.”

I think I like this guy.
I hope that makes the little girl's family feel a little better. Hope they do look for a new church that will embrace them.

Has anything been said about charges against the stepfather? I wonder if the mother stayed with him or if she booted him out?

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