GK's convoluted theory... what's yours? Please share!

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Just when you think you might be figuring it all out, along comes someone with expertise in the field that kinda blows you away. Piggybacking on this info, I guess I'd say that the reason TH was protected by the wmpd is because he knew/knows something incriminatory about GG (and maybe others). Personally, I don't think GG was involved in the murders. IMO, it's more likely that he was simply involved in protecting TH. Again IMO, it's highly suspicious just how quickly after the verdicts that he retired. Also, look at his demeanor in West of Memphis. IMO, he's hedging, as is the prosecutor, JF. IMO, both GG and JF should investigated, along with the chief prosecutor, BD, and the trial judge, DB. Remember, a suspicious piece of evidence was found in DB's home when it should have been in the evidence room at the wmpd.

I'm starting to believe this too, that TH was protected for what he knew. And those in charge were to steer this investigation a certain direction for the sake of preserving the reputations of all involved. I may be way off but behaviorally I believe he joined the search just to put on a "show" he was playing a certain part. He was to join in the search, cover up the crime and leave town after the murders and then come back in time for the trial. I always thought he looked like a man who was desparately afraid that the wm3 would not be found guilty(not because they might come for the parents next or anything like that). When he was siting in that court room with the other parents he looked very much like the truth could come out at any moment. GG was directly involved in many antics involving false evidence (diving for a knife, producing a "whiskey bottle"), misinformation, false witnesses, trying to coercing JMKjr to testify against DE, JB , and directly leading the prosecution towards a satanic ritual murder motive. If other people involved spoke out against that kind of behavior the case could mistrial or leave room for reasonable doubt. But they got lucky.
As for convoluted theories, I am finding the dream of Tom Woods in Callahan's very interesting.

I find it interesting that a violent child rapist would call police about a triple child murder, at all.

Looking at the way he pestered the cops with his 'dream' from all the way over in Arizona, made me wonder if he was mentally disturbed ior just getting off on involving himself in the case.

Do any major players in the case have links to the Phoenix area?
I'm starting to believe this too, that TH was protected for what he knew. And those in charge were to steer this investigation a certain direction for the sake of preserving the reputations of all involved. I may be way off but behaviorally I believe he joined the search just to put on a "show" he was playing a certain part. He was to join in the search, cover up the crime and leave town after the murders and then come back in time for the trial. I always thought he looked like a man who was desparately afraid that the wm3 would not be found guilty(not because they might come for the parents next or anything like that). When he was siting in that court room with the other parents he looked very much like the truth could come out at any moment. GG was directly involved in many antics involving false evidence (diving for a knife, producing a "whiskey bottle"), misinformation, false witnesses, trying to coercing JMKjr to testify against DE, JB , and directly leading the prosecution towards a satanic ritual murder motive. If other people involved spoke out against that kind of behavior the case could mistrial or leave room for reasonable doubt. But they got lucky.

Their questionable relationship with JMB has made me wonder if they had a similar one with TH, but it's been kept under wraps for whatever reason.. whereas JMB and his history of drug use seems to have been fair game (though I still think that whole 'informant' thing stinks to high heaven, re corruption). So what I'd like to find is any history of drug use/dealing/stolen property stuff in TH's past (prior to the murders..). And if so, what officers were involved in that. And if they ever 'socialised' with TH as they did with violent felon JMB.

If they were protecting him, I want to know why.

Personally, I think there's a square ton stuff regarding both JMB and Hobbs' involvement (official and otherwise) with WMPD we'll never ever know. And of which no evidence will ever be found.
Hi Ausgirl! I am searching for Phoenix connections. I know you are familiar with all of the details but I thought I would present them if others haven't read T.W.'s statement.

To me, it looks like when T.W. realized he had lost his file folder on the triple murder, he contacted the West Memphis police to tell them about a dream he had about the murders. T.W. explained that in the dream he was looking through one of the boy's eyes during the ordeal and that in the dream T.W. promised the boys he would help them.

The folder which contained a map, newspaper articles of the murders, sketches of area and notes on which child was killed first, etc. was given to the Glendale Phoenix police department from a citizen on May 11th.

A lengthy letter was sent to the West Memphis P.D. from Glendale detailing this. The folder also included banking details of T.W. which they used to locate him. Upon interviewing the girlfriend of T.W. the police learned that T.W. had not told her about this particular dream however a work colleague said that T.W. told him about the dream about the children on May 12th and agreed that T.W. should tell the police about his dream. A note from the W.MP.D. states that a call was received from T.W. between 11:00 pm and midnight on the 11th so T.W. already did tell the police the night before he asked his colleague whether he should call or not. T.W.'s girlfriend worked nights and would have been home around midnight or after each evening.

Glendale police's report is quite interesting, including at the end that T.W. did not appear to have worked on May 5th. I just find it so eerie. I am looking for connections to Phoenix to see whether T.W. could have gleaned this information from someone who was involved. JMO

P.S. I am keeping such an open mind Goblin Keeper that I'm afraid some little grey cells may fall out!
zen, my immediate thought about the "dream" was that it was an obvious act of CYA for a guy with a history of violent child rape, fearing he'd be caught with a dossier on the WM murders - which he was. Interesting coincidence.. wasn't he working in a truck wash at the time?

The one thing that has prevented me from looking harder at this guy so far is, I had the feeling that if he was involved, there'd be clear evidence of sexual trauma, which there was not, on the boys' bodies. BUT that said, the one reason I have never discounted a sexual motive is that not all child rape involves penile penetration - and we have that straight from the foul mouth of JKM.

What gave me shivers was him describing one boy tied to chair before being taken to the 'river' - if you think about the positions the bodies were in.. and crime scene pics of the bodies weren't released to the media, were they?

Like JKM, Woods had spent time in the navy, along with also being a child sex offender.

BTW Woods' alibi (being at work) for that time period fell through, apart from his gf's statements, which I think might be a bit hinky.

Oh, and Chris Morgan (also employed in a car wash..) said he was in Phoenix two months before his interview..That's the only connection I've found so far in the case files.

MORGAN placed his foot up on the interview table and showed me the tennis shoes he was wearing stating he was wearing those shoes on 5/5/93. MORGAN said he had been wearing those shoes for about a month and a-half saying he used to own a pair of Converse tennis shoes but he threw them away in Phoenix, Arizona about two months ago.

Can you elaborate on this please?

yes, his actions are very suspicious. Putting his career on hold, refusing to hear the trials, then saying all his actions where affirmed by the AK supreme court who ended up overturning his one refusal if i remember right.
Very odd that DB, JF and GG won't admit any mistakes yet they are so sure of the WM3's guilt in light of glaring mistakes.

I don't have a link, but I've read this somewhere. Maybe someone else can provide a link. A gun was found in Judge DB's house that should have been in the evidence room at the wmpd.
Hey Goblin Keeper! I have kept an open mind yet every theory I follow ends up circling back to the only path that makes sense to me.

That path places the murderer at the place where the boys were last sighted and witnesses place him there (opportunity), unbridled rage (motive), unaccounted for time and freedom to commit these horrid murders at the time and later to move the bodies. The viciousness of the attacks on the boys demonstrate a personal connection as per the F.B.I. Adding to this the locked box with the partial denture, the 1984 penny on a thin chain and the marble, as well as the knife that one of the boys always carried being found in the possession of the murderer. To me, these are all reminders for someone who believed he committed "the perfect murders". But the bitemark video provided by Compassionate Reader, the bitemark floors me - absolutely floors me! How this in itself did not lead to an investigation and conviction is astonishing.

I do try to keep an open mind but there's an elephant in the room - a gigantic elephant (Too Humungous) that I am finding too difficult to ignore. JMO
So I kept having a problem with why would a domestic abuser who does it behind closed doors take it to a stretch of woods he claims he didn't know of, had never been in before but then I remembered Mildred French... He takes risks, has a real sense of immunity, invincibility. He can punish the offenders without fear of being caught perhaps has some delusion of grandeur that the police cover for him or would look away. Yeah I think he did follow them into the woods and did it there and I think somehow JKM knew of what happened. Perhaps they had a friendship on the dl and used him as a whipping boy to help clean up his mess but somehow I think JKM has a touch of snitch in him.
So I kept having a problem with why would a domestic abuser who does it behind closed doors take it to a stretch of woods he claims he didn't know of, had never been in before but then I remembered Mildred French... He takes risks, has a real sense of immunity, invincibility. He can punish the offenders without fear of being caught perhaps has some delusion of grandeur that the police cover for him or would look away. Yeah I think he did follow them into the woods and did it there and I think somehow JKM knew of what happened. Perhaps they had a friendship on the dl and used him as a whipping boy to help clean up his mess but somehow I think JKM has a touch of snitch in him.

Hey Justiceseeker35! That sentence about him believing the police would cover for him has me flummoxed. Compassionate Reader has questioned this over the years as well. What was his connection with the police? I wish I knew - this is the question that I think may solve this. Or as you mentioned a "delusion of grandeur" - was his narcissism the key in this? I agree the Mildred French scenario demonstrated such abnormal risk-taking that narcissism does play into this.
Hey Justiceseeker35! That sentence about him believing the police would cover for him has me flummoxed. Compassionate Reader has questioned this over the years as well. What was his connection with the police? I wish I knew - this is the question that I think may solve this. Or as you mentioned a "delusion of grandeur" - was his narcissism the key in this? I agree the Mildred French scenario demonstrated such abnormal risk-taking that narcissism does play into this.

Glad to know someone else is questioning the reason that TH has such "Teflon" status!

As to the bite mark, my only guess is that the failure to investigate based on this dynamite must have something to do with the "Teflon" status of TH. What does he know? Again, maybe May 5th will provide some answers.
Glad to know someone else is questioning the reason that TH has such "Teflon" status!

As to the bite mark, my only guess is that the failure to investigate based on this dynamite must have something to do with the "Teflon" status of TH. What does he know? Again, maybe May 5th will provide some answers.

Does anyone find it strange that TH leaves town two weeks after the murders and JKM is questioned by the police two weeks after the murders? Perhaps it went along the lines of JKM stating if he was to be brought in by the cops he might steer them towards TH to keep the "heat" off him but TH had already split. All that hypothetical stuff JKM talked about is a little too on the mark. Just my wild theory...

Ok so I read in the pasdar depo part 2 he was questioned about the Mildred French incident. The questioner had the police report, the witness statement and the court documents and TH denied the incident happened, denies being arrested, admits talking to the police about something but can't remember what. He was ordered to attend court appointed counseling but didn't remember why but states it wasn't for criminal trespassing and assault. The gist of what MF states is he can calmly and coldly lie and deny in face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary. So I challenge this was one of the incidences that he feels like he can get away with quite a bit without serious consequences. I'm not sure if he ever attended counseling or was truly followed up on. This may have helped shaped future behavior.
I'm just going to post this link in this thread. GK, if you want me to, I'll delete this post (if I can, or ask an Admin to do so, if I can't) and create a new thread. It is someone else's explanation (very detailed, I might add) to the "Four Perp Theory" created as a result of the Guy/Stewart statements. Maybe it will help you in your research, too!


Thank you so much for posting this link Compassionate Reader! Some of my questions were answered on this.
Thanks for posting the link for Aynia. I am so sorry Aynia but I have been away for medical reasons but I am back now. My heart monitor was going wonky but it looks like it was just the batteries in the monitor. whew :)
Does anyone find it strange that TH leaves town two weeks after the murders and JKM is questioned by the police two weeks after the murders? Perhaps it went along the lines of JKM stating if he was to be brought in by the cops he might steer them towards TH to keep the "heat" off him but TH had already split. All that hypothetical stuff JKM talked about is a little too on the mark. Just my wild theory...

Ok so I read in the pasdar depo part 2 he was questioned about the Mildred French incident. The questioner had the police report, the witness statement and the court documents and TH denied the incident happened, denies being arrested, admits talking to the police about something but can't remember what. He was ordered to attend court appointed counseling but didn't remember why but states it wasn't for criminal trespassing and assault. The gist of what MF states is he can calmly and coldly lie and deny in face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary. So I challenge this was one of the incidences that he feels like he can get away with quite a bit without serious consequences. I'm not sure if he ever attended counseling or was truly followed up on. This may have helped shaped future behavior.

Sorry i keep harping on this but.. remember MF is a person who was "in the know" about his abuse against his then wife and son. A person who had threatened to take it to the cops and was assaulted for said threat. In his mind he actually gets away with keeping her quiet and in his own mind he did nothing wrong. Was he ever convicted on child abuse or spousal abuse charges? And furthermore how many MF type incidents were there in his life? Perhaps a cumulation of these events upholds his percieved teflon status. (I'm always right so the police always have to protect me)
Hey Justiceseeker35! I agree and think that this is a topic that almost needs its own thread. Seriously. Thanks for reminding me about this.

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