Grandma Hollars speaks

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One thing is that by bringing forth these theories on the crime shows (which there are a great many more people who follow those shows than take the time to come to internet crime boards) F. Hollars is causing a lot of renewed interest in Haleigh's case. She is also presenting theories on TV that I haven't seen discussed before except online. I hope she is helping to heat this case up. More coverage for Sweet Haleigh.
She has said what Tommy and Misty both told her.

Tommy told her Joe did it.

Misty told her Tommy and Joe tied a yellow rope around Haleigh, attached a block and threw her body in the river.

She has confirmed she got no responses from Tommy when she asked him other questions , he was just crying. She also said she got nothing else from Misty and Joe just says f it and walks away. What else is there to say ? She answered the questions JVM and her panel asked, and she gave her opinions. I don't get why people find that unbelievable, or that she shouldn't have an opinion about it, I really don't Mew. Dunno, most GMa's are way more capable of telling when their grandkids are telling the truth or lying than their parents are. She hasn't sugar coated what she was told, nor what she thinks about this. At least she didn't take TN's example and declare Misty to be the best thing ever, had she I would even be blowing her off.[/QUOTE]

Exactly my point. Why tell all these theories?? It's just what may or may not have happened and it's nothing new or factual.

Flo was singing Misty's praises just a few days ago. Just like TN she changed it.
Grandma Flo: "Misty's had a chance to hurt them but she's kept them all". "I know Misty didn't do anything"
Don't need to ask Flo why she is seeing a psychiatrist. Major depression over her criminal family members has got to be tops on her list.

And if FH is in therapy, possibly an explanation as to why she is more willing now to repeat what her grandchildren have told her (rope, bricks, in river, etc.) and offer her honest opinions (maybe my gkids have no remorse, Misty's jealousy motive, maybe she liked it, etc.).
:hug: No need to hunt or print anything out, as we have all read and discussed this thoroughly, months ago. The problem is that "not a suspect" is not the same as "cleared."

There are serious legal implications that come with calling someone a suspect, so LE's saying someone is "not a suspect," means very little.

If you don't have a lawyer handy to confirm this with, ;) all you need to do is refer to what I posted in my first post: Ron's lawyer himself said Ron was not cleared - not long after that statement saying he was "not a suspect" was released.

I'm not here to mince words, but I would like to see the legal dictionary this info came from. Link please. :waitasec:
One thing is that by bringing forth these theories on the crime shows (which there are a great many more people who follow those shows than take the time to come to internet crime boards) F. Hollars is causing a lot of renewed interest in Haleigh's case. She is also presenting theories on TV that I haven't seen discussed before except online. I hope she is helping to heat this case up. More coverage for Sweet Haleigh.

Me too, Kat. :eek: I'm also hoping she'll come out of this OK, so other parents/family won't be discouraged.

I'd like to think that's why the talking heads are giving her so many kudos - not just to up ratings, but... :sheesh:
Where did the information come from that F. Hollars is seeing a Psychiatrist? TIA (I didn't hear it when I watched.)
Me too, Kat. :eek: I'm also hoping she'll come out of this OK, so other parents/family won't be discouraged.

I'd like to think that's why the talking heads are giving her so many kudos - not just to up ratings, but... :sheesh:

OT Muffet but I've learned two things (I'm not being sassy or flippant, I'm serious) from this case and the Caylee case and they are respectively:
1. Never, ever under any circumstance give an interview to media. And never give it on national TV.
2. If I ever find a deceased person. Call it in anonymously and skedaddle. I'm serious as a heart attack.
She has said what Tommy and Misty both told her.

Tommy told her Joe did it.

Misty told her Tommy and Joe tied a yellow rope around Haleigh, attached a block and threw her body in the river.

She has confirmed she got no responses from Tommy when she asked him other questions , he was just crying. She also said she got nothing else from Misty and Joe just says f it and walks away. What else is there to say ? She answered the questions JVM and her panel asked, and she gave her opinions. I don't get why people find that unbelievable, or that she shouldn't have an opinion about it, I really don't Mew. Dunno, most GMa's are way more capable of telling when their grandkids are telling the truth or lying than their parents are. She hasn't sugar coated what she was told, nor what she thinks about this. At least she didn't take TN's example and declare Misty to be the best thing ever, had she I would even be blowing her off.[/QUOTE]

Exactly my point. Why tell all these theories?? It's just what may or may not have happened and it's nothing new or factual.

Flo was singing Misty's praises just a few days ago. Just like TN she changed it.

Because she was asked her theories, gave them, simple as that. TN has never retracted her epistle to Misty - never. Maybe Granny has had the time to think about this and realizes that all three were blaming each other and no one was accepting blame. The biggest difference in my opinion is that true to form - Nancy Grace is lousy at interviewing people - she does not let them speak, she jumps them and inserts her bs instead of listening to them.. JVM does listen, does let them speak - huge difference.
Where did the information come from that F. Hollars is seeing a Psychiatrist? TIA (I didn't hear it when I watched.)

IIRC it was on one of the batch of phone calls TJ released of Misty and Tommy, it was a call with Misty, and she mentioned she was on her way to see the psychiatrist.
Yeah, she's been saying it forever as Nancy's girl on her show too.

If he has been cleared, then that's awesome, and i eagerly await LE's or his lawyer's letting us know.

But neither Maria, Nancy, nor Art should expect thinking people to take their words for it though; not after they've spent months saying it, even upon hearing his lawyer tell them it wasn't true.

That cry wolf thing can bite them in the bum. :whistle:

I never believe anything MS says! I think it all started with Art stating it on NG's show and they all ran with it, just like the bone story. We all know how that turned out! LE can say anything they want, they never show their hand until the game is over. I'm with you, I'll believe Ron is cleared when LE or his lawyer issues a statement. I guess Art thinks not a suspect and cleared are the same thing but in my mind they are not. Chris Coleman-not a suspect, then next thing he is arrested for the murder of his family.

Grandma Flo: "Misty's had a chance to hurt them but she's kept them all". "I know Misty didn't do anything"

Yes, Mew, but didn't FH also say that same night that Misty did not want to babysit the kids that night; that she and ron fought that night, as well as mention that same night that M was on drug-binge for 3 days. Same interview, FH said M was strung out.

In other words, possible that Granny can see M's capable of homicide - because of her drug-binge.
I'm not here to mince words, but I would like to see the legal dictionary this info came from. Link please. :waitasec:

Aired September 8, 2009

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.
I don''t believe a word she's sayin'. Showing us where Misty comes from is all she's doing, IMO.

I completely agree with you OLG! Granny Hollars sickens me. GAG! I don't find her at all noble, or see her as trying to do right by HaLeigh. So which story of hers is true? I didn't watch JVM but trying to follow the posts.....seemed she was saying one contradictory thing after another. And IMO, IF she were trying to give facts re: the murder of sweet HaLeigh, in order to help LE bring justice to those who harmed her, why is it necessary that she tell the world that her daughter and son-in-law are crackheads? I think she is mean spirited, selfish, and in it for money....period. OH! And what about her comment the other night that if Joe molested MC, she "must have liked it!?" :furious: WTH?? Sorry, I'm irritated after reading this thread, and honestly shocked that so many are taken with, woman.

It's obvious most here don't agree with me, but I had to say it. Maybe I'd feel differently if I actually saw her on the show, instead of via this thread, but I seriously doubt it.

Hope I didn't offend anyone......I just had to state my opinion or I was gonna' burst.
Because she was asked her theories, gave them, simple as that. TN has never retracted her epistle to Misty - never. Maybe Granny has had the time to think about this and realizes that all three were blaming each other and no one was accepting blame. The biggest difference in my opinion is that true to form - Nancy Grace is lousy at interviewing people - she does not let them speak, she jumps them and inserts her bs instead of listening to them.. JVM does listen, does let them speak - huge difference.

TN was calling Misty a b**** and blaming her for getting Ron in trouble. She did retract her Misty is the best statement.

I don't care what Flo's theories are but if posters do that's fine. I have no problem with it or her talking. Just as long as we realize they are just her theories. Not fact, not something she was told. That's what I was trying to get across.

Not sure where NG and JVM interviewing people came up but ITA. I can't stand NG and don't watch her. JVM I like and watch each day that I'm able to.
When Flo said the Croslins were gypsies I immediately had the song
"Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves" going through my head. :innocent:
Flo speculates a lot, just like LP.
He should call her, they could gab for hours.

Grandma Flo: "Misty's had a chance to hurt them but she's kept them all". "I know Misty didn't do anything"

I'm sorry, but that statement is just beyond weird. I like Grandma Flo, but what an odd thing to say about your granddaughter.
TN was calling Misty a b**** and blaming her for getting Ron in trouble. She did retract her Misty is the best statement.

I don't care what Flo's theories are but if posters do that's fine. I have no problem with it or her talking. Just as long as we realize they are just her theories. Not fact, not something she was told. That's what I was trying to get across.

Not sure where NG and JVM interviewing people came up but ITA. I can't stand NG and don't watch her. JVM I like and watch each day that I'm able to.

Mew you know I love ya. :D
Granny Hollars, when asked, said that when LE does not return her calls and won't speak to here, she thinks "it's dirty".

Interesting word choice. Clearly Granny does not object to her spawn being held in jail and being labeled as POI's or keys or suspects or whatever...

So...IMO ... Granny means that LE is "dirty" as in - to cheat, to steal.

Now what could they possibly be "cheating" and "stealing"?

Answer: Her Reward.

So... this calling LE "dirty" bothers me. A lot. Might even explain her talk-show-circuit motives.

On top of the opportunistic grifter vibe, the financial appeals for phone change, and the throw everyone and their mother and father under the bus "to be a good interview" - it kinda tips the scale as to Granny's focus. on Numero Uno.

She seems happy to talk incessantly and even speculate about her three murdering grandchildren as if they've behaved badly at summer camp - and - by the way, (wink) she'd know more if only she had some money to call them with. And with each interview she spins the story closer to what her audience is hoping to hear...

She's been very entertaining, however, and I do believe some of what she says regarding family history & dynamics. The upside is we do not have to wait for jailhouse tapes to hear the Misty-Granny and Tommy-Granny "tips" - ...that sparked the most recent search.

I just feel as if - There's the tree, all it's apples are rotten, and the tree is happy to tell you so, matter-of-factly. With no apparent responsibilty or remorse.

I can't help but wonder - how is it that this tree grow so many rotten apples. And, how clever is this tree to be selling them?

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