Grandma Hollars speaks

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Emeralgem, Me too! I'm a grandma and I have one.. BTW... I also live in Tennessee. Yes to all three.

Hey Emeralgem and Homegrown......Yes to all three for me too! Howdy neighbors and fellow computer grannies! lol!
I completely agree with you OLG! Granny Hollars sickens me. GAG! I don't find her at all noble, or see her as trying to do right by HaLeigh. So which story of hers is true? I didn't watch JVM but trying to follow the posts.....seemed she was saying one contradictory thing after another. And IMO, IF she were trying to give facts re: the murder of sweet HaLeigh, in order to help LE bring justice to those who harmed her, why is it necessary that she tell the world that her daughter and son-in-law are crackheads? I think she is mean spirited, selfish, and in it for money....period. OH! And what about her comment the other night that if Joe molested MC, she "must have liked it!?" :furious: WTH?? Sorry, I'm irritated after reading this thread, and honestly shocked that so many are taken with, woman.

It's obvious most here don't agree with me, but I had to say it. Maybe I'd feel differently if I actually saw her on the show, instead of via this thread, but I seriously doubt it.

Hope I didn't offend anyone......I just had to state my opinion or I was gonna' burst.

BBM I am not sure what to make of G'ma Hollars either. I was very upset about the molested comment as well. Some pointed out last night that perhaps she meant she still saw Joe, therefore maybe it didn't happen (as a possibility). I didn't take it that way; but it is food for thought. Bottom line, LE have the tapes & that is main thing...something that wasn't pointed out by NG's expert panel.

On a lighter note, I am still chuckling over whoever said last night something to the effect that they "expect all 3 grandchildren to come forward & confess to whatever there is they know; just to get grandma off the TV. That was too funny & possibly happen given their ages. :dance:
Granny Hollars, when asked, said that when LE does not return her calls and won't speak to here, she thinks "it's dirty".

Interesting word choice. Clearly Granny does not object to her spawn being held in jail and being labeled as POI's or keys or suspects or whatever...

So...IMO ... Granny means that LE is "dirty" as in - to cheat, to steal.

Now what could they possibly be "cheating" and "stealing"?

Answer: Her Reward.

So... this calling LE "dirty" bothers me. A lot. Might even explain her talk-show-circuit motives.

On top of the opportunistic grifter vibe, the financial appeals for phone change, and the throw everyone and their mother and father under the bus "to be a good interview" - it kinda tips the scale as to Granny's focus. on Numero Uno.

She seems happy to talk incessantly and even speculate about her three murdering grandchildren as if they've behaved badly at summer camp - and - by the way, (wink) she'd know more if only she had some money to call them with. And with each interview she spins the story closer to what her audience is hoping to hear...

She's been very entertaining, however, and I do believe some of what she says regarding family history & dynamics. The upside is we do not have to wait for jailhouse tapes to hear the Misty-Granny and Tommy-Granny "tips" - ...that sparked the most recent search.

I just feel as if - There's the tree, all it's apples are rotten, and the tree is happy to tell you so, matter-of-factly. With no apparent responsibilty or remorse.

I can't help but wonder - how is it that this tree grow so many rotten apples. And, how clever is this tree to be selling them?

ITA!! :applause:

I also wonder who she thinks is going to call her even if she does have PayTel money? :waitasec: :crazy:

The only one still standing is Timmy and I think it's only a matter of time till he ends up under that bus with the rest of them.

Aired September 8, 2009

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.

Nancy Grace is an attorney, and she allowed Maria Schiavo to say this:

SCHIAVO: Nancy, cousin Joe has not been cleared. The only people in this case that have been cleared are Ronald Cummings and Haleigh`s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield

As I said before, they use the words interchangeably. I have no legal expertise such as you guys must have, but I can tell you that "cleared" and "not a suspect" sound the same to me.
Croslins live like gypsies according to Flo.

Yehp. Interesting that Flo said that, though. Now I no longer believe they really are, but for a time I did. If the family were gypsies, I think Flo wouldn't have said they "live like" gypsies.

(I have gypsy ancestors, so watch it. :crazy:)
Mutual exploitation?

1. MSM is not credible. Gma Flo is being exploited by MSM (HLN, NG) to seek sensationalistic headlines and video clips that are purely hearsay and her opinion only.

2. Gma Flo is not credible. She is exploiting to both enjoy her 15 minutes of fame as well as to save Misty.

Gma Flo stating her opinion about Ron *may* give the media a statement that implicates Ron to use but it is her opinion. Are they going to run with my opinion as 'fact'?

I do not think that she would earn any reward since it is all un-determined, hearsay and, would need a perp to plea and confirm anything. I do think she is *trying* to do the right thing and speak out, unlike the rest of the family BUT she needed to talk to LE privately NOT the nation publicly.
well then that would make alot of ppl including lawyers in the case not credible .. i dont know what she is doing but the more i watch her she is saying things that were said on here .. like why leave a kid with someone who doesnt want to watch them ? either shes thinking like us or reading here . i want so much to hope that someone FINALLY is trying to do the right thing.. she is pointing the finger at all 3 of them now and saying stuff about the parents as well .. i dunno she looked pretty disgusted with the whole matter to me or she puts on a good show .. i dunno what to make of any of them but all i can say is TRUTH SERUM is needed in this case.. and im so angry at how all of these people didnt care about little haleigh .. but then they werent her family why would they?? .. some people have hearts of gold and can love unconditionally blood or not others they only care if its thier blood ..and screw whoever else .. all i know is that precious angel didnt deserve any of this and ANYONE witholding info should be punished to the very fullest extent of the law .. there HAS to be a way to get these people to understand they have to tell the truth there is no fixing there is no covering up anymore .. they cant save themselves unless they talk
I like Grandma Hollars. Don't know if I believe everything outta her mouth, but boy o boy she sure tells it like SHE sees it - and that's kinda like all of us here dontcha know?

Anyway, with that said - here's a new thought:

Grandma has sat and watched (and listened) to the last 14 months of carp. Haleigh's case bothers her - that's a little girl that "needs to be laid to rest", but along with that case, she's gone through LC being busted how many times? TC being busted for the old man's gun (and LC was involved with that too) and then MC's woes about RC - marrying him, divorcing him, the "road rage" incident, the "purse stealing" incident.... and on and on.

Now, lately, since they are all in jail ( 'xcept for LC and HC) she sees LP come in. One gets a car, the other a computer, money on commisary accounts, phone cards, gas money for visits, and who knows what else. So why is it so wrong for her to want a "slice of the pie" - especially when she is looking like the only one who isn't a career criminal or drug addicted gypsy? Lord knows how much she has spent over the years raising her kid's kids. How much she has spent to get so and so outta jail.

She could be using this to get her share - but if she is gonna "tell it like it is" I say give her "the whole pie". JMHO

Grandma says the Croslin parents are crackheads. I got that.

She says they were living in Colorado, and out of three times she visited them, only one time all their kids were there. The other two times they were in Michigan with the other grandparents, right?

Other times Misty lived with FH in Tennesee while Timmy & Tommy were living with their Croslin grandparents in Michigan, right?

Lisa and Hank Sr (the parents) moved around a lot, they're like gypsies.

So why couldn't Jane follow that train of thought?

What gave Jane the idea Ron received a call from Misty at work saying Haleigh was missing?

Why is Jane insisting Ronald has been cleared? Damage control?

Why FH talking about the 'missing 10 minutes'?
What does she know that we don't? Although I thought Ron's drive time to work was shorter than 25 minutes.

Perhaps it's just Granny's manner of speaking that has Jane and myself a bit confused at times. She does have a Southern/country-type vocabulary. I've encountered many who use that style, and sometimes you have to figure out for yourself what they're actually saying. :waitasec:

red mine

:waitasec: I was screaming, "Follow-up questions please!!" at my TV.
I like Grandma Hollars. Don't know if I believe everything outta her mouth, but boy o boy she sure tells it like SHE sees it - and that's kinda like all of us here dontcha know?

Anyway, with that said - here's a new thought:

Grandma has sat and watched (and listened) to the last 14 months of carp. Haleigh's case bothers her - that's a little girl that "needs to be laid to rest", but along with that case, she's gone through LC being busted how many times? TC being busted for the old man's gun (and LC was involved with that too) and then MC's woes about RC - marrying him, divorcing him, the "road rage" incident, the "purse stealing" incident.... and on and on.

Now, lately, since they are all in jail ( 'xcept for LC and HC) she sees LP come in. One gets a car, the other a computer, money on commisary accounts, phone cards, gas money for visits, and who knows what else. So why is it so wrong for her to want a "slice of the pie" - especially when she is looking like the only one who isn't a career criminal or drug addicted gypsy? Lord knows how much she has spent over the years raising her kid's kids. How much she has spent to get so and so outta jail.

She could be using this to get her share - but if she is gonna "tell it like it is" I say give her "the whole pie". JMHO

Sadly enough, I agree with you. She has said more in the last 72 hours than the entire clan has said in 14 months. When she said she wanted Haleigh laid to rest, I believed her.
Oddly enough, if I were to do the stupid things that this family has done, my father wouldn't mind telling it like it is to the world. He has always told me if I was in the right, he would stand behind me 100% but if I were in the wrong 100% of me would know exactly what it is like to be white on rice.
I suppose at this point, the only way to really believe her is for the phone calls to be released. So far I have not heard LE squash any rumors about Grandma Flo and her they have with the bones and funeral stuff..
Nancy Grace is an attorney, and she allowed Maria Schiavo to say this:

SCHIAVO: Nancy, cousin Joe has not been cleared. The only people in this case that have been cleared are Ronald Cummings and Haleigh`s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield

As I said before, they use the words interchangeably. I have no legal expertise such as you guys must have, but I can tell you that "cleared" and "not a suspect" sound the same to me.

Thanks. We can agree to disagree. I was just providing the link that supported the other post (the one you asked a link for).

I would personally take Ron's attorney, Shoemaker's words and explanation as "most authoritative" before I'd consider any other source since it his client and --- he had the more recent conversations with LE on Ron's status. A Defense attorney is normally going to spin in favor of his client but he told it as he saw it.
Whoa... She thinks Misty was jealous of Ron's love for Haleigh.

WHOA! I wasn't here during the show and didn't see this til now! I've felt this way since the day I saw Misty's first interview!!! W@W!
Thanks. We can agree to disagree. I was just providing the link that supported the other post (the one you asked a link for).

I would personally take Ron's attorney, Shoemaker's words and explanation as "most authoritative" before I'd consider any other source since it his client and --- he had the more recent conversations with LE on Ron's status. A Defense attorney is normally going to spin in favor of his client but he told it as he saw it.

I await for Shoemaker quotes, we learn more from him then anyone associated to this case LOL. I can't imagine why NG in the last 2 nights didn't ask him more questions! Maybe JVM will get him on!
Because she was asked her theories, gave them, simple as that. TN has never retracted her epistle to Misty - never. Maybe Granny has had the time to think about this and realizes that all three were blaming each other and no one was accepting blame. The biggest difference in my opinion is that true to form - Nancy Grace is lousy at interviewing people - she does not let them speak, she jumps them and inserts her bs instead of listening to them.. JVM does listen, does let them speak - huge difference.

WHOA! I wasn't here during the show and didn't see this til now! I've felt this way since the day I saw Misty's first interview!!! W@W!

Maybe Granny's reading your posts, Kimster. :wink:
I'll give her this:

If indeed WS is helping Granny with her theories and motives, it's very interesting to know which of the 1000 different ones we've dreamed up she does take a cotton to. I think she's selective based on what she actually knows about her little apples.

In my opinion, and I hope I am wrong, if they are upset with her, its because she got to the reward money and they didn't. Who did she call...she called the Crime Stoppers..the Reward Center. Flora knew as soon as the LE reviewed the telephone tapes, she would not be eligible to collect the loot. If Granny was just acting out of concern with what she had just "learned" she would have called the LE back, and advised them to pull the tapes and listen to the recording don't you think.
And you know how she keeps maintaining on television interviews she was the one who turned them in"first" yeah to the Hot Tip line.

However, I don't think she will get any of the reward money..Boo Who for her, since I believe Tommy had already confessed to his involvement.
I just remembered something else Grandma said tonight - I filed it away but it came with a huge red flag. It was early on when she was talking about LC and HCsr. She said HCsr was up on "doctor shopping" charges and that his drug preference was roxies - hhhmmmmm..............

Didn't RC on the undercover drug tapes keep telling the uc that he knew where to get roxies? He said something to the effect that the guy gets like 200 but only sells off 100? And RC was quite persistent about "this guy" and the "roxies" he gets? Kept saying it was right around the corner.

Just thought that was interesting and brings up new questions about who's dealing who and what.
Thanks. We can agree to disagree. I was just providing the link that supported the other post (the one you asked a link for).

I would personally take Ron's attorney, Shoemaker's words and explanation as "most authoritative" before I'd consider any other source since it his client and --- he had the more recent conversations with LE on Ron's status. A Defense attorney is normally going to spin in favor of his client but he told it as he saw it.

Lol, I guess we gotta disagree again. I think Ronald is at the top of of the suspect list, and I don't think LE would ever tip their hat to his attorney. Not arguing with you, just stating my take on it.

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