Grandma Hollars speaks

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DNA Solves
PB: tommy weak link; i think ex-wife mite know something; nothin like an ex-wife
Tim Miller talk about ak47 that Ron show him... is that a rifle?? not good with guns
AH: keep pressure on Tommy; i was at house w/croslins and tommy is their favorite suspect
GMH: misty never told me ron drugged t children to make them sleep
Flora thanks everyone for stepping up and trying to get the case solved.

Answered one last question Flora never heard that RC drugged the kids to get them to sleep.

Thank you Flora.
Tim Miller talk about ak47 that Ron show him... is that a rifle?? not good with guns

I do believe that is a "machine gun". You are right!

Excellent show. I want to listen to it again.
SusanM-Milano, author of Time's Up: domestic violence component in her book
They asked if GGM Sykes or TN called LE, after Flo relayed the news about the dock to them, they didn't know if LE was called. I thought this was a good question. My guess is they didn't call LE, but did go to search themselves.
They asked if GGM Sykes or TN called LE, after Flo relayed the news about the dock to them, they didn't know if LE was called. I thought this was a good question. My guess is they didn't call LE, but did go to search themselves.

Apparantly that is true because IF LE knew they intended to go there before they did, they would have said "NO".
I want a transcript of this. It's quite compelling. IMO

I tried to type out everything of importance but I can't remember half of what i typed now i was trying to do it so quickly. i will have to go back and read the thread.
WOW Misty wanted GGMS to know where they were going to search? curious

Since Misty ask GMa Hollars to call GGMa Sykes, I would say she is wanting GGMa Sykes to think she is helping, even though she is most likely lying her butt off. This is a most interesting tid bit. Misty asking GMa Hollars to call AS. Very very interesting.
I do believe that is a "machine gun". You are right!

Excellent show. I want to listen to it again.

AK-47 is an assault rifle. This rifle could very well have been the one Ron was reportedly putting into his mouth in the presence of Tim Miller.
Will there be a transcript? If not, I'll need a second listen.
thank you elle, it is very much appreciated as I am at work and could not listen in tonight.....
Drug dealer went to Hank and Lisa's house.....kicked in the door. Flora says Hank and Lisa are the ones that got Misty involved in drugs!!

Thank you, elle, (& others) for providing the notes of the show! This comment of Flora's amazed me. I can't imagine parents getting their children involved in drugs!! But it sounds like Misty was no drug innocent before she met Ron.
Two great things we learned if they are accurate....and i have no reason not to believe Flora. She is really putting herself out there and she said she doesn't want one red penny.
1. Misty wanted to give the gun to Tommy and Joe to sell and split the money.
2. Misty wanted granny to call GGS and tell her where LE were going to go and look for Haleigh. I don't understand that part.
ALSO 3. Lisa and Hank got misty involved in drugs.
4. Timmy and Chelsea had guardianship of Misty at one point and have changed their phone number. i wonder if this means that they are not talking to misty either??

Tommy is the weakest link.
grandmaj....I find this suspicious as well and i have never been one to be suspicious of GGS...something off there with that one. Why is Misty still answering to them? They have said mean things about her since the arrest ....why would Misty tell her to call them??

And not only that, Elle....After GMHollars told them that little bit of information...look at what TN/GMS did after getting that info....THEY WENT TO THE SEARCH AREA looking around all afternoon.

Something is definitely wrong with that picture right there. Kinda make me think they knew what they were there looking for. Wonder if that was Misty's way of trying to set THEM up now? Misty knew anything she told her grandma would be taken as gospel and, therefore, wanted GMHollars to call and let TN/GMSykes know LE was going to be searching that area....for some reason. Could LE have been waiting to see what move GMS/TN would make next? IMO, if LE did...TN/GMS fell right into that trap.
I liked Levi telling Flora to let Misty know about Ron's girlfriend.

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