Grandma Hollars speaks

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I'm still not understanding how something goes from stealing a gun to molesting a 5 year old and throwing her from a dock.....Does anyone else?'s not understandable at all. Misty is still covering. She's got PCSO running around like the keystone cops, the media waiting with baited breath for any inkling of new news in this case and writing letters to the Governor of Florida. She's not living in the real world, her world flips every time she runs into her ex-husband and that's where the truth lies.
I don't know...I believe the things she said Misty TOLD her but not sure I can buy all of her suppositions about things, the stuff she says but has no source for...I do think she means well but also think she has been dwelling on this, as we have, for so long, that she is kind of thinking out loud half the time...true, she knows the players, but I still have my doubts on some of it...
But whatever the case, I am very glad she is at least willing to speak out; her being vocal is bound to stir up some pots, at least I hope so.

The key to your post is "what Misty told her" and that's the problem I have with all of it! I don't understand why we are expected to believe any of this. When has Misty told one truthful thing? Levi had a great show, but it was only speculation. Granny still thinks Joe was involved, and I'm pretty sure LE has discounted this possibility. They act like now that Tommy and Lindsy are getting a divorce, that's the reason she let him search for the yellow rope. That's bull, because the rope was found way before any divorce papers were filed. It just seems to me that as soon as a new story comes out, all the pieces are made to fit it, and forget about everything that happened in the past. I can not make myself believe that Joe and Tommy went to the MH to steal a gun. And that Misty was in on it! That's just crazy. I'm waiting for version 12 to come out!
Question, Levi - Could Ron have been jealous of Dionna Brock because she took Misty's attention away from him? And that's why he texted Misty to tell her that Donna was discredit her?

I agree to a point on that. He had to be reassured she wasn't going to "tell" so, he alerted Misty so she would be extra careful. If he had no culpability in the case, why would he care?
I'm also wondering if MC was sent to GMF on a ten day mission by RC to feed her some of the information that we're now hearing or is all of this info from the phone calls? If it's through the phone calls wouldn't LE already have all of this info being that the calls are recorded?
It doesn't make sense that Misty would want this information relayed to Ron's family. It also does not make sense that Ron's family doesn't have a bad word to say about Misty, even after she went with LE to the dock. They should be furious. If Misty and/or Tommy were the only ones involved, why would Misty want GGM Sykes called with the dock information ?
I don't want to stray OT, but it seems to me that it wouldn't be very smart for Ron's family to alienate Misty. They may be walking a very delicate tightrope and LE may be encouraging them to be careful about what they say about her. Despite some differences, both Ron's family and LE have a common goal and that is to get Misty to come clean about what she knows regarding Haleigh. LE found out very early on that if they apply pressure to Misty in conventional ways they don't get anywhere. They have to use psychological pressure because bullying doesn't work with her - she becomes more obstinate!
I'm also wondering if MC was sent to GMF on a day day mission by RC to feed her some of the information that we're now hearing or is all of this info from the phone calls? If it's through the phone calls wouldn't LE already have all of this info being that the calls are recorded?

Yes, I believe it was all phone calls.
Yes, the phone calls are recorded.
GMF has been talking to LE as well.
She must be telling the truth as best as she knows it or the phone call recordings would dispute her word.
She is very vengeful. In fact, it was remarked upon recently, I can't remember by whom but it was one of the radio shows. I've just finished watching her jailhouse tapes and she throws everyone under the bus. They should play her against Ron and see what happens. Maybe if she thinks he has a new girlfriend, she'll spill.

As I recall, misty saw rc with a girl one day after the divorce. She was also told he had a new squeeze....Didn't faze her in the least. She was concerned, however, that he was using her food stamps at the register.
I really hope that LE found something in that river, ANYTHING! Time will tell:(
I'm just catching up here, but I would think Misty told Flo to call Annette about the search imo because she wanted that same information to get to Ron...
I find it really strange the divorce of Lyndsys was not brought up on the show. Makes me think there is a bigger story behind it and everyone is waiting for some little info to go public with it.
Ron hides his guns when LE are around....just the way he rolls...MO.
Imagine how much cash he had to be able to buy this stuff. Gold chains, guns, drugs.

I don't get it. guns and drugs before decent beds for the kids. I don't know who did what but IMO a machine gun should not have been a priority over decent sleeping conditions for those children.
Ron hides his guns when LE are around....just the way he rolls...MO.
Imagine how much cash he had to be able to buy this stuff. Gold chains, guns, drugs.
And, yet again, I'm drawn back to this "gun" discussion/confusion. We know RC cleaned the 9mm and gave it to LE. I always thought LE would have confiscated ALL his guns - but evidently not as we have the TM story about the "assault rifle" and RC saying he'd blown MC's teeth out the back of her head, etc. etc. So, why does RC still have this particular gun?

I think I can help with the clarifying of the "wording" - a machine gun - you think of continous, rapid fire. AK47's are capable of that - so us "older" folks would call it a machine gun.

Living in the land of sunny, urban-crimeville, AK47's are guite often involved in shootings down here - especially drug related / gang shootings. There is also what is called an "uzi" - these are "machine gun" type weapons as well but they are shorter and look more like an oversized hand gun rather than a rifle.

I think what RC has/had was an AK. I certainly hope LE has that gun now, and if they do - you can bet every test they can do on that gun will be done. So, if that gun was involved in any other crime - LE will find that out.

Lots and lots o guns in this mess.
I am thinking I might have misunderstood the question to Flora about why she made the phone call to GGS. Levi asked why did you call GGS.....Flo said cause Misty told her to. I assumed GGS went to search cause Misty told her to....but Misty could have just said call GGS and tell her about where we put Haleigh. Gosh did I just type that.

God Bless little Haleigh.

BBM: Yes, that is what I heard (BBM). I will listen a second time, but I thought I heard GMH say she called GGMS because Misty asked her to - meaning, Misty wanted Flo to tell GGMS and/or TN what she had just told Flo on the phone call - that H's body was placed in the river. Course, both TN and GGMS would then know LE was going to search there.
I find it really strange the divorce of Lyndsys was not brought up on the show. Makes me think there is a bigger story behind it and everyone is waiting for some little info to go public with it.

I think they did talk about it a little, Doc as AH made some comment about talking to exes as (my words) a good source of info.
I find it really strange the divorce of Lyndsys was not brought up on the show. Makes me think there is a bigger story behind it and everyone is waiting for some little info to go public with it.

It did come up Doc Fessel...........GMF stated that she told Lindsey to get rid of him a long time ago. That he was lazy, didn't want to work, that when he worked with his father, his Dad would have to go in and make him get out of bed to go to work everyday. That Tommy expected Lindsey to be the bread winner...etc.
It would be interesting to know if MC told GMF to tell GMS & TN that they would be looking at the Shell Harbor dock or if she just said down by the water or if she just said at the dock. It would be a way for LE to sit back and watch to get an idea of where to start a search if they had an idea that perhaps they already knew. That's just a theory though.

To me, this was the most interesting thing I learned from granny. This was something Misty asked her to do, and that is a bombshell. It was a warning, or it was her way of saying, I'm sticking to the script and protecting Ron. Since they went down to the dock, I take it as a warning. I can't help but wonder if LE found what TN and AS were looking for. These two women couldn't have been doing a water search, so it had to be something on the bank. Would they really have gone down there just to look out over the water? Hardly!
Man right then Levi should have asked flo did misty ever pass any
other messages to sykes that way?
I thought most were aware the misty lived with Chelsea and Timmy. She went to live th ethem after her Court Trial involved her old boyfriend. She was about fourteen at the time. I think she stayed with Timmy about two years almost to the time she met her Ronald. I guess Chelsea and her became close because Chelsea does come to her defense. Remember when Chelsea joined in the physical fight against AB's mom.
I am not so sure RC's family has the same goal as LE, in wanting truth to come out...we can't say that with any certanty as we do not know that RC and all of his family are 100% innocent here...if Misty did tell Granny Flora to tell the other granny, well either she wants to appear cooperative or she was sending a warning to RC's family, IMO.

I appreciate the fact that Levi does these shows, but really, they are just another hour or so of speculation or new statements that contradict previous ones, etc...

I am sure LE listens to every tape made by any of the 3 in jail and Flora may not know that they do, or she forgets, so her info may or may not match what they hear. They would not tell her that, they would listen to what she has to say and say "thank you very much." Just on the off chance she has something to add that was from a prior in-person conversation, for instance. So Flora could still be saying things that she claims Misty told her that are totally off. I don't think she would do this on purpose but I think in each sentence she says, part of it is her opinion and part of it is what she says Misty told her.
GMF: at one time, JO owned 3 guns; abt 3 or 4 wks ago he knocked his momma in head w/one by accident; think this bout t machine gun JO wanted

How did he accidentally knock his Mother in the head with a gun? :banghead:

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