Grandma Hollars speaks

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During the week I said that I didn't find it strange that GGS and TN went to the search site after hearing from Flo....I find it questionable now because we are hearing that MISTY wanted Flo to tell them to go there. weird. I will think about it while I try to sleep tonight. I have to let all this info digest. good show and I normally don't think it's all that factual.....tonight was different and good!

BTW....Misty must have given Flora the # to GGS huh? Misty asked Gramma Sykes why she didn't help her when RC shoved her at her house and it made a loud noise....right? So why would she care enough o call them and tell them where LE were going to search?? I can't wrap my head around it.

I thought it was Hope Sykes who heard the loud noise.
I think misty told Flo to tell Sykes because she wanted to get word to rc that she heard what LE are up to. It was a chance to show him how much she cares and how loyal she is.
I find it really strange the divorce of Lyndsys was not brought up on the show. Makes me think there is a bigger story behind it and everyone is waiting for some little info to go public with it.

It was, a few times. AH commented that it was a long time coming (paraphrase), implying that he felt Linds had been considering this possibly prior to ToC's LDT.

Also, PBrown referred to how the "ex-wife" factor could be used against ToC, and the other guests chuckled, and or agreed w/her.
I call bull**** on the gun story. Why would Joe take Haleigh and not Junior as well? I mean come on if he really wanted to get back at Ron he would have taken both kids.

I do believe that Flo is telling the truth and that she just believes what Misty is saying.
The one thing we know for sure is misty is solid (delusional) about her position with rc. Telling her about another female being interested is not going to bother her at all. She will shrug it off, she did the last time. She is a different sort, this girl. I'm pretty sure she thinks of herself as "Bonnie" to his "CLyde"
I am not so sure RC's family has the same goal as LE, in wanting truth to come out...we can't say that with any certanty as we do not know that RC and all of his family are 100% innocent here...if Misty did tell Granny Flora to tell the other granny, well either she wants to appear cooperative or she was sending a warning to RC's family, IMO.

I appreciate the fact that Levi does these shows, but really, they are just another hour or so of speculation or new statements that contradict previous ones, etc...

I am sure LE listens to every tape made by any of the 3 in jail and Flora may not know that they do, or she forgets, so her info may or may not match what they hear. They would not tell her that, they would listen to what she has to say and say "thank you very much." Just on the off chance she has something to add that was from a prior in-person conversation, for instance. So Flora could still be saying things that she claims Misty told her that are totally off. I don't think she would do this on purpose but I think in each sentence she says, part of it is her opinion and part of it is what she says Misty told her.

I understand your point, it is well taken but.......I do believe that most of what we hear and try to logically digest is ALL speculation and nothing is proven out until the last suspect has been dealt with. However, LE does know whether or not this woman has her story straight as she continues to stay in touch with them. I believe that this woman is tormented when she lays her head down each night and truly wants Haleigh to be brought home. For this, I give her credit as a mother and grandmother. She knows what family should or should not be.
I am not so sure RC's family has the same goal as LE, in wanting truth to come out...we can't say that with any certanty as we do not know that RC and all of his family are 100% innocent here...if Misty did tell Granny Flora to tell the other granny, well either she wants to appear cooperative or she was sending a warning to RC's family, IMO.

I appreciate the fact that Levi does these shows, but really, they are just another hour or so of speculation or new statements that contradict previous ones, etc...

I am sure LE listens to every tape made by any of the 3 in jail and Flora may not know that they do, or she forgets, so her info may or may not match what they hear. They would not tell her that, they would listen to what she has to say and say "thank you very much." Just on the off chance she has something to add that was from a prior in-person conversation, for instance. So Flora could still be saying things that she claims Misty told her that are totally off. I don't think she would do this on purpose but I think in each sentence she says, part of it is her opinion and part of it is what she says Misty told her.

Wow, we could share the same brain, because we sure do think alike. I practically said the same thing in response to one of your posts earlier.
How did he accidentally knock his Mother in the head with a gun? :banghead:

GMH did not go into detail. I believe that she was trying to get across that JO is a man who also has had/has guns. By saying JO knocked his mother in the head with a gun by accident three or four weeks ago, it can give the impression he may even like to take them out in the house (like Ron).
Granny Flo, if we are to believe her, did confirm the one thing I've been thinking all along. These folks are thick as thieves. And they all have something BIG on each other. So they adhere to the code. Honor among thieves.

Let's assume for a moment that Granny Flo is correct about that tidbit.

Quite possibly, the truth of what happened to Haleigh would reveal even larger sins - the dirty game they were in at the time - and such a confession by any one of them, would clearly bring them ALL down.

If you didn't kill Haleigh, but you have knowledge of what happened, then why not spill and get your drug bust sentence reduced?

Well, perhaps you can't spill if telling the truth about what you know about Haleigh requires telling a story that will get you more time than you already have.

I think not a single one of them is motivated to do anything other than keep the code. Your fate is worse than Ratgate lest you forget it.

Perhaps little Haleigh was just collateral damage to another huge crime.
Yes, I'm sure you're right that LE would have said no. But if it were me & my grandchild was missing and I heard that LE got a tip about an area, I'd want to rush over there and look too. Even though I knew that LE would want to discourage it!

Why not just go to the police station and demand some answers, instead of listening to hear say? GMSykes seems NOT to believe a lot of things she hears and she even said so....So why did she believe GMHollars about this tip? Why couldn't that have been another STORY to add to this mess? GMSykes even stated on video that she wouldn't believe anything unless it came from LE. So I'll ask this question again- If GMSykes thought this was a reliable tip that warranted them to actually going down there to "look around", why not confront LE with this info immediately? and not leave it up to the "KEY" family members to do it? Even if GMHollars told them that she contacted LE with this information...THEY are Haleigh's family not GMHollars.

Who better to help with this search than LE? They have resources to do this and they showed us that. Kinda reminds me of the 911 call "we got better people to talk to" comment.

JMO though
I'm not knocking Granny Flora...I do think she truly wants this case solved, even at the risk of her grandkids ending up in prison forever, which is admirable...but not sure she is saying exactly what Misty may have said to her, she may be paraphrasing in ways that change the meaning, by mistake. It would not take much, in this case. One "he" turns to a "she" or a "we" or "a gun" becomes "the gun" or "Joe's gun" etc...there is just so, so much to sift through. I totally do not envy LE on this case and I'll bet everyone working it has all this stuff spinning through their brains all night long when they try to sleep...
GMH did not go into detail. I believe that she was trying to get across that JO is a man who also has had/has guns. By saying JO knocked his mother in the head with a gun by accident the other week, it can give the impression he may even like to take them out in the house (like Ron).

I thought granny said she has not been in touch with Joe or his mother. I know she said his mother was angry with her. Wonder how she heard this story?
I just read through this thread. Many thanks to those who provided notes of the show.

From the beginning of this case I have used a set of standards to evaluate the random information regarding actions of this cast of characters. My standards used are simple, how would I have acted or what would I have done?

In a "Bombshell" of my own, I have to say that were information to come to me that my missing granddaughter was at that dock, NOTHING could have stopped me from being there. I wouldn't have been so facetious as to pretend to search, but I would have been there none the less because it is my belief that somehow I would have been able to "feel" her presense if true.

I'm not weakening or changing my often stated stance on these two characters, but finally after 15 months they have an action that is EXACTLY as I would have done.

Realistically, I have to admit, I suppose, that in my case this would have all been academic. After 15 months, I would have likely been in an institution somewhere while they fed me and tried to get me to remember my own name.
Well, if Haleigh is buried, the joke is on LE. It's almost like the Cummings and the Croslins in jail and out have to monitor the LE...keep one step ahead of them at all times...just in case LE accidently stumbles upon something.

RC was not even mad at misty when they searched the river. His comment was one of possible disappointment with her...WTH?
I'm not knocking Granny Flora...I do think she truly wants this case solved, even at the risk of her grandkids ending up in prison forever, which is admirable...but not sure she is saying exactly what Misty may have said to her, she may be paraphrasing in ways that change the meaning, by mistake. It would not take much, in this case. One "he" turns to a "she" or a "we" or "a gun" becomes "the gun" or "Joe's gun" etc...there is just so, so much to sift through. I totally do not envy LE on this case and I'll bet everyone working it has all this stuff spinning through their brains all night long when they try to sleep...

To emphasize you point, just go back to the story she told Misty about "Tommy and Joe taking Haleigh" being in all the newspapers. It was actually a letter Misty had written Chelsea, but granny heard "newspapers." Then she asked Misty why her mama and daddy were lying about it. I think she is telling her story to the best of her ability, but I do think she gets confused.
Well, if Haleigh is buried, the joke is on LE. It's almost like the Cummings and the Croslins in jail and out have to monitor the LE...keep one step ahead of them at all times...just in case LE accidently stumbles upon something.

RC was not even mad at misty when they searched the river. His comment was one of possible disappointment with her...WTH?
WHOA! Hold up here a minute. Reading your post a light bulb went off here. LE NEVER addressed what, if anythings that was found in the woods (at the search site). We and LE seemed so focused on that dock and that river that anyone searching the surrounding woods went almost unnoticed.

Did LE find anything of significance in those woods. I've wondered about this since the search - Hardy spoke about how they searched the dock and the river and on the ground - but he never went into any kind of detail about that ground search. Wonder if they found any spent casings? Would have been fairly easy to find with a metal detector.....hmmmm......
She is very vengeful. In fact, it was remarked upon recently, I can't remember by whom but it was one of the radio shows. I've just finished watching her jailhouse tapes and she throws everyone under the bus. They should play her against Ron and see what happens. Maybe if she thinks he has a new girlfriend, she'll spill.

I agree aoibhinn. One would think that LE would be releasing the audio recordings of Ronald's phone calls/visits equally as much as the Croslin family family members to help facilitate that but it seems, IMO, that LE is afraid Ronald may say the wrong thing (i.e., something that may insinuate he has a "working relationship" with a LEO...) For the life of me I don't understand why the Croslin family isn't up in arms questioning why their jail visits/phone conversations are released but not Ronald's. Sure does give one the impression that he's getting special favors (again??). JMHO ~
I just read through this thread. Many thanks to those who provided notes of the show.

From the beginning of this case I have used a set of standards to evaluate the random information regarding actions of this cast of characters. My standards used are simple, how would I have acted or what would I have done?

In a "Bombshell" of my own, I have to say that were information to come to me that my missing granddaughter was at that dock, NOTHING could have stopped me from being there. I wouldn't have been so facetious as to pretend to search, but I would have been there none the less because it is my belief that somehow I would have been able to "feel" her presense if true.

I'm not weakening or changing my often stated stance on these two characters, but finally after 15 months they have an action that is EXACTLY as I would have done.

Realistically, I have to admit, I suppose, that in my case this would have all been academic. After 15 months, I would have likely been in an institution somewhere while they fed me and tried to get me to remember my own name.

Didn't they go at night? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought I read it was at night.
Didn't they go at night? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought I read it was at night.

IDK Maryann, but according to GGM on the NG show it was during the afternoon:

GRACE: Ms. Sykes, what do you think of them searching -- the police searching the St. John`s River?

SYKES: Well, evidently, they had some tip. Somebody called them. And they were down there searching. And I went down there early that morning and didn`t -- you know, they wouldn`t tell me anything. And I wasn`t -- I knew what they were searching -- you know, I knew they were looking for something participating (SIC) to Haleigh, but I didn`t really know what.

HOLLARS: I was the one that called you and told you that.

SYKES: Yes, she did. Ms. Hollars called me and told me -- she certainly did -- that she had called down here and told them what Tommy had told her. And Teresa and I went and -- over to that area and walked around all afternoon and looked in the woods over there. But of course, we didn`t find anything.

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