Grandma Hollars speaks

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That's kind of what I mean, Doc. I am not buying this gun theft just yet. It is just too convenient or something...I just can't put my finger on it. :banghead:
I don't buy it either. The story about Joe taking the gun and Ron telling Misty it was in the culvert, as if Ron has psychic abilities. The story about Tommy and Misty "smoking a joint" that night, I believe was a cover for pills. I think that whole night and whatever happened is related to pill use by these people. Guns and weed were thrown in to cover up, IMO.
I have a problem with Misty giving this information about the search to GMFlo. How did Misty find out about the search? LE told her? They told Misty they were going to search the dock before they had it under surveillance? Why would they do that? I don't think they would unless maybe they DID have it under surveillance. I'm just confused as to how Misty came by this information prior to the search. :waitasec: Something isn't right about this.

Me thinks the players are gettin' played!! I think LE is playing the players (MC, ToC, etc...) against each other-so none of them can really be sure who has said what to who and what LE has learned from who!! I think it's the only way to crack this case.:waitasec:
She raised Lisa, maybe Lisa was very good at acting (like Misty is) a lot of very good parents have children who turn out bad no matter what a parent does.Lisa and Hank are the only ones who turned their kids into the people they are.IMO I would not be at all surprised to find out they used the kids to lie,steal,pick up drugs anything kids if caught were minors so not as bad as an adult getting caught to supply their own habits.Misty probably was taught to steal off any boyfriends she had to help the family out.Those parents especially Lisa sure does not sound in jail videos like a Mother IMO should sound.I would not call this airing the dirty laundry,She is stepping up for Haleigh.When your family members are involved in a missing child NOTHING should be hidden , she is speaking out on her own child and her grandchildren.
I call that doing the right thing for Haleigh , I just wish more people cared about victims like this woman does.

So Lisa and Hank turned Misty/Tommy into who they are but FH didn't turn Lisa into what she is?
Didn't FH have a hand in raising MC also? And doesn't JO live in the same town with her? Also, she does like to air dirty laundry, if she was telling LE about the information she has, then that would be one thing, but NG, JVM, and Levi are not LE. Seems to me that her stories (whatever she was told) are inflammatory, and she has to know that all of them cannot be true, yet she is relaying all these stories and they get worse and worse which each interview. She said TC and MC told her that JO did this, however when someone on NG said something that may challenge her she then relays the info about Haleigh being molested. It makes it look like she is trying to "one up" people.
Also, one last thing. FH was asked about JO molesting MC and instead of saying something like she didn't know anything about it, or that she didn't believe it, what did she say??? She said that MC must have liked it because she always wanted to be with JO. And I'm sorry, that was one of the most disgusting statements I have ever heard. She lost all points with me when she said that one. Anybody who would say something like that deserves no respect to me.

Saying all that, I believe that FH is relaying information that she was given. However, she has to know that not al these stories are true. So constantly repeating all these stories on TV is not helping. And IMO she is not standing up for Haleigh by going on national tv. By talking to LE? Yes, TV? No.

ETA: Did it ever cross FH mind that by MC not talking, that she is not sticking up for Haleigh? Perhaps, that is learned behavior by no one sticking up for her. I'm just saying'.
I have a problem with Misty giving this information about the search to GMFlo. How did Misty find out about the search? LE told her? They told Misty they were going to search the dock before they had it under surveillance? Why would they do that? I don't think they would unless maybe they DID have it under surveillance. I'm just confused as to how Misty came by this information prior to the search. :waitasec: Something isn't right about this.

You know Sue there could be two answers here. Perhaps Misty was the source of telling LE to search the dock area. She could have said to them, "try searching there." And, they said "okay we will."
And then she passes this on to Flo to pass on to Sykes.
LE did tell Misty their next search area would be the dock and the surrounding woods. LE wanted to see which direction that information would flow from Misty to whom?
The fact Misty wanted the information about the search site to reach Sykes to me is very telling. Why would this be important enough to Misty for her to use Grandma Flo to reach Sykes.
Did Misty want Ron to know where the cops were headed next or did she need to warn Sykes and TN to either have them pick up the pieces or to set them up to look suspicious to LE.
With Misty, you never know.
So Lisa and Hank turned Misty/Tommy into who they are but FH didn't turn Lisa into what she is?
Didn't FH have a hand in raising MC also? And doesn't JO live in the same town with her? Also, she does like to air dirty laundry, if she was telling LE about the information she has, then that would be one thing, but NG, JVM, and Levi are not LE. Seems to me that her stories (whatever she was told) are inflammatory, and she has to know that all of them cannot be true, yet she is relaying all these stories and they get worse and worse which each interview. She said TC and MC told her that JO did this, however when someone on NG said something that may challenge her she then relays the info about Haleigh being molested. It makes it look like she is trying to "one up" people.
Also, one last thing. FH was asked about JO molesting MC and instead of saying something like she didn't know anything about it, or that she didn't believe it, what did she say??? She said that MC must have liked it because she always wanted to be with JO. And I'm sorry, that was one of the most disgusting statements I have ever heard. She lost all points with me when she said that one. Anybody who would say something like that deserves no respect to me.

Saying all that, I believe that FH is relaying information that she was given. However, she has to know that not al these stories are true. So constantly repeating all these stories on TV is not helping. And IMO she is not standing up for Haleigh by going on national tv. By talking to LE? Yes, TV? No.

ETA: Did it ever cross FH mind that by MC not talking, that she is not sticking up for Haleigh? Perhaps, that is learned behavior by no one sticking up for her. I'm just saying'.

Hi nnglas..I am not trying to change your opinions about Flora H or anything, I just wanted to try and relay to you exactly why Flora said she didn't believe Misty's claims that Joe molested her. She was asked if Misty went to visit Joe when she went to stay with her while she was waiting for the restraining order to be lifted from her brother. Flora said no that Misty did not go visit Joe during that visit but each time that Misty had come to visit her in the past, she always wanted to be hanging around with Joe. That is why she said she didn't understand it. Misty never let on that anything had ever happened between her and Joe.

I don't think that her stories get worse and worse with each interview, I think that people are just anxious to hear what she has to say and are letting her speak more in depth because she gives an insight into Misty that we haven't seen anywhere else. Flora said she loves her grandchildren and I personally believe her. But, she doesn't seem like the type of woman that is going to rest until the truth comes out. She doesn't have anything to gain from this in my opinion. In fact she has a lot to lose and probably has put a wedge between herself and her own flesh and blood family members. In truth, we won't know how much of what she says is holding water with LE but at least she has an open line of communication with them and that is more than I have seen with others in this case. JMO Sorry for the winded post!
There is a thread is Gram Hollars credible. Some of this discussion belongs there. This thread is more about the Levi show last night. Thanks.....
I have a problem with Misty giving this information about the search to GMFlo. How did Misty find out about the search? LE told her? They told Misty they were going to search the dock before they had it under surveillance? Why would they do that? I don't think they would unless maybe they DID have it under surveillance. I'm just confused as to how Misty came by this information prior to the search. :waitasec: Something isn't right about this.

Perhaps it is entirely possible that Tommy did indeed say to GMa Hollars what she claimed he said and she told this to Misty. Misty being quick on her lie invention skills then told GMa Hollars to tell GGMa Sykes because she knew it was now out of the bag so to speak. I do not believe for a minute that LE told either Misty or Tommy there would be a search at that dock. But both would be aware of that dock, either because they did take Haleigh there or because their parents lived close to it at one time.

I'm not sure why everyone thinks LE was aware of the dock prior to their meeting with Tommy at 5pm on Monday evening. I just don't believe there was a search scheduled there before they received that information.
^^ respectfully snipped

This makes sense to me. It is said that Haleigh idolised Misty and she'd been gone all weekend. Haleigh probably wanted to sit up chatting to Misty, having not had her to herself since Wednesday or early Thursday. She probably couldn't get her to go to sleep.

I think the gun might have been on it's way out of Satsuma, destined for a market that wasn't local. If it was the AK-47, especially, or another gun like this - I'm not sure what the licencing is for holding this but it might be an unusual gun to have. The local community is small and the drug/criminal element is a subset of that. Stories get around, guns get shown off and it wouldn't be long before it got back to Ron that somone had his gun.

Now that we've heard that Misty was involved in this alleged drug deal, I'm thinking that there was a lie in place to tell Ron and that's what he heard when he got back to the trailer. With the story of what happened to Haleigh moulded to fit. It's looking likely to me that he didn't know anything had happened to Haleigh until he got home. This fits with his reactions on the 911 call. IMO, he did not come across as guilty as Misty did during that call. Whatever story was concocted implied his guilt though. If Misty was going behind his back to sell the gun, then she had a cover story in place for herself and that's the story she told to Ron. Either that or they have something really big to hold over him, that if revealed, would land him in boiling water.

I've been thinking more about the shocker from GMH that Misty was in on the gun theft with Joe & Tommy and that Joe was going to sell the gun and that all three were going to split the proceeds. This makes me think a number of things:
1) Misty was not really very scared of cousin Joe since she was willing to go in on a business deal with him to get some money.
2) The earlier "gun theft" was an earlier attempt by the three of them to steal one of Ron's guns for profit. But Ron discovered it missing too quickly, so Misty conveniently found it to diffuse the incident.
3) When Tommy came over to the MH during the late afternoon of the 9th (after Ron went to work), plans were have been made for a new, improved version of the gun theft for later that night.
4) This time a gun was taken, but Haleigh was also taken and the scene staged to look like a kidnapping. In order to be unaware of what was going on, the little girl was given some drugs to make her sleep.
5) The original intent was to leave Haleigh in some safe place where she could have been easily found the next day. They expected she would not be able to recall what happened. But the drugs overwhelmed her system and then they had a major problem.
To tell police where to look for Haleigh..

When the transcript is ready we can bring it here. :)
To tell police where to look for Haleigh..

When the transcript is ready we can bring it here. :)

Thank you grandmaj, I was thinking of starting a thread with this title but I've never originated one before. You were reading my little mind.
It does appear that the Croslins, that's Misty, Tommy, Timmy and Chelsey were willing to throw Joe under the proverbial bus, way too readily. Chelsey was one of the first to cast suspicion onto Joe, ie., the statement she gave about the van being moved and damaged as well as Joe was dressed in his clothes early on the morning of February 10th. He supposedly usually slept in his boxers. Misty volunteered information that Joe messed with her when she was a child and she thought that he was capable of being involved with Haleigh's disappearance.

Misty has come out with a story that Joe came over to the house that night with the intention of stealing a gun. Gun could not be located and enraged about this, decided to take Haleigh. Misty jumped into bed with Jr. put the covers over her head, heard Haleigh screaming and then Joe left with her.

Tommy changed his story to he being with Joe. Tommy was stoned. Saw a dead Haleigh. Saw Haleigh in the van. Joe held a knife to Tommy's throat and forced him to go with him to dispose of Haleigh.

Ron Cummings originally insisted that Joe did not come over to the MH that night. Insisted that there was "no fight over no gun" with Joe. Shortly after that, talked with Cobra about the gun theft, and wanting to crush Joe's hands.

Teresa Neves also made statements about the reported fight over a gun between Ronald and Joe.

Question is: How did Chelsey come up with the story and location of the disposal of Haleigh?
Tommy, while incarcerated, made statements to his father that he just couldn't finger someone in what happened to Haleigh when they were not involved. Shortly thereafter, he decided "to come clean" with the story of being forced by Joe to participate in the disposal of Haleigh in the river.
Am I misremembering or didn't GMF ask CC that once before on NG, something like "didn't you tell me where to tell them to go", or something like that? It was when GMF was on and CC called in.
Am I misremembering or didn't GMF ask CC that once before on NG, something like "didn't you tell me where to tell them to go", or something like that? It was when GMF was on and CC called in.

I do know that GMF called GGMS to tell her where LE would be searching for Haleigh but I can't quite recall if she said this to Chelsey. I would have to go back and listen to the Chelsey faceoff with Grandma Flo on NG.
Am I misremembering or didn't GMF ask CC that once before on NG, something like "didn't you tell me where to tell them to go", or something like that? It was when GMF was on and CC called in.

No, you are not misremembering..

Misty is protecting Ron
Chelsy is protecting Misty, Timmy and herself
The Cummings, Misty, Chelsey have managed to set up Jo and Tommy...
Am I misremembering or didn't GMF ask CC that once before on NG, something like "didn't you tell me where to tell them to go", or something like that? It was when GMF was on and CC called in.
That's what I recall, too, teh. I posted the question on the other thread. Flo was going to say something more and Chelsea cut her off.
Am I misremembering or didn't GMF ask CC that once before on NG, something like "didn't you tell me where to tell them to go", or something like that? It was when GMF was on and CC called in.

HOLLARS: My response to that is why did she tell me the road to tell them to go at?

GRACE: Repeat?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, Nanny, you -- Nanny, you were the one that said, Where do you want searched? And I said I wanted 309, not specifically a dock -- I said 309 because I got a letter from Misty stating that Joe might have had -- or Joe was the involving party. So from there, I called the detective, Kay Sangelica (ph), the head detective on the case. I told them about it.

HOLLARS: And so did I. And so did I.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: He did not follow up with it. So then from there, I asked Leonard Padilla. Leonard Padilla, will you help me fund a search? Because I don`t have money myself, and my goal in life is to find Haleigh. That`s all that matters to us.


GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Back to Chelsea Croslin. What did you tell police where they should search?
CHELSEA CROSLIN: I have met Flo Hollars maybe two times. She is not involved in our family. So I don`t know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. It`s just very sad that she would do that.

GRACE: Ms. Hollars, what`s your response to that?

HOLLARS: My response to that is why did she tell me the road to tell them to go at?

GRACE: Repeat?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, Nanny, you -- Nanny, you were the one that said, Where do you want searched? And I said I wanted 309, not specifically a dock -- I said 309 because I got a letter from Misty stating that Joe might have had -- or Joe was the involving party. So from there, I called the detective, Kay Sangelica (ph), the head detective on the case. I told them about it.

HOLLARS: And so did I. And so did I.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: He did not follow up with it. So then from there, I asked Leonard Padilla. Leonard Padilla, will you help me fund a search? Because I don`t have money myself, and my goal in life is to find Haleigh. That`s all that matters to us.


GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Back to Chelsea Croslin. What did you tell police where they should search?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I told them that Joe, when he was staying in Satsuma with us -- I lived in Crescent City, a little bit farther, but it`s all in the same area. He stayed at Tommy`s house for a few days until him and Ronald had had that falling out regarding the gun that he had stolen that was recovered. From there, he went and stayed at Lisa and Hank`s house. There was a car accident and Hank was airlifted off to Gainesville. I`m talking about Hank, senior.

GRACE: So are you saying that you believe Joe Overstreet is involved in Haleigh`s disappearance?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I do believe Joe Overstreet is involved in the disappearance. I don`t know if Joe is the one that actually did do the harm and killed her, or whatever this horrible news that`s out there.

GRACE: But wait a minute. Chelsea, there`s only three choices, Overstreet, Misty Croslin or Tommy Croslin.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: There`s not just three stories, Nancy. I believe -- you know, there`s many more things, too. Like, what happens -- what happens if Haleigh overdosed because there was loose pills laying around in that house? And I don`t care what anybody says...
Sorry, Epiphany, we were posting at the same time.
And Aunt Vicky to Tommy C in TAPE 7:

Re: Chels -

AV: Chels did tell her (GMF?) t road to let them know where to go to search and they're statin' that you are the one that carried em and showed em where the body was supposed to be dropped off

ToC: I can't talk about anything on this phone lawyer said...
So, Chels implying that she got the info about location to search from a letter she received from Misty.

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