*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

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DNA Solves
if someone is constantly lying to you don't you think it important to corroborate your information?
I don't think it would be beneficial to continue with them either with therapy or . . .

give me a date and time . . . . 6/4/08 1:32 pm . . . she was not suffering from any of these foggy memories . . . that is true . . . the foggy memory occurred @ the time of the killing . . .correct

it cannot be contributed to her having a foggy memory

be back @ 10:00 tomorrow
Wild About Trial 2 ‏@WildaboutTrial2
Willmott objects and a sidebar is called. Some of the jurors are seen smiling and nodding to eachother. #JodiArias
So sorry if this has been posted. I've been unplugged for a few days.

LOS ANGELES – It’s a story Hollywood couldn’t wait to get its hands on, full of sex, lies, murder.

And headstands.

Last week a casting call hit the web for a Lifetime television movie entitled “Dirty Little Secret: The Jodi Arias Story.” Produced by City Entertainment and Peace Out Productions, the filming has a tentative start date of April 13 with Los Angles listed as the filming location. Veteran casting agent Fern Champion, known for filling the faces on “Police Academy,” “Mask,” “Naked Gun” and ‘90210,” has been listed as heading up the casting process.

So far, the Arias flick is seeking just the two leads.

For Arias, they’re after a Caucasian woman in her late 20s, one who is “coquettish, head-turning, with a palpable sexy allure and well aware of the affect she has on men.”

“Jodi is a single-minded, head-strong, quick-tempered young woman. She is hell-bent on emotionally suffocating and controlling Travis Alexander, a handsome young Mormon and motivational speaker who soon falls prey,” the casting notice reads, adding that the Arias character is “jealous in the extreme” and is “driven to violence when she realizes that Travis will never fully commit to her.”

Alexander on the other hand is dubbed as “good looking with a winning personality and a warm sense of humor,” although he is “emotionally undone by the sexually forward Jodi” and “feels drawn to her for her sexual favors, but shamed by his weakness and neediness.”

The opening scene gets right down to business with an image of a naked Jodi Arias.

“We’re looking at a beautiful nude woman, late 20s, braided chestnut hair, stretched across a disheveled bed. She poses like a centerfold,” reads the script obtained by FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Jodi straddles a chair, looking back at us over her shoulder... Jodi splays back on the bed, knees bent, chest up. We gaze up her naked body as she looks down at us with smoldering eyes... Jodi on her knees, her arms embracing her breasts, swelling her cleavage...”

The script goes on to read like soft-core *advertiser censored*, from Arias’s striptease to described action of her on her knees yet out of frame, donning “skimpy black leather corsets” and French maid costumes, and reciting lines such as: “Travis, I’m your dirty, horny little school girl.”

Shakespeare it is not.

In one scene, the leading lady struts about in panties that have “Travis’s” written across the rear.

The screenplay is interwoven with flashes of law enforcement entering Alexander’s apartment, his deceased body bleeding out as officials search for clues, as well as the continuing investigation process, complete with close-ups of autopsy photographs.

Using its creative license, Hollywood determines that Arias – who is still on trial for murder and claiming that her dead ex-boyfriend attacked her and she acted in self-defense – was involved in a "brutal," cold-blooded killing.

“Jodi comes at him, a fevered animal, stabbing and slashing, again and again and again... Each time the blade connects, blood SPRAYS her face, her clothes, the walls,” reads the climatic death scene. “But she keeps stabbing. Brutal... Unforgiving...Travis reaches the end of the hall... Goes to his hands and knees, no more fight left in him.”

Moments earlier, in the script, Arias had been snapping photographs of him happily flexing his muscles in the shower.

Then there is the interrogation, the trial, and a cameo from Travis’s ghost – but a blank when it comes to the ending.

“ON (DATE TBD), JODI ARIAS WAS (VERDICT TBD)” the script reads, ready to be filled in.

The closing action involves her giving the camera “a little smile.”

A source connected to Lifetime confirmed that while pre-production and casting process are in full-swing, no air date has been set.


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Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainmen...ays-her-guilty/?intcmp=features#ixzz2O04j6ar0
Yuk, that is one movie I will avoid after watching her on the stand.
Clinical interview . .. JM w/Samuels . . . you don't sit there and talk to the client during these clinical interviews, yes we talk, sit across table addressing issues . . . one issue whether she had anal intercourse w/TA . . . she stated he was the only person she ever had anal intercourse with = yes . . . she may have changed later but early on . . . but she maintained throughout he was the only anal sex partner . . yes

oral sex . . . . she had had up to that point an extensive experience in oral sex started @ least when she was age 15 - she initiated this oral sex with Clinton - don't know whether she initiated it or he did . . . it wasn't a first time kind of thing with TA - no that wasn't it at all. . . .

some things on a computer - TA's computer . . she said that computer had many pictures of women's breasts . . yes . . ..
do you know who Lonnie Orkin is? . . no . .
any idea if that computer was ever checked out?
pictures of womens breasts on a computer is not illegal
but there were not pics of women's breasts on his computer - would that give you pause in your diagnosis
I don't see relevance
no relevance that the client may have lied to you?
objection - don't know if she lied
approach please
There were many images on that computer and there may or may not be reasons why . . .I saw that as irrelevant in this case. . . you indicated to me that the defendant told you lots of images of women's breasts on the computer?
but I tell you there are none - that is an inconsistency
does that give you pause given there are inconsistencies
no it was not germane to the examination
doesn't matter to you there are inconsistencies in this case as applied to the defendant
they didn't affect my opinion

whether or not they would give you pause to at least dig a little deeper in this case
yes some that were significant to the case . . . those I did not
You say I can look @ something and generally if they lie to me . . . about something you consider irrelevant then it is no harm no foul
obviously if it is important to the aspects to the case I am studying
I am not asking about that
I am trying to answer
Judge he is non-responsive

Pictures of breasts are not illegal - they did not come into the case I did not consider it.
are you done with your answer?
I have partially answered

Hypothetical irrelevant issue and client lied to you
Generally speaking not in this case , an individual lied to you about an irrelevant aspect you are telling us it doesn't matter to you because you deemed it was irrelevant.

if someone lied about a pertinent and important fact in the investigation I would consider it an important fact . . . .

they could lie to you 15 times about what you consider irrelevant . . if they were 50-60 points but I didn't see any other except this one

you didn't see any inconsistancies - yes or no

anal intercourse with only TA? . . . with Bobby Juarez and Daryl Brewer . ..
yes that would be important
if those facts are true would that affect your answer?
more info did come out but I had already written my report by then .. .in my report it reflects what she told me initially . .
you had not written the report when this issue came out . . . you wrote an addendum .
yes but my addendum was on the new material
new material - you wrote addendum but issue of anal intercourse came later

new material that came after your first addedendum . . . something you can add when something new came to light . . . involved an inconsistency . . . you chose to not write a new addendum -
I did write a new one but chose not include
you chose to conceal or ignore it
I ignored it - I didn't see it as relevant to my addendum
but it was relevant to your report
yes - it was my judgement call

you had formed a sort of relationship with the defendant because you liked her . . .why would you do that?

focus of my addendum was
isn't it true that you chose not to include these inconsistencies in your written report
other things too
many other things

photos in the shower . . . she told you TA requested the photos
look @ interview w/Det Flores where that issue was addressed?
was there discussion about the victim and his reluctance to have his picture taken?

(remember when JA said oh TA would not like pictures of him in the shower/bathroom . . . during the interrogation? . .. . . JM is ready with video clips I will just bet!)
12:54 PM

TwitterChris Williams @chriswnews

Juan Martinez asks why Dr Samuels didn't update report asking if he had relationship w/ #JodiArias. #Arias atty objects. Sustained
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
The defense team and Dr. Samuels have left the courtroom. The static noise is shut off and stapling is heard up front. #JodiArias
Wilmot returns to her chair after getting a stern talking to by the judge . . . .asks . . .
whether he does have or doesn't have (?) according to his notes
you can ask that in redirect

Sir you wrote a report that codified or edified she told you TA asks to have pictures of him taken in the shower . ..
well I have to see it in the context of my report
why don't you get your report out
ok . . . thumbin thru pages . . . he has to find the page it was on - it is not numbered.
It is on pg 8 of his report 3rd paragraph . . . true and accurate of what she said about this issue in the shower?

it was his request to take pictures of him with the water running in the shower at that time?
did you get to see the interview with Det. Flores - inconsistency
thnk she may have been talking about a different date . .

(lost feed for commercial for couple of seconds)

In fact one of the things he told you he was comin after her and he was grabbing her sweater as she ran for the gun.
may I see it in the context?
no I will just play it

all approach the bench . .. .
Notes in front of you . . . distinctly say grab the sweater . . . . notes from May 2010?

read part about involving the sweater . . .
there is nothing in here that specifically says sweater . .
we had this conversation and you told me that - he grabbed an article of her clothing
that is right
that is when she remembered the gun and got the gun
that is what was told to me

you were unclear whether she shot him in the closet .
at one point you thought she did shoot him in the closet
she went into the closet grabbed the gun . . .

don't read it to us
she remembered the gun, pointed gun, doesn't remember gun being shot
in or around the closet - that wasn't important to me
one of the other tests you administered . . the Milan - Mcmi

questions in the other tests PST test 15 through . . . did you bring those along today?
I did . . .
What specifically are you looking for?
the questions to PST

If I may have it . . . .
he approaches bench for admission exhibit

Wilmot is going thru notes

packet of questions you put in front of defendant so she could answer questions
why was it faxed to you on 1/22/2010?
it was probably fax I had laying around . . . not necessarily the exact copy I handed to her - just one I had laying around

exhibit #534 . . . .coming on the monitor
He keeps 10 copies and uses the questions over and over again . . . do you keep a copy of the questions and the answers in the file together?
no - that is unnecessary

yesterday we looked @ my copy . . . this is what I showed you yesterday . . . part 1 and part 2 previously discussed

Wilmot stands
move for admission #540
See question #15 here?
how long ago did this traumatic event happen?
yes first look @ item #14 non-sexual assault by a stranger . . 6 mo to 3 years
again talk about incident where a guy and girl came in and killed TA (ninja story)
#16 asks if she was physically injured
her answer was yes
17 - was someone else physically injured
18 - did you think your life was in danger
yes -
danger from 2 ninjas
yes at that time

20 = feel helpless
21 - feel terrified

felt helpless and terrified because of 2 people who came into TA's house and killed him
yes that was her story @ that time
that was your realm of knowledge when you administered this test

legend - 0 not at all
1 - once a week or less
2- two times per week

having thoughts or images in your head when you didn't want them to
she said 5 or more times per week - 2 individuals coming into kill TA

any nightmares about 2 people killing TA
she said zero - not even one time
but she said she was having trouble sleeping - it was not because of the 2 individuals coming in to kill TA . . . not because of the traumatic event

once a week or less . . . . same event involving a man and woman
I would liketo make it clear to you she is responding to some trauma . . . nowhere on the test

in her thinking or her responsiveness - she is responding to trauma that happened on that day . . . it is possible the trauma was actually due to the killing but she had to contribute that to the trauma
you made that up
you made that up right now
no clinical judgement

you used word speculating . . . could be made up
yes that is one possibility
all right thank you!

terms of question #34 . . .
are you having trouble falling or staying asleep = 2 to 4 times per week but no nightmares involving this traumatic event
that is correct

part 4 indicate problems you rated in part 3 interferedin the following areas . . .
except for school work . . all of this interfered with work, household chores, sex life, general satisfaction of life . . . the event we are talking about is 2 individuals

she was incarcerated at the time - all of her life was affected

MCMI vs MMPI . . . mmpi 567 (?) questions normed to people in therapy . . .
if not in therapy it is not normed to you
there are several scales . . . . people who are in therapy . . . another scale for people involved in physical ailments . . . . validity scale . . . . involves people who have been diagnosed with some disorder . . . . normal population? . .one of the tests chose to diagnose

you chose test with 175 questions . . . that gives you a number
final base rate score?
there is not just one score . . . to limit it to just one number limits . . .there are several different factors

let's look . . . print out MCMI profile . . . behind it - base rate scores for 25 different characteristics for Ms. Arias . . . .
can we approach

Uh oh . . . .the rest of the story with regard to all of her personality d/o stuff is about to come out (my prediction)
50-75 is below the cutoff for the diagnosis
that is improper way to assess the test . . . . computer algorhythms . . . evaluates the score very complex .. . .

this is for JA . . . . diagnosis 75-85 indicates the presence . . .
relative . . . .that is an improper use of this test - they do have a meaning but not the meaning you are giving to them

look @ profile

somebody get a screen pic of this!!!

what is the number I am pointing to now . . . 69 and the number in this column is 69

the computer gave the number 69
you are misinterpreting the test you have no knowledge in this area

if we go to your base rate scores . . . . her ptsd score of 69 is below the cut off score 75 . .
you are mis intrepeting it sir . . . I studied these test for years . . . .

math speaking 69 is below 75
75 falls below this disorder
that is not right
yes or no
I will not be characterized with the wrong information

75-85 - that is an area that indicates a clinical disorder
no I do not remember saying that
you have problems with your memory you just said it a few minutes ago
no problems with my memory

the reference group was psychiatric patients rather than drawn from general population . . . . MMCI is drawn from both . . . . this test are people who are psychiatric patient

well I hypothesized she had a psychiatric condition . . . this test is normed on those . . . . compared with other phsychiatric patients not with the general population . . . . there are other validation points to the McMi . . ..

compmare those to other psychiatric patients . .. this score does not allow for her scores to be attributed to a criteria of normality as in a court case
well basically tht is true

it is set up to be used in a court case . . .. it does say not contain the criteria to be used . . .
what are you reading from
Sir - I ask the questions here

no normal behavior because there were no normal reference groups
what are you reading from
objection - it appears he is reading from an article

take noon recess . . . .
please stand for the jury
Jury is out of the courtroom . . . please be seated . . . counsel please approach!
did anybody get a screen capture of the scores?

I did!!!!!!!!!!!
Screenshot of test ....


  • test.png
    135.6 KB · Views: 35
JM w/Richard Samuels . . . . afternoon session Tuesday 3/19/2013

rather than comparing her to someone in the general population to see how she varies from someone in general population?
can you clarify

test scores you get are compared to scores of those in psychiatric population vs. someone in the general population who doesn't have these issues to see if she deviates or doesn't deviate.

no that is not how I used the test
don't youthink a more valid approach would be to compare her to the general population
you gave it to her in 2009?
MCMI was conducted before . . . still while the defendant was telling you 2 individuals came in and they were responsible for TA death . . .
and there are validity scales in MCMI
she was telling the story of 2 Ninja's killing - in terms of validity relates to what she answers on the test . . . it is linked to question 14
PDS test?
yes that is linked

there is no reason to believe that she is providing answers she gave on a test earlier . . .

she experienced trauma . . . this test reflects her emotional struggle . . . internal psyche - it was valid
even though it was normed on psychiatric patients

one of the things we talked about was dissociative amnesia . . . his graphic . . . sliding down the inverse bellshaped curve . . .

this is just a pencil drawing about dissociative amnesia . . .
it starts and ends somewhere along the downward(upward) slope

because the hippocampus is affected the person cannot form memory
approximately correct
if you point a particular area on the curve . . . .somewhere on the downward slope is where we lose memory and somewhere on the upward angle is when the memory starts to come back.

indicated time magazine example of someone suffering with dissociative amnesia
no that was a police officer with PTSD
lets assume he had dissociative amnesia . . . let's assume he is down here in the bottom portion and he is attacked by a knife . . . at the very bottom he is attacked or shot with a handgun . . . he will not have any memory of that . . .
if the individual is likely to be suffering from dissoiative amnesia - there would be none

if he can't form memory there or here - this officer has no memory of the gun
if he had entered the state of disociativec amnesia . . . if he truly is in that state - he will not remember the gun . . . he won't know where the gun is right? . . he would not have the conscious ability to go over . . . he could ambulate over to the suspect he would have no memeory of the gun . . . if it is true dissociative amnesia he would not have memory of the gun . . . . if he then ambulates and there is a knife involved because he would not be able to have memory of that knife.

if it . . . .
foundation . . . .

on the continuum sir . . . . true dissociative amnesia . . . knife and gun incidents happen @ 8pm and 6 pm (placement) respectively

he would be less likely to have memory
he could remember things?

how would he have amnesia if he could remember

how could he be able to know where the gun is if he has dissociative amnesia . . . . you keep saying could . . ..

it is hard to know what percentage of the dissociative amnesia . . . true dissociative amnesia . . when you say it is unlikely . . then he can still remember

he is very unlikely to remember if true dis. amn.

how are you able to say it could be unlikely have memory
highly unlikely is a better term in psychology

this officer had been on survellience and taking photographs when things ensued - he would not have memory of the camera

Transient Global Amnesia
not that all common in society

this is the one talks about sexual intercourse
yes that is the same . . . 19 articles said that and immersion into hot water .. .
we are talking about stuff that had nothing to do with this case
you put that slide up . . . nothing to do wit this case

exhibit #510

travis found out or get upset but I will not stand for him to say anything negative of her I will not stand for him to say anything negative about my friends.

2009 and 2010 .. . even though she wrote that back in 2007 she was not assertive
no she was not
she wrote 2007 she would not stand . . . she was not assertive

do you have a problem with
no I do not have any problem with you sir

2009 and 2010 when you met her . . . exhibit #510 all of a sudden you are saying you don't understand . . even though it was written down this indicates she was assertive

assertiveness is a primary characteristic behavior . . . say what is on your mind . . . . mere fact she wrote it down is not evidence of assertivenesss
you are speculating that she did not say this to TA
over the 20-30 hours I met with her and reading her writings and her telling me
the same individual who wasn't truthful on the PDS, lied to police, called TA after she killed him, individual that lied to her friends
I don't know

you were asked about conversation with Leslie Ude . .
I remember
the defendant said althought statements were not true . . . all this range of knowledge all this spoken word . .. but you look @ entry 2007 you can say she is not assertive
assertive is a behavior not what she wrote down

you didn't talk to Daniel freeman, leslie Ude, anyone in her family just spoke with the defendant based up what ever material you had - you made decision she was not assertive

#511 you were asked bout lower portion

certain things that will never sit right with me about him . . . for example he always makes that ridiciluous joke -families can be forever why do you want to spend so much timewith them now? . . . I abhor that I want a family man - who takes family seriously I know he jokes but take family . . . . .I know a joke but if he could marry me - he would have won the wife lottery . . . . that is sweet I want to be wife . . . . travis is awesome no doubt but I know something . . . spent a year of my life . . . wasn't thrilled I was devastated tht he cheated on me . . .

this gives content to the paragraph . . .
uh I don't know is that continuous?
yes . . . . 698 . ..
that is several pages . . .

I am just showing you the defendant
Anything noteworthy before Jan 24, 2008 . . . what does the Dr. knows or remember?
objection - overruled
I don't recall specifically I would like to have access to

mr. Alexander was masturbating to pictures
I think that was the 22nd

objection - these dates

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