*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You were hired to conduct a psychological eval . . . you haven't done any therapy?
oh yes - I have done it . . . .
in this case focus is to reach diagnosis of certain event - with treatment you are trying to help the individual? . . . .
help or hurt them
help them

in this case - you took on a treatment role with regard to defendant
no I did not
remember we talked about a situation where . . .

may we approach?


(My prediction - he treated her when he confronted her on the lies about the strangers!)
5:52 PM

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Martinez says he is allowed to ask about how Samuels "crossed the line again" by going into a treatment role with Arias.
JM said Dr Samuels treated her for depression . . . . crossed line into therapy

Dr. sent her gifts - crossed line from evaluation

Wilmot argues reading whole transcript instead . . . . .

send a card? . .. . . . Dr. sent a card to JA

when mr. Nurmi was thinking about leaving the case - there is no therapy involved . . . . Wimot cannot follow up on redirect . . .

jm will not ask what the subject was . .. allowable under cross . . .. goes to treatment not assessment aspect . . . .

therein lies the problem says Wilmot - can't ask that question it is completely irrelevant and prejudicial . . . jury will be left with prejudice and we cannot refute that with the truth.

the card was intended for Nurmi not Ms. Arias and not appropriate - it would go right into it and nurmi leaving the case . . . . goes into an area previously precluded

Judge asks point you are trying to make . . . . Dr. Samuels went to the defendant and provided therapy and sent a card . . . . he did it twice

grave concern for ms. arias . . . . obligation on part of the Defense Atty . . . .

Dr Samuels did not provide therapy to ms. arias . . .

discussed @ the bench . . . . . Det. flores do you have a copy of an interview done last Thursday? yes and will provide a copy

we are at break
5:57 PM

Mary Nguyen @Mary12News

Martinez wants to see if Arias was seen by doctor as therapy and not as an assessment. He says dr is biased
5:57 PM

Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

The objection is sustained. Martinez is conflating Arias feeling depressed with a diagnosis for which he provided therapy
back a little late . . . .

low self esteem . .. . Dr. (d)Wayne W. Dyer . . . .

providing a self =help book doesn't come under the auspices of evaluation . . . not necessarily . . . . you were there to eval her for this particular case . . .

on the one hand you want to help her - by giving her self help book
yes but I didn't read the book to her . . . she didn't get it on her own .. .

I am not asking about many people - she couldn't get it - you went out of your way to get it . . . paid for it on Amazon you essentially gave her money . . . . you paid $9 for the book . . . she didn't pay for the book . . . she offered the book back to me . . . isn't it true the book was never returned to you? correct

you started to like her
you dislike her?
you like her?
I can't answer that.. .

you saw her on 12 different occasions, spent many hours, talked about a variety of things, her relation with TA, sexual issues between her and TA, how many hours did ya spend? between 25-30 hours . . . .

it was just because you liked her you decided to get that book for her . . . reason got her this book was just because no reason? there was a reason . ..you wanted to give her something? no . . . there is a code of ethics . . . it wasn't a gift . . . she was suicidal . . . you are not the treating physician are you? . . (poundin fist into hand)

you are not treating her right?

You are not the treating psychologist?
that is right
you are not part of the psychological care provided by Maricopa County jail?
not familiar with every aspect.

you are the psychologist who knows the rules
yes most of it
when someone is suicidal you would not just walk away you would make arrangements and would call police
yes if there was an imminent threat
she was telling us she was suicidal

JM asking the Dr. if he has any memory problems . .. JA is trying to sustain a smile I think . . .

Dr. didn't think she was going to kill herself right there . . . you are not allowing me to respond

Dr. "repeat your question please"

regarding the suicide . . . you said she had words to the effect she was suicidal . . . you had a duty to report this to someone
also had a duty to report this
My only contact is through the Atty I have no other contacts in the jail
you would walk away from suicidal person because you have no contacts in the jail?

I would like to explain suicidal
You used the word suicidal
yes - suicidal is my word for Ms. Arias saying she had been contemplating suicide . . .

you didn't contact anyone @ the jail she was suicidal?
I contacted the Atty . . . no I didn't contact anyone in the jail
you have a relationship you buy her a gift
a selfhelp book
a gift you paid for it, you never got it back, your purpose to help the defendant, you are there assisting her.
I did not conduct therapy
you are there to assist her by giving her this book
your expectation was that she would get better from any problem you perceived
my expectation was for her to read the book
help her in meaningful way

that helping hinders your ability to be impartial
it didn't at the time . . . . it is something I routinely do - I didn't see it as an ethical dilemma. . .
from anyones perspective you are trying to help the defendant to get better
yes by providing her with a book - yes
that provides an issue that may affect the way you view your assessment.
it may appear that way to you but based upon low self esteem and her contemplating suicide it was better for me to provide her that self help book.

better to provide her self-help book than go to the jail and they could provide her with ongoing therapy

in the NJ case you were exonerated by AZ board you did nothing wrong in state of NJ?
in fact you didn't sign a statement and an agreement that you overstepped boundaries into helping clients and not keeping appropriate boundaries with your clients.


I had to read a book.
you have to successfully complete ethics and boundaries issues within 6 months - continue education could occur in NJ or AZ . . . . I did that by reading the book and taking a test

you do a clinical interview . . . part of visiting JA where ever she was and talking to her .. . you took notes as quickly and accurately that could - do not tape record but that would probably be more accurate. . . . . administer tests . . . . PST Post traumatic stress inventory . . . .he looked to his book . . .

what is it you looked @ when you gave us that name?
the manual it has a specific name

you scored that test yourself
this test . . . . only administered it 15 times . . . you are having trouble identifying the name
post traumatic stress scale

used it 15 times . . . . had much more cases than that
49 questions . . . validity scale . . . .if this individual is making things up this scale will pick it up . . . yes it is supposed to

Milan Multiaxial Personality Inventory - MMPI

175 questions - question and an answer sheet . . . person answering that test accurately if the validity is accurate
if that person lied on that test . . . . would you agree if person lied it would skew the results . . . . isn't it true the defendant lied on it?
no that is not true

when was last time you reviewed the test?
couple of days ago last week

sir let me . . . .. brings forward #533 . . . . what a defendant fills out . . . raw data . . . not provided to Atty's . . it can be but code generally transferred between psychologist or psychiatrist . . . you are psychologist not a psychiatrist . . . cannot do surgery, cannot Rx medicine.

take a look @ the results. . .
I have to look @ my notes

take it out of your folder so I can mark the PDS test along with the raw data . . .
you have it out now sir?
I have it out

so this is the . . . . worksheet?

but there is also a part of this test that includes the questions
if I can have that
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Samuels: "Are you implying that I cheated on that test?"
Dr. Samuels provided a copy of the raw data sheet - doesn't have it with him must have left it on his desk. . . he brought a copy of his later transferred to the answer sheet . . . .

Dr. Samuels has her answers on a yellow paper . . he transposed her answers . . . . .the little marks were done by him not JA . . . .he used a pencil . . . traditionally done that way . . don't use pens difficult for computer to read it or if you change answer . . .

why go to all the trouble if you are going to score it if the pen provides better markings?
I prefer to use pencil
that is so you can make changes on it?
are you implying I cheated on that test

you chose to use a pencil not a pen which is what a person normally taking this test does
you sat down and filled out the answer sheet

what is this
instruction manual . . . . sample question sheet, sample score sheet , . . . move for exhibit

Jua now has yellow notes that Dr. Samuels transposed on legal paper . . . .

approach the bench
exhibit #534 is a sheet Ms. Arias filled in the answers . . .

what is the date?
1/15/10 this is the original
I believe yes
administered on 1/15/2010 . . . when she was telling the story about these two individuals coming in and harming TA right?
let me look
why don't you take a look @ your notes to refresh your memory . . exhibit #536 . . . she was still telling you the intruder was killing Mr. Alexander

this PDS test that you administered . . . the one we have the answers . . . .her story was still the fact that 2 intruders killed TA . . . yes that was in fact the case

is that a copy that accurately reflects the answers as to 534 questions 1-15?

he is looking through . . . . yes

move for admission of exhibit #533
Defese objects to the true and accurate copy unless it came from dr. samuels . .. overruled it will be admitted #533

there are some instructions that go with this . . . part of this manual . . what needs to be asked - what the answers are . . . .

client to identify any of these events over their lifetime to trigger the foggy memory

serious accident fire or explosion, defendant answer yes

natural disaster . . . hurricaine flood

non-sexual assault by a family member or someone you know
shot stabbed by someone you know = she said yes

non-sexual assault by a stranger - mugged, shot, held @ gun point . .. same question as above but with a stranger
yes - she said yes

she said NO to the next question . . . a situation where she said TA took her clothes off . . . you classified that as a rape . . but she said no . . she would no more than you she was there?

7 - military combat - war NO
8- contact sexual before age 18, genital oral

10= torture - no

11- life threaten illness - no

other trauma event -no

13 - if answer yes on 12 -
repeated sexual and psychological trauma

one of the guiding questions to help substantiate or confirm presence of PTSD

if you make yes for more than 1 trauma event for part one. . . . she is asked same 12 questions we just have gone over . .. yes . . the trauma event in her life . . . . .

not sexual assault - stranger

TA was in that shower . . . he is not a stranger . . . . the trigger is not sexual assault by a stranger . . . .exhibit # 534 all answers are based upon the fact that she said she had an assault by a stranger

below are several questions you marked about non-sexual assault stranger

answers given to Janine Demarte (sic?)

exhibit # 535

yes . . . . move to admit #535
exhibit #534 . . . (lost feed for few seconds)

part 2 circle numbers that apply . . . . did you circle it or did she
I don't know if she did or gave me the number I circled

assault life threatening by a stranger right
that is what she said at the time . . . that is what she said

in terms o what she was telling you believed she was not telling the truth
that is correct
you write these notations down even though you know they are not truths
yes I did
why would you write down untruths
because that is what she said

you have now told us this is based upon a lie
perhaps I should have re-administered that test

lets take look @ the one you are holding

why are you filing these out instead of her . . . . couldn't she do that herself?
no this is for the examiner to fill out this is the scoring of her raw data . . .

when you told me before she had filled out an answer sheet
I probably left that on my desk - this is my transcribed scores
gives you a measure to be used to determine PTSd

#534 - question #22 . . . . where is the guide tells us why you would give her a 3?
I didn't give her a 3 - she scored a 3.

the manual #527 . . .. questions are in the book . . .

exhibit #527 . . . . question #22 . . . read that for us . ..

for item #22 . . . . there are exact directions on here . . .

Dr. cannot seem to find them . . . flipping page to page . . . .

Wilmot looking on with wide eyes . . .

Dr. is reading line by line on pages . . . . I guess the actual test is not here I had it together . . . ah wait . . page flipping . . . there is a question booklet . . I thought it was attached to this book but it isn't but it has a separate answer sheet . . . apparently I don't have it here . .

so what you have in front of you is not the guide to score . . .
right it is not the actual question sheet . . . it is the manual it describes sample reports . . . afraid I left the question sheet @ home.
Pg 2 exhibit #534 (?)
#16, 17, 18 & 19

you filled out #535 - the hand scoring sheet? yes
why was there a 6 present there @ first then you changed it?
I added them up incorrectly
this test like all is where you sit down with the defendant and tell them ou are giving a test . . . provide materials to answer . . . no time limit on this t est = she took 20 min or so . ..

#533 traumatic event non-sexual assault by stranger . . . . while you were there filling it out the validity for this test is only as good as the person filling it out
that is true
if they are lying not good test
she lied
yes or her answers were consistent with the story she was telling

question #14 above she lied
she was given many choices . . . that is a lie
yes . . . well again

hold it
approach please!
Pg 2 exhibit #534 (?)
#16, 17, 18 & 19

you filled out #535 - the hand scoring sheet? yes
why was there a 6 present there @ first then you changed it?
I added them up incorrectly
this test like all is where you sit down with the defendant and tell them ou are giving a test . . . provide materials to answer . . . no time limit on this t est = she took 20 min or so . ..

#533 traumatic event non-sexual assault by stranger . . . . while you were there filling it out the validity for this test is only as good as the person filling it out
that is true
if they are lying not good test
she lied
yes or her answers were consistent with the story she was telling

question #14 above she lied
she was given many choices . . . that is a lie
yes . . . well again

hold it
approach please!
After this test there was a subsequent meeting with her . . . she revealed no intruders she was the one that killed TA . . yes . . . you did not re-administer this test? no that was an oversight

one of the things the defendant told you she was tied @ the hands and tied @ the ankles . . .
that is what I wrote in my notes - I don't remembers

notes show on 2 different occasions she said she was tied by hands and ankles . . .

most of the time people are tied upthey are tied by hands and ankles . . . it could be possible tht in my hurry to write it down I coiuld have included that .

isn't that part of what you came to the formulation of PTsd
yes . . . after exam of crime scene material . . . . this test did identify PTsd . . . . I didn't re--evaluate after this diagnosis made and she disclosed she killed

after this was going on and she . . . . it wasactualy TA he actually cut the ropes - he used a knife to cut ropes . . . yes
as he approached climax she got on top of him she straddled him . . . that is where he took nude photos -
that is correct
look @ exhibits #164 and #165 (these are the naughty sinkhole pics IMO)
shows pictures of her sprawled out naked, pictures of her vaginal area and pics of her backside . . .
Dr. samuels looked @ some of the pictures . . not all of them . . .he had the photos when he first got this case . . . if that had been done he would have had an opportunity to ask her about these . . .

dr. Sam didn't see .. . .
if someone is a liar wouldn't that have some
approach please

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