*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
doesn't it send a red flag for you that 1/2 relationships someone came into a restaurant to tell her someone was cheating?
this is first I have heard of it . .
then your assessment is incomplete?
you are an expert in field in DV . . . this is another piece of information she testified to . . . red flag in 50% of her relationships people came up to her . . .
need further clarification . . she worked in restaurants . . . that is not red flag - people come up to her . .. not sure

she worked in mesa . . .
flying into Phoenix pretty big place - somebody comes in and speaks to TA . . . that spoke to you . .. . someone told her about Lisa Andrews . .
sounds purposeful on the person who told her
you are making accusation on that person = what make you know they aren't lying

Ms. Arias had a history of lying after the killing

the Lisa and Ruby Tuesday happened after the killing
text happened before
yes she told you after the killing about the text

she lied about the killing, and she confessed about that.
are you aware of afterwards that may or may not be truthful
I do

2 incidents people come in to find her in a restaurant while she is working to tell

I know lots of people . . I don't know how to answer you
you don't know that is the truth if people came into see her while working
I don't know if JA told me the truth - Applebees or Ruby Tuesday story - don't know that is the truth

TA has been having relationship with JA. . . this text message might indicate that he is justified in answering her in this manner . . you can't tell us TA was out of line given the context we just talked about here . .
objection overruled X2

the only person I see who has a history of lying is TA . .. I havn't seen that in hr history prior . .
could he be justified . . .yes he could . . . but what I hav read in terms of boyfriends etc . . . is TA is lying.

one of the things that you considered in your opinion that TA was abusive . . #444 something you considered in reaching opinion that TA was abusive
wasn't a major portion but something I considered

in context of what we were talking about it doesn't seem as if his texts were out of line. objection . . . approach please
TA says you insult me that I would believe such crap and the crap he is referring to is someone coming into Ruby Tuesdays to tell JA that he was cheating on her with Lisa Andrews . . . . you had no misunderstanding what this was about . . .

text messages - deal with same subject
you insult me by thingking I will believe such crap - already know you are lying . . .

he is questioning her about someone tell about Lisa

exhibit #448 - issue involving a text that was inadvertently sent by the defendant and TA received it . . . he calls it a coverup? . . .

this set of text messages - what is your understanding whether JA sent the 2nd set of text messages that TA is requesting

not sure what you are referring to . . I testified about the way things are said. . . this was provided to you when you testified to it . .
do you know whether or not JA provided the 2nd text associated with the first one
I am not sure - let me read
ALV reads and says it doesn't appear that she did . .
that means she is able to stand up to him?
I don't know
she didn't provide it to him .
she placated him
she stood up to him
she didn't do it
she stood up
I guess / / she incurred a lot of wrath

take a look . . .someone has my google password - he is messing up with my google blog . . unfortunately he is my old boyfriend . . . do you know is provided another text or made one up . . hypothetically speaking for TA
it was the over- reaction . . not that he doesn't have the right to be angry but how he handles his anger . . .
if the defendant created another text message . . would it be significant to you if ja sent another text message and represented it was this one . .and instead sent another one that she typed . . . created another one and hailed it out

significant in terms of DV
indication of a lie
if I saw a pattern of lying . . it would be significant but I haven't seen a pattern of lying
you didn't know about Applebees
no but I knew what she did afterwards - more significant to me

hypothetical situation - I am going to send it to you again because I don't have the portion of it even though she could have
significant in what way?

afternoon recess . . til 3:15
counsel please approach!
Just getting to my desk . . .

Judge calls both sides Atty's up to the bench and hands them papers while we are waiting. . . JA's mother in court wearing #1 Mom necklace and purple patterned shirt.

JA calls JW over and ask "hey . . . JA is mouthing to her female Atty - (where is SyraKelly our Ws lipreader?)

Wilmot nowlooking over papers judge has given them .. .

ja sucking her teeth - wearing top of hair back and to the side. . . . purple blouse
JA's Mom has her pen and notebook out and retrieving something from her purse.

All Atty's return to their desks . . . .Judge waives someone back (jury?) to not come in?

Judge announces something about JA present . . . conference . . . proceeding?
ALV and JM . . .
your opinion is based largely upon 44 hr interview . . . along with everything I read -

talk to defendant . . made determination/assessment she was being truthful - it was worth pursuing . . . found the defendant to be credible and would move on with investigation . . . truthful? . . . believable . . . credible . . . I believed enough to be able to continue with the case.

you didn't believe some of what she was saying?
I believed enough to continue . . .
your assessment and opinion based in part on conversation with JA . . . found her during those conversations to be believable
believable in terms in what I found @ at that time -
my question indicated 44 hrs - do you understand
I do understand

44 hrs she was believable - you familiar with concept of secondary gain . . . if in their interest person may be deceitful
they may be

not a yes or no question
thought of secondary gain enter your mind
assess it
by looking @ collateral data

object- overruled
yes or no - did you consider issue of secondary gain
I said I did

you decided no secondary gain issue
I didn't make an assessment in terms of secondary gain = once I looked @ all the info - you consider secondary gain in all cases not what it might be - you pull in all sources I could possibly pull in to make assessment

your conclusion - no secondary gain here?
I have never said no 2ndary gain or 2ndary gain . . .
Judge she is non-responsive

looked @ material or 44 hrs nor not . . however you looked @ it . . considered . . you didn't reach a decision with regard to secondary gain.
I considered it in my decision
no problem with that particular issue in this case
I decided there was DV
judge she is non-responsive
may we approach?
I did not rule out secondary gain.
the Defendant may have been less than truthful with you . .
I have a limited scope here Mr. M
because your assessment was lacking in the (2nd gain) aspect . . . JA could have been less than truthful in your 44 hr assessment
I looked @ all info . . I assessed there was domestic violence . . that was what I was there to do.
you have to take into account whether JA was being truthful
you didn't rule it out and complete an assessment to rule out to determine if JA was truthful
there is not an assessment for 2ndary gain
you said you are a human lie detector - you have to determine whether they are lying to you
reasonable doubt you go to any situation around anything . . . what everyone goes in with and what you build your foundation . . . on any standard.
reasonable doubt . . . assess her statement - didn't rule out secondary gain . . .
it's a semantics thing don't know where you are going with this
you used beyond reasonable doubt
I have skeptism when I go in . I have doubt
in this case and defendant statement why not rule out whether she could have been less than truthful
I didn't entire rule out anything - I believed her and I continue as I do with other cases to keep an open mind what might come up I can pull out of a case
I am asking you if you believed her
yes I believe her
only talk to her?
what part of eval?
any part - you didn't talk to TA or any other witnesses . . . only talked to JA - based on word on one person involved in the relationship.
based on all information I read. . . I read for hours and hours more than just looking @ JA . . .
I am interested in the mouth moving you and someone else - talking . . . only 1 person you talked ot . ..

in your assessment there is always 2 sides to any issue
in dv saying goes . .. truth isn't in the middle but the truth is worse because they are minimizing and denying the situation.

I read ta's words . . I didn't talk to other people
you told us 90% all communication is non-verbal
sure you can take that anyway you want
yes or no
I made a statement in a verbal conversation much like you and I are having I bet people can read what is going on between the 2 of us
not asking what going on between you and prosecutor

you made statement 90% of communication is non-verbal . .. one person missing because he has been killed . .. if apply math 45% chance of being wrong - you don't have the other person there.

you told truth as you knew it . . . when this killing happened that is when she had problems with the truth. . . .by chance or design you investigated her truthfulness.
did you speak to her Father about her truthfulness .. .
his name?
he have a view of her truthfulness . . . much better basis than yours
she has a long hixtory and questionable history with her

he dealt with her in school, or issues . . he would know she had a reputation for honesty growing up
oh yeah
did you review his conversation with the detective about JA's truthfulness after the age of 14?
Pop Tart jury - back in the jury room for 10 min
Court is still in process . . . JM can question the witness

JW wants more information

truthfulness of JA is important . . . you met with her 44 hrs - then read infor to corroborate it she was truthful

yesterday you said you didn't see anything that she was untruthful
you are aware there was interview between her Father and Det. Flores
I didn't have that information
but if there was information out there you didn't have
Objection may we approach
JM asks for cd being marked for exhibit #604 . . . Jm is going to play a portion of the video w/JA"s Father and Det. Flores?

"never been honest since she was about maybe 14 then"

this was not something ALV knew
is this something you would want to consider?
objection - without the entire interview

want to hear whole thing. .. perspective what I know about TA and perspective of what I know about teenagers.

Her Father saying she has never been honest with us since then she was 14 then . ..
doesn't this fly in the face of what you said yesterday that she was always honest in the beginning
it doesn't fly in the face . . . I would need to assess that . . . I didn't have the information that a teenager lied to their parents . . doesn't make them a liar or not . . take that into consideration and why she would lie to TA
I would consider and decide what to do with it once considered
it would become part of the file

JW wants to get her a cd of the entire interview
counsel approach
Jury brought back in . .
with regard to defendant truthfulness . . . she said she cut them on apples . . . did you hear anything else on cuts on her hands?
no other story except that
the cuts she got from this killing were from apples
I don't believe that
you are saying you don't believe that - you decide what to believe

cuts on her hands while she was slicing apples - you believe that right?
I don't recall . . that I focused on that as much as what I was retained to do - I came on to look @ DV in the relationship
I understand you didn't focus on that . . . asking whether or not you believed she cut her hands while cutting (green) apples?
Mam - let me show you your notes
ALV asks to get her glasses
exhibit #605 read highlighted portion
your handwriting - deals with issues on cuts on the hands JA received @ time of TA death?
JA said cuts on her hands were from cutting apples
did you verify what she said was true?

could have gone to witnesses, statements from detectives, police report
I did read police report long ago - didn't go back to it
did you review her statements to the police
I did a very long time ago . . trying to put it in context
I understand you don't want context
would you advise the witness judge

you reviewed video tapes
of police no I didn't
I reviewed transcripts . .
another version of how finger cut . . assume 4 differenet versions of how she cut her fingers . . .wouldn't that cause a problem for you
I cannot answer yes or no and be honest about how I a nswer
issues involving gas can about the defendant and her old boyfriend
Darryl Brewer - yes
she asked DB for use of 2 gas cans to take on the trip before she went on the trip
I am aware
caused you problems with her truthfulness
I don't believe it did
lets take a look @ your notes

(JM is getting in a ton of exhibits today IMO)
reading from ALV's notes . . . JA told DB she was taking a long trip to Mesa and needs to borrow gas cans. . .
take a look @ it
I looked @ it . . I took notes to ask qustions off of what people said . .
you look @ what people said . . . you used it to determine DV
you use same procedure in this case . . . in this case you looked @ writings and took into account and made notes on it . . .
that caused you problems . . the gas cans?
you believed that JA may not be truthful . .
I wrote what does this mean . . .erratic behavior

what you meant was why did she need to borrow 2 gas cans from Darryl . . didn't it create problem for you that it was a last minute deision to go to mesa . . .
I still think it was a last minute deision
caused you problems with the gas cans and Darryl
I had a question not a problem

take a look @ whole page . . . (603??)
I did ask her a question
take a look

up to the bench
judge asks for exhibit to be given back to court - JW looking over exhibit
exhi bit #608 - question In this case for you involved gas cans . . thought it was a last minute decision - created a conflict for you . . . last minute decision not make sense to go to DB and ask for gas cans many days before going to Mesa.

objection - overruled
I had a question about the gas cans . . . one question - I dpon't know how far Utah from Yreka . ..

wanted to know why Mesa . . . trip to southern Calif and Utah - wanted to later find out if Mesa was intended in the trip.

JM is impeaching her with her own statements

objection -
you took statements from other people called collateral sources . . compared with JA's statements . . . you viewed DB's statement . . .question of JA asking to borrow gas cans in late May 2008 - JA told him she needed to borrow 2 gas cans trip to Mesa and didn't want to run out of gas.

this page has no mention of Utah whatsoever- read it.

read it to yourself . . .
does mention Utah . . . same paragraph mentioning Grand Canyon
mentions Utah after says Mesa . . doesn't talk about Utah first -no
created problem for you
created a question for me
you thought decision to go to Mesa was last minute decision . . even though you read statements from police in an effort to resolve this question you decided to believe the defendant.
she said she was going to Utah . . the journals and IM's indicated that as well.
irrespective of other sources you used
respectivec of other sources I used - I don't remember police report

you could have called DB to ask him what she said
I could have but told to rely on information I had
you are now saying you were restricted by someone - have you ever said you were restricted . .no

no one told you or restricted your assessment . . . you could have spoken to DB . .
I asked about interviewing other people and I was given the collateral sources
you didn't interview DB
I didn't
because you didn't interview him your assessment in this case is lacking
I don't think so

you told us regard these kinds of conversations are only part . . . can be part of investigation
conversations are part of my . . .right

in most murder cases I have used collateral sources
criminal cases you don't interview others - just look @ person
depends on case . . . financial restrictions . . . doesn't matter whether prosecution or defense there is a limit on what the Atty's give me

other criminal ccases on occasion you have conducted interviews?
yes or no
I am really trying to reflect on criminal cases I have done . . .generaly it has been paperwork . . .I am leaving it open because you are very precise and
you don't know

some inconsistencies . . . defendant is very manipulative
I don't believe she is
collateral sources said she was
there were

people close to her said
objection - may we approach?
you may approach

(JM is just getting in every bit of evidence thru this witness today . . . I am not sure it would matter what she says . . he is going to get something marked as an exhibit (IMO))
you received the defendant was manipulative . . . investigation revealed she was not abused and she liked to play the victim
I don't recall that
lets take a look at your notes

JM asks ALV to read the document not just scan it

your investigation revealed the defendant like to play the victim
this is about high school
you thought it important enough to write it down

I took notes on every interview I had . . her friend Zena said JA like to play the victim
that is a charcter trait?
could be situational - it is the observation of one other young girl
who knew her well
a young girl - I paid attention to what she said and weighed it with other information
growing up the defendant liked to play the victim
from one source
did I ask you more than one source?

did you considered this information
she was not abused and like to play the victim
contrary to other sources
something you considered

this information - manipulative . . you had and consider whole issue of abuse . . you gave benefit of the doubt to the defendant . . . never asked her
asked her and looked @ statements from JA's mother, grandparents, siblings about JA playing the victim

but you didn't talk to the victim
my notes don't reflect that but don't reflect everything
I talked about abuse before . . . never got it from others that she had patterns of playing the victims - not isolated incidents - patterns
I do not recall if I asked her specifically

whether or not defendant was abused in DV situation
yes between TA and JA relationship

on other circumstance the defendant pretended to be a victim of abuse
no other collaterals suggest Ja PLAYing the victim in fact they talk about her being the victim of her father and mother at times

so unimportant you didn't address it with her?
I am certain I addressed it to some degree
can you tell me anything regard this issue
I can't tell you specifics no

manipulative at that age . . .
objection - sustained

at that age what ever it was - she played the victim . . . isn't true your investigation revealed after she killed TA she was very manipulative

part 1 - I have 1 collateral source saying she was manipulative - I did not say that.
part 2 . . .

do you remember any information from any source - manipulative shortly after killing TA
manipulative in 1 or 2

what does manipulative mean to you
manipulate facts and deceiving people . . .

if you are asking me if she
no I am not - manipulative mean

manipulate or deceive . . .websters dictionary . . . you can change data, deceive or tell half truths

you received info she was manipulative in her relationship with men shortly after the killing?
with what men?
any memory of your notes after JA to Yreka
are you talking aobut her experience in the resteraunt
@ Purple Plum . . her interaction with men . .. indicated that she was
objection - may we approach - you may
Your recollection of
is this regarding . . there were several interviews about the purple plum . . .
whether defendant was manipulative with men .
there was an interview with a waitress said she was manipulative only nice to good looking men

how about interview with Carrie?Freeman? . . . provide you with that . . (another exhibit entered?) . .

ALV reads thru it . .

JA is writing notes to JW . . . ALV reading . . . JA flipping papers in her notebook . . .

JW is looking for a clean sheet of tablet paper to write.

Completed these part of your investigation . . your handwriting
you look @ collateral sources - use them as part of eval . . consider them
Manager of Purple plum . . . JA worked there . . defendant was manipulative towards men
objection - sustained

take a look @ date - exhibit #610 if that refresh recollection . . . what day?
June 13 08 . . . involved men and the defendant . . . specifically her interaction with them . . .she would feign (fan?)

objection hearsay . . .

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