Greta - August 18, 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Im sorry I dont see Casey being charged for murder from Just dog hits. That isnt enough to convict anybody. You dont charge someone with murder with Dog hits with the huge chance she will be found not guilty and will never be able to be charged with murder because of double jeopardy.

Dog hits and DNA, no body needed.
Guys, this CIRCUS makes me sick. Poor little Caylee is getting lost in all of this crap. I may have to turn Greta off............

"So, didja see them Dolphins?"

"Yeah, they are looking good in preseason, ay?"

"Yeah, but they need a better tight end."

"I hear ya.....well, better git to gittin' then...What were we here for?"

"Finding my niece."

"Oh yeah!"
Cell Phone Pings place Casey at a wooded area near the airport.
The reporter, Justin Wells, is walking on a bridge over a body of water. He keeps walking down a draining area to some brush. This area looks very isolated with canals and other waterways.

He walks further from the road and we see more water. Not many cars from that point. Maybe one or two every five minutes.
ok all this is just pretty much a horse and pony show and Baez said as much. Defense is wanting LE to show their hand. Padilla will "heading" to bail Casey out for awhile. I'll call BS!!!
The reporter (Jason Wells?) says people are out there searching, including Internet bloggers.
Cell Phone Pings place Casey at a wooded area near the airport.
The reporter, Justin Wells, is walking on a bridge over a body of water. He keeps walking down a draining area to some brush. This area looks very isolated with canals and other waterways.

He walks further from the road and we see more water. Not many cars from that point. Maybe one or two every five minutes.

Poke Salad Annie....
I think that we all need to email Greta and tell her that she needs to ask more questions about the search for Caylee (assuming she is alive or deceased) and give these third parties a lot less air time.

I think we all just need to e-mail her and tell her to come here to read, get "up to date" and find all the facts she's missing (or getting wrong). THEN she can ask all the questions we're asking (and she can fire her investigative team too).

While we're at it, we should email Nancy Grance too.
casey has been lying a longgggggggggggggggggg time

her parents let her get away with it

casey figured the whole world would let her get away with it

and has NOW found out the REAL WORLD doesnt work that way

how many pavers are missing ----------- ??


did i just say that ????:eek:
ok all this is just pretty much a horse and pony show and Baez said as much. Defense is wanting LE to show their hand. Padilla will "heading" to bail Casey out for awhile. I'll call BS!!!

"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em"

Greta showing where Casey's cellphone pinged from on June 17th. Southeast of the airport off route 217. OTR car on 417. It IS a very wooded area with water, and then heavy brush and more waterways. Even though fenced, there's plenty of access.
I see it ~ very interesting to get the video shots of the area, especially the water.
Hmmmm........Justin says they're hearing some sort of evaluation before Casey can have the ankle bracelet and be released. I'm betting it's a psych eval.
"So, didja see them Dolphins?"

"Yeah, they are looking good in preseason, ay?"

"Yeah, but they need a better tight end."

"I hear ya.....well, better git to gittin' then...What were we here for?"

"Finding my niece."

"Oh yeah!"

Further convinces me that Lee is as goofy as the rest of them.
"Your sister did something dumb".
"Your making assumptions".
LE is being very quiet while all this is going on.....

You read my mind! Ya know - I think that we have alot of info from these boards....but you KNOW that LE has more and are sitting on it - creating their case. I think we get so impatient and excited for some conclusions - we tend to forget that LE knows WAY MORE than we do.

.......let's hope so anyway!!:crazy:
How convenient would it be IF Casey is released tomorrow and due to the incoming storm there is a power outage???? Thus no electronic monitoring right??? I would think this is a HUGE RED FLAG and bond should be denied!!!!!!!!
This is the first time that I really realized what he was going to be doing. He will have cameras with him every chance he gets and if he is successful with this, he WILL gain viewers and may even be picked up by a better network for his show. I guess I was naive in thinking that he was just doing this behind the scenes somewhat without cameras in everyone's faces. I knew he was doing it for publicity but until now, I didn't think it would be to this extent. We will be entertained every night on NG and Greta with him and his camera shots of various people and so we will have lots to talk about but it's all at the expense of this little girl, Caylee. What a freakin' mess............

Media attention first and Caylee second.

Sacramento bounty hunter Leonard Padilla calls himself a media *advertiser censored*, and says coming to Orlando could be a win-win situation. In addition to getting national media exposure, he says he might even be able learn Caylee Anthony’s whereabouts.

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