Guardian Angels watching the Anthony Home

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If the neighbors start acting like combatants, why would a judge grant the HOA any kind of legal relief for them as "victims"?

The HOA attorney must be tearing her hair out after seeing those rock 'em sock 'em neighbors.

The people I saw in that vid who appeared to be neighbors seemed ready to rumble. If they want peace in the neighborhood, maybe it should begin with them.
All I have to say is this, WHAT good are the protestors doing, but spurring more, protests, and more riot type situations!??! What good are THEY actually doing??? Other then haveing the police have to take precious time from searching for Caylee, or any other missing child, to respond to petty crap like this???? What good are they doing only to continue to stir the pot, and continue to egg the situation on. What good are THEY doing, only to be looking like complete FOOLS.

Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think anyone who is protesting should be ashamed of themselves, because it is doing NO DAMN GOOD but taking precious time away from the police, who I am sure are trying to tie up loose ends to charge her with murder!

So to the protestors, I say " Get a LIFE!, and really weigh what you are doing, and how it affects those around you!"

And for those that say "what about Caylees' rights???" Well the sad thing is is she has passed, there is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING that can be accomplished by protesting, out side the GP'S home.Other then to further this tragedy with INNOCENT people getting hurt. And I am not talking about KC or the grandparents. Innocent children are getting hurt. The neighborhood children,who never asked for any of this to happen are going to be scarred for life because of this. What about them???? What about there planned sports activities that they can no longer do, because of the damn protestors? What about the birthday parties they have had to cancel, because of the protestors?? What about the kids missing school, because they are awaken at 2-3 in the morning by these protestors?? What about the kids who are now scared. and who now have anxiety, and possibly may need therapy because of how scared, and scarred they are??? Do any of the protestors think about this????

It is a shame that Caylee is gone, but nothing is being accomplished by the continued protests.

Yes Caylee has rights, but her right, right now is to JUSTICE where those that are found guilty by a COURT OF LAW serve there punishment, and get punished for taking this innocent life. I am sure that if Caylee was asked, whether she wanted protest, she would say no. Think about what Caylee would want, Not what you THINK she wants!

I have said my piece! And anxiously wait for the day when this is all over... And JUSTICE is finally served!
All I have to say is this, WHAT good are the protestors doing, but spurring more, protests, and more riot type situations!??! What good are THEY actually doing??? Other then haveing the police have to take precious time from searching for Caylee, or any other missing child, to respond to petty crap like this???? What good are they doing only to continue to stir the pot, and continue to egg the situation on. What good are THEY doing, only to be looking like complete FOOLS.

Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think anyone who is protesting should be ashamed of themselves, because it is doing NO DAMN GOOD but taking precious time away from the police, who I am sure are trying to tie up loose ends to charge her with murder!

So to the protestors, I say " Get a LIFE!, and really weigh what you are doing, and how it affects those around you!"

And for those that say "what about Caylees' rights???" Well the sad thing is is she has passed, there is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING that can be accomplished by protesting, out side the GP'S home.Other then to further this tragedy with INNOCENT people getting hurt. And I am not talking about KC or the grandparents. Innocent children are getting hurt. The neighborhood children,who never asked for any of this to happen are going to be scarred for life because of this. What about them???? What about there planned sports activities that they can no longer do, because of the damn protestors? What about the birthday parties they have had to cancel, because of the protestors?? What about the kids missing school, because they are awaken at 2-3 in the morning by these protestors?? What about the kids who are now scared. and who now have anxiety, and possibly may need therapy because of how scared, and scarred they are??? Do any of the protestors think about this????

It is a shame that Caylee is gone, but nothing is being accomplished by the continued protests.

Yes Caylee has rights, but her right, right now is to JUSTICE where those that are found guilty by a COURT OF LAW serve there punishment, and get punished for taking this innocent life. I am sure that if Caylee was asked, whether she wanted protest, she would say no. Think about what Caylee would want, Not what you THINK she wants!

I have said my piece! And anxiously wait for the day when this is all over... And JUSTICE is finally served!

Here here....... I couldn't have said it better myself. The one thing I would add is that after that day in Court and justice is served there will be one more day of reckoning. Now THAT is the day that I would worry about more!
All I have to say is this, WHAT good are the protestors doing, but spurring more, protests, and more riot type situations!??! What good are THEY actually doing??? Other then haveing the police have to take precious time from searching for Caylee, or any other missing child, to respond to petty crap like this???? What good are they doing only to continue to stir the pot, and continue to egg the situation on. What good are THEY doing, only to be looking like complete FOOLS.

Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think anyone who is protesting should be ashamed of themselves, because it is doing NO DAMN GOOD but taking precious time away from the police, who I am sure are trying to tie up loose ends to charge her with murder!

So to the protestors, I say " Get a LIFE!, and really weigh what you are doing, and how it affects those around you!"

And for those that say "what about Caylees' rights???" Well the sad thing is is she has passed, there is ABSOLUTLY NOTHING that can be accomplished by protesting, out side the GP'S home.Other then to further this tragedy with INNOCENT people getting hurt. And I am not talking about KC or the grandparents. Innocent children are getting hurt. The neighborhood children,who never asked for any of this to happen are going to be scarred for life because of this. What about them???? What about there planned sports activities that they can no longer do, because of the damn protestors? What about the birthday parties they have had to cancel, because of the protestors?? What about the kids missing school, because they are awaken at 2-3 in the morning by these protestors?? What about the kids who are now scared. and who now have anxiety, and possibly may need therapy because of how scared, and scarred they are??? Do any of the protestors think about this????

It is a shame that Caylee is gone, but nothing is being accomplished by the continued protests.

Yes Caylee has rights, but her right, right now is to JUSTICE where those that are found guilty by a COURT OF LAW serve there punishment, and get punished for taking this innocent life. I am sure that if Caylee was asked, whether she wanted protest, she would say no. Think about what Caylee would want, Not what you THINK she wants!

I have said my piece! And anxiously wait for the day when this is all over... And JUSTICE is finally served!

I'm not in Fl, but if I were and If I had a call to jury duty, all bets are off. Anything I have thought or felt on this board would go blank. It's one thing to have an opinion on a net board and a WAY different animal on a jury.

On a jury I would always err to the defendants benifit. Even if it killed every instinct in me. I believe in my fellow Americans and have no doubt they would do the same as myself.

It's unfair to judge your fellow man by a net forum, as to what they would do on a jury panel. It's the same as people saying you can't understand the Anthony's because you haven't been there.

Casey sits at home, paints her nails (whatever) and surfs the net. Where is Caylee? Do you have an idea? Me either but I have an opinion. And that's all we all have on this board-- an opinion.
That's what I just don't get! He has the Gaurdian Angels out there, his neighbors out there trying to *patrol* and keep it quiet. They live in the neighborhood and if they were thirsty I'm sure they would have ran home and grabbed some water!

What does he do, he makes it MORE stressful on the very people trying to help him and his family! He drags out a bag of bottled water and traipses down the road. For cripes sakes, man, where's you're good sense?! What happens then, the protesters start heckling and the neighbors start getting themselves in a pile of doo-doo! Thoughtful... *rolls eyes*

There's no way I will slightly entertain the idea that he isn't doing this purposefully!

I think he's trying to bait someone into assaulting him, so he can cry victim and maybe even try to sue them!:mad:
If I read the article correctly the Angels main concern are the citizens who live on HopeSpring, and are not involved in the case. Since the As home is where the problem originates they indirectly benefit from the Angels presence.

Personally I applaud the Angels presence as long as they are able to maintain peace in the neighborhood.

The best answer to this problem is for KC to stay in jail, since this isn't happening I will thank anyone who can bring peace back to the neighborhood and to the neighbors.
Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think many of the protestors are protesting that the family doesn't care where Caylee is, not that Casey is guilty....I say "good on them"

Innocent children are getting hurt. The neighborhood children,who never asked for any of this to happen are going to be scarred for life because of this. What about them????

What about the kids who are now scared. and who now have anxiety, and possibly may need therapy because of how scared, and scarred they are??? Do any of the protestors think about this????

Are you serious? They have a family on their street that made a 2 year old disappear....that's gotta be terrifying to young children and if I was a parent, I would not want Casey on my street. I bet they need therapy for that...I'm sure you understand that is a far more serious crime than protesting and incredibly traumatic for a young child to know a 2 year old neighbor has probably met with foul play, by her family members no less....can you imagine how insecure that would make the children on the street who have been taught you can trust your family?.
I wish the protestors would just leave too. IMO this situation is getting worse. First it was people pushing people and tearing up signs. Then hammers, bats and hoses. Now stun guns. And very angry neighbors spewing threats. Everybody should leave for their own safety. Let the Anthonys implode. They seem to be the most violent of the bunch anyway. Who will they fight if the protestors leave. Lets find out.
It is one thing to be silent about your possible involvement in a crime...but it is a whole different thing to losing a 2 year old. She was offered limited immunity to tell the police the location of the body, so she could have done the right thing, without further penalty, if she wanted to do the right thing.

She has a lost 2 year old daughter...this situation is not your ordinary crime...we can't just lose kids and not explain.

It's not different at all. You want her to admit where she left the body, not where she "lost Caylee". That is admitting her involvement in the crime and we have no idea what the offer actually said. I want her to tell us where she is and what she did to her but I also recognize that she has the right not to do that. I don't have to like it but it is what it is. Oh, and I don't think Casey wants to do the right thing. Were that the case we wouldn't have this mess to begin with, would we?
I think Casey has turned her entire block into lunatics. The neighbor in the striped shirt was way out of control. Too bad the A's couldn't be thrown out of the neighborhood, then everyone would be happy. At this point they all need a safe house.
Our country has a right, and that right is the right to be innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. NOT by a court of public opeinion. Don't get me wrong, I fully beleive that KC is guillty, but am I going to go down there and protest because I feel she is??? HELL NO! I am going to wait until the court of law serves sweet justice on KC!

I think many of the protestors are protesting that the family doesn't care where Caylee is, not that Casey is guilty....I say "good on them"

Are you serious? They have a family on their street that made a 2 year old disappear....that's gotta be terrifying to young children and if I was a parent, I would not want Casey on my street. I bet they need therapy for that...I'm sure you understand that is a far more serious crime than protesting and incredibly traumatic for a young child to know a 2 year old neighbor has probably met with foul play, by her family members no less....can you imagine how insecure that would make the children on the street who have been taught you can trust your family?.

Parents have the option of not telling their young children about Caylee missing and probably being killed. They can't escape from the obnoxiously loud and foul mouthed protesters. Can you imagine not being able to put your baby to bed at night or having him/her woken up at 1 in the morning because a group of idiots want to drag George into the street and beat him up. You think that's not frightening for young children? I bet the dogs in the neighborhood bark 24 hours a day because of the protesters. Is that good for small children or parents who need their rest?
She has no comprehension of "doing the right thing." She could care less what her parents have to endure or what chaos they create outside. That is NOT HER PROBLEM - the way she see it. Someone who cared about their parents would not have done all the horrible things she did to them in the past even before Caylee.

I so agree with this, and then if the chaos that is being created because you are there, you don't stop it. In other words... She knows and sees what her parents are going through because of her, she could ask to be removed from the house to protect them if she truly cared for anyone other than Casey. It's simple, leave, go back to jail, or a safe house (hey you have the courts in your hand now, why not ask for that) your mom and dad can carry on the search for Caylee, and then they have no reasons why they can't.
I can honestly say that I have no worries about my children killing one of their own and covering it up. I pay close attention to my grands and what is going on around them. It is part of my job as a grandparent to watch out for them and to act if I see something wrong.

If it did happen, I would not be sitting in a house waiting hand n foot on my child as if they were some celebrity. My child would be sitting in jail after I had done everything possible to make them confess without a lawyer present. I would have known what happened BEFORE I called LE and my child would probably have a few bruises to cart to court. I wouldn't have protesters on my lawn...I would have supporters.

So is not "There but for the Grace of God go I", at least in my book.
I have always tried not to judge other people and I never said my child would never do that. I have a grown married daughter that was always a good kid never any major trouble at all other than some normal teenage pranks, she is a well edcuated, stable adult but I know other kids that have done things to bring shame on to good parents and I have seen bad parents raise good kids. You never know though what your kid might do so therefore I always say "there for the grace of God go I"
"Some people don't like families that make babies disappear....don't you get that?"

I get that very much, thank you, but tell me in what way are these protestors helping or honoring Caylee in any way? And what evidence do they have that G&C is responsible for Caylee's disappearance? There was a peaceful protest/memorial for Caylee planned this evening yet no one was there, now that its nighttime and the camera crews are abound, guess who all shows up? Yea, plenty of teens and others gathering, where were they before? Maybe Im taking it wrong, but it seems some of your posts are rude and belittling to others and you stick up for the protestors, thats fine and your right to do so, but many of us dont agree with the protestors at all or thier behavior and we are also entitled to that opinion. I think its best we agree to disagree.
It's not different at all. You want her to admit where she left the body, not where she "lost Caylee". That is admitting her involvement in the crime and we have no idea what the offer actually said. I want her to tell us where she is and what she did to her but I also recognize that she has the right not to do that. I don't have to like it but it is what it is. Oh, and I don't think Casey wants to do the right thing. Were that the case we wouldn't have this mess to begin with, would we?

IMO, at the very least, I wish she'd stop lying and wasting the resources of LE chasing up her lies. Whilst she is maintaining Caylee is alive, she should at least be telling the police the truth re her whereabouts.

I still say it is different. Particularly to G & C. They have the right to say "we loved caylee....tell us where she is or you can't live here".
Parents have the option of not telling their young children about Caylee missing and probably being killed. They can't escape from the obnoxiously loud and foul mouthed protesters. Can you imagine not being able to put your baby to bed at night or having him/her woken up at 1 in the morning because a group of idiots want to drag George into the street and beat him up. You think that's not frightening for young children? I bet the dogs in the neighborhood bark 24 hours a day because of the protesters. Is that good for small children or parents who need their rest?

Yeah, lock them in a room for a few months, and maybe, just maybe they wont' hear about it. Or better yet, lock them in, bar tv, until after the trial.

Are you seriously saying the protestors are more scary to children than Casey is? I think you've lost perspective.
Parents have the option of not telling their young children about Caylee missing and probably being killed. They can't escape from the obnoxiously loud and foul mouthed protesters. Can you imagine not being able to put your baby to bed at night or having him/her woken up at 1 in the morning because a group of idiots want to drag George into the street and beat him up. You think that's not frightening for young children? I bet the dogs in the neighborhood bark 24 hours a day because of the protesters. Is that good for small children or parents who need their rest?

And, if you'd bothered to watch last nights video, you would see that the neighbors were far more violent and foul mouthed than all the protestors combined. He looked like he was drunk and was threatening to smash heads. The link is on this thread.
"Some people don't like families that make babies disappear....don't you get that?"

I get that very much, thank you, but tell me in what way are these protestors helping or honoring Caylee in any way? And what evidence do they have that G&C is responsible for Caylee's disappearance? There was a peaceful protest/memorial for Caylee planned this evening yet no one was there, now that its nighttime and the camera crews are abound, guess who all shows up? Yea, plenty of teens and others gathering, where were they before? Maybe Im taking it wrong, but it seems some of your posts are rude and belittling to others and you stick up for the protestors, thats fine and your right to do so, but many of us dont agree with the protestors at all or thier behavior and we are also entitled to that opinion. I think its best we agree to disagree.

If the family were helping LE find Caylee, the protestors would be supporters. I think you are all missing where the real blame lies for this. There is a beautiful baby missing, a family that won't provide LE with credible information re her location, and you are focused on the behaviour of the protestors.

I fully support LE in their statement that what they need is credible information from the family. This is the A's fault, not the protestors.

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