GUILTY OF FIRST DEGREE MURDER**verdict watch** 3-5-2012

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Deliberations have started! We're at 5:20 now and the judge said he'll once again let them control the clock of when they want breaks, etc...
If JY were really a sociopathic killer, and was indeed at the gas station that morning, I think he either would have been cool as a cucumber and not lost his cool with Gracie, or I think he would have found an opportunity to kill her too. Maybe waited for the other customers to leave or lure her outside or something.


IMO, no way! He had to get back to that hotel early enough to not be seen by other hotel guests waking & leaving, grab the receipt to prove he was there; and then onto the hospital to try to solidify his alibi of being 169 miles away - 310 miles away. Another dead body on his route would have most certainly pointed to him being involved. MOO
I have tremendous luck - I just so happened to be in the courtroom both for the BC guilty verdict and also when the JY jury deadlocked in the first trial. I just popped down to the courthouse both of those days to stop in for an hour each time and both times was there for the verdicts. I think I'll pop down to the courthouse just after lunch today if that gives you any hints... ;)

Don't suppose you could make it 4:30? I'm at a doctor's appointment with my mother most of the afternoon.

InSession NC v #JasonYoung: Deliberations have begun. Jurors deliberated for a little over five hours Friday.
6 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

NBC17 #jasonyoung Jason Young jury returns, resumes deliberations.
7 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

foxone1 jurors are once again deliberating in #jasonyoung trial..
7 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
I can see a G verdict ( can't say 1st or 2nd degree tho...tough guess for me.) I actually can't see a hung jury, though obviously that is very possible, it's just that I think the Judge will definitely encourage them to work very hard to make a decision bc of the last go around. If this happens I can see where they could then compromise on a G in the 2nd degree. (which I don't necessarily agree with in this case. But hey who asked me.;)). I like a few others have a very, very difficult time seeing 12 people agree to vote on a NG. I'm very proud of those 4 jurors in the last trial who stood their ground in what they believe and refused to change their vote. There must have been a lot of pressure since 8 others were agreeing and those 4 held out. I'm personally thankful those 4 were not swayed whatsoever even if it meant hung jury. IMO, after watching both trials I think a verdict will happen. I would have voted NG in first trial (pt left me with doubt) though this 2nd trial I'm a firm Guilty. But this is just my lil ole opinion. I thought I had a good read on jury's but CA changed that for sure.

I'm thinking there's a 75% chance of another hung jury and a 25% chance of guilty. Anyone else want to hazard a guess? Not what you think, but what you think the jury will come back with.

I'm thinking 50% hung jury, 25% first degree murder, 25% second degree murder...JMO
how long was the SP jury out - do you know Talina? :) I didn't follow that one as closely as this one....

Like tarheel, I do find a lot of similarities in that case to this one as far as the amount and types of evidence (obviously different crime scenes)...

hopefully justice for Rylan and Michelle will come soon like it did for Laci and Conner.

Well, IMO not a good comparison since a juror was replaced during deliberations but they came to a verdict on the 7th day of deliberations.

Interestingly, it was 8 hrs (or something like that) after the juror was replaced that a verdict was reached.

I can't remember right now why a juror was replaced.
I'm so nervous, I can't even work on my SIMpire while I wait.

I was good about putting it out of my mind most of the weekend so I wouldn't go nuts..but now that they are deliberating again, I'm a nervous wreck. My first meeting is not until 10:30 today and I have things I could do before then but having trouble concentrating or being productive. :sigh:
I've just read books, I'm no expert though, but from what I gather since sociopaths have little/no remorse, JY would either not be so wound up that he lashed out at Gracie - since he doesn't have a history of screaming at strangers like that - or he would get very angry and kill her. I don't think there would be any middle ground.

Mainly I just don't think JY is a sociopath at all whether or not he interacted with Gracie, killed Michelle/Rylan, etc.

OK, the above post presents a false dilemma, because:

Yes he very well could have lashed out at Gracie verbally, then split. Anger and fits of rage are part of the profile of sociopaths; it dovetails with their poor behavioral control, and lack of impulse control, especially when something interferes with their goal. They can blend and seem cool, calm, and collected - until they don't.

And I do think he's a sociopath, he fits the profile, hits many, if not all of the markers.

I'm not a doctor, it's just my opinion after interviewing many who have been diagnosed with that specific personality disorder.

I saw something else about this in a previous thread. I'm not sure where this notion that sociopath=automaton came from.

It's conscience they're lacking, not any show of emotion ever, at any time. As someone else said, probably their purest, truest emotion is anger. Whether its a slow simmering rage that leads someone to start planning a murder, or an immediate outburst of rage, that's one thing they have in spades. They tend to get angry when thwarted. Its all good when things are going their way. Its when things do not go their way that bad stuff happens.

Right, but why would he have lashed out at Gracie? That's not his normal behavior and could be explained as him being wound up because he had just committed a murder and was not in his normal state of mind. He wasn't known for lashing out at strangers like that.

If he were a sociopath I don't think he would have been wound up about committing the murder. Regardless he would have known how stupid it would be to call attention to himself like that and would have only lashed out if he lost his cool. Either way there is no other evidence or testimony that JY is a sociopath, but he has been referred to as one several times so I am giving my alternate point of view.

I don't think Gracie actually saw JY in the first place though. I think she encountered some other idiot who couldn't control his temper.

Well, IMO not a good comparison since a juror was replaced during deliberations but they came to a verdict on the 7th day of deliberations.

Interestingly, it was 8 hrs (or something like that) after the juror was replaced that a verdict was reached.

I can't remember right now why a juror was replaced.

the trial also lasted four months as well.....

I do have to wonder what effect the weekend had on the jurors (re: personal introspection) it always seems like when a jury goes out over a weekend they come in making decisions (I have no solid facts of this.. just observations from other cases I have followed)

ABC is back up

Requesting to review items; they'll have to locate to make available. Requesting inventory of what was in luggage and picture of JY in Cracker Barrel, the jeans, autopsy report, USA Today, initial master br photos, CY's PJs, pictures of meds from CY's room, picture of HP imprints w/ plastic flap, big map of VA/NC, Hotel 1st floor, photo of back of Explorer showing all luggage...

Lunch at 1230.

Well, IMO not a good comparison since a juror was replaced during deliberations but they came to a verdict on the 7th day of deliberations.

Interestingly, it was 8 hrs (or something like that) after the juror was replaced that a verdict was reached.

I can't remember right now why a juror was replaced.

thanks Talina. :)

I just looked it up and it says 3 of them were replaced. yikes...including the foreman. I wonder if that's of them asked to be replaced and one had done some research on her own apparently...

you are right that it only took about 8 hours after the foreman was replaced to reach a verdict. :)
I'm liking these jury requests......especially the first one.

ETA: Can anyone tell channel 11 to turn up the volume????
Right, but why would he have lashed out at Gracie? That's not his normal behavior and could be explained as him being wound up because he had just committed a murder and was not in his normal state of mind. He wasn't known for lashing out at strangers like that.

If he were a sociopath I don't think he would have been wound up about committing the murder. Regardless he would have known how stupid it would be to call attention to himself like that and would have only lashed out if he lost his cool. Either way there is no other evidence or testimony that JY is a sociopath, but he has been referred to as one several times so I am giving my alternate point of view.

I don't think Gracie actually saw JY in the first place though. I think she encountered some other idiot who couldn't control his temper.


Didn't he say something wildly innappropriate at the RS/SS wedding? To either the bride or groom's father? And had to be bundled into the car and gotten out of there?

Didn't his friend testify that he'd be all up in provoking some fights, but not actually participating?

Surely he knew how stupid it was to be rude to people's parents at a wedding, but it didn't stop him from doing so did it? Surely he knew it was stupid to pee on a friend's living room floor, but that didn't stop him from doing so. Surely he knew it was stupid to boink CAS on the living room sofa with CY upstairs - didn't stop him.

He lashed out at Gracie because the whole deal had taken longer than he anticipated (CY waking up), he was in a hurry, and she was thwarting him. He needed to get on the road, and her stubborn insistence that he give her a license, credit card or money was holding him up.

No doubt in my mind he's a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist, or some combination thereof. The boundaries aren't always clear, there's overlap.
Jury is now requesting:

Lunch break @ 12:30pm

  • inventory of items in JY luggage (judge said this does not exist)
  • pic of JY in cracker barrel
  • jeans
  • autopsy rpt
  • usa today
  • initial MBR photos
  • CY PJs shirt & pants
  • pics of meds (CY room)
  • pic of HP imprints w/plastic flap
  • big map of va/nc
  • hotel 1st floor diagram
  • photo of back of explorer showing all luggage
There IS NO inventory list of all items found in luggage?! Whoa
From InSession...

Jury has said they'll break for lunch at 12:30 and they want these items

Inventory of what was in the luggage
Pic from CB
See his jeans
Autopsy report
USA Today
MB photos
Cass pj's
Cass room touched area - tylenol
HP imprints
BIG map of VG & NC
Map of HI first floor
Photo of back of Explorer showing what was in it
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