GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #1

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Thank you, everyone, for posting updates. I wasn't able to watch or follow yesterday or most of today. I backread everything, while listening to the live feed. I have some thoughts, but I want to keep listening. I will just say that I was blown away when y'all mentioned the hotel receipt. I just hope there's more new info to come.

Thanks again for being so diligent; it's great to see everyone!

Yes, thanks to everyone posting updates!
TM's request for her youngest to stay in the courtroom is really strange. Is that her way to get him removed from the witness list? The one child that she can't control because he's naive.
So, I'm a little foggy on what happened there, since I was speed-reading to get caught up. She tried to bring him into the courtroom, but couldn't, because of potential witnesses being sequestered? Do I have that right?
So, I'm a little foggy on what happened there, since I was speed-reading to get caught up. She tried to bring him into the courtroom, but couldn't, because of potential witnesses being sequestered? Do I have that right?
Yes, that's right. First request from the defense this morning and even her attorney said "this is a lame request" if I heard him correctly. Judge said all witnesses are to remain sequestered.
Yes, that's right. First request from the defense this morning and even her attorney said "this is a lame request" if I heard him correctly. Judge said all witnesses are to remain sequestered.
She had to be up to something. Why would she only try that with the youngest one and not the other two? Yep, she was up to something. Thanks bestill. Oh, and I love that her attorney made that remark!
Here's all I can think of so far:

There was a hotel receipt and hotel key in HE's car. It was traced to an inn and the room had been reserved and paid for by SM. We don't know when, but they say a few weeks before she disappeared.

Actually they went back to the car to investigate and the police found a keycard to a local inn. They were able to get from the inn a receipt with Sidney's name on it, a few weeks before Heather went missing. I guess the chip information was still on the card.

I don't know when this keycard was found, but it did not come up in SM's mistrial.
Actually they went back to the car to investigate and the police found a keycard to a local inn. They were able to get from the inn a receipt with Sidney's name on it, a few weeks before Heather went missing. I guess the chip information was still on the card.

I don't know when this keycard was found, but it did not come up in SM's mistrial.

This is quite curious since supposedly they didn't talk at all in November, right?
TM and SM had two phones though both were registered in TM's name.

I missed part of this testimony... seems someone had someone blocked. I think they said one of the moorer's numbers had blocked Heather, but I'm not positive

The guy from Sprint testified that the number which Tammy used called Heather's phone twice, both times dialing *67 first in order to block the number (i.e. so Heather wouldn't see the number calling her). The first call lasted 30-something seconds, and the second was only 7 seconds. The time is recorded from the moment Sprint's equipment is engaged; given that Tammy had a Sprint phone, that basically means from the time she completed dialing.
The guy from Sprint testified that the number which Tammy used called Heather's phone twice, both times dialing *67 first in order to block the number (i.e. so Heather wouldn't see the number calling her). The first call lasted 30-something seconds, and the second was only 7 seconds. The time is recorded from the moment Sprint's equipment is engaged; given that Tammy had a Sprint phone, that basically means from the time she completed dialing.
I missed what time the *67 call was made to HE?
Thanks again for all of the tweets, videos and conversation. Much appreciated. One question, What does TM think she is going to do with all of those notebooks she is carrying around? Turn them in as exhibits?

I think she might have taken her lawyer's advice to "look like you're taking the matter seriously" too literally.
This is quite curious since supposedly they didn't talk at all in November, right?
Supposedly, yes but I don't believe that for a second. When did the Moorers go away? They were away for a period of 2-3 weeks prior to Heather going missing, weren't they? I have a very strong feeling, (since learning of the Hotel/Inn receipt today) that SM and Heather met up before the Moorers went on holiday. (It was on this holiday, that TM slapped SM wasn't it? Sure it wasn't the first time and certainly not the last, but it's the one time we heard about it.) SM also told LE he was ringing Heather (the night she disappeared) to tell her to stop leaving notes on his car. What a load of crap. I can't forget either, how we learnt a female by the name of Heather Elvis had checked in and out of hospital (the day Heather disappeared) but when looked into by LE it *apparently* was another Heather Elvis! What are the chances of that happening? To top it all off, SM is caught buying a pregnancy test and when asked about it, he claims it was for TM. Really? I hate that my mind goes there, I really do but I can't help it. I do not believe the story the Moorer's are telling. They are lying through their teeth, the pair of them and they make me very very angry!!!!!! WHERE IS HEATHER?!!!!
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RSBM: This bothers me so much. Why would "friends" do something like that? It hurts my heart to think about how terrified Heather must have been in that moment.
It bothers me too, Surfside, very much. Heather must've been scared out of her wits, absolutely terrified and it's heartbreaking thinking about it. I really don't think, at the time, the co-workers/friends realised the seriousness of it all and how bad it really was. They'll never get over it, that stunt/prank they pulled, they'll know now, was the cruelest thing ever!!!! I hope they find it in their hearts to forgive themselves, they weren't to know!!! :(
I think she might have taken her lawyer's advice to "look like you're taking the matter seriously" too literally.
LOL...I had to laugh when I saw her flipping through the pages in the files, trying to look all business like. A pity nobody told her, wearing a two piece suit might help.
Hi All!

I watched Tuesday's testimony online after court ended.

My biggest question: how did Sidney and Tammy find out that Heather might be pregnant? I wonder who told them (or told Syd). That was what got this plot to kidnap and murder H.E. started. Doesn't seem like it was Heather who said anything to them, but someone sure did.
RSBM: This bothers me so much. Why would "friends" do something like that? It hurts my heart to think about how terrified Heather must have been in that moment.

Hi Surfside!

Girls/co-workers can be mean and do mean things. Immature and catty. Being friendly at work doesn't mean they were all "friends." Women are often each other's worst enemies and pulling a prank like this would be something immature young adults would find funny because it would absolutely get a reaction.
Hi All!

I watched Tuesday's testimony online after court ended.

My biggest question: how did Sidney and Tammy find out that Heather might be pregnant? I wonder who told them (or told Syd). That was what got this plot to kidnap and murder H.E. started. Doesn't seem like it was Heather who said anything to them, but someone sure did.
I don't think it's been said. But my guess would be coworkers. I think Sidney was still going to the Tilted Kilt to work, and her coworkers suspected she was pregnant. Considering they knew about the affair, pranked her with a phone call from Tammy, I think it's possible they told Sidney, or prodded him. You know like "ready to have another kid, eh?".. or whatever, and then IMO, he called Heather to ask her if she was. She may have said she wasn't sure, and he offered to buy that pregnancy test. There's just no doubt in my mind that that test was for Heather.
As for TM in the courtroom, I have no doubt her attorneys have talked to her a number of times on behaving in the courtroom, not speaking out, and gave her things to keep her looking busy. It's very common to see defendants taking notes or at least look like they are -- no doubt defense attorneys know jurors are looking at the defendants in a case during trial and assessing them. They'll probably remind her each day about proper behavior and not acting out during witness testimony.
IMO, he called Heather to ask her if she was. She may have said she wasn't sure, and he offered to buy that pregnancy test. There's just no doubt in my mind that that test was for Heather.

That makes sense but he must have told Tammy about it. The plot to kill H.E. came as a result of her possible pregnancy, and the plot was already hatched and in progress when Sid arrived at Walmart to buy the test. I truly wonder if she was pregnant or not. She definitely looked much heavier to me in that last picture taken of her learning to drive the stick shift, but that doesn't prove she was pregnant.
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