GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #1

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Sorry for the stream of posts, I'm behind everyone and need to go to bed. Something I noticed is that Tammy is not wearing a wedding ring. Don't know if she always used to or not, it's just something I noticed during this first day of testimony.
I know the time at Peach Tree Landing was tight. I know it's possible to kidnap someone within seconds, especially if the kidnapper knows the victim, and the victim may trust the kidnapper to some degree. So it's feasible to me that Heather initial got into the Moorer truck, thinking she was meeting to talk to Sidney, or go somewhere with him. She trusted him enough to meet at the landing in my middle of the night. I know the Moorers had the rest of that early morning, until her car was discovered, to do whatever to Heather. I just can't figure out where they took her, and where she was killed, nor where she was disposed.

What's everyone's theory on that? Was she taken back to their home? I don't think she was. Maybe into the garage behind the house, or some other property they know well, whether family or just property they knew wouldn't be disturbed on. I Really wonder what ploy was used to get her in that truck, with phone disabled so fast, and POOF... she's gone.

How many hours from the last phone call from Heather until her car was discovered? And then how many hours after the car was discovered until the Moorers were first contacted by LE? Maybe that would help tighten the timeline of how long they had to commit their crime.

I have seen theories that she might have been sold to human traffickers, might have been given money to leave the area, etc., but I don't believe Tammy would have let Heather leave alive. Her hatred towards Heather was very obvious in the postings from Tammy earlier in the case. I can understand being that angry, but I posting all that on SM was beyond weird. It was rants I would have with my sister, or best friend, but not blasting it like Tammy did.
That makes sense but he must have told Tammy about it. The plot to kill H.E. came as a result of her possible pregnancy, and the plot was already hatched and in progress when Sid arrived at Walmart to buy the test. I truly wonder if she was pregnant or not. She definitely looked much heavier to me in that last picture taken of her learning to drive the stick shift, but that doesn't prove she was pregnant.
Sadly I don't think we'll ever know unless her body is ever found, and if she was far enough along that a baby skeleton could be found. I don't think a baby skeleton would have survived the elements in this lenght of time though. :crying:

I do think Heather was pregnant. I remember discussion about her needing a larger size uniform at work, and seems comments were made about her breast being larger as well. Obviously she wasn't having a period or she wouldn't have taken that pregnancy test at work. It makes me sad to think she may have been living her car at the time. I don't know why, but just knowing she took a test at work... it's sad. I never had a coworker take one at any job I've had. And when my friends, myself or family took one, it was at home. There was a support system in place for whatever result was had. Some wanted to be pregnant, some didn't, but all had support for either result. It doesn't sound like heather had a support team, or close friend. For some reason, that one act of taking a pregnancy test at work just has me in tears.
It makes me sad to think she may have been living her car at the time.

Don't know the date she took that test but she did move in with her best friend, Bri.

It doesn't sound like heather had a support team, or close friend.

She certainly did; she had Bri, who was her best friend. Heather even moved in to share the apartment with Bri. Bri was the one Heather called after getting that late night/early morning call from Syd at the pay phone. Bri will be testifying for the state, as she did in SM's obstruction trial.

ALL for the great discussion, tweets, videos, etc.!! Much appreciated. Got caught up with all of it.

I'll be here at 4:30pm my time to start the tweets, if you like, @UndiscoveredTruth ?
I cleared my cookies, cache, etc. so hopefully FireFox (or is that FoxFire?) will be working for me today. So far, okay...
Wednesday, October 10th
*Trial Continues (Day 3) (@ 9:30am ET) - SC - Heather Rachel Elvis (20) (Dec. 19, 2013; never found) - Tammy Caison Moorer (41/now 45) charged & indicted (2/27/17) with kidnapping & indicted (April 27, 2018) with conspiracy to commit kidnapping.
9/17/18 Update: South Carolina’s Supreme Court rejected an effort by Horry County prosecutors to move the cases of Sidney & Tammy Moorer under one judge. The decision seemingly paves the way for Tammy Moorer’s trial related to the kidnapping of Heather Elvis to move forward next week on 10/8. Defense filed motion for change of venue, but were denied.
10/8/18 Update Day 1: Pretrial motions started about noon with Judge Benjamin Culbertson granting the defense’s motion to sequester witnesses. The State could call Sidney Moorer. Defense asked for a change of venue, but judge denied. After more than 6 hours a jury has been selected. 12 jurors have been seated and two alternates were named. Jury is made up of seven men and five women. Two alternates, one woman and one man. Opening statements will start tomorrow morning 10/9.
10/9/18 Update: The judge denied the defense motion for Sydney to wear non-jail clothing if he's called to the stand. Opening statements. Witnesses: Jessica Cooke, manager at the Tilted Kilt at the time where Heather also worked. Jody Davenport, co-worker. Stephen Schiraldi, Heather & him went out on a date Dec. 17, 2013. They interacted on social media prior to the date. Casey Guskiewicz, a Corporal with the Horry County Police Dept. was a patrolman that night. He found Heather's car that night (Dec. 18) at Peachtree Landing. Sgt. Danny Furr, with the Horry County Police Dept. (A Corporal in 2013). He says he was overseeing 5 officers on the night Heather went missing. Kenneth Canterbury, who works for HCPD. Ryan (or John) Keep, a records custodian for Sprint. Ryan Whitt, an employee for T-Mobile. Court ends back at 9:30am 10/10.

I'm leaving off Sydney's info, as it gets too long.... :)

See ya later alligators!

ALL for the great discussion, tweets, videos, etc.!! Much appreciated. Got caught up with all of it.

I'll be here at 4:30pm my time to start the tweets, if you like, @UndiscoveredTruth ?
I cleared my cookies, cache, etc. so hopefully FireFox (or is that FoxFire?) will be working for me today. So far, okay...
Morning, Niner and thank you right back at you!! Oh I'll be here 2.30am LOL my time. I don't want to miss anything. We've not yet come across a list of the witnesses that will be testifying either so I have to be here from start to finish haha. So yeah, I can assist with the tweets again, I really don't mind at all.

Hmm.... you got me confused with the "Firefox or Foxfire" for a minute there LOL. The member you're speaking of was a firefighter wasn't he? (I think he was) So I'm going with the former haha. I remember his posts well and thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every one of them. He is missed by all!!
Talking about the phones made me go back to Sid's trial:

Thanks to nerdgirl:

I went back through the testimony about SM's phone. It was an IPhone5.

Location setting for Photographs
orginally turned on
metadata on photographs indicate in Horry County from 11/5/2013 to 11/11/2013
outside of Horry County starting 11/23
11/23 to 12/07 - to California, various locations, 12/07 in TN
12/10/2013, 12/11/2013 - In Atlanta
After 12/11/2013, no geolocation data available

Call Log ***these times are UTC, subtract 5 hours***
12/18/2013 06:09:45 AM UTC to 18625962011 (green arrow)
12/18/2013 06:13:49 AM UTC to 18625962011 (green arrow)
12/18/2013 06:13:55 AM UTC to 18625962011 (green arrow)

12/18/2013 08:17:04 AM UTC from: (blue arrow)
12/18/2013 08:17:15 AM UTC voicemail (blue arrow)
12/18/2013 08:17:48 AM UTC from: (blue arrow)

12/18/2013 08:38:45 AM UTC from: 8439978152 (blue arrow)
12/18/2013 08:39:31 AM UTC from: 8439978152 (blue arrow)
12/18/2013 08:40:17 AM UTC from: 8439978152 (blue arrow)
12/18/2013 08:41:34 AM UTC from: 8439978152 (blue arrow)

cellebrite (computer forensic software) has no tower data
calls would have pinged off of tower
Sustained Objection - This guy could not discuss ping data since he was not an expert on that.

next phone call is 3:17 AM - indicates conversation took place
report does not indicate how long, call came in, voicemail shortly thereafter

Instant Messages
about 4:37, 4:38 AM on 12/18
messages were deleted (briefly shown on screen, I could not get the detail)

On the Day 3, Part 5 video, the Iphone was analyzed along with an HP Pavilion it was connected to
Powering Events were collected (apparently this is power on only)
when off, location data cannot be collected
Phone was powered on at 3:02 AM, do not know when it was turned off

12/18 there was a voice message recovered, about a minute long, no number showed up and no audio

So, the phone was turned off on the morning of 12/18 after 1:13:55 ( I say this because of the call log above, and the testimony of the first IPhone guy that did not use the HP), and powered back on at 3:02 AM. When exactly it was powered off we do not know.
The geolocation data for photos was turned off on 12/11/2013.

This is the video if anyone cares to watch it again:

MISTRIAL - Sidney Moorer on trial for the kidnapping of Heather Elvis #2


December 2013- Heather's phone
Total Calls - 1000
Calls to SM - 6
Call from SM - 0
Total of 6 out of 1000

843-444-***2 (Payphone)
843-385-***5 (SM's Phone)
609-415-***8 (Bri's Phone)

1:13:10am to 2:31:24am (Heather's Apartment) 77 location records (37 GPS; 40 Wi-fi)
1:35:16am - Incoming Call from Payphone - 298.8 seconds (5 minutes)
1:44:39am - Outgoing Call to Bri - 132 seconds (2 minute and 12 seconds)
2:29:48am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 12 seconds
2:30:15am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 4.8 seconds

2:32:57am to 2:41:25am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 13.8 seconds (1 Wi-fi location record White River Drive location; 4 GPS records near intersection of River Oaks Dr. and Black Creek; 3 cell site records)

2:32:57am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 13.8 seconds

2:42:14am to 2:56:11am (Heather's phone is located to the rear of 5040 Carolina Forest Blvd. - Longbeard's Restaurant - North / North East corner of the parking lot where there are dumpsters. 14 minutes at location. Made 4 outgoing calls. 13 GPS records):

2:42:14am to 2:50:30am - Heather's phone was stationary

2:43:02am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 7.2 seconds
2:43:36am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 7.8 seconds
2:45:09am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 0.2 seconds
2:51:20am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 4.8 seconds

2:51:40am - movement at Longbeard's location
2:53:11am - movement at Longbeard's location

2:56:11am - stationary at Longbeard's location

2:57:04am to 3:01:57 (4 GPS; 1 cell site record)
No incoming or outgoing calls. Movement of Heather's phone from Longbeard's to a location on Augusta Plantation Drive and back to Longbeard's.

3:02:42am to 3:15:08am (Heather's phone is located back at Longbeard's. 15 GPS records)
3:04:36am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 1.8 seconds
3:05:55am - Outgoing Call to Payphone - 9 seconds

3:16:22am to 3:19:23am (Heather's phone moved from Longbeard's to Heather's Apartment)
3:16:22am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 7.8 seconds
3:17:35am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 249 seconds (4 minutes and 9 seconds)

3:20:23am to 3:24:23am - 5 GPS records
Continuation of call from 03:17:35am until 3:21:44am (Heather's phone was located in the parking lot at her Apartment.)

3:25:29am to 3:35:12am (Heather's phone moved from White River Dr. (Apartment) to Peachtree Rd. to PTL. No call activity. 8 GPS, 3 cell site records.)

3:37:32am (Heather's phone was located at PTL. 1 GPS record.)
3:38:14am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 1.8 seconds
3:39:00am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 1.8 seconds
3:39:46am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 1.8 seconds
3:41:05am - Outgoing Call to SM's Phone - 1.8 seconds

3:42:27am - No further incoming or outgoing calls from Heather's phone. No further location coordinates obtained.

The Phone Calls in the early morning of Dec.18, 2013 (both PayPhone & cells)
Just bumping this post of JerseyGirl's for those interested in the calls etc.
@UndiscoveredTruth - Oops - I meant my search engine by Mozilla. Sorry! :)
Okay - than I'll let you do ALL the tweets - you're doing GREAT!!


LOL I don't know anything about search engines least of all one by Mozilla, so no need to apologise!

Okey dokey, I'll handle the tweets. If and that's a big IF, it gets real busy I'm sure you and others will jump in anyway. Everyone's free to post whatever tweets they find too of course! :D Am hitting the sack now. See you in approx. 5 hrs.
Night one and all!!!
Thanks everyone for posting on the case. I really miss watching right along with you all. I've caught up.

I actually took my pregnancy test at work. I was young 23, and worked with a small group who suggested I should take one. I don't see anything out of the ordinary with that.

Do you guys think that Tammy was the mastermind and they might have different evidence?

I still don't understand why the cousin, who had the new info, couldn't respond to what Sydney said to him, just that he did.

Didn't Syndey have coworkers?
Just bumping this post of JerseyGirl's for those interested in the calls etc.

Was a detailed location with phone numbers received/dialed extracted from TM’s phone like they did with SM’s at his trial? They didn’t offer that during SM’s trial and was hoping they’d go into detail with TM’s phones here at her trial to compare the two.
Hello all! Thank you for posting and being here to support HE and her family. Work has been busy, so I'm trying to catch up. ?- I read a tweet about the Moorer's black SUV seen leaving on security cameras after HE leaves her apt. I thought a large part of SM trial was about the headlights on his "truck." Are they now saying it was a different vehicle or is SUV/truck referring to the same??? Sorry I dont have time to look it up, just wondering if anyone else has thoughts... TIA
JMO, MOO, etc
And for poster above: SM was a self employed handyman and worked alone AFAIK
“We are here because she can’t be,” prosecutor Christopher Helms said during his opening statement on Tuesday, according to WMBF in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Prosecutors claim that the scorned wife plan to kidnap Elvis started after she found out she may have been pregnant, according to Myrtle Beach Online.

“She knows wherever she is,” Helms said while pointing to Tammy in court on Tuesday. “Sidney Moorer knows, and that woman right over there knows.”

Defense attorneys argued the state is trying to make a case work with little evidence. They compared it to trying to fit pegs into a misshaped hole.
20-Year-Old Woman Vanished After Affair With Married Man And Now His Wife Is On Trial
I don't think it's been said. But my guess would be coworkers. I think Sidney was still going to the Tilted Kilt to work, and her coworkers suspected she was pregnant. Considering they knew about the affair, pranked her with a phone call from Tammy, I think it's possible they told Sidney, or prodded him. You know like "ready to have another kid, eh?".. or whatever, and then IMO, he called Heather to ask her if she was. She may have said she wasn't sure, and he offered to buy that pregnancy test. There's just no doubt in my mind that that test was for Heather.


Yes, of course it was. Besides, logically, what are the odds he goes to the Walmart for a HPT and a cigar for his wife, but oh, let me sneak up to this pay phone to call Heather on my way home. Makes ZERO sense.
Initially, Sidney told police he didn't make the first call, but police had surveillance footage of him at the pay phone that did place a call to Elvis. He then admitted to police he made the call because he told her to "please leave me alone because she had been leaving notes on our car," according to WBTW in Myrtle Beach. Tammy Moorer allegedly admitted to police that she was with Sidney when he made the call.

20-Year-Old Woman Vanished After Affair With Married Man And Now His Wife Is On Trial

Tammy admitted to listening in on the cell phone call that SM made to Heather from the house. Didn't SM make a cell phone call to Heather from the house with TM breathing down his neck?

I am assuming that when TM was asked about it, that she said, Yes, I was there; not knowing that they were actually referring to the pay phone call that TM knew nothing about - because she wasn't there (or in the truck at the time).
The blocked calls were made on November 2, 2013; the first at 12:45 AM (39 seconds long), and second at 1:13 AM (7 seconds long).
Good morning! For perspective on where those calls fall into the timeline:

On her husband’s cell phone, Tammy Moorer found evidence of the pair’s interactions. Elder cited a sampling of messages Tammy Moorer sent to Elvis in response, threatening her with physical harm and calling her an array of derogatory terms.

“Hey sweetie ready to meet the Mrs.,” Tammy Moorer texted to Elvis, who only responded twice during that time period.

“I think you are a little obsessed with me. I’m nobody you need to worry about anymore,” Elvis said in a return text on Nov. 1. Five days later, Tammy Moorer texted her again: “by the way dad no longer owns a phone.” This time, Elvis responded only with a period.

That day, Nov. 5, Elder said, was the last time Elvis saw Sidney Moorer . She had no contact with him until Dec. 18.

It’s unclear what happened that day, or how prosecutors know Nov. 5 was the last time she saw Sidney Moorer. But they do know the Moorer family left the area Nov. 19 and drove cross country to California’s Disneyland, Elder said. They returned home on Dec. 11, six days before Sidney Moorer would use a pay phone to reach Elvis on her cell phone.

Testimony weaves tale of intertwined lives of missing woman, accused couple
Hi Surfside!

Girls/co-workers can be mean and do mean things. Immature and catty. Being friendly at work doesn't mean they were all "friends." Women are often each other's worst enemies and pulling a prank like this would be something immature young adults would find funny because it would absolutely get a reaction.
Madeleine! Great to see you. I couldn't agree more, and I imagine those work friends have lost sleep over what they did. I just hate thinking about Heather in that moment. :(
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