GUILTY - Tammy Moorer trial for Kidnapping Heather Elvis, 8 Oct 2018 #2

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Does anyone else think the person who might testify again but for the defense may be the “boyfriend”? TM May have reconnected with him and convinced him to testify for her and I think he liked testifying anyway. He seemed to like the attention.
Does anyone else think the person who might testify again but for the defense may be the “boyfriend”? TM May have reconnected with him and convinced him to testify for her and I think he liked testifying anyway. He seemed to like the attention.
The defense clearly said TMobile guy when the judge if anyone else had something to say before leaving for the weekend. So I think that's who will be recalled.
Because the judge told the defense that they haven't given him the testimony the man is suppose to testify about, thus the judge couldn't rule on whether he could be called back or not. Defense said they had suppeoned him for Monday through the end of the trial, but the judge said he needed to know what he was testify about, and how it changed from when he testified before.
This is so interesting to me in that very last "Tower ping" because he basically waves his hand over an area on the map which is right across the river from the M's house.

This was what I was interested in about that very last "tower ping". The reason this is so interesting to me is there is a road that goes due West from their house and it leads right to the water. It looks to be a small gravel or dirt road that goes directly West from their house and heads through some wooded area and right up to the rivers edge. Its the most direct path to get to the water from their house.
RSBM & BBM: Hey @Hatfield. Can you tell me what road you're talking about? I've never seen a road over there like the one you're describing, but I admit I haven't spent much time in that area since I was in high school (20ish years ago). I'm attaching a screen shot of the aerial from Google Maps. I know the road may be covered by trees, since this image is from this 2018, but I've marked the Moorers in a red square and the Cs in a blue square.

Moorer House.jpg

Google Maps

I'm also attaching the street view. This is as far as it goes, and I've zoomed in as much as it will zoom. In this image (from July 2012), you're looking due west, and the M's house on the left.

Moorer street view.jpg

Google Maps

It's making me crazy trying to picture this dirt road, but not crazy enough to go over there and look around. :D TIA.

<mod changed name to initials>
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RSBM & BBM: Hey @Hatfield. Can you tell me what road you're talking about? I've never seen a road over there like the one you're describing, but I admit I haven't spent much time in that area since I was in high school (20ish years ago). I'm attaching a screen shot of the aerial from Google Maps. I know the road may be covered by trees, since this image is from this 2018, but I've marked the Moorers in a red square and the Caisons in a blue square.

View attachment 150926

Google Maps

I'm also attaching the street view. This is as far as it goes, and I've zoomed in as much as it will zoom. In this image (from July 2012), you're looking due west, and the M's house on the left.

View attachment 150927

Google Maps

It's making me crazy trying to picture this dirt road, but not crazy enough to go over there and look around. :D TIA.
RSBM & BBM: Hey @Hatfield. Can you tell me what road you're talking about? I've never seen a road over there like the one you're describing, but I admit I haven't spent much time in that area since I was in high school (20ish years ago). I'm attaching a screen shot of the aerial from Google Maps. I know the road may be covered by trees, since this image is from this 2018, but I've marked the Moorers in a red square and the Caisons in a blue square.

View attachment 150926

Google Maps

I'm also attaching the street view. This is as far as it goes, and I've zoomed in as much as it will zoom. In this image (from July 2012), you're looking due west, and the M's house on the left.

View attachment 150927

Google Maps

It's making me crazy trying to picture this dirt road, but not crazy enough to go over there and look around. :D TIA.

Yes, the top picture with the Red and Blue circled area....that road if you go due WEST toward the water it goes past that electric company fenced in area and then when it hits the wooded trees part I seem to remember it actually turns into a barely seen dirt road or maybe just a dirt path that goes in through those woods and goes all the way to the water.

I remember looking at that exact road using Satellite view in Google and zooming way down I can almost swear there is a dirt road or path through those trees all the way to the water.

I hope im remember this right. There is a chance I just envisioned them hiking through there. Its not very far and for as many years as they lived there Im sure they knew how to get to the water from there.
RSBM & BBM: Hey @Hatfield. Can you tell me what road you're talking about? I've never seen a road over there like the one you're describing, but I admit I haven't spent much time in that area since I was in high school (20ish years ago). I'm attaching a screen shot of the aerial from Google Maps. I know the road may be covered by trees, since this image is from this 2018, but I've marked the Moorers in a red square and the Caisons in a blue square.

View attachment 150926

Google Maps

I'm also attaching the street view. This is as far as it goes, and I've zoomed in as much as it will zoom. In this image (from July 2012), you're looking due west, and the M's house on the left.

View attachment 150927

Google Maps

It's making me crazy trying to picture this dirt road, but not crazy enough to go over there and look around. :D TIA.

I used my own Google Map and I can zoom in way more with my own map for some reason. If you look behind that dirt field to the west of the Electric Company fenced in area, there is a path on the backside of the field that goes North+South in that very back side which is right up against the woods.

I think back and I think I was just assuming they must have had trails that ran through those woods because the distance is not far at all. I am pretty sure people living in that area have made foot trails through those woods to get access to the water. You cant make out much but the trees but I suspect if you were on the ground in that area you would see foot trails going through those woods to the water area.

I think this is what I remember thinking about at the time.
Thank you @Hatfield! I see the dirt road along the field. I figure the trees have grown over the past 5 years, or at least according to the defense team this week, that's what trees do. ;)

I spent a lot of time at a friend's house just down the street, growing up. From her house, though, you would've had to cross 814 to get to those woods, which isn't something we ever did. I'm so tempted to do a very slow ride by there now, but between the cameras and the fact that court's not in session this weekend, there's no way that's happening! :D
Thank you @Hatfield! I see the dirt road along the field. I figure the trees have grown over the past 5 years, or at least according to the defense team this week, that's what trees do. ;)

I spent a lot of time at a friend's house just down the street, growing up. From her house, though, you would've had to cross 814 to get to those woods, which isn't something we ever did. I'm so tempted to do a very slow ride by there now, but between the cameras and the fact that court's not in session this weekend, there's no way that's happening! :D

Yeah, I understand and there is a couple homes very close to there so you wouldn't want anyone calling LE on you.

Its not an easy area to search around there unless you get permission from one of the homes like the home in the Cola Sac of Bunny Trail court. If they would be with you searching it would be nice to be able to look around there for a path. Maybe a 4 wheeler path.
Wish someone knew if she can visit him this weekend.

Since he's on the witness list, and she's the defendant (also expected to testify), it would seem odd - to me, anyways, if it were allowed. Maybe @Alethea can weigh in on this.

If Sid does testify, seems to me it would have to be for the defense, I think they can control what the state can cross on by simply keeping the questions to a narrow range and not opening any doors they don't want the state to breeze on through. Can't imagine the state calling him as he'd just take the 5th on everything.

I still think there's a big chance the only reason he's on the list is to get him out of prison for day trips, him getting on the stand even for the defense seems fraught with danger for them.
Yeah, I understand and there is a couple homes very close to there so you wouldn't want anyone calling LE on you.

Its not an easy area to search around there unless you get permission from one of the homes like the home in the Cola Sac of Bunny Trail court. If they would be with you searching it would be nice to be able to look around there for a path. Maybe a 4 wheeler path.

Hatfield, this ? track you have brought up, sounds most promising.:)
Have you thought to contact LE?
Guess, if there was any evidence, over the years it would have disappeared/been destroyed or purposefully removed.:(:(
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Personally, I don't think that's what he was doing. I think the cigar was part of the reuse.

For one, if you're going to roll what's known as a "blunt" or "spliff," you aren't going to buy an individual cigar for that; you'll buy a pack of "blunts." Chances are if you smoke weed that way, that's the main way you smoke it, so you wouldn't run out and buy one every time you wanted to roll a blunt. Secondly, cannabis is not a great motivator. If you smoke an Indica strain, you're looking at being locked into your couch, remote control in hand. If you smoke a Sativa strain, you'll find yourself wanting to do all sorts of things, but will instead focus on doing one thing neurotically. One small thing. Like cleaning your baseboards. Either way, cannabis does not fill you with rage or courage. If you had a plan to kidnap or murder someone, you would only smoke weed if you wanted to get out of that plan. My 2¢.
I wonder if the cigar was for a perverse meaning--Dads used to hand them out at the hospital when their babies were born. (HE possibly being pregnant)
Interesting about the last ping in Waccamaw Wildlife Refuge. I wonder exactly where? So at 3:30 her phone was at PTL, and at 3:42 it was at the Refuge, which is 10 miles away. Could they have dumped her phone and other evidence there? In the river?

I didn't realize CUE searched an area in July this year.
CUE Center for Missing Persons leads search in connection to Heather Elvis case
Someone please correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that the ping coming from the area of the wildlife refuge was based on her google account. It’s different from the cell phone call pings. The gentleman testifying in regards to her google account stated that he believed it pinged there because there are so many towers in the area. I wish I knew how to post a link to that part of the testimony??? Maybe someone can link it.
I wonder if the cigar was for a perverse meaning--Dads used to hand them out at the hospital when their babies were born. (HE possibly being pregnant)
That's what I'm thinking. Or that's what I think they want us to think. If they were both in this up to their eyeballs and planned on making it look like the test was for Tammy, I bet they thought they were so clever coming up with that detail of buying a cigar to celebrate.

Or maybe SM bought it on a whim to "sell" his story to the cashier.
I think the fact that Heather agreed to meet SM hints that she WAS pregnant--she had no contact with him for about a month or so--she had moved on. It makes sense that you would meet up with the baby daddy to discuss plans for the future.

I too think that was reason Heather met up with him. I think Bri also knew she was pregnant, and it was why Heather called her after he contacted her.
Once upon a time I thought Sid bought the test & cigar without Tammy's knowledge. The cigar was to celebrate if the test was positive. I also thought Tammy busted them together that night, and things went badly for Heather.

I'm trying to remember, did Bri testify to what Heather said to her that night when they talked?
I too think that was reason Heather met up with him. I think Bri also knew she was pregnant, and it was why Heather called her after he contacted her.
Once upon a time I thought Sid bought the test & cigar without Tammy's knowledge. The cigar was to celebrate if the test was positive. I also thought Tammy busted them together that night, and things went badly for Heather.

I'm trying to remember, did Bri testify to what Heather said to her that night when they talked?

Yes, Bri did testify, and said nothing about them discussing pregnancy. It's very hard to reconcile what she said about their conversation (that he told her he wanted to get back together and she was upset because she was finally moving on) with him buying a pregnancy test and luring her out.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong but it seems to me that the ping coming from the area of the wildlife refuge was based on her google account. It’s different from the cell phone call pings. The gentleman testifying in regards to her google account stated that he believed it pinged there because there are so many towers in the area. I wish I knew how to post a link to that part of the testimony??? Maybe someone can link it.

My understanding is the exact opposite. All the times he testified about were based on Google, except for the last one which was based on a "cell-site" ping. He said the Google location records are the most accurate/precise, followed by wifi, and then cell-site.

With the Waccamaw Wildlife Refuge ping specifically, he feels it's not accurate because there are not many towers in that area and the one that is there is 2G (outdated technology). That part of his testimony is here:
I'm going to try to find the testimony of Bri, because the length of that call never matched the amount of conversation we've heard about. I don't know why, unless there was a lot of quiet time between the talk, or crying, or what.
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