GZ Case - Defense Perspective

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O'Mara asked the detective about it. The courtroom camera panned over to the defense table and zoomed in on what looked like an IPAD. The picture was displayed, full screen, on the tablet. Then O'Mara continued his questions with the detective and the camera panned away from the defense table and the picture.

Do you know where a video of that is available. I watched pretty much the whole bond hearing last night and I didn't see what you are referring to. But I could easily have missed it, or maybe it depended on what outlet one was watching. TIA :)
Get timing on the release of the picture. SA said they had seen it but did not say they had the picture. I'm guessing we will never see it again. Someone who took a picture that is suppose to be so significant, does not want to be identified but yet releases it to the media right before the hearing sounds hinky to me. I think, too, since GZ was suppose to be in custody at this time, this new interim Chief would be very interested in finding out who took this picture, too. jmo

In an article I read last night, a friend stated that GZ took the picture himself. Some have said that he is left handed. We see in the picture that he has a cellphone to his right ear so maybe he did take the picture of his own head :)

A friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.

“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

“He took the pictures himself...to protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”
In an article I read last night, a friend stated that GZ took the picture himself. Some have said that he is left handed. We see in the picture that he has a cellphone to his right ear so maybe he did take the picture of his own head :)

A friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.

“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

“He took the pictures himself...to protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”

Interesting. That would help explain the large deposit in the PayPal fund. But what did he take the picture with if his cell phone is to his ear? I can't imagine he carried a camera around with him.

I spent almost an hour earlier today moving posts from this thread to the SYG thread. PLEASE TAKE THAT CONVERSATION OVER THERE. Next time I am not gonna save those posts. Just easier to zap them.

I am getting grumpy here. :aktion1:

So sorry, Beach. The SYG defense and the defense, in general, all run together in my tiny little late night pea brain. Mea culpa...I hope if I wave at you will you feel less grumpy :seeya: :)


Okay, I'm gonna override myself a bit here. I understand what you're saying and you make a valid point. This topic of this thread is very broad and sometimes that can cause problems. In my own little pea brain I interpreted the topic to be geared more towards and limited to evidentiary stuff. However, I can certainly understand why others interpreted it differently.

Also, upon review it was actually another thread where I had to move a bunch of posts yesterday to the SYG thread. THAT is how big of an issue it really is in this case. It enters into several discussions, kwim? .

For discussion purposes in THIS THREAD, let's use this limitation - It is okay to discuss SYG in general here and how the defense may use it to support their claim of self-defense. However, when it shifts into discussion primarily about whether the SYG law actually is applicable regarding this case (citing and interpreting case law, statutes, etc...) then we need to take it to the SYG thread. And trust me here, it WILL spiral into that. So, at that point, please shift threads. (You guys will thank me months down the road when you are trying to locate some great find. ;) )

The intent here is not to stifle discussion. I know from experience that it is important for those kinds of technical discussions to be posted in the correct thread because one day we will want to be able to find it again. It is all about filing stuff away in a place where we can locate it later when we need it.

Thanks. btw, I'm feeling a bit more cheery this morning. :loveyou:

Sorry for the miscommunication!
Do you know where a video of that is available. I watched pretty much the whole bond hearing last night and I didn't see what you are referring to. But I could easily have missed it, or maybe it depended on what outlet one was watching. TIA :)

I watched the entire hearing live via the local courtroom feed. There were no commercials as there were on the CNN coverage. It was very quick and if you looked away you definitely would have missed it. The camera panned to the defense table right around the time when M O'M asks the Detective if he has seen the photo.

Don't quote me on this but I believe I watched it on WRAL or WFTV. Try this one:
O'Mara asked the detective about it. The courtroom camera panned over to the defense table and zoomed in on what looked like an IPAD. The picture was displayed, full screen, on the tablet. Then O'Mara continued his questions with the detective and the camera panned away from the defense table and the picture.

I have not seen that video, but if true I have a real problem with the cameras zooming in on anything that the defense or state is looking at if it has not been introduced as evidence.
I'm not a defense lawyer but it would scare the stuffing out of me to put GZ on the stand. O'Mara is trained to lead him where he needs to be in his testimony but that doesn't mean Zimmerman is going to follow his lead.

Did not seem to bother M'OM at the bond hearing.
In an article I read last night, a friend stated that GZ took the picture himself. Some have said that he is left handed. We see in the picture that he has a cellphone to his right ear so maybe he did take the picture of his own head :)
Are you sure this is the right article? I don't see where it says he took "the" picture himself.
A friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.
Perhaps this was the next day. He was taken into custody pretty quickly and I don't see LE allowing him to stand around taking pictures.
“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

“He took the pictures himself...to protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”
This seems a direct contradiction to whomever said he thought the whole thing would "just blow over".

There were other pictures taken that night, one of the attached says "Sanford Police Department", which I've never seen before. The other, of his nose, is a screenshot from the URL below.

Attachments Link


  • zimnose.png
    278.7 KB · Views: 121
  • head.jpg
    34.1 KB · Views: 35
In an article I read last night, a friend stated that GZ took the picture himself. Some have said that he is left handed. We see in the picture that he has a cellphone to his right ear so maybe he did take the picture of his own head :)

A friend of Zimmerman’s told the Daily News that Zimmerman has graphic photos he took of his own face showing serious injuries.

“He was beaten to a bloody pulp that night, and he’s lucky to be alive. There’s proof of that,” the friend of Zimmerman said.

“He took the pictures himself...to protect himself. He knew they would come back for him. He had a good idea this wasn’t over. He’s not a dumb man.”

I think you may be trying to make a connection that is not there. I am sure GZ took photos of his injuries - probably after he was released later that night, but I dont believe the one of the back of GZs head was taken by him.

Why would he have held the phone to his right ear while taking a picture with another phone or camera in his left hand? Makes no sense.
Are you sure this is the right article? I don't see where it says he took "the" picture himself.

Perhaps this was the next day. He was taken into custody pretty quickly and I don't see LE allowing him to stand around taking pictures.

This seems a direct contradiction to whomever said he thought the whole thing would "just blow over".

There were other pictures taken that night, one of the attached says "Sanford Police Department", which I've never seen before. The other, of his nose, is a screenshot from the URL below.

Attachments Link

I had not seen that 2nd photo before now either. Interesting.
Are you sure this is the right article? I don't see where it says he took "the" picture himself.

Perhaps this was the next day. He was taken into custody pretty quickly and I don't see LE allowing him to stand around taking pictures.

This seems a direct contradiction to whomever said he thought the whole thing would "just blow over".

There were other pictures taken that night, one of the attached says "Sanford Police Department", which I've never seen before. The other, of his nose, is a screenshot from the URL below.

Attachments Link

Wow. It does look like he was punched in the nose!

JMO, OMO, and :moo:
Are you sure this is the right article? I don't see where it says he took "the" picture himself.

Perhaps this was the next day. He was taken into custody pretty quickly and I don't see LE allowing him to stand around taking pictures.

This seems a direct contradiction to whomever said he thought the whole thing would "just blow over".

There were other pictures taken that night, one of the attached says "Sanford Police Department", which I've never seen before. The other, of his nose, is a screenshot from the URL below.

Attachments Link


I agree, it certainly does.

IMO, it sounds instead like consciousness of guilt.
I have not seen that video, but if true I have a real problem with the cameras zooming in on anything that the defense or state is looking at if it has not been introduced as evidence.

I've watched the bond hearing video, without commercial interruption, at least five times, and never saw this occur. Maybe the live version was different. I don't even see an iPad on the table, are they even allowed in this court?
Why is it that the wound on the right side of GZ's head appears to be vertical in length on the picture released before the bond hearing and this wound appears to be horizontal? jmo

I agree, it certainly does.

IMO, it sounds instead like consciousness of guilt.

That's hilarious, he can't win for losing. If he thought it was going to blow over, he was callous and uncaring. If he errs on the side of caution by taking pictures (smart thing for any crime victim to do), he has consciousness of guilt.

How about, he hoped it would blow over but took pictures just in case he was arrested. Keeping in mind that he has never made either statement publicly.

I don't see anything that points to an injured nose....just looks like a nose to me.
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