Hailey Dunn General Discussion #2

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I am not going to any other pages, am trying to read about the case here and what's really happening.
I have remained quiet ever since I was smacked down for my opinion regarding a certain person's actions, but I cannot remain silent after hearing this news.

Why in the world would "certain family members" treat Mr. Lloyd like dirt? He found the remains of their baby and gave them closure. They don't have to wonder for the rest of their lives what happened to Hailey. If it had been my missing daughter that was found, I would be SO THANKFUL to Mr. Lloyd, I would hug his neck and treat him like an honored friend for bringing my child home.

Hypothetically, I guess if you already KNEW what had happened to your child, and you were complicit in their disappearance, then maybe you wouldn't be so happy for someone to find their remains. Maybe you would blame Mr. Lloyd for tightening the noose, so to speak.

I honestly cannot understand anyone NOT treating Mr. Lloyd with the respect and gratitude he deserves.

Cherokee, thank you for posting this. I will never understand the phenomena of "smear the finder." It seems to be shockingly common. I don't think Roy Kronk, who found Caylee's body, will ever recover his reputation or privacy since his morbid discovery and name were made public. Casey Anthony's defense team even tried to implicate him in a murder/cover up scheme. And now I see that the man who assisted Amanda Berry struggle out the door of the horror house in Cleveland and called 911 has been sleuthed and all of his past unsavory history has been brought to the attention of the public.

I am offended that these volunteers are exposed to such vicious attacks.

I worry that the general public might soon begin to avoid reporting significant findings, knowing that their entire past will be subject to such scrutiny. Mercy, if we have to be perfect before we do any good deeds, then the public sure shouldn't expect anyone to report what they know about crimes nor should they expect anyone to ever volunteer to help find missing persons!
OT but it may be possible to avoid the media and simply deal with LE, if one finds a body, or a victim, or is a witness to a crime. We do not hear about every person who reports such things. I think the spotlight may be a little tempting at first, to be regretted later. The names of the hunters who found the Iowa girls are not common knowledge, as far as I know.
OT but it may be possible to avoid the media and simply deal with LE, if one finds a body, or a victim, or is a witness to a crime. We do not hear about every person who reports such things. I think the spotlight may be a little tempting at first, to be regretted later. The names of the hunters who found the Iowa girls are not common knowledge, as far as I know.

RBBM, cluciano. And for that I am grateful. But I know anonymity is not always an option. And too many have been raked over the coals, in my opinion.
Was just reading back through our posts. Compared to all those facebook pages :drama: we are a pretty sane, rational bunch.

Thought we all deserve a :cupcake: or a pat on the back :thewave:for the restraint we have shown.:yourock:

Justice for Hailey!!!!
The problem with a lot of these guys is that they overstay their welcome in the limelight, and that rubs people up the wrong way.

Finding a body doesn't make you a hero, whoever does it just needs to report it and move on. If someone like that is still part of the story after a few days, then they will probably have issues from one quarter or another.

The problem with the L guy is that he was giving too many interviews, making too many posts, doing too much talking. The case is not about him, and trying to stay part of the picture past his due date is kind of cheesy. I think that has just offended some people and they are taking it out on him as a result.

Your personal analysis kinda proves my point. Only perfect people can afford to make these discoveries. God forbid you're a regular person with warts and all because every single wart will be analyzed ~ even if the only thing they can criticize is the fact that you enjoy attention too much.
Still waiting for some good news on someone being arrested and get the justice bandwagon rolling for dear Hailey :please: .Glad the J Arias trial if finally over :clap: Maybe some media attention back on this case would help?:twocents:
I thought I had followed everything that had been posted here after Hailey was found but I don't remember seeing too many interviews of the person who found the body. I remember seeing clips after the initial discovery basically saying he found it and he reported it and and then another interview when she was identified saying he thought so all along because there was clothing. Was that too many interviews or have I missed a lot?

I haven't been following the FB drama so I could be wrong but quite often the people who get involved in dramas because somebody gets too much attention are a case of pots and kettles and really just want everything to be about them instead.

The case is about Hailey and what happened to her.

As long as interviews and interwebz posts aren't compromising the investigation I'm just hoping that someone who knows something about Hailey gets mad enough to spill something.

The above referenced article clearly states that the media had to use the freedom of information to find Mr. Lloyd. There's no indication he was seeking 15 minutes of fame. Yes, he came to WS and another blog. If I had found a human skull, I would have been all over the net trying to find all the info I could. I have read every one of his posts and never found him to be boastful. His response to thank yous on these pages was always gracious. I'm enraged he is being bashed. It is very telling that Billie is allowing her posse to continually bash this man. Whether by the grace of God or just pure luck, Mr. Lloyd was in the right place at the right time.

The above referenced article clearly states that the media had to use the freedom of information to find Mr. Lloyd. There's no indication he was seeking 15 minutes of fame. Yes, he came to WS and another blog. If I had found a human skull, I would have been all over the net trying to find all the info I could. I have read every one of his posts and never found him to be boastful. His response to thank yous on these pages was always gracious. I'm enraged he is being bashed. It is very telling that Billie is allowing her posse to continually bash this man. Whether by the grace of God or just pure luck, Mr. Lloyd was in the right place at the right time.

I didn't even know he had come to WS.

I agree with everything you say though :)

I had followed this case at the very beginning and know quite a bit about the early days but have not been keeping up with it. Can someone provide a Cliffnotes version of where we stand. I would appreciate it.

Here is my understanding so far and all I remember.

-After the initial circus when she went missing, many weeks and months went by and LE seemed to not do much after the case went cold. I know quite a bit about those early days. What a fiasco that was.

-It seems I recall another small body was found quite a few months ago and that turned out to not be her. Wow, I found that incredible and began to think of a possible child kidnap ring or child sex ring going on in that area. That is real scary.
Did they ever identify who this other body belonged to?

-I dont like that no charges were ever brought about those alleged *advertiser censored* pictures that were allegedly found on certain persons computers. That seemed hokey and wondered if some higher ups may have been involved in some sort of *advertiser censored* ring.

-Just recently, she apparantly was found. I don't know much else about this recent find and based on the LE efforts in the past, I dont have a lot of hope that they will be ever able to arrest the responsible person(s). We all have suspiciouns and some are warranted it seems.

-Is there any other major points based on the latest news that can help me better understand the latest breaking news about this case? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
-It seems I recall another small body was found quite a few months ago and that turned out to not be her. Wow, I found that incredible and began to think of a possible child kidnap ring or child sex ring going on in that area. That is real scary.
Did they ever identify who this other body belonged to?

Not that I've seen, other than that it was a man.

-Is there any other major points based on the latest news that can help me better understand the latest breaking news about this case? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Did you hear about BD and SA breaking up a while ago? Apparently they're not in the best of terms at the moment and now BD is saying she thinks SA might have something to do with it.
Not that I've seen, other than that it was a man.

Did you hear about BD and SA breaking up a while ago? Apparently they're not in the best of terms at the moment and now BD is saying she thinks SA might have something to do with it.

No, I had not heard that, so thank you for letting me know. That is amazing to me. As most of us know very early on, she first claimed she was breaking up with him, but then there were sightings of them together and she got right back with him and for the most part, she has always stood by his side throughout this whole disaster.
It is interesting that finally she may be distancing herself from him. I did not think I would ever see that day and wont be surprised if they get back together again.

Thanks for the updates.
I def don't listen to Mushroom Head, but I don't think it's anything like Alice Cooper or Metallica. It's more in the lines of Insane Clown Posse. jmo

I need to explain. There are elements in MHeads music that are reminiscent of Alice Cooper and Metallica. You know when you're sittin' round listening to a new band and "hey, I hear some Metallica in there!" That's what I meant.

Their Image and what is gathered through their lyrical themes? I can see ICP in MHead, but haven't listened to ICP ever - it's based solely on the culture surrounding ICP that exists, where I can see similarities.

Saw Alice Cooper in 1977 during his "From the Inside Tour" - Amazing show!

Love this song by Metallica:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcbAibPA2yY"]Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (Studio Version) - YouTube[/ame]

Promise I won't get carried away with vids :)
No, I had not heard that, so thank you for letting me know. That is amazing to me. As most of us know very early on, she first claimed she was breaking up with him, but then there were sightings of them together and she got right back with him and for the most part, she has always stood by his side throughout this whole disaster.
It is interesting that finally she may be distancing herself from him. I did not think I would ever see that day and wont be surprised if they get back together again.

Thanks for the updates.

I am hoping neither will be in a position to go out with anyone. Other than that I agree with you. One thing that isn't clear is who actually broke up wiith him. According to him and his cousin he broke up with her and she says she broke up with him.
I thought I had followed everything that had been posted here after Hailey was found but I don't remember seeing too many interviews of the person who found the body. I remember seeing clips after the initial discovery basically saying he found it and he reported it and and then another interview when she was identified saying he thought so all along because there was clothing. Was that too many interviews or have I missed a lot?

I haven't been following the FB drama so I could be wrong but quite often the people who get involved in dramas because somebody gets too much attention are a case of pots and kettles and really just want everything to be about them instead.

The case is about Hailey and what happened to her.

As long as interviews and interwebz posts aren't compromising the investigation I'm just hoping that someone who knows something about Hailey gets mad enough to spill something.

I think the primary objection from Billie and her supporters, is that CL went to PH's blog and was posting there. CL has an opinion, just like the rest of us, on what happened to Hailey. His expressed opinion, cannot change the facts surrounding the discovery of Hailey's remains. What LE found in that "ugly place" speaks for itself.

I think Young, like Jose Baez would be able to twist certain things. So CL has wisely clammed up and is no longer posting or speaking publicly.
I am hoping neither will be in a position to go out with anyone. Other than that I agree with you. One thing that isn't clear is who actually broke up wiith him. According to him and his cousin he broke up with her and she says she broke up with him.

Did this recent breakup happen shortly after the news of Hailey being found?

If it did, that would raise some eyebrows because remember in the very beginning that she "faked" breaking up with him shortly after Hailey was reported missing when the HEAT was turned up.
This to me would show a pattern that when the HEAT goes up, she decides to distance herself. Just circumstantial, but very important if so.

I agree with other posts at the beginning of this thread that SA actions with the leaving work and coveralls has always stood out as the main thing that has bothered me in this case. And remember they both visited the "drug store" or another place to get needed "medicine". I have always wondered that maybe there was 1 primary person involved with a second person that has the knowledge but chose to look the other way. And we know that charges could be brought on secondary people due to hiding evidence or just basic collusion after the fact, so IMO there now is really 2 people that have possible valid charges pending. In this case, maybe a deal could be made from 2nd person to at least close up this case. Would hate to see someone get a good deal, but also we need this case prosecuted and maybe a deal is needed.

I cant believe this case has taken so long for anyone to be held accountable. I know it is hard without the needed evidence. The FBI needs to turn up the heat and close this. I am praying.
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