Haleigh's little brother "Man in black took my sissy."

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I can't see the perp turning the light on either unless he had a weapon and was ready to use it on anyone who caught him in the act, or Misty wasn't home. MOO
It has happened in numerous cases where the perp turned on lights and obtained weapons after he had broken into a home where people were known to have been asleep inside.
Poor little Junior must not sleep well at night. Misty has said that she saw him getting up and going through the bedroom door just as she was drifting off to sleep, but doesn't mention calling out to him to ask why he was up or what he thought he was doing. Then, Junior tells that a man all in black comes to take away his sister. Either Junior was already awake or it woke him and not Misti. Why didn't he wake up Misti or say anything to her when he supposedly got up just after she came in to bed or wake her when the man in black took his sister. Maybe this happened in the same time sequence. Very suspicious since Misti does place Junior being awake at least once.

Did they have a professional talk to RCJR in the beginning??? Man in black!!!! I trust LE is handling this the right way, I think they don't want to compromise their position and they are on the right track. I only pray!

They should have talked to him right away. They talked to 2 year old Blake when his mother, Jessie Davis, was murdered.

They talked to Christa Worthington's 2 year old little daughter, Ava, who was there when her mother was murdered.

Geez, the things you stumble across when sleuthing. I started thinking who in world wears all black. Of course Goth came to mind so I started hunting around Putnam Co. Sure enough their there per this article talking about a favorite place in the area to eat. Angels Diner.
"waitress as she devoted her attention to a large group of local countrified-goth teens that" jan 4, 20008

Then it led me to the myspaces for that area that are goth related. Then to one guy says he wiccan. His photo is like a cop or security guard uniform. Then he leads me to passionmatches.com. The guy and his g/f are advertising for what sounds like partner swaping. Geez, does Satsuma have these kind of people too.
Just getting started on this thread - so my apologies if this has been said - but if LE (or some other professional) did not question this boy at the beginning, they have lost out. By now 100s of people have probably spoken to the boy and/or the boy has heard the grown-ups and others around him theorize on what happened. Anything he says now would be suspect.
Hmmmm..if little JR was awake and saw Haleigh being abducted, why would be abductor risk leaving a witness? If it were payback on Dad, why just take one child?
It wouldn't be that hard to convince a child that age they saw something they didn't. Pretty simple, and I don't think something like this would have just came out nearly 2 weeks after the fact.
I wonder how the man in black story might have affected the things Crystal was saying on the Geraldo show.
Or is he talking about LE. Being 4 and seeing police all over the place is he thinking LE took his sissy. He has been seeing them everywhere, maybe he is thinking they(LE) are why she's gone. Not that they are there to help.
Just trying to think like my kiddo's. Their little minds are so complex.
Very good point... if he was asleep when she was removed from the house, as has been stated previously, he wouldn't have seen anything/ anyone at all.
The 'strangers' in the house he may have seen, may very well have been the officers and detectives who arrived at the scene after the 911 call. They would all appear to be dressed alike, or in this case, dressed in black!
His interest was most likely in little girls only. This HAS to be a repeat offender. They just don't start off breaking into homes and abducting. Usually it starts off with relatives etc. and then escalades. So this person surely has a past.

It's a good thing that Junior was left behind b/c maybe what he saw could help find who took Haleigh.
that is kind of why i dont understand why he was left .. whoever took her surely shouldve known he would tell so its gotta be someone they know but wouldnt think would do anything like that .. unless the boy was sleeping BUT if he was sleeping then how did he see anyone take her ? where did this story come from
' i sure am glad he is ok though i just wish they would find little haleigh
Yes, but that doesn't fall within the "profile" of a pedophile, rarely does a pedophile Kill to get to a child, the manipulate to get to a child.

Yes rarely, but it does happen. I imagine any predator that risks breaking into a home at night comes armed in some way. Knife, etc. Not with the "intent" to kill but just in case they're about to get caught. Back to Chad Reynolds, when he committed his crime of breaking into the trailer he came armed and used it on the victims clothing. What would have happened if he got caught in the act? "Oh sorry, I'll just be leaving now."
Surely they gently questioned him...surely LE did. GEEZE. You wanna have faith in LE, but if they didn't...............good luck to us all.
Oh my,you're right,it was almost four am,he wakes up and LE is everywhere,maybe he thinks they are the ones who took her,very interesting.How sad for this little child,he'll always remember that time.

I'm very hopeful, that if they find Haleigh and this has a happy ending, the little boy won't remember that at all. I don't remember anything when I was four. But then again I seriously couldn't tell you about last month though. LOL!

I just mean, that I know I don't remember things from when i was four. I do know there are friends of mine and probably lots of others, that do. I'm just hoping the little boy will be like myself, and NOT remember this.
Hmmmm..if little JR was awake and saw Haleigh being abducted, why would be abductor risk leaving a witness? If it were payback on Dad, why just take one child?

I am thinking that if Junior did see a man in black and didn't say anything it was because he knew who the person was. I think if it were a stranger he would of screamed. Or he could of been so frighten he just shut down...so many different reasons...I just pray he is getting help regardless, he will feel it was his fault his sissy is gone as he gets older even if the men in black were LE.
My thought is this...
If a man went to all the trouble of wearing all black in order to camoflauge himself in the night to watch this house to abduct a child out of said house in the middle of the night. Obviously he is watching the house, 1. sees the lights go out and knows everyone is in bed and waits until he thinks they are sleeping and he waits some more just to be sure.

Now he decideds to go..grabs a cinder block being very careful not to make any noise, ropes it to the screen, again not to make any noise, he has watched the place, doesn't want to wake the adult. Picks the backdoor lock because according to Misty it was locked, has to do this quietly. Intruder dressed in black, flips on kitchen light ( we know the light had to be turned on because in Misty's interview she said she noticed the kitchen light on and that is what led her to the kitchen and she noticed the back door open) makes his way silently (previous occupant said this could not happen due to creaky floors) to room where Misty, Haleigh and JR were asleep. Depending on which story of Misty's....
Intruder then walks into dark bedroom makes out Haleigh, reaches in a bed either with JR or Misty in it and picks up Haleigh. Obviously never waking Haleigh enough that she could alert Misty something was wrong. Could JR have been awakened? Yes and he was scared.
This Intruder then has to make his way carrying Haleigh back out of the creaky floored house carrying a 5 year old child without waking Haleigh up, hand over her mouth? Misty or any neighbors.
The kitchen light on means, why wear black? You flip a kitchen light on, that means neighbors could see in watching you, the Intruder abducting a child in the middle of the night, witnesses in the house if they wake up can identify you. Plus how did he know where the kichen light switch was?

And to follow through with this unlikely (MOO) scenario, intruder pauses after snatching Haleigh, notices she is wet, and then on the way out the backdoor he removes her pink Hannah Montana shirt, finds the dirty laundry and places it in there...

Okay, carzy idea.
I think it is at least theoretically possible that if a stranger did take Haleigh they might have changed her clothes there at the house. There is only one road into and out of the trailer park. If there is an abductor and he was wearing all black, that's more than likely to avoid being seen. He may have changed Haleigh into all black or drugged her and wrapped her in something black to get her out of the park more easily, he may even have put her in a boy's clothes and a hat on her head to make her less identifiable by looking at her.

However, that is assuming that there was an abductor, which I'm still not sure there was.
I just can't imagine someone coming to kidnap a child and stopping to change her clothes or even worry about taking the ones she had on off. I would think that they would be wanting to get out of that house as soon as possible.

On the other hand I could see someone just grabbing her up in the sheet or blanket she was laying with.

I don't know what to think about this anymore. It is definitely strange.
A three year old really doesn't know what is going on. JR. supposedly slept through the whole thing until LE came. So the "men in black" theory doesn't hold any credence for me.
What I'm seeing is Bio Mom very calm ... she's just not very upset about this.

Now I know everybody grieves differently, but gosh ... her little girl might still be out there alive, being hurt, scared, crying ... how can she stay so calm?

For that matter, they're ALL too calm to me.

Sometimes repression--anger turned inward, at least until now--can read more as depression. Even in the beginning, after hearing of near drowning incident but before revealing abusiveness and and other past issues w dad, I couldn't help thinking that she would have been understandably very angry underneath that their child goes missing while in the care of dad and his minor gf (who wouldn't?) yet making an effort to focus on their missing daughter. But once Jr. made statement re who he did see (ie man in black) it would've been near impossible for me to not then ask him who else (gf) he did--or didn't--see when his sissy was taken. JMO

A three year old really doesn't know what is going on. JR. supposedly slept through the whole thing until LE came. So the "men in black" theory doesn't hold any credence for me.

The only thing that can be known is whether Jr. was asleep after LE arrived. Prior to that is anybody's guess--including, probably, gf's. JMO


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