Handwriting Analysis//Casey

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I'm at work and because of the security on my PC it won't let me download the link. Can someone be an :angel: and let me know what I'm missin out on? Pretty please? :)
In terms of Casey Anthony's personal pronoun "I"...she makes a stick figure "I" that is just a simple slash. Without consulting a book, I think I've read it means she is "independent". I believe this "I" is, or can be also interpreted as a sign that she received little nurturing from her parents and has decided to go it alone emotionally. I have also heard an interpretation that because this "I" is without a "base" to sit on the person making this mark is also without an emotional base, i.e. is somewhat unsteady. She would have some trouble letting love into her life.
When you look at the over all pattern of writing what strikes me is that she uses "I" very frequently in her statement. However, notice the spacing around that "I". It has a wide spacing before it and after it, quite unlike many of the other words. I am not sure right now what interpretation to give to that. I am leaning towards emotional isolation, however, I think I will research it a little more. Perhaps it means she could crowd others but wanted space for herself, which is different than emotional isolation.
Anybody have any thoughts?
Sorry for the back to back posts.
I just noticed something very interesting. Most of Casey's statement is printed. Printing can be( but not always) a means of covering your true personality, a sign of secrecy. Sometimes printing that is very close( with letters touching) can have more or less the same interpretation as cursive and is a way to spare the reader from illegibility. What I think is interesting is that in the whole document Caylee's name is the one word that is written, not printed. I think that is very significant. I think that it means that Casey put Caylee in a different category from everything and everybody else.
These posts are all very interesting. Rudolf, it also makes sense what you have said. Good observation.
The way the online analysis works, is that you look at the handwriting sample, then answer a series of questions about it.

I used my own assessment, of course, of Casey's handwriting. My choices are shown in the little pictures at the beginning of each section.

I'm only one person, and the analysis is based on my perceptions. A few of the assessments of her writing were a bit difficult to make a call on. In these cases, I would find 20 random letters, for example, and then count, for example, how many times the letter being assessed slanted up, how many times no slant, etc.

I think it would be a good idea if a few more people also do the analysis of Casey's writing. I think this way we could refine the analysis, and get it as accurate as we can, and I'd feel more comfortable. I'm just not sure if I made the right call on some of the answers.

In terms of Casey Anthony's personal pronoun "I"...she makes a stick figure "I" that is just a simple slash. Without consulting a book, I think I've read it means she is "independent". I believe this "I" is, or can be also interpreted as a sign that she received little nurturing from her parents and has decided to go it alone emotionally. I have also heard an interpretation that because this "I" is without a "base" to sit on the person making this mark is also without an emotional base, i.e. is somewhat unsteady. She would have some trouble letting love into her life.
When you look at the over all pattern of writing what strikes me is that she uses "I" very frequently in her statement. However, notice the spacing around that "I". It has a wide spacing before it and after it, quite unlike many of the other words. I am not sure right now what interpretation to give to that. I am leaning towards emotional isolation, however, I think I will research it a little more. Perhaps it means she could crowd others but wanted space for herself, which is different than emotional isolation.
Anybody have any thoughts?

Rudolf, I concur with your assessments of the letter "I". Isolating the letter "I" from surrounding words does indicate emotional isolation. Also, did you notice how she tends to make slashes through the "a" in "Caylee"? I sense anger. Resentment. (s)lashing out. Like the kid is the reason for all her probs.

Maybe even an indication of cutting/ slashing Caylee out of her mind (not to mention out of her life...)

The way the online analysis works, is that you look at the handwriting sample, then answer a series of questions about it.

I used my own assessment, of course, of Casey's handwriting. My choices are shown in the little pictures at the beginning of each section.

I'm only one person, and the analysis is based on my perceptions. A few of the assessments of her writing were a bit difficult to make a call on. In these cases, I would find 20 random letters, for example, and then count, for example, how many times the letter being assessed slanted up, how many times no slant, etc.

I think it would be a good idea if a few more people also do the analysis of Casey's writing. I think this way we could refine the analysis, and get it as accurate as we can, and I'd feel more comfortable. I'm just not sure if I made the right call on some of the answers.


BeanE, this is a GREAT IDEA!!

Rudolf, do you think you'll have time to do this? I will do it also, and post later. Anyone else who feels comfortable enough with the principles of handwriting analysis willing to give it a go?

After we get a couple more analyses we could look at them all and see if we can fine tune our profile.

Like you said A GREAT IDEA!! Rather than a post here and there, I'll try to do as much as I can in one post.

Excellent!!! Thanks for getting involved, Rudolf. I appreciate the insights you've already posted and look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Thank you both! Whereas some of the questions are very straightforward and there's really no question about it, you'll see what I mean that some are more 'iffy'.

I really appreciate you taking the time to do this! When you're both done, we can compare and eliminate where we all chose the same answer, and then just look at the ones where we differed and fine tune it.

I have no problems with being told I'm wrong on something lol, so don't worry you'll hurt my feelings! I'd much rather we come up with something as accurate as possible, because this is very interesting to me.

Thanks again,

i find it curious that in her first handwritten statement, the first time she writes the word "nanny" it looks like the word is very forced, like she didnt want to write it, or was thinking ver hard on another word, especially on the Ns...the rest of her Ns are not as sloppy...its almost like she was thinking "once i write this, theres no going back" jmo..

I made the same observation bananajam. I sort of got the sense she was thinking Nannnny. The other things that kind of caught my eye are;

The word Disappearance ... The second "p" in the word is noticalby larger than the first "p" which is followed by the remainder of the word sort of crammed together more than words in the rest of her statement.

Also, her "S's". If a word begins with and "S" the letter is nice and rounded, if it ends with an "S" the letter is utterly the opposite in most instances.

Her "g's" are all hooked and her "y's" are not.

These are just some observances I made [among others]. I don't know how or even if they are significant, but I thought I'd mention them anyway.
I have to say that I am an amateur graphologist and the following is my interpretation of this handwriting. Graphology is not always exact, traits are influenced by other traits and the same stroke that shows up in two different handwritings can mean two different things, depending on other elements in the writing. I mentioned what I thought was important, and tried to keep this reasonably short.

Casey’s handwriting is almost exclusively middle -zone. The middle zone is the zone of the here and now. Someone with this trait to this extent would be very, very ego-centric. She would not be a philosophical dreamer, she would have few past regrets, with the exception of how they would affect her and her alone. This person has an under-developed conscience and would have difficulty denying herself pleasure. She would see all things as being a reflection of her and would behave in ways that would call attention to herself. Its like the old joke where one person says to the other,”But enough of me talking about myself, let’s hear what you have to say. What do you think of me?”. She would need a lot of admiration, and the needs of others would be far from her thoughts. Failure would always be someone else’s fault.

Her lower zone is tangled with the next line and suggests confused and unclear thinking and goals. There are many cradle forms in the lower zone suggesting she didn’t receive the nurturing from her mother that she needed. (A cradle form is a rounded mark that doesn’t return to the baseline. It looks like a cradle.) She may try to seek that out in present day relationships and behave differently in private than she does in public.

She has an upright script, which means her head would rule over her heart. Any decisions would be made in an unemotional way. In terms of upright slant ONLY (not other traits) this is the person who would not lose her cool in a chaotic situation. When these emotions do come out, they would be quickly suppressed again. It’s not that she didn’t have emotions, she kept them contained. Her use of the page space reinforces her egocentricity. Its all Casey, all the time, with no room for anyone else.

Her left margin is very straight indicating that she had good organizational skills.

She has a *stick I* which is a personal pronoun made with a single downward stroke. It can be interpreted that people with this trait have rejected their parents and have chosen to stand alone. Very often there was little to no parental support and the person was emotionally alone in the family. There is no base on the *stick I* and there is no emotional base to steady the person with this trait. This does NOT mean it indicates she is capable of killing. It means her parents didn’t related emotionally as well as they could have and it left her without a strong sustaining emotional core. She would have trouble accepting love.
There is a large space after her use of *I* in most of her statement. A hesitation like that can often signal that what follows is a lie. Its like a verbal pause while you think of a convincing fib. In that case, most of her statement can be viewed as perhaps not the whole truth.

Her communication letters are very interesting. The communication letters are a, e, and o. Her lower case **advertiser censored* is often a circle that is made into an **advertiser censored* and very often appears when she writes her daughters name. This is a sign of talking around a subject, of never directly addressing a problem head-on. The elephant in the room syndrome. If communication letters have marks within them they are called “intruded ovals”. They are often a sign of sexual abuse. There are few to none in Casey’s writing.

Her *t* letters are crossed quite low on the stem. It would indicate that despite her outward show of confidence, inwardly she had low self-esteem. Combined with the large middle zone it would mean the the need for admiration would be quite high.

It’s interesting that Casey prints most of her statement. People who print often have something to conceal in the sense that their true personality is not apparent or the person is not willing to *be who they are*. They would be disconnected to others, and quite competitive. Image would be important. The exception is that Casey wrote(not printed) Caylee’s name. There was a connection between them and I believe Casey acknowledged it, even if only subconsciously. As much as she was capable of it, I think Casey felt connected to her daughter.

To sum up:
There are signs in this handwriting of someone with low self esteem, an overwhelming need for admiration, attention and avoidance of boredom, combined with a lack of maturity, responsibility and conscience. She didn’t receive the nurturing love that she needed when she was young and she was in part trying to fill that void. I can’t find many signs of deliberate cruelty. My sense after seeing her handwriting is that if she deliberately killed Caylee it would have been a “hands off” crime. Drowning a la Susan Smith would be more likely than a fatal beating. I think that if she was responsible for Caylee’s death it would have taken place more like the scenario that I read on another thread on WS. Casey wanted to party, locked Caylee in the trunk of her car for a nap, gave her a pizza if she got hungry, and left. Maybe even forgot about her, deliberately or by mistake. And Caylee died. And when Casey discovered that, she had to go to any length to make it someone else’s fault. That would be totally in keeping with her handwriting. Someone else being involved could also be possible. Given her handwriting, I think the avoidance of responsibility was more important to Casey than the fact that her daughter died.
<Respectfully snipped...>

To sum up:
There are signs in this handwriting of someone with low self esteem, an overwhelming need for admiration, attention and avoidance of boredom, combined with a lack of maturity, responsibility and conscience. She didn’t receive the nurturing love that she needed when she was young and she was in part trying to fill that void. I can’t find many signs of deliberate cruelty. My sense after seeing her handwriting is that if she deliberately killed Caylee it would have been a “hands off” crime. Drowning a la Susan Smith would be more likely than a fatal beating. I think that if she was responsible for Caylee’s death it would have taken place more like the scenario that I read on another thread on WS. Casey wanted to party, locked Caylee in the trunk of her car for a nap, gave her a pizza if she got hungry, and left. Maybe even forgot about her, deliberately or by mistake. And Caylee died. And when Casey discovered that, she had to go to any length to make it someone else’s fault. That would be totally in keeping with her handwriting. Someone else being involved could also be possible. Given her handwriting, I think the avoidance of responsibility was more important to Casey than the fact that her daughter died.

Rudolf, this was a most thoughtful and thorough analysis. What is particularly interesting to me is that many of the observations / conclusions that you made by examining her handwriting are also glaringly apparent in her astrology chart. The one thing I'm not convinced of is whether it was a **hands-off** crime, although I agree she could have left the child in the trunk of the car and forgotton about her and/or given the baby an extra **Zanny** or two, so she wouldn't wake up while Casey was out partying, not thinking that maybe the child would O.D. However --- IF the death was accidental, why didn't Casey call 911? This is what I'm having trouble understanding.

You said you didn't see cruelty in the handwriting, and that you saw strong organizational skills (I agree). What about IMPULSE CONTROL? Do you see any signs of lack of impulse control? She has those signs all over her natal chart.

I will make more comments later after I've had a chance to run Casey's handwriting through the analyzer.

Hello All, when I went onto the handwriting analyzer website, this sentence struck me:

overall SLANT of the handwriting. You can determine the slant is be looking at the angle of the UPSTROKES only. That's the reason, when analyzing printing, it's difficult to establish the correct slant. Pay close attention to handwriting that may look vertical, but actually contains upstrokes that lean to the right.

I very carefully re-examined Casey's handwriting. As you know, this sample is mostly printed which suggests she is disguising herself in some way. Printing takes longer to accomplish than writing in cursive. It gives the writer "more time to think". (PLEASE NOTE: artistic people --- artists, architects often print-write, so if your handwriting is print-writing, it does not necessarily mean you are being deceptive!!)

If you actually "retrace" the letters you will notice her UPSTROKES slant to the right, some dramatically. So while the print-writing "looks" vertical, it actually has a right-ward slant.

Another thing I noticed which I pointed out before was that the lower case "a" in Caylee (as well as some other words) often had a slash in or through it. I saw enough "a" and "o" formations in this sample to conclude there were left and right loops.

After making all my obversations, the web analysis software gave the following report:

View Report

Welcome Casey , here is your handwriting analysis.

Casey is a very emotional person with a broad range of emotions from the highest highs to the lowest lows. She feels emotional situations very strongly. She'll flash to the very peaks of elation, sweeping everything before her. Then, for some reason unknown to herself, she will burn out emotionally. These mood swings can be very disturbing to her. Sometimes, she feels that she can no longer produce anything. But, after given some time alone to "recharge her emotional batteries", she will spring back into action.
Because Casey feels situations intensely, she relates easily to others' problems. If she is not careful, when she comes into contact with someone who is in a depressed frame of mind, she will also suffer the same emotions and change moods. Casey reacts impulsively, without much thought before hand. She may plan everything in detail before she even begins, then do it completely different when the time comes to carry it through.

Casey has a strong need for affection. She thrives on touching and being touched. Casey desires being told that she is loved, every day. She enjoys being the center of attention. She loves attention, sometimes she even retells stories that got her attention earlier.

Casey has the possibility of being a actor or natural born salesperson, simply because she relates so well to other people. She likes expressing how she feels, what she is doing, and what she plans to do. She is a people person.
She will work most efficiently in a people orientated job as opposed to a job working alone on an assembly line (that would drive her insane.)

People that write very large tend to be very social and friendly. It seems Casey has this type of writing. This indicates a need for people and a particular natural ability to socialize and be the life of the party. Now, if Casey also has specific fears (like fear of criticism or fear of trust) then she will deny she is the life of the party, because fear has overcome her natural inclination to be social. People with large handwriting tend to be effective at anything that requires interaction with lots of people. she is a people person.

Casey is not facing something going on in her life today. She is deceiving herself about it. Often, Casey's opinion of herself is different than those around her. This trait gives Casey the ability to deny anything that does not agree with her "truth." This trait is not always something negative. It is only a defense mechanism allowing Casey not to face some reality in her life at this time.

According to the inputted data, Casey has a stinger shape inside the oval of her a, d, or c. This might be hard to visualize, but if this little hooklike shape is present, then Casey has an unresolved "issue" with strong members of the opposite gender. An occasional appearance of this stroke could indicate a simple "loves a mental challenge" which can manifest in playful linguistic conversations and being attracted to a lover who isn't always available. However, if the stroke is severe, this means the individual has unresolved anger at the oppostive gender - which usually started with the person's childhood relationship with the opposite gender parent (Mom or Dad). If the writer is a woman she will be attracted to strong challenging men. If the writer is a man, he will find the woman who is "hard to get" the most attractive. In a nutshell, people with stingers in their writing tend to have challenges in their romantic relationships.

For more information about this "stinger" trait, visit this webpage. Remember, it is only negative if the traits occurs often and is quite pronounced. An occasional stinger can be no problem.

Diplomacy is one of Casey's best attributes. She has the ability to say what others want to hear. She can have tact with others. She has the ability to state things in such a way as to not offend someone else. Casey can disagree without being disagreeable.

Casey is a cumulative and procedural thinker. She likes to have all the facts before making a decision. She thinks or creates much like a brick mason, stacking fact upon fact. Her thought pattern or the conclusion will not be complete until the last fact is in place. Like that brick wall, Casey learns faster through visual demonstration than through quick verbal instructions. Once she has learned new material, and understood it, she won't forget.
Casey is a methodical thinker, therefore she is able to build things and come up with new ideas. In an argument, she often loses to rapid thinking people because she is thinking thirty minutes later about what she should have said. These people often are very booksmart, but can be out-gunned in a rapid fire verbal debate.

She may learn new ideas at a slower pace than other "less detailed" people, but once she gets it, she can handle repetition. Some people hate jobs with too much repetition, she can handle it better than most.

Casey's true self-image is unreasonably low. Someone once told Casey that she wasn't a great and beautiful person, and she believed them. Casey also has a fear that she might fail if she takes large risks. Therefore she resists setting her goals too high, risking failure. She doesn't have the internal confidence that frees her to take risks and chance failure. Casey is capable of accomplishing much more than she is presently achieving. All this relates to her self-esteem. Casey's self-concept is artificially low. Casey will stay in a bad situation much too long... why? Because she is afraid that if she makes a change, it might get worse. It is hard for Casey to plan too far into the future. She kind of takes things on a day to day basis. She may tell you her dreams but she is living in today, with a fear of making a change. No matter how loud she speaks, look at her actions. This is perhaps the biggest single barrier to happiness people not believing in and loving themselves. Casey is an example of someone living with a low self-image, because their innate self-confidence was broken.

Casey is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Casey has a temper. She uses this as a defense mechanism when she doesn't understand how to handle a situation. Temper is a hostile trait used to protect the ego. Temper can be a negative personality trait in the eyes of those around her.

Casey is having a lack of physical energy at the time this handwriting was written. If someone has very short and straight down lower loops (like in the y or g), this indicates this person's physical drive (activity or sex) is compromised. Usually, this indicates the person simply isn't interested in getting too physical right now. This could be a temporary mood which often happens when the body is sick and is healing. Or, this could be a result of an emotional or physical issue that is effecting Casey 's energy level and interest in sex. Sex doesn't seem to be a priority at the moment.

Something is incomplete in Casey's life. She feels frustration relating to her physical needs and desires. Somewhere in her life there is some disappointment, non-fulfillment, and interruption. This is very likely to relate to Casey's sexual needs.

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Casey has no white space or margins on a typical sheet of paper. Casey fills up every last inch on the top, right, left, and bottom. Hmmm. If this is true, then Casey has a very aggressive personality toward others and quite frankly lacks a bit of respect for the space and property of other people. I would be surprised if Casey just comes into someone's home and helps herself to a drink in the refrigerator. This can be both an obnoxious personality trait and it can be assertive and effective in getting what you want. There isn't much fear of getting in trouble here, Casey finds plenty of reasons to break the rules and get in trouble. (Okay, perhaps when she was younger, not anymore?) Basically, people with no margins are a handful.

What do you think? Any comments??

Rudolf, this was a most thoughtful and thorough analysis. What is particularly interesting to me is that many of the observations / conclusions that you made by examining her handwriting are also glaringly apparent in her astrology chart. The one thing I'm not convinced of is whether it was a **hands-off** crime, although I agree she could have left the child in the trunk of the car and forgotton about her and/or given the baby an extra **Zanny** or two, so she wouldn't wake up while Casey was out partying, not thinking that maybe the child would O.D. However --- IF the death was accidental, why didn't Casey call 911? This is what I'm having trouble understanding.

You said you didn't see cruelty in the handwriting, and that you saw strong organizational skills (I agree). What about IMPULSE CONTROL? Do you see any signs of lack of impulse control? She has those signs all over her natal chart.

I will make more comments later after I've had a chance to run Casey's handwriting through the analyzer.


She would of had low impulse control. Casey wouldn't have called 911 because she would have had to answer questions and take responsibility. That's what a normal person does. IF Caylee died accidentally, Casey's first reaction would be, "How does this reflect on me?", not "Save my daughter". If it happened through neglect(forgotten in a hot car), Casey would realize it reflected badly and lie. If she momentarily lost control and hit Caylee and killed her, she would have almost immediately gained control and started to formulate a plan.
I don't know from the handwriting if she murdered her or it was an accident or if some other unknown thing happened. What I was trying to get at was that Casey wouldn't have been someone who constantly beat Caylee or subjected her to starvation and torture over a long time and Caylee wouldn't have died from something like that. I meant the murder, if there was one, would have had less violence than repeated beatings. I think she is capable of killing Caylee, she is VERY self-centered, and if Caylee became an obstacle to her *lifestyle*, if her boyfriend said "I can't be with you because Caylee gets in the way" the motivation to dispose of Caylee would be there.
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